Double Dare

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by Ellwood, Leigh

  Double Dare

  A novella of erotic romance by

  Leigh Ellwood

  Phaze 6470A Glenway Avenue, #109 Cincinnati, OH 45211-5222

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, organizations, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

  eBook ISBN 1-59426-619-0 Double Dare © 2006 by Leigh Ellwood All rights reserved under the International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. No

  part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  Cover art © 2006 by Kathryn Lively Phaze is an imprint of Mundania Press, LLC.


  Las Vegas

  The bride wore sequins, as she had once threatened. Cal Briscoe, as best man, opted for more sober attire, choosing an outfit similar to the groom's—black slacks and matching jacket, long-sleeved white shirt, no tie. Earlier, while getting ready for Brady Garriston's wedding, Brady joked to his best friend that he didn't want anything binding him…the wedding ceremony would take care of that.

  Ellie Shaw had been checking the hem of her sleeveless white minidress as he said that and punished Brady with a jab to the shoulder, her miniature bouquet clutched in her tight fist. Paper petals fluttered to the asphalt. "I'll show you bound," she warned, her anger betrayed by the wide smile on her face.

  "You better," Brady growled back and winked at Cal. In their suits, they might have resembled morticians on call if not for the silly grins on their faces. Their dark colors stood out among the gaudy, neon exterior décor of the 24-hour wedding chapel sandwiched in the Strip between two casinos. The small wedding party, fueled by a few pre-nuptial martinis, had laughed uproariously at the chapel's neon sign depicting two flamingos wearing a top hat and veil respectively, their necks intertwined into the shape of a heart. "There's a picture for Mom's scrapbook," Ellie said wryly. Cal smiled as his best friend drew Ellie into a light embrace and guided her into the building. To think, a few months ago his stomach had turned at the thought of witnessing this event, watching his only chance with Ellie disappear with the exchange of vows and rings. He had loved Ellie, or thought he had, but came to realize what he had felt before was nothing more than infatuation. Love was what existed between Brady and Ellie. Now, Cal wished only the best for his friends. He had love of his own. He turned toward the parking lot, eyeing appreciatively the voluptuous figure

  approaching him: the woman who now held his heart in her hands. "You coming?" Sue Carmichael wobbled toward him on an unsteady heel, bathed in the bright pink light of the chapel's sign. As she walked she tugged on the faulty shoe, trying to right her gait, and looked straight at him with a devilish grin. "You realize that's a loaded question," she said. One last awkward step had her tumbling into his arms with a wild cackle, and Cal responded in kind. "Well, are you?" he asked, his voice husky. "Soon, I hope." Sue winked. "You have got to stop drinking," he teased. "When are you going to learn that you

  can't hold your liquor?" "I can so hold my licker," Sue giggled, "by his ears." "Funny. Save it for Amateur Night at the Tropicana Lounge, eh?" Cal kissed the tip of her nose and walked backwards into the chapel, Sue wrapped around him. He was about ready to come himself with the way her body was pressed against his, and looking down at those sumptuous breasts about to spill from her scoop-necked dress did little to assuage his desires. He patted his jacket pocket for the ring boxes. "Hold that thought," he told her. Sue brushed a hand against his hardening cock. "You know, you're right. I'd rather

  hold this than hold my liquor," she said. Cal groaned at the contact and was sorely tempted to let Sue continue, but it wouldn't do for the best man to have a huge cum stain soiling his pants. Never mind that photo-editing software might take out the mark in the official wedding portrait, it wouldn't erase his embarrassment. Not only that, Ellie would never let him hear the end of it, and she would crow forever about how right she was about setting up the two of them in the first place.

  Let her gloat , Cal thought with a more intense kiss on Sue's parted lips. Ellie had been right, after all.

  The bride and groom were waiting in the main sanctuary before a podium draped in white and pink bunting. The room was compact and painted in bright pastels, with a few empty folding chairs offered for witnesses. It was a calmer environment than the outside sign advertised, Cal noticed, but as long as everything was legal, he doubted Brady and Ellie would care. Ellie didn't even seem disappointed when the presiding official emerged from his office in horn-rimmed glasses and a dark blue Seersucker suit, looking absolutely nothing like Elvis. More like Elvis's accountant, perhaps. Ellie's attention was focused elsewhere to care, Cal noticed.

  The best man and maid of honor reluctantly separated and took their places. After a mercifully short ceremony, Brady and Ellie were pronounced man and wife. The minister had barely congratulated them when a jubilant Brady scooped up his wife and devoured her in a searing kiss.

  "Yes, you may now kiss the bride," quipped the staid little man as he pushed his glasses to the bridge of his nose and watched Brady slip his hand under the neck of the dress and palm Ellie's breast as if stuff like that happened in his chapel all the time.

  When the two finally came up for air, they gathered Cal and Sue in a group hug. Ellie was bubbling over with joy. "Thank you so much for being here, you guys." She took Sue into a tighter embrace, crushing the bouquet between them. "You don't know how much it means to me to have you here."

  Cal pumped Brady's hand. "Thank you for having us," he said, "and for paying our way."

  Brady chuckled. "No, you don't get off that easy. You'll be working off all those buffets and room service charges this winter in the studio." He draped an arm around Ellie and pulled her closer. "I got a batch of new songs ready to record. I need a bass player."

  "You got one." Of course, Brady had more songs written. With inspiration like Ellie, there would be no end to Brady's creativity. He would be making records until the day he died. "Just as well you have work for me in the winter," Cal said. "I should be free by then." "Oh?" Ellie raised an eyebrow. "What're you doing until then that's so important?" Cal stood taller and drew his own bright-eyed woman beside him. "I'll be on my

  honeymoon. Of course, I have to get married first." Brady and Ellie looked at each other, then at the smiling couple intertwined before

  them. Sue's grin nearly touched her ears. "And wouldn't you know it? We have a minister right here. All we need now are a

  couple of witnesses," she said, snatching Ellie's bouquet. "Shall we?" Mr. and Mrs. Brady Garriston looked at each other, and smiled. "We shall," they said in unison.


  "We did it, guy." Cal leaned against the stucco exterior of the chapel, flicking the dead ash from his cigarette. He hadn't seen Brady appear at his side, and turned only when he was addressed. Brady's tie was loosened now, the top buttons of his shirt undone. Relief highlighted his friend's face…or was that the glare cast from the neon flamingo lovers?

  "Yep." Cal drew out the one word for a few seconds and patted his jacket pocket for his soft pack. He offered a cigarette and light, both of which Brady took. He was taken aback by the enthusiasm with which his friend thanked him. "What? It's a cigarette. You don't even smoke regularly anymore."

  "I know that," Brady said. "I meant thank you for letting me witness something I thought I'd never see: your wedding. We should call Hell for the weather report, see if Hitler's ice skating down there."

  "Shut up." Cal snickered, ye
t inside he still felt a bit numb. After decades of confirmed, debauched bachelorhood, he thought he'd never see this day either. He certainly had never planned it, back in the day, anyway. Now that it was here, it felt great indeed, if not a tad surreal. "The girls still inside?"

  "Yeah, they'll be out in a bit. Don't see why they need to bother, 'putting on their faces.' The second I get Ellie in that limo I'm only going to mess her up again." "Can I watch?" "You're riding with us, like you have a choice." Brady grinned, and Cal laughed along with him. "Watch all you want, unless you plan to be busy with your lovely lady, of course."

  "I plan, of course." The prospect of limo sex excited Cal. The thought of Sue spread eagled on a bench seat as he kneeled before her, eating her pussy, caused his cock to stir in his pants. That Brady and Ellie would be mere inches away engaged in some heavyduty lovemaking only enhanced his mood. It wouldn't be the first time Cal had an audience or dabbled in group sex, either. At the peak of Brady's career, when the two toured the world as a couple of horny bachelor musicians, both had partaken of a number of interesting sexual activities and combinations, in the most interesting of places. "Gonna be just like the good old days, but much better."

  Looking at his friend's smiling face, Cal wondered if Brady was reliving a few of those memories as well. "Hey," he nudged Brady, nearly jostling the cigarette from his friend's mouth, "What's with you, reliving the good old days?"

  "Planning good old days to come." Brady exhaled a ribbon of gray smoke and dropped the smoldering butt to the ground, then smashed it with his heel. His face turned suddenly serious, and Cal felt suddenly guilty. Had he said something wrong to upset Brady? Ellie was very much aware of her new husband's checkered past, and had even encouraged reenacting some of his stories with her, so Cal couldn't imagine what was bothering his friend.

  He didn't have to ask, however. Brady cleared his throat, and his skin flushed. Highly unusual behavior for his normally bold friend. "You planning to give Sue a wedding gift?" he asked Cal. Cal shrugged. "Actually, I hadn't given it much thought. I knew I wanted to marry Sue, and when I proposed I told her we could do it any way she wanted. I figured she'd want a big wedding." He smiled at the memory of that night. He had taken her to the nicest restaurant in Sue's native, small town Dareville—actually, Dareville's only restaurant—and had the waiter smuggle the ring in the crème brulee. He had given Sue the works, got down on one knee and embarrassed them before a dozen diners, all of whom erupted with applause when Sue happily accepted.

  That Sue had assured Cal that a quickie Vegas wedding would suit her surprised him as much as his proposal surprised her. And here he was now, smoking a cigarette and clutching a paper-framed Polaroid wedding snapshot, embossed with the chapel's flamingo logo. It was cheesy, yes, especially considering that Sue was a professional photographer. Certainly she could have arranged for a statelier portrait. She loved the snapshot, though. It was what she wanted. This was what she wanted. And Cal wanted it, too. Definitely, though, he would have to give Sue something special for their wedding.

  He wanted to ask Brady for suggestions, but his friend seemed lost in thought. Brady shifted his weight, and bent one knee. He seemed to be mentally searching for the right words to say, and when the words finally came, Cal tried his best not to laugh out loud. "Ellie's giving me a three-way…what?" "Nothing." Cal held his breath for a few seconds and exhaled his laughter. "No offense, but that hardly seems like a unique gift." Like Brady, Ellie had an incredible sexual appetite, and Cal was especially aware of it, having joined the couple in threesomes before he met Sue. He wondered which of their hotel's hunky stewards managed to hit the jackpot tonight, so to speak.

  "Yeah, well, this is different. Another woman this time," Brady said, and Cal nodded. Far as he knew, that had been the one border the couple had yet to cross. As for this event happening on their wedding night…most people might find the notion odd, but Cal understood. His friends were highly sexual. What would seem like an unnatural act to some was quite commonplace for the Garristons. As for the choice of date, it did make some sense. Brady could only take so much time off his current tour, and more than likely Brady had taken his time in finding the right woman, rather than pick up some groupie in a strange town.

  "You know I've told you that Ellie had once expressed interest in it, being with another woman, but the one time we were about to do it she called it off. I guess she wasn't ready to be with a woman yet, and that's why I'm conceding now." Brady sighed and shifted his hips. Cal could see his friend's loose slacks tenting, and he turned away with a chuckle. "Conceding? Guy, I'd hardly call two women at once conceding." Brady shook his head. "That's not what I meant. Ellie is conceding to this, for me. Nothing would turn me on more than watching Ellie going at it with another woman. Just the thought of watching her kiss another woman, eating her pussy…"

  Cal groaned. Yeah, that would be a nice sight. Beautiful, blond Ellie, naked and curved in all the right places, crouched over a faceless woman and tapping at a swollen, pink clit with her tongue. Maybe Ellie would be reaching underneath to stroke her own slick labial folds while she was doing this…

  Great, now he held the image in his head of Ellie going at it with another woman. Cal felt his cock twinge when the other woman in his fantasy took on a face, Sue's.

  "God, I'm getting hard right now just thinking about it," Brady continued. "I need another cigarette."

  Cal stiffened. He really needed a joint to calm himself after this vision, but he didn't partake anymore. Used to be a few hits helped him get in the mood, but he didn't need any extra stimulation with Sue. This new development, however...he surmised he needed the hit to calm down.

  "Shouldn't you wait until after the sex for the smoke?" Cal joked. He was close to melting in the dry, desert heat. "Anyway, she's conceding to your desires. What's your big sacrifice?" Cal hoped for something to supplant the erotic image in his head, but knew if what his friend said next made him even hornier, Sue wasn't going to have a chance to breathe once he got her in the limo. "Ellie wants…" Brady paused with a sigh, smiling foolishly, " to do me." "Well, there's a news flash." Cal brought his cigarette to his lips for one last drag. "With a strap-on." Cal paused. The cigarette smoldered in his hand, a line of ash growing as he lowered

  his hand. "So she wants to…ah." "Ah," Brady echoed. He looked like a little boy next to Cal now, having committed a

  grave sin and awaiting his turn in the confessional. "Why so apprehensive? You've had men before." Cal knew this, as he had been one

  of them. "Not this way. Done oral, yes, and I've topped. That's it. I don't bottom." Brady leaned closer to his friend, his hands shaking slightly as he patted Cal's shoulder. He really was nervous. "I mean, I've never even considered it. What if…what if…" "What if you like it?" Cal suggested with a smirk. "What if she likes it, too much?" Panic filled Brady's eyes. "What if I don't like it

  and she does? What if she wants to do it every night from here on out?" "Guy, relax." Now who needed the joint? "You're thinking too far ahead. The way you're acting, it's like Ellie's threatening to pound you with a linebacker's forearm. I'm sure it's not going to be like that. She just wants to try something to enhance your sex life, like it needs further enhancement." He laughed as Brady frowned. "And Ellie loves you, and she won't do anything to make you uncomfortable. You're not going to end up being her bitch, if that's what worries you."

  "Thanks," Brady said, his voice drier than the surrounding desert. "I can't help but wonder if she wants this to get back at me for arranging the threesome so soon. Knowing her, she'd wait until the tour was over."

  "Or," Cal suggested, "maybe it's something she really wants to try. It doesn't necessarily have to be about getting even. Some men like it, maybe she thinks you will do, if you give it a chance." Cal could see the apprehension in his buddy's expression, however. More than likely Brady was thinking of the experience as an exchange of power, or a lessening of his manhood. It wouldn't be the case, Cal knew. Ell
ie loved Brady, and wouldn't do anything to humiliate him.

  Brady looked at his friend. "What about you? Would you take it up the ass from Strap-on Sue if she asked?"

  "Maybe." Cal tried to sound non-committal, but his voice quaked slightly. He didn't know why, as Sue had never suggested anything out of the ordinary in bed, though Cal assured to fulfill her every fantasy. He knew she felt a bit apprehensive earlier about being seen by Brady and Ellie in the limo, but a few drinks and few more kisses dissolved some reserve.

  But fucking him with a strap-on? Cal had to wonder if Sue ever considered it herself.

  He extinguished his cigarette into the dirt. Perhaps that explained the apprehension he had felt in recent weeks. His past sexual experiences had been the stuff of pay-perview television specials, whereas Sue had done so little. Could it be he was feeling guilty that he had taken away Sue's opportunity to walk on the wild side? She might have found it in Dareville without him. If she looked hard enough, anyway.

  But she married you , reasoned his inner self. She loves you. She wouldn't be here now if there was something else she wanted. Cal knew that well. So why did that nagging feeling in his stomach remain? Brady's sharp jab to his forearm woke him from his reverie. "Girls are here. Let's move," Brady said. He had just turned but looked back to

  question the goofy look on Cal's face. "What?" "You're cute when you're nervous." "Fuck you," Brady laughed just as his cell phone chirped. Cal watched his friend

  take the call and guide both women toward the waiting limousine. Cal loped behind them, hands in pockets, hoping a nickel bag had materialized. God, he needed a hit. It helped him to think, and he needed all the help he could get in giving Sue everything she wanted.


  "It looks so…real. Can I touch it?" "Sure. Take it, hold it. Twirl it like a baton if you must." Ellie giggled and held out


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