Keep Me Still

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Keep Me Still Page 8

by Caisey Quinn


  His voice has my insides turning to molten lava and I can’t speak so I just shake my head no. He holds me tighter anyways and I’m glad. His grip is the only thing keeping me anchored to Earth. Otherwise I’d probably float off into outer space from being so full of lightness for the first time in so long.

  If we weren’t pressed up against each other so tightly, I might not have felt the shift in his stature when his shoulders went stiff.

  “Fuck me,” he mutters under his breath, and I almost say “maybe one day,” just to see his reaction. But his eyes are tight when I turn in his arms and his mouth is set in a grim line. It’s an expression I’ve only seen him wear around his asshole of a dad so I search the crowd for the Colonel.

  But I don’t see him. The parade is ending and the crowd thins around us as we turn to leave.

  “Landen.” I tug on his gloved hand so he’ll slow down, but he’s like a man possessed. When a couple about our age appears in front of us, he squeezes my hand so hard it hurts.

  “O’Brien, long time no see, man,” a shaggy-haired guy says, reaching out a hand. I hear Landen suck in a breath just before the dark-haired, dark-eyed girl with him launches herself at Landen and kisses him square on the mouth. His hand drops mine and I’m lost in an undertow of confusion and pain. It’s a chaste kiss but it slams into me like a punch to my gut. Because it was mine. The kiss she just stole. He’s mine. Or so I thought.

  “Your mom called our mom and said you guys were moving back so we decided it was time for a road trip and came to help you pack,” the girl says, smiling up at my…Landen.

  It’s too much to process at once and my head swims. Who is this girl? And he’s moving? Back? Back where?

  “Layla,” Landen says, grabbing my hand and pulling me forward into the little group. “This is Tuck and Danni Anderson, friends of mine from Colorado.” Maybe I imagine it, wishful thinking and all that, but it seems like he puts special emphasis on friends. “Guys, this is Layla Flaherty,” he tells them while I stand open-mouthed, trying to think straight.

  Colorado then. He’s moving back to Colorado and he didn’t even bother to tell me.

  “Hi,” I say quietly, waiting for more of an explanation.

  “I was going to tell you, tonight, about…everything,” Landen says, directing his words solely at me. But I can’t make my tongue work to formulate a response.

  “Aw hell,” the Tuck guy says, running a hand through his hair. “We’ll meet you back at the hotel, man. Let you guys talk.” He shoots Landen an apologetic look and says that it’s nice to meet me. I parrot his words because my brain’s not able to come up with any of my own.

  Danni runs her eyes over Landen and her mouth forms a tiny smile. “Sorry to accost you like that. Just thought it’d be a nice surprise.” If she’s looking for confirmation, Landen doesn’t offer any. Just nods and says that he’ll see them later.

  Once we’re alone in the cab of his truck, it comes on slow, gradually getting louder until the ringing in my ears drowns out everything else. But I’m not about to seize out. No, this is much worse. I’m about to do the one thing I haven’t allowed myself to do in front of anyone since my parents were killed. I’m about to cry.

  “It’s not what you think,” I tell her in the cab of my truck after Danni and Tuck appeared out of nowhere and ruined my life.

  “Okay,” she says softly and I don’t miss the tremor in her voice. She’s fighting to keep her eyes dry, swallowing hard and waiting for me to explain. I take a deep breath and give it my best shot.

  “My mom is leaving my dad. He’s a bastard, as you well know. And she’s had enough. ‘Bout fucking time right?” Air escapes my lungs in a snorted huff, but she doesn’t speak so I keep talking. “She’s going back to Colorado. Day after tomorrow. She had a job there and they want her back. She wants me to go with her, and Layla, honestly, I don’t want to. But my dad went pretty ballistic when she dropped the bomb. It’s not like I have a ton of options here.” Yanking my gloves off, I reach out to touch her. She flinches back so I rake my hands through my hair instead.

  “When were you going to tell me?” she asks without looking at me. She’s staring at her hands and she’s that girl again. The one she was when I first got here, pulling into herself, throwing up walls. Back then they were brick; now they’re steel, double reinforced, impenetrable.

  “Tonight. I wanted you to enjoy the parade. Then I was going to take you home and tell you and your aunt about my situation. Because this isn’t the end, babe. You know that, right? I want to talk with Kate about you coming to visit and maybe making the trip to meet halfway.”

  “You know I don’t drive, Landen,” is all she says, and her voice is so empty I’m dying. It’s far, fuck, I realize that. But what I feel for this girl isn’t geographical. I’ve had that before. So long, see ya, it was fun . It’s all I’ve ever had. Until now. This isn’t that. And we’ve already both committed to UGA in the fall. As soon as my mom told me what was going on, I started looking for jobs I could get and apartments I could live in this summer so I could move back as early as possible.

  But she’s acting like I just said I’m moving to the moon. And won’t be back. Ever.

  “That’s what planes are for,” I say, begging her to smile with my eyes.

  “You should probably head onto the hotel so you can pack.” The chill in her voice leaves me cold. No. Fuck this.

  “Layla.” Her name is a plea on my lips, and I’m reaching out to grasp her face. I’ve waited—God knows I’ve waited—for her to be ready, but she needs to know how I feel and she needs to know now. Leaning closer, I breathe in her sweet scent, licking my lips in anticipation. But she jerks out of my grasp and scoots away from me.

  “I’m ready to go home now.”

  “No, dammit. Tell me what to do. You want me to stay? I’ll stay. I’ll sleep in my truck in the goddamn school parking lot.” Without my permission, my hands slam into the steering wheel. She flinches next to me and I feel like an asshole—like my dad. “This isn’t my choice,” I tell her, knowing I sound like a dick. But I’m out of ideas.

  I watch as the silent figure of a girl next to me chews her bottom lip. It’s not fair—she’s pissed and hurt. I get it. But she’s punishing me for something I have no control over. Sort of. I’m eighteen. I’ve thought of refusing to go and trying to find a place of my own, getting a job. But what kind of time would I have for her then? None. And what if I lost my job, or my grades dropped and they rescinded my scholarship? She can’t see it now, but I do have plans of a future with her, and I’m still protecting those plans with everything I’m worth.

  Until she sets them on fire and scatters the ashes out the window.

  “It’s fine, Landen. I overreacted. Friends can live in different states—that’s what the Internet’s for, right?” She waves a hand in front of her, batting my heart out of the way. “But I’m tired, so I’d like to go home please.”

  She forces her lips to smile, but I can see the pain in her eyes, as hard as she tries to hide it. We’re back there again, where we hide things from each other and pretend we don’t care. Friends. Fantastic.

  When I pull into her driveway, my mind is flooded with irrational thoughts. I’ll tell her I love her, throw myself on the lawn and refuse to go, propose. Shit. Something. But she’s still stiff and non-responsive. Barely offering me half-hearted smiles and nods as I tell her about the scene at my house earlier today when my mom lost her shit and finally stood up for herself. For me. She’s not even listening. If I followed through on any of my crazy ideas, she’d probably just step over my body and go inside.

  Maybe I misread everything . Maybe she really just needed me as a friend and that’s all it was. Is. Rusted razor blades skinning me alive would feel better than this. But no matter what happens tonight, or tomorrow, or wh
enever, I promise myself I will always be a friend to this girl if that’s what she wants. If she’ll have me.

  I turn the key in the ignition to turn the truck off, but it’s not necessary. Layla leans over, giving me one last whiff of her and a peck on the check. She whispers, “Have a safe trip. I’ll miss you.” And then she’s out of my reach.

  So long, see ya, it was fun.

  What the hell? She’s out of the truck and at her door before I can form a complete thought.

  I get out and cross the lawn just as she shuts the door behind her. She didn’t even look back.

  Raising my hand to knock, I hear her aunt’s voice from the other side. “Layla? Jesus, what’s wrong?”

  And then I hear it. Oh God. The sobbing sounds almost like an animal. An injured one. She held it in the whole way home but I broke her. I broke the girl I’d worked so hard to help. She didn’t cry when everyone at school treated her like a leper. Didn’t shed a single tear when she told me about her parents. And yet her cheek was damp the night she saw my dad hit me and she’s falling apart right this second. Because of me. Weakened by the realization that all I cause her is pain, I sit on her front steps with my head in my hands like a fucking lunatic. Because I can’t fix it this time. I won’t be around to pick up the pieces of her heart. Because I’m leaving. Like always.

  Because you fuck everything up. When will you stop being so goddamn selfish ? The Colonel’s message finally comes through loud and clear.

  I’m loading the U-Haul in the hotel parking lot with Tuck when my phone buzzes in my pocket. Mom said the Colonel is having them shut off and we’ll get new ones as soon as we can afford it, but apparently mine still works. I’ve been planning all night what to say to Layla, how to make things right before I leave. Trying to figure out my options in case she asks me not to. Because if she so much as hints that she wants me to stay, that she needs me to, then I’m staying. But when I look at the screen and read the two words she’s sent in response to all my pathetic begging and pleading messages, there’s nothing left to say.

  Goodbye Landen.

  I can practically see her reaching up to touch her scar. Her permanent reminder of what I tried so hard to convince her wasn’t true. Only to turn around and prove that it is. Everyone can leave.

  I stare at her message. I know what it is. It’s closure for her. The kind she’ll never have with her parents. I would’ve stayed, figured something out if she needed me. She doesn’t. So she’s letting me leave.

  Layla and Landen’s story continues in the full-length New Adult novel KEEP ME STILL.

  For Landen

  You have such a bright future ahead of you. You’ve already proven your strength at just a few days old. I’m so glad you came into our lives. I’m in love with you already.

  Because this is what I believe - that second chances are stronger than secrets. You can let secrets go. But a second chance? You don’t let that pass you by.

  - Daisy Whitney, When You Were Here

  It’s cold out. My mom pulls my red pea coat around my shoulders and makes sure it’s buttoned. “I’m not a baby,” I tell her, jerking out of her grasp. At thirteen, I can button my own coat for Pete’s sakes. I’m still a little pissy that my friend Tara couldn’t come. My dad walks around our silver SUV and glares at us for a second before smiling.

  “Can’t even let me be a gentleman for one night,” he huffs. I roll my eyes because he knows my mom isn’t the type to sit around and wait for anyone to open her door.

  “Sorry, hon,” my mom says. I don’t know if she’s speaking to me or to him. Snowflakes whirl a random dance around us, and my parents walk briskly down the deserted street, flanking me. When I was younger, we held hands and they would swing me. I used to think I was flying. The sidewalk is cracked and uneven and a chain-link fence borders the side away from the street. For the first time I notice that downtown Atlanta is kind of ghetto.

  “We should’ve parked in the garage,” my mom mumbles under her breath. Our heads are down to keep the wind from blowing in our faces so I don’t hear my dad’s response. Every year we go see The Nutcracker at the Atlanta Civic Center, and every year my dad refuses to pay the twelve-dollar fee to park in the garage by the arena. This year it’s colder than usual, and my mom is annoyed but I think she’s just grumbling because she likes to get a rise out of my dad.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” my dad asks, grabbing my hand and nodding at my mom over my head.

  “Oh no,” I say, attempting to pull my hands out of theirs. “I’m not a baby anymore.” I’m small for my age, but geez. I’m not a little kid. Why do I have to keep reminding them of this? They’ve been present for all thirteen of my birthdays.

  They both squeeze tighter, and I give in and giggle as they pull me into the air.

  Tires squeal to a stop on the road beside us, and I’m put down roughly mid-swing. “Give me your wallet,” a stocky man coming towards us in a black hooded jacket sneers at my father. My mom pulls me in hard behind her so I can’t see his face. Her fingers dig deep into my arms, and I’m not sure if I’m the one trembling or she is. My heart pounds so hard it’s making me sick, and my vision is blurring.

  The gunshots wake me and I’m sitting upright in bed. For a second, I think I’m in a hospital room. There’s another bed next to mine but it’s empty. Shit, where am I?

  Sweat beads down my back and I breathe deep, in through my nose and out through my mouth like Dr. McCalla taught me. College—I’m in college. I reach up with my left hand and touch the raised skin above my ear. I’m not in Georgia, but in California. In my dorm room. And thank God my roommate isn’t here to see my early morning freak out.

  Maybe I can still pass as normal. For now at least.

  ~ PAST TENSE: Used to place an action or situation in the past. Or in my case, tense shit from the past that just won’t go away. ~

  The sprawling campus of Southern California State University, or SoCal as the locals call it, is crowded as my roommate, Corin Connelly, and I make our way to Freshmen Orientation. Several people move in random directions ahead of us wheeling large luggage carts.

  “Wow, how glad are you that we moved in early right now?” Corin asks, her red curls blowing in her face as she turns towards me.

  “Extremely.” Though I’m managing. A year ago I couldn’t have stood this—the chaos, the crowd, the noise.

  Corin is from New York, and even after a week of living together, she still hasn’t told me exactly why she picked a college so far from home. Not that I really disclosed much either.

  I did mention that if I hadn’t gotten out of my tiny hometown of Hope Springs, Georgia, my head would have exploded. I just didn’t explain that it was literally a possibility. And I left out the gory details involving Landen O’Brien and the brutal beating he’d given my heart. I’d been planning to go to UGA until…well, until he left.

  Now, I’m all alone on the other side of the country. Starting over. Finally.

  I’m trying my best to live each day to the fullest. The word they keep using after every EKG and test they’ve run the past six months follows me around, orbiting my every thought. Inoperable .

  I’ve said it so many times to myself that it’s lost all meaning.

  What Corin doesn’t know—what no one in California knows, thank goodness—is that I barely got through high school due to a seizure disorder. Because I’m especially defective, my particular disorder was one no doctor could explain until recently, when they discovered that my seizures aren’t strictly from my Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, the result of seeing my parents murdered in front of me five years ago, like we originally thought. Apparently God wanted to cover His bets when it came to making my life as difficult as possible. So I also have a decent-sized subdural hematoma pressing on my brain as well. Possibly from the fall I took when my m
other fell on me after being shot. A souvenir of sorts of the worst day of my entire existence.

  No matter how you look at it, I should be not be alive. And yet…here I am. My Aunt Kate raised me after my parents’ death. She’s also the only other person on Earth who knows about the late-breaking brain injury news. I have every intention of keeping it that way.


  “We’ve got some time,” Corin says, interrupting my thoughts. “Want to run in here and grab a coffee and chill for a few? Maybe let the crowd thin out a bit?”

  “Sure,” I answer, amazed and grateful that she’s already noticed my discomfort in large crowds. I can’t even imagine how she would’ve handled the way I used to be. I’m so much better now that it’s as if I’m a different person. And it’s mostly because of him. Landen . Thinking his name causes me to flinch internally—I don’t even want to know what saying it out loud would be like. But it’s been over eight months since I’ve had to. Maybe I’ll never have to again. The thought sends an odd sensation of relief tinged with sadness coursing through me.

  As we browse through the bookstore, a girl sitting alone in a plush armchair and staring out the front window catches my attention. Her clothes are black, her hair dark and ran through with purple streaks. With my blond hair and pink oxford button-up over a jean skirt, we look nothing alike. But there’s something about her, about the way she’s sitting and staring—like a casual observer in her own life—that has me fighting off memories of my senior year of high school. A year I’ve tried so hard to forget.

  Corin’s voice pulls my attention from the girl—but not my eyes. I can’t look away. “So according to Elyse, it’s like totally obvious when freshmen sit in front of the lecture hall.”


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