Sexy Six

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Sexy Six Page 15

by Ahren Sanders

  “Nicolas!” Maria scolds him unconvincingly.

  “I don’t see anything funny,” he tells no one in particular.

  I’m frozen in place, trying to figure out what the hell is happening.

  “You may not find it funny, but it’s fucking hilarious.” Shaw slaps Nick on the shoulder.

  “Bizzy.” Nick tips his head to her, and she hands him another bag similar to the one Claire handed me earlier.

  He rips it open, takes out another shirt, and tugs it over my head, not bothering to put my arms through. Then he inspects me with a look of satisfaction. “Much better.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I hiss.

  “You are not wearing Jarvis’s jersey, babe.”

  “Jarvis? As in Eddie Jarvis?”

  “That’s me.” The guy who walked in with Nick raises his hand in the air.

  Another round of laughter rolls through the room, and it hits me. I look at the jersey Logan has confiscated and is now wearing proudly.

  “Oh my God! You are an idiot!” I try to swat at his chest, but my arms are still inside the jersey, and I realize I resemble Cousin It.

  I arrange myself properly and notice the number six now on my chest. Nick sweeps my hair over my shoulder and bends, lowering his mouth to my ear. “I may be an idiot, but you will never wear another man’s name on your back.” He wraps his arm around my waist and lifts me up to him, kissing me gently.

  “One damn week!” Claire announces to the room, and I start laughing against Nick’s lips. He chuckles, too, glancing over my shoulder at her, then cuts his eyes to Shaw and Mathis.

  “You guys are assholes.”

  “I’d be careful who you’re calling an asshole considering I got your ass up here before the game,” Shaw tells him.

  “What are you doing here?” It occurs to me he should be on the field warming up.

  “I had to see you,” he answers with no reservation, clearly not caring who hears.

  “More like he was making me crazy in the locker room, wondering if you’d arrived yet.” Eddie comes to stand beside us. “By the way, let me officially introduce myself. I’m Eddie.” He takes one of my hands, bringing it to his mouth. Before his lips make contact, it’s jerked away and Nick growls.

  “Hands and lips to yourself.”

  This gets another round of laughs.

  Eddie flashes a blinding smile and winks at me. “Six, we better go before Coach has a coronary.”

  “Yes, you had a ten-minute clearance. Any more than that and I’ll have to answer to your whole coaching staff. They think you’re doing a surprise drop-in for Mom’s birthday.” Shaw taps his watch. “You need to get down there.”

  “Crenshaw Bennett! You did not lie on my behalf.” Maria props her hand on her hip.

  “Mom, it wasn’t really a lie. Your birthday is next week,” Nick points out. “Besides, desperate times call for desperate measures.” He slices his eyes back to me.

  “Save the sweet talk for after we win this game.” Eddie jerks his head to the door and waves goodbye to the group.

  Nick threads his fingers in mine and leans over to kiss his mom on the cheek before leading me a few feet away. The crowd all yells their good lucks, except for Maria and Bizzy who both scream, “Be careful,” at the same time.

  “I hope you kick ass out there,” I tell him when we reach the doorway.

  “Always, babe, but it’s even sweeter to know the prettiest girl in Miami is here today.”


  “Only for you.”

  “I’ll be screaming.”

  “Oh, I have no doubt about that. Before this day is over, you’ll definitely be screaming.”

  He looks at me with such raw heat, my skin starts to burn. There’s no missing the meaning behind his words; he’s not referring to the game. Suddenly, I feel exposed, knowing everyone is watching as he stares at me with fire in his eyes.

  “I think I finally understand the meaning behind Sexy Six, seeing you in my number with my name on your back.”

  “Stop.” It comes out in barely a whisper.

  “Tonight, I want you back at my place.”


  “Kiss me. I have to go.”

  Without hesitation, I lift my mouth to his and close my eyes. His tongue sweeps across my lips, and I open slightly, giving him access. Too quickly, he ends the kiss and pecks my cheek then disappears.

  There’s a breathy sigh behind me, and I swallow hard, paste on a smile, and turn to face an entire room with knowing looks.

  “You are kidding me!” I say a little too loud, which gets a chuckle from Seth.

  “That was clearly pass interference! Is the ref blind?” Bizzy joins, jabbing her finger in the direction of the field. Shaw clamps her hands and gets in close, kissing her forehead. Then I watch as he says something only she can hear, and she melts into his body.

  “Can you promise me that you’ll never be that sickening?” Claire plops down, handing me a drink.

  “Nope, I think it’s sweet.”

  “Of course you do,” she rumbles.

  The quarter ends, and the teams run off the field as halftime starts. Mathis motions to Logan and walks up to Shaw. They give a quick wave, explaining they’ll be back in a while.

  Seth and Maria mention going to visit friends in the stands, and the other people in the suite all go in different directions. I met a few of them earlier, most of them from Shaw’s office.

  “Finally, we have a few minutes alone.” Bizzy sits on my other side with a beer, clinking it to the rim of my glass. “How’s your first NFL experience?”

  “The best. I never expected it to be so fun,” I reply honestly.

  “It’s a lot more fun when you have someone to root for.”

  “I agree.” Claire nods furiously. “But let’s get to the good stuff.”

  Both of them look at me expectantly. “What?”

  I take a large swallow of my drink and hold back a cough when the liquor burns down my throat. I’m learning that Claire pours with a heavy hand.

  “Don’t ‘what’ us. We want the deets. Obviously, something happened between Thursday and today. Nick has never come up to a suite before a game, and he pulled out the possessive card the instant he saw you wearing Jarvis’s jersey. Not to mention the kiss in front of everyone.” Claire smooches her lips and makes a loud smacking sound.

  The warm and fuzzy feeling returns as Bizzy makes her own kissing sound. “The kiss was classic.”

  “We haven’t slept together yet,” I blurt with no hesitation.

  Smooth, Grace.

  “Not long now,” Claire surmises. “If today was any indication, you’re in for a treat when you get home.”

  Bizzy gives a twinkly giggle until she snorts, nodding again.

  I don’t know what comes over me; maybe it’s the alcohol, maybe it’s the atmosphere, but whatever it is, I decide to open up to these girls. “Actually, he won’t have sex with me. We’ve come close, but he somehow stops us. We’ve spent the last few nights together, and he never lets it go too far. It’s a little unnerving.”

  “He’s waiting.” Bizzy lays a hand on my arm.

  “On what?”



  “It was important to him for you to see this, be here watching him play, meeting his family… He may be Sexy Six to most of the world, but he’s old fashioned and traditional. He cares about you.”

  “Fucking voodoo ESP,” Claire mutters.

  “I care about him, too. I can’t believe how much in such a short period of time. Usually, I’d never, ever be talking about this. We just reconnected. Does it make me a hussy that I want him to have sex with me?”

  “No,” both reply at the same time.

  “I told you, I slept with Shaw almost immediately,” Bizzy reminds me.

  “But you’d known him forever,” I counter.

  “I slept with Mathis two days after meeting him,�
� Claire announces.

  My and Bizzy’s heads both snap to her so fast my neck cracks.

  “You what?” Bizzy chokes out. “How didn’t I know this?”

  Claire shrugs her shoulders and takes a drink. “I didn’t tell anyone until now. It’s happened a few times, but then he told me we had to stop.”

  “When?” Bizzy’s face goes pale.

  “It happened the first time when he came to visit Nick at school, the weekend you introduced us.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because I thought it was a one-time thing, but then it happened the next few times we saw each other.”

  “Why’d he tell you it had to stop?” My curiosity runs wild.

  “It was a huge coincidence Mathis was doing his residency at the same hospital Bizzy and I got job offers. According to him, there was too much at stake. He was starting his career, and the way we were connected through Bizzy was high risk, so he ended it.”

  “Were you into him?”

  “Yep, totally crazy about him. I had heart-shaped glasses on, but there was no way in hell I was going to tell him that, so I agreed and we went back to being friends. It’s been a few years now, and we get along great.”

  “I can’t believe this!” Bizzy mumbles. “I mean, it makes sense, the way he looks at you.”

  “He’s super hot… All of them are,” I say, hoping not to offend.

  “Oh, yeah, Mathis is totally hot. That’s one reason it’s so hard to stay away. I had too much to drink at Bizzy’s wedding and told him the same thing.”

  “Oh my God, what did he say?”

  “He didn’t say much, because I jumped him, and we fucked like animals.”

  Bizzy gasps, and I look between them, waiting for an explosion. Claire seems unfazed.

  “I had to show him what he was missing. Now, the ball is completely in his court.”

  “You are my new hero,” I say in awe.

  “Enough about me. Let’s go back to you. Tell us more about this heavy petting. I agree with Bizzy; tonight’s your night.” Claire effectively changes the subject, but not without Bizzy giving her a look that plainly reads ‘we’ll be discussing this situation about Mathis later’.

  Claire gets another round of drinks, and I commence telling them about my weekend with Nick. I give them detail-by-detail about Friday night and Saturday morning. Bizzy groans when I mention Shannon and her blog, telling me Shaw already told her what Nick shared. When I get to the part about Nick overhearing my conversation with my mom, Claire starts to cackle. Lastly, I tell them about last night.

  “He took me to this Cuban restaurant for an awesome dinner. Everyone seemed to know who he was but didn’t intrude. We had an amazing dinner, talking, laughing, and joking about stupid things. It was so natural. Then he took me back to his place, and we went to bed. There was some fooling around until he stopped. Then nothing—absolutely nothing. No more fooling around, no more making out. We shared some really hot and heavy moments until he tucked me to his side to fall asleep. I woke this morning, still curled up next to him. We had a light breakfast, and he walked me to my car. I didn’t speak to him again until he came up here before the game.”

  When I’m done, Bizzy’s eyes are shining, and she has a dreamy glow on her face. “He’s taking a trip home with you. That’s so awesome.” For a second, I think she may cry.

  “Told you, girl. One week, one month… all that jazz. Time doesn’t matter.”

  “I hope so,” I admit, knowing the intensity of my feelings toward him.

  “Give me your phone.” Claire holds her palm out, and I drop it into her hand.

  She tells me as she programs in her and Bizzy’s numbers, then calls her own phone so she has mine. “Let’s meet for dinner on Tuesday night. I have a feeling there will be a lot to discuss.”

  The suite starts filling back up as the third quarter starts. Logan, Shaw, and Mathis return, explaining they went to the tunnel to try to find out what the game plan was for second half. Logan acts cool, but I can tell he’s enjoyed every minute of the game so far.

  After several more cocktails, the girls and I alternate between watching the game and gossiping. I almost fall out of my chair when Bizzy tells me the story about her and Shaw. My heart physically hurts when she explains that he has a baby with another woman who tried to split them apart while they were dating. I’m not sure I could survive what she did. Even more surprising is the love that shines through when she talks about her stepson, Brayden.

  Shaw must overhear her gushing because he looks at her, his own face growing soft, and his eyes dart to her stomach. She starts to blush and explains they are trying for a baby of their own now. Then the conversation takes a turn when she replays the events from Labor Day, when Mathis and Nick snuck on their boat and crashed their romantic getaway weekend to the Keys.

  It’s my turn to howl as she gives blow by blow of the debacles, including the fact she unknowingly made a sex tape.

  The rest of the afternoon flies by, and I can’t remember ever having this much fun. Not to mention the fact that Miami wins the game. This easily goes down as one of the best days of my life.

  Chapter 15


  I hear the water turn on and off in my bathroom as I hang up my suit jacket and wait impatiently for Grace to finish. If I had it my way, she’d be naked by now, but somehow, she slipped by me the minute we got here and locked herself in the bathroom.

  After every win, I ride a high for hours, energy pulsing through my veins. But tonight, there’s a different energy driving me. Anticipation seeps into my bones, needing only her.

  The door opens, and when I see her, my body goes solid. Thoughts of peeling her out of my jersey vanish as I stare at her in a short teal nightgown with orange lace covering her tits.

  My team colors have never looked so sexy.

  She strolls to stand in front of me, swaying with each step and keeping her eyes pinned to mine.

  “You’re wearing my colors.”

  “I am. Thought it would be appropriate if you won.”

  My fingers glide across her collarbone and to the base of her neck where her pulse races.

  “You look incredible.”

  She runs her hands up my chest until reaching my neck then rises up to kiss me. My own hands move to the back of her head, my fingers tangling in her hair as I deepen the kiss.

  Our passion ignites the second her chest presses against mine. I turn and walk us backward until her knees hit the bed and she falls, bringing me with her. It takes all my self-control to tear away and see her face.

  “Are you sure?” I pant.

  She nods, smiling seductively, and starts to unbutton my shirt. The instant her fingernails graze over the skin of my stomach, things turn frantic. My clothes go flying. When I’m in nothing but a pair of boxers, I lean back over her and kiss her again, this time with urgency.

  Her ankles lock around my hips, and she grinds into me, moaning into my mouth. My cock swells, and the familiar sensation coils in my stomach.

  Fuck if I’m going to come in my pants again. I break away from her mouth and place open-mouthed kisses down her body until I’m kneeling in front of her. The matching teal panties are the only thing in my view. What’s underneath the silk has the power to be the end of me.

  Sex has always been natural for me—a release, a thrill. But tonight, it feels foreign because of the depth of intimacy. This will never be just sex with Grace. The chase is over. Grace will finally be mine… completely and undeniably mine.

  My mouth starts to water, and I slip the panties off slowly, prolonging the hunger threatening to unleash. I throw them over my shoulder and take the time to savor seeing her laid out beautifully before me. Gently, I spread her legs and kiss my way up, paying attention equally to each leg and feeling them tremble against my lips. When I finally reach her center, I nuzzle my cheeks back and forth, using my stubble to heighten her arousal. She grows wetter, and sexy sounds fill th
e room. I can’t take anymore and finally stroke my tongue along her slit and suck hard.

  “Oh my God!” Grace bucks into me, her fingers scoring through my hair and digging into my scalp.

  Her taste coats my tongue, and I growl, increasing my speed. With each lick and suck, I become addicted, savoring her. I alternate between fast and slow, licking a pattern over and inside her, craving more. She thrashes against my face with tiny whimpers, her knees locking on my neck right before she screams again.

  “Nick!” her legs quake as she lets go and goes limp.

  If it wasn’t for the throbbing between my legs, I’d stay here all night, doing nothing but licking her, just to hear my name like that over and over.

  But I can’t do it. There’s a primal need brewing inside, needing only one thing, and that’s to be inside Grace.

  I reach into my nightstand and get a condom then kiss my way back up her body, this time taking the nightgown with me. She lifts her arms to help me, and I toss it aside, letting it join the other clothes scattered around the room. Then in one swift motion, my boxers are gone and my mouth closes in on her nipples, sucking each one until she starts to shiver.

  I lift her and crawl back, laying her out over the full length of the bed, and cover her body with my own.

  Her eyes move to the condom then back to me with appreciation. She takes it from me and opens it, rolling it on so slowly my dick starts to ache.

  “Look at me, Grace,” I demand roughly.

  Her hair is spread across my pillows, her face flushed and her eyes shining. I’m going to remember this for the rest of my life.

  “Wrap your legs around my waist, baby, and keep your eyes on mine.”

  She does as I ask, aligning us perfectly. I sink into her wet heat, feeling every single inch as she welcomes me. Her eyes flutter closed when I’m all the way inside. The vision burns into my brain as I start to move. She arches her neck and back, angling me deep, and lets out a purr of approval.

  Slow and gentle fly out the window at the sound, and I start to surge in and out. Her eyes fly open, smoldering with desire, which pushes me harder.

  In a flash, I’m back on my knees, this time with her folded around me. Every part of our bodies are touching as I pound into her from below.


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