Adventures of a Scribe

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Adventures of a Scribe Page 28

by Michael Deyhim

  Checking my skills, a number of them had increased. My smile faded a bit since I still hadn’t managed to use Observe. I was in no rush now. With the gold I now had, I could live comfortably for at least two years. If I didn’t spend everything I could easily make it four or five. With the gold I had in my possession I could look into acquiring some of the skills I had read about.

  Stealth, Focused Senses, and now Danger Sense would all be useful to have. The first two were known by enough people there were training halls dedicated to teaching a skill. They were expensive in order to maintain their monopoly and the fact they were run by second and third sons the nobles had. They would never reveal any abilities beyond experienced, but just having the skills would provide a boost.

  My mind turned back to the large gray kobald that had spoken to me. It seemed like a dream or even a nightmare but it definitely was real. It was said that dragons could understand the human tongue and even speak it. There was also speculation that kobalds were part dragon based on their appearance.

  They had to have captured a human and forced the poor soul to teach them. There was a much more grim realization I also considered. There could be a follower of chaos and darkness who was allied with the kobalds who had taught them. I didn’t even want to consider it but the danger was real. Everything I had read explained how humans who allied with monsters worked to destroy their own kind and brought nothing but suffering and despair.

  Even using monsters like the Alchemists Guild did was at the very edge of heresy. If potions weren’t so useful I was sure the church would have shut them down. Even taming or teaching monsters was forbidden in case they learned how to use humans’ skills against them.

  Until the kobalds I had never really considered learning from monsters. The goblins were complete idiots and the rest were savage beasts. It was something to consider at a much later date. The one thing that was never mentioned in the books was all the walking. I swore that if there ever was a monster I could learn from or tame, it would be one that could fly.

  Edward the Dragon Rider had a nice touch to it. It was a long way back to Antioch. I wanted to know what happened with Morack. It took another day walking the forest before I came across a road. Looking at my maps and the sun it was easy enough to figure out which way to go. I reached a small hamlet.

  It wasn’t a real town or village with a wall. Just a collection of houses surrounded by farmland. I began to walk up to one of the doors when someone shouted out, “That is far enough.” I saw a man with a bow and arrow. While the arrow was notched he hadn’t drawn it yet.

  “I apologize. I was going to ask for some food and shelter for the night.” I said. The man gave me a careful look.

  “What is with all the blood covering you?” He asked.

  “Kobalds. The town of Tork was overrun. I have been traveling through the woods to escape. It would help if you could tell me where I am.”

  “Between Tork and Overrun.” Overrun was to the north of Tork which was the way I had wanted to be heading. I really need some sort of directional skill besides my maps.

  “Thank you. About some food and shelter, I am willing to pay.”

  “You can stay outside. Fifteen copper for a meal.” I let out a sigh. Worse than bandits.

  “A big meal then.” I pulled out the copper. He unstrung his bow and set it to the side and took the copper.

  “I will bring it out.” Not the most pleasant of people but at least he was willing to talk. It slowly became dark. The man finally exited the house with decent sized bowl filled with stew. I took it from him and ate slowly savoring the taste. The man watched me eating which was annoying.

  “Thanks.” I handed the bowl back. He gave me a nod and returned to the house.

  I left the hamlet. No need sleeping here if the man wasn’t going to let me sleep somewhere half decent. I was feeling tired. I wandered through the fields towards the forest. My eyes were feeling heavy. My mind immediately went into a panic.

  I had stayed up late before and while I had felt tired a number of times it was never like this unless I was really exhausted. “The food was drugged.” I hissed out. I pulled out my canteen and began to drink as much water as I could.

  I moved into the forest. My limbs were starting to feel numb. I wouldn’t be able to climb a tree in this state. I was careful not to break any branches and made my way into the middle of some bushes and collapsed.


  I woke feeling sore all over. I was still in the bushes which was a good thing. It was light out, but I couldn’t tell the time of day. Everything refused to move. This was not good. That was when I cursed to myself again. The problem with so many new skills was that I wasn’t used to using them. “Heal, heal, heal, heal, heal.” I used the ability five times.

  The weakness fled my body and I took a deep breath. I should have done that last night. I also had healing potions I could have used. I let out another long sigh at my sheer idiocy. I thought about going back to the hamlet and killing that man but it wasn’t worth the trouble. I went back to the road and kept moving.

  I made it to Overrun just after mid-day. The place was a mix of subdued and panic. I went to the guild hall. “Ed!” I turned and saw Bran sitting at a table with two other people I didn’t recognize.

  “Bran, it is good to see you.” I said.

  “Sit, sit, I can’t believe you made it out of there alive. This is Ogren and his wife Melon. I met them on the road and am letting them share a room with me while they figure out what to do.”

  “Let me go reserve a room and order some food. I could definitely use some ale.” I said. Bran gave me a grin. I walked up to the bar and placed my orders. I also paid for ale for the entire table. It was only a couple of coppers and Bran was always useful for information.

  I sat back down with the small group and some fresh bread and butter. Dinner wouldn’t be for a while. I had bought enough that there was some to share. “Thanks Ed, a good guy I tell you. So what happened?”

  “I heard the screaming. I got dressed and took my pack. Thankfully I had bought supplies the day before. I saw that Carol was dead and Mal was crippled. I left the group and made my escape. I was pursued by a large group of kobalds and ran into the woods. After that it was me wandering around until I found a road to make it here. What about you and X?” I explained while a buttered a chunk of moist bread.

  “It was a madhouse. I stayed up late drinking and heard the screams. I rushed out and managed to kill a couple of kobalds. They were everywhere. A number of us rushed towards the south to help defend the town. That was when the arrows came flying in and a number of people with me went down. It wouldn’t have been that bad since Mal was with me, but their mages hit us.” He took a long drink at that.

  “The earth collapsed under a number of people. Mal’s legs were shattered and he was passed out. These two here were running for their lives and I helped them escape while fighting free of the town. I did see X briefly. He was fighting a large gray kobald. The thing truly was a monster and had a massive halberd. It stood at least eight feet tall.”

  “Did you see anyone else?” Melon asked.

  “No, I didn’t see anyone alive.” I said. Melon let out a sob.

  “I was hoping our son escaped, but it appears he didn’t make it.” Ogren said quietly.

  “So what now?” I looked at Bran.

  “Well things aren’t looking so good. Word came in yesterday that the attempt to retake Morack from the undead failed. The rumor is that a rank five died in the battle and the undead have left the city. The Royal Army has been defeated. They say a draft will occur soon and everyone will be called up.” Bran said looking far more depressed than I had ever seen him.

  “Where are they headed towards?” I asked. Bran didn’t look at me. “Where?” I raised my voice slightly.

  “They are headed towards Azalon.”

  “Why not the capital?” I asked.

  “No idea.” Bran said.

  “How o
ld is this news?” My heart was beating faster.

  “About a ten-day.” I pulled out a map and quickly began to calculate the distances. It would probably take fifteen days for the army to reach Azalon. Ten days were gone. I was two ten-days from Azalon by foot. If I took a horse and rode the animal to the death it would only take about five days, which was when the army would be arriving.

  “Have my meal. I am leaving.” I stood up and Bran stood up as well.

  “You can’t do anything. There are things beyond even you.” Bran said quietly.

  “I know, but I lost my sister I am not losing the rest of my family.” I left him standing there as I exited the guild hall. It didn’t take long to find a decent horse. It cost forty silver, but it was definitely worth the expense.

  I hopped on the animal and set off from Overrun at a gallop. I had only ridden a few times before and never this fast. I held on and made sure to keep kicking the horse in the sides so it would race down the road.


  The animal let out a pitiful wail. It had done well. I stabbed the horse in the head to end its suffering. I was a day away from Azalon on foot. The horse had lasted four days before collapsing and frothing at the mouth. I set off at a fast walk along the coastal road.

  The large hill Azalon sat on came into view as I turned around a corner in the road and could see across the bay. Smoke was rising from some of the lower parts of the city but the upper areas still looked intact at a distance. I noted a large number of boats fleeing the city as well. A small rowboat was fairly close to the shore.

  “Hey!” I shouted out and waved. The two men aboard turned course slightly towards me. “I want to buy your boat.” I called out.

  They looked at each other for a moment before one spoke up. “How much?”

  “A silver.”


  “Done.” I pulled out three pieces of silver and held them up. They landed on the beach and I tossed them the money. “Another six if you row me back to the city.”

  “No way, it is a sinking ship.” His words were oddly prophetic as I saw a giant bone dragon circling outside the walls.

  “Good luck kid.” The two men ran off down the road. I hopped into the rowboat and began making my way towards Azalon. It was tough rowing the boat but thankfully the water was calm.

  I had to swing out from shore since I noted a large number of undead standing around. I didn’t want to be caught by their attacks. I saw people frantically building boats from anything that could float at the docks. A number of them were looking at my rowboat.

  “If you let me get off you can all have the boat. I don’t want to fight anyone. I am a mage. Bolt.” I shot off a bolt into the water off to the side. Thankfully the people got the message and let me get onto the docks before a large fight broke out.

  I ignored them and rushed up the streets that were covered in debris towards the Illumination. The shop came into sight. I ran up to the front door but it was locked. I banged a number of times. “Mother, father!” I shouted out.

  The door opened and father was standing there. “Edward, what are you doing here?” He was in shock. “The city is under siege. We need to-“

  “There is no time, the city is going to fall.”

  “A number of Magnus have come from the Mage Guild, Azalon will be protected. The Duke will see to it.”

  “Father, the city will fall.” I wanted to shake some sense into him. The Lich was unstoppable. It didn’t matter if there was one or ten Magnus here.

  “This is my home, I can’t leave.” I wanted to strangle the stubborn man.

  “If not for you, then mother and my brothers. We are leaving. A shop can be rebuilt.” We engaged in a silent staring contest. I wasn’t going to lose my family.

  “Who is that dear?”

  “Edward.” Mother came into the doorway and I looked at her.

  “We need to leave now. You can rebuild a new shop.”

  “It has been in our family for over five hundred years since Master Scribe Gegorivan. It survived the great fire of Azalon two hundred years ago. It will survive again. I will not abandon it.” Father said. I really wanted to strangle the man. Mother looked between us and grabbed father so he turned towards her.

  “Dear, shops can be rebuilt. Do you really want Edward to carry on the family name?” I didn’t know what that was about but father let out a long sigh and appeared defeated.

  “How are we going to escape? All the boats have left.” Father said.

  “I know of a way. Pack only what you can carry easily. Wear traveling clothes, nothing fancy.”

  “We don’t have any packs.” Mother said.

  “I will go find some. Sort out what you will bring only what is absolutely necessary. Where are Galric and Rothgar?” I asked.

  “Galric is at the Merchants Guild and Rothgar is with his family at their apartment.” Mother said.

  “Alright, I will get Rothgar, the packs, and then Galric. I need you two to buy some bread and dried meat to pack. I will be back shortly. Watch my pack for me.” I left my pack inside the store and took off. The few people I saw were rushing about like I was. I found a shop with packs. Twenty silver later I had four packs and three more swords. I stuffed them all into one pack and kept moving.

  I reached the Merchants Guild. Parchment was scattered all over the floor as people were yelling. I saw Galric behind one of the counters. “Galric!” I shouted out. He looked at me and his eyes went wide. He left the counter and made his way to an empty one where no one was standing.

  “Ed? What are you doing here?” He asked.

  “I need you to come with me now. Right now.” I said. He looked at the people who were staring at us.

  “Brother, the guild needs-“

  “Your family needs you. Now come on.” He climbed over the counter and there was more shouting as we left the guild hall. “We need to go to Rothgar’s place. Can you take me there?”

  “I know the way.”

  “What was all that back there?”

  “People wanted a way out of the city and supplies and everything you can imagine. All the higher ups left on a ship this morning.” He gave me a worried look.

  “We are going to survive. We need to get to Rothgar now.” He heard the urgency in my voice and picked up his pace. We reached a building and Galric led me up a flight of stairs and knocked on a door.

  “Rothgar open up. It is Galric and Ed.” I heard movement and then the door swung open.

  “Galric, Ed. What is it? Why are you here?” He asked.

  “We are leaving.”

  “My family.” I saw his wife and his two boys behind him.

  “Don’t worry. Pack only what you need and both you wear these swords.” I pulled out the extra packs and swords. “Now! We don’t have time. We need to leave now.” Thankfully my brother wasn’t as stubborn as my father.

  “Wass ur aim?” The older of the two boys asked. I had been put in charge of watching them while the two packed. Galric had run home to get his stuff with a promise to meet us at the Illumination as quickly as possible.

  “I am your uncle Ed. Don’t worry I will protect you. I have a nice story. It is about a brave young boy who went on an adventure. Do you want to hear it?” They both nodded. “Well the boy decided that he wanted to be strong and set off into the sewers beneath the city.” I told them about my journey into the sewers while I left out that it was about me.

  I finished the story as Rothgar and his wife Hilda came out to the main room. He was wearing the pack and had the sword on. “We are leaving. I will carry Greg.” He was the eldest but I was sure my strength was greater than Hilda’s. I picked him up and we left the apartment.

  We hurried across the city and arrived at the Illumination just as Galric did. Mother opened up the shop and we all entered. I handed her the last two empty packs after taking out the final sword. I felt a slight tremor through the floor of the shop which meant nothing good. “Hurry.” She left the room
and I turned to my two brothers.

  “We are leaving through the sewers. Find some rags to wrap around everyone’s nose and mouth.” I commanded. They gave me a look but Galric ran off. “If you want anything from the shop take it now.” Rothgar looked around in regret but began to carefully pack away the more valuable items. I went and grabbed two of the map cases and went to the backroom. I began placing all the maps into the two containers.

  By the time I returned to the main room, everyone was assembled. “We are leaving through the sewers. Everyone will need to stay quiet. I know there is an over flow tunnel that leads south of the city. We need to find that and make our way out.”

  “You don’t know the way?” Galric asked.

  “I have been in the sewers before.” I grabbed up the stack of light runes. “Put this in your clothing so you can see in front of you. Mother you and Hilda will need to carry the children. I will stay in the front. Once you are down there keep your swords at the ready and no talking.”

  It was amazing how they all listened but the tremor through the ground probably helped convinced them as well. We went over to the sewer grate in the courtyard and opened it up. I leapt down and looked around. Everything appeared to be clear.

  I then helped the rest of family get down. “This way.” I whispered and we set off. I had lost Clarissa, I wasn’t going to lose anyone else. No matter what we would escape. I had made it here just in time, we could do this. We kept heading down the tunnel in a straight line until we came to large tunnel that was perpendicular to the one we were in. I made a right in order to head south and everyone followed.

  I was glad that when this sewer system was built it was made in a grid pattern with the roads. We came up to another intersection and I heard movement ahead. “Stay here.” I whispered. I went on ahead and what I saw was soul crushing. Undead were moving through the tunnel up into the higher portions of the city.

  I quickly retreated and the undead ignored the light my rune had given off. They had probably came in the same way I had wanted to escape. The city really was about to fall. I had honestly hoped that it wouldn’t. “Undead are coming into the sewers from the overflow tunnel. We are going a different way.”


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