Sexy Six

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Sexy Six Page 21

by Ahren Sanders

  “Enough of that shit.”

  “I agree. That’s why we’re getting out of this room before Claire finds a new page to stalk.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’ve got two hours to eat and get you back. Let’s go.” Shaw takes Bizzy’s hand and starts back toward the door.

  “Come on, Sexy. We need to feed you and make sure you meet your curfew.” Grace tugs on my arm.

  I bend to her ear, where only she can hear. “If you were staying here, I could eat all night and not worry about a curfew.”

  Her eyes light up, and she gives me a little push. “Tomorrow night, I hope you’re starving.”

  Oh, she can count on it.

  Her scent assaults me the instant I walk into my condo. Most of the spacious area is dark except for the dim lamp next to the sofa, where Grace is sprawled out, sound asleep, under a light blanket.

  Quietly, I drop my bag and keys on the counter and go straight to her. She barely stirs when I slide in behind her and curl my body around hers. Her hair’s still damp from her shower, and I inhale deeply, taking it all in.

  My chin rests on the top of her head, and I close my eyes, completely relaxing in peace. I wasn’t happy about not seeing her after the game, but the fact that she’d be here waiting for me when I got home helped me through the after-game obligations.

  I was half-expecting her to be waiting naked considering the suggestive texts I received after she was already on the plane. But lying here, with her in my arms, is all I want right now.

  That’s not right; it’s what I need right now. Coming home to Grace kept my adrenaline racing long after the last second of the game. She was my win, and at this moment, I decide she needs to be here permanently.

  As if she hears my thoughts, she twists into me, her eyes flickering open. “Hi,” she says sleepily.

  “Go back to sleep.” I kiss her lips lightly.

  “What time is it?”

  “It’s really late. Our flight was held up, and then we were faced with excited fans when we departed. I signed a few autographs.”

  “Sexy Six throws for the best game of his career, outshining every quarterback in the league today.”

  “You’ve been watching the NFL Network?” I’d already heard and read what the press was saying. Not to mention the calls from my parents and Grace’s dad, congratulating me.

  “Yes, I’m proud of you, Nick. You were a showstopper out there today. It was incredible to watch.”

  I brush some stray hair from her forehead and cheeks, my chest growing tight with her praise. “It was a good day.”

  “You were beaming at the end of the game. I know you were excited.”

  “I was, but having a good day puts a huge target on my back for next week. Can’t let it get to my head.”

  Her hands move to my cheeks, and she pulls up, bringing us nose to nose. “You can be humble to the public. I get that, but with me, let’s celebrate your talent and skill. Today was a big fat fuck you to all the haters of the last week. It was wonderful. You are wonderful.”

  “You’re stealing my lines again.”

  “Well, get over it and accept it.” She settles back down, keeping her eyes locked with mine. “It’s like every day I fall deeper and deeper in love with you.”

  “That’s a perfect reason for you to move in with me.”

  Her eyes grow wide right before she screeches, “WHAT?”

  “Move in with me.”

  “Are you insane? It’s only been a few weeks since I’ve even had shampoo and conditioner in your shower.”

  “That was your hang-up, not mine, and I’m the one who bought them. I clearly remember you protesting.”

  “It’s way too soon.”

  “For who?”

  “For anyone who has sense.”

  “Today’s win was secondary to coming home to find you waiting for me. I want that every day and every night.”

  Her eyes dart nervously around the room, and I can see the wheels spinning in her head. She’s not convinced. The last thing I want is for her to say no, so I decide to take a different approach.

  “Three weeks, Grace. I’ll give you three weeks, then we’re discussing it again.”


  “No.” I place a finger on her lips. “And know something… I’m not giving you the three weeks to come up with excuses to say no. I’m allowing you three weeks for reasons to say yes.”

  “You’re being cocky.”

  “You’re being difficult.”

  “I’m being reasonable.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  She quietly glares at me, her eyes full of defiance, sending a challenge.

  “Three weeks, Sweet Peach, and we’re breaking your lease. You don’t like it here, we’ll move.”

  “You’re not being charming.” She sneers.

  “You’ll see that’s exactly what I’m being once you’re moved in. Now, let’s talk about how hungry I am and that victory celebration you promised. I think you mentioned something about new blow job techniques.” I toss the blanket to the ground and roll on top of her. The irritation on her face dies as I smile smugly.

  “Tomorrow, brace yourself, baby, because I perform my best when faced with a challenge. And you just issued me a challenge. ”

  Chapter 22


  “I’m done!” I announce, flinging my hands in the air triumphantly.

  “And so am I.” Logan puts his drill and level away.

  “We outdid ourselves. It looks great.” I appraise the art display in the entryway, hall, and great room of Mrs. Shields’s home. She’s already started prepping for the holidays, so we were under a deadline to get the install done before Thanksgiving next week.

  “Let’s get out of here. I’ll even buy dinner.”

  “Great! Nick’s with the crew for MDN tonight.”


  “It’s short for monthly dinner night. Bizzy started it a few years ago. It’s once a month the four of them get together for dinner alone. Mathis, Shaw, Nick, and Bizzy.”

  “I’m surprised you’re not there.”

  “It’s pretty sacred. But Nick did mention me coming next time. We’ll see what happens. It doesn’t bother me. I think their traditions are important.”

  “Let me load the car, and you think about where you want to eat.” He gathers the bag of tools while I take a cloth and polish each frame once more.

  Mrs. Shields comes in and completes her inspection with approval before we leave.

  Once in the car, Logan voluntarily starts telling me about his and Melanie’s weekend. The art show was a great idea; she loved it. But more so, I think Logan enjoyed sharing this part of his life with her. From the sound of it, all is forgiven, and she spent the weekend at his place.

  I choose a restaurant we both enjoy, and the hostess seats us with her eyes glued to Logan the whole walk to the table. She’s glaringly obvious, and I want to burst her bubble that he’s taken. The girl can’t be older than eighteen.

  Let her dream.

  She seats us and sighs when he gives her an appreciative, “Thanks.”

  “We as women really are shameless creatures,” I assess, watching her stroll away.

  “How so?”

  “I don’t remember ever outwardly giving a man bedroom eyes. It’s like so many women have a honing beacon that sprouts up, and they zone in on men with this look. Do they think that look is going to make a man fall head over heels and they’ll live happily ever after?”

  “Someone’s feeling snarky tonight.”

  “Come on, didn’t you notice that hostess sizing you up?”

  “Grace, she’s still a girl. Did you actually think she had bedroom eyes?”


  He narrows his eyes and slides his menu toward the middle of the table. “Did that girl looking at me truly bother you?”

  “I don’t know.” I shrug. “I mean, it shouldn’t, but these last few months
with Nick have me seeing the desperate side of women I never witnessed before.”

  “He’s a celebrity, Grace. His face is plastered on billboards, bus stops, and buildings all over the city. He visits with children on the cancer ward. Not to mention, he’s got commercials on television for everything from pain medicine to razor blades. He’s going to get attention, from men and women.”

  “Not helping, Logan.”

  He reaches over and covers my hand with his own. “What’s going on in your head?”

  “I think I’m feeling insecure. Women are relentless and assertive in their pursuits.”

  “Have you told Nick this? From where I sit, you have nothing to worry about. He’s crazy about you.”

  “He asked me to move in,” I blurt out and brace for him to blow up. Instead, he waves down our waitress and orders for both of us. When she leaves, he focuses back on me.

  “What’d you say?”

  “I haven’t answered him. He gave me three weeks, which is up soon.”

  “Do you want to?”

  “Aren’t you going to say it’s too soon, or try to talk me out of it?”

  “Nope, not my place. I’m not surprised by this. He’s completely devoted to you, so if you move in, that’s your business. You’re doing a month-to-month lease anyway since you’re leaving in January.”

  I wince, welcoming the glass of wine the waitress offers. “I’m still trying to decide if it’s too soon. Giving up my own space is scary.”

  “He seems convinced.”

  “Yeah, I think he won’t take no for an answer. He can be persuasive.”

  “This conversation just took a turn I never want to talk about.” He squirms uncomfortably.

  I give a half-hearted laugh and change the subject. “Okay, let’s talk about Mom and Dad’s visit next week.”

  “What’s there to talk about?”

  “Maria and Mom arranged for dinner to be delivered after the game on Thursday night. We’re going to the Bennetts’.”

  “Sounds good.”

  “That was easy.”

  “I don’t get involved in those plans. I’m trying to prep for Small Business Saturday and the next display.”

  “I’ve got some ideas. Want me to tell you now?”

  His head does a small shake as he narrows his eyes. Then his expression quickly changes.

  “I have a great group of young artists ready to do a small show. I’m thinking in six weeks, at the end of December. That could lead us into February, where we can do a total reset again with a group that contacted me out of South Carolina. It’s a little different than our normal styles, but what I’ve seen so far is beautiful watercolor acrylic work.”

  I’m so amped up about the upcoming events, I miss the way his face goes tight.

  “Okay, Grace, put together a plan.” His voice is strained, but I ignore it. Instead, I ramble on about the possibilities.

  Then I share with him my invitation to join a Women in Business group, explaining their purpose.

  By the time we finish eating, my excitement is at an all-time high.

  It’s hard to wipe the smile off my face when surrounded by Bizzy, Shaw, Nick, and Brayden. They all dote on the toddler endlessly, and he loves every second of it. At nine months old, he looks so much like Shaw, I have to wonder if he inherited anything from his mother.

  “Come on, buddy, come get me.” Nick squats and puts his arms out as Brayden scoots across the floor until he gets on all fours and crawls as fast as he can to his uncle. When Nick scoops him up, Bizzy cheers loudly, getting in the little boy’s face and smothering him in kisses.

  Brayden squeals in delight and wiggles free to do it all over, this time going to Shaw.

  “It’s amazing how he’s changed in the last week,” Nick comments, and Shaw growls.

  Shaw has made no secret how much he wants full custody of his son, but legally, he has to split fifty-fifty with Brayden’s mom, Sasha.

  Bizzy shoots Shaw a sad look, then gently steals Brayden, bringing him to her chest and blowing raspberries all over him. It’s a heartwarming sight, and I hold out my arms, wanting my own turn.

  The little boy has no aversion to strangers, coming to me easily, grasping my hair, and drooling as he tries to put it in his mouth. I catch Nick watching me warmly.

  “Do we have him for Thanksgiving?” I ask Bizzy, and she nods.

  “My mom is going to be in heaven.”

  “It’s a fight among the moms, so tell her to get in line. Maria sends evil glares to my mom every second he’s in her arms. Shaw has to intervene often.”

  “It’ll be fine because Mom is going to be focused on getting to know Sharon. She’s beside herself,” Nick says, warming my heart.

  “I’m going to start dinner.” Bizzy gets up and runs her hand through Shaw’s hair before heading to the kitchen. He stares after her lovingly.

  “That’s our cue. I’m taking Grace home.” Nick gets up and takes Brayden while helping me stand.

  We say our goodbyes, and when we get into Nick’s truck, I announce, “I’m in love with him.”

  “He’s a cute little guy.”

  “Do you think about that, Nick?”



  “Sometimes. Never until Brayden came along, but now, it doesn’t scare me so much.”

  “Their situation is a shame. They don’t seem to think highly of Sasha.”

  His fists grip the steering wheel, and his jaw goes tight. “She’s a raging bitch that almost killed my best friend. None of us think highly of her.”

  “It was insensitive for me to bring it up. I’m sure the memories are still raw.”

  “You know, I was furious and terrified out of my mind, but it was nothing compared to what Shaw went through. Knowing now how much being in love can change a person, I’m not sure how he got through it.”

  “I think they have a beautiful love story.”

  He opens his mouth to say something, then shuts it, working his bottom lip between his teeth. The last thing I want is for him to be plagued with thoughts of Bizzy in the hospital, so I decide to change the subject quickly.

  “How was MDN?”

  “You’re coming next time. It’s decided. I was distracted all night thinking about what you were doing.”

  “That’s silly. I told you I was at dinner with Logan.”

  “Yeah, but I’m selfish and wanted you there with us.”

  “We’ll see what happens next time.”

  “Go ahead and mark your calendar. The next one is Tuesday after Thanksgiving.”

  I want to debate the reasons this should remain a foursome, considering their history, but my heart is jumping for joy.

  MDN is a big deal. This is one more step in integrating our lives together.

  Of course, when I move in, it’ll be a big deal, too.

  Chapter 23


  Logan is sitting at his desk, papers strewn all over, and drinking a highball of dark amber liquid when I arrive. He barely glances up when I walk in, motioning to a chair across from him.

  “You okay, man?” I choose to remain standing until I know what the hell is on his mind.

  “Not really.”

  My earlier conversation with Grace comes to mind; she said they had a great day. Business was good, and their parents and Roy are flying in Wednesday night to spend the long weekend here in Miami. Everyone is coming to the game on Thursday. Thanksgiving dinner is being catered. Her mom is even coming to the gallery to help on Saturday.

  Grace was flying high on cloud nine, but obviously, Logan doesn’t share her excitement.

  “Not to be a dick, but if you’re having a bad day, why’d you ask me to come meet you? Grace is at my place, waiting on me to eat dinner.”

  He finally looks at me and literally snarls, his lips parting enough to let out a growl. “Grace is waiting on you for dinner, huh? Are we closing in on the three-week deadline where you convince her to live wi
th you?”

  Hostility fills the air between us, and anger starts to bubble up. “All due respect, Logan, but that’s none of your fucking business.”

  His eyes start to burn with betrayal. He takes a large swig of his drink and slams it on the desk.

  “That’s where you’re wrong. While you’ve been busy sweeping my sister off her feet, you’ve failed to keep your word to us.”

  “What the fuck are you talking about? I’ll warn you now, Logan, you’re on your way to pissing me off, and that’s not a smart move.”

  “Pissed off? Pissed off? You think I care about pissing you off? This isn’t fucking about you!”

  “What the hell is your problem?” I roar, clenching my fist to my side.

  His expression changes to complete disgust. “Grace said something last week at dinner that caught my attention. Actually, she said a few things, making plans for December and February, mentioning the Super Bowl, joining a Women’s Business Association, shit like that.”

  “What’s the problem with that?”

  “December? February? March even?”

  “I’m not following you.” My anger spikes at his condescending tone.

  “Grace is supposed to be in Alaska, New York, California! Not Miami!”

  His point hits me hard, understanding washing through me.

  She hasn’t told him she wasn’t accepted to the program.

  I sink into the chair and try to think quickly. This is a conversation she should be having, but I can’t let her walk into a situation like this. I’d kill him if he directed this type of anger toward her.

  “I’d never overstep, because you should hear this from her, but she didn’t get accepted. I think it’s hurt her more than she’s letting on.”

  His body jolts, physically stilling. “W-w-what?” He draws out the word.

  “She didn’t get accepted,” I repeat.

  He lowers his head and blows out a few deep breaths before raising his eyes back to mine, this time with a questioning glare. “Is that what she told you?”

  “Yeah, kinda. When I asked her, she replied, ‘there’s always next year’.”

  “So she never actually said she wasn’t invited to join?”


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