A Taste of Christmas: Dublin Style

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A Taste of Christmas: Dublin Style Page 1

by V, Krissy

  A Taste of Christmas

  Dublin Style


  Krissy V


  Image Copyright Used under license from Shutterstock.com

  Cover Designed by Rachel at No Sweat Graphics

  Formatted by Krissy V

  eBooks are not transferrable. They cannot be sold, shared or given away as it is an infringement on the copyright of these works. This book is an original publication of the author who authored the story herein contained.

  This book is a written act of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real.

  This book is intended for mature readers as it is sexually explicit and, therefore, should be read by over 18’s only.

  Any resemblance to a person, living or dead, actual events, localities or organisations is entirely coincidental.

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  Copyright 2014 by Krissy VISBN:


  This book is for everyone who loves Christmas!

  It is one of my best times of year, it is such a happy time of year. I love the lead up:- buying presents; buying food we only have at Christmas; wrapping presents; the decorations; the music – I just love everything about it.

  We always go and feed the reindeers on Christmas Eve and the look on my children’s faces are amazing. It is so magical and even though they are getting older now we still do it and still enjoy it.

  I hope everyone has a magical Christmas!

  Krissy V



  Day 1

  Day 2

  Day 3

  Day 4

  Day 5

  Day 6

  Day 7

  Day 8

  Day 9

  Day 10

  Day 11

  Day 12

  Day 13



  Sneak Peek into 2015

  About the Author


  Christmas Eve - Fifteen Years Ago

  Everyone is so excited, it’s Christmas Day tomorrow. What is Santa going to bring? What is Aunty Sandra going to give? I’m excited too, but I’m disappointed at the same time. You see tomorrow is my birthday and unlike everyone else on the night before their birthday, I’m not excited. I have to share my special day with my sister and everyone else who get presents to open on my birthday. I know that makes me sound like a spoilt child, but you try sharing your birthday with everyone else and tell me whether you like it or not.

  Mam and Dad thought it was really “cool” to name me Nollaig, which is the Irish word for Christmas because I was born on Christmas Day. I got a lot of abuse at School and I really hate it. My family call me Nolly and I can deal with that a lot better. I shake my head and I’m brought back to Christmas Eve and our preparations for the big day tomorrow. We have been out to feed the reindeers this afternoon, which we all love doing. We usually drive around until we find them in the Phoenix Park, the biggest City Centre park in Europe. Then we get out the bag of neatly cut up apple and carrots that we have all chopped up this morning.

  We walk stealthily up behind the reindeers, then we stand still and hold our hands out with the carrot and apple on them. We wait and slowly they start to come up to us and eat off our hands, it really is magical. You can see their breath in the cold and their beady eyes stare at you as they take the food.

  After we have finished feeding them we make our way back to the house, to make sure everything is ready for tomorrow morning. The presents are under the tree. The lights are twinkling and me and Mam spend the rest of the afternoon making peppermint icing chocolates, marzipan sweets and preparing the vegetables. Well she prepares and I just watch while she tells me stories of what Christmas was like when she was small. I listen in amazement about all the things that they went without and yet they still had lots of fun at Christmas.

  We go to midnight mass, which isn’t at midnight anymore, and then when we get home we have steak and homemade chips and then vienetta ice cream for dessert. We sit in the lounge looking at the sparkly lights, Mam on the couch with Dad’s arm around her and then me and Bree sitting on the floor singing Christmas songs.

  When we go to bed, Mam tucks us both in and we snuggle down while she reads “Twas the Night before Christmas” to us. I love that book, we all know it off by heart at this stage.

  “Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

  Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,

  In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.”

  She whispers when she is talking about the mouse.

  “The children were nestled all snug in their beds,

  While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.

  And mamma in her ‘kerchief, and I in my cap,

  Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap.”

  She spins when talking about the sugar-plums. She makes it all so magical.

  "Now Dasher! Now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen!

  On, Comet! On, Cupid! On Donner and Blitzen!

  To the top of the porch! To the top of the wall!

  Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

  Me and Bree look at each other and we know that we are thinking about the reindeers we were feeding earlier today. I wonder which one was which.

  “He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,

  And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.

  But I heard him exclaim, ‘ere he drove out of sight,

  "Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

  She pretends to be Santa when she gets to the last line and we laugh, she is so funny.

  She kisses us goodnight and leaves us on our own. We share a bedroom but we love it, except on Christmas morning. I get really moody because Bree opens presents on my birthday. I don’t think I’ll ever let that one drop, but it doesn’t stop me from enjoying myself on Christmas Day. Mam and Dad really love Christmas and they make everything so special.

  Christmas Eve - Five years ago!

  I’m at Bree’s house tonight because since she had Tyler and Elena we have been going to her house on Christmas Eve. Christmas is all about them now, I guess my birthday has to take even more of a backseat now. I feel bad for thinking that about my niece and nephew, but it has always been this way and I should be used to it by now.

  Dinner is ready and Mam and Dad haven’t arrived yet. This isn’t unusual because they are late for everything. Dad’s philosophy is always “Better to be late, than dead on time.” Rory pours a second glass of wine for both me and Bree and then he goes to turn the oven down.

  Bree tries to ring Dad on his mobile and there’s no answer. We all start to worry because it is snowy out, but then again we know Dad is a really good driver, so we brush that under the table. After about 10 minutes Bree’s phone rings and when she looks at the screen she sees it’s Dad ringing. We all let out the breath we were subconsciously holding. Bree answers it “Hey Dad where are you? Dinner’s ready!”

  She goes quiet, then she looks at me. “Bree, what’s the matter? Where are they?
How long will they be?” I’m getting annoyed because this is a big part of Christmas Eve that we all enjoy and they know that.

  She shakes her head and passes her phone to Rory. What is she doing? “Answer me Bree. What is going on?”

  Rory looks at her and then he says into the phone “Hi, this is Rory what’s going on?” He then looks at Bree and takes her hand in his and sits next to her. I can see him shaking his head.

  I stand up and start pacing, looking at the twinkly lights of the Christmas tree as I walk up and down. I know something is going on, something monumental. Bree can’t look at me, she has silent tears running down her face.

  Rory says “OK, we’ll be there as soon as we can. Thank you for the call.” He turns the phone off and he reaches out and takes my hand, I let him because I can see in his eyes that he doesn’t want me to fight him. He pulls me up onto the couch and he puts his arm around me and Bree.

  “Please. Please, tell me what is going on. Rory you’re scaring me.” I feel like I want to cry, something is going on that they can’t tell me.

  “Nolly, I’m really sorry. You’re Mam and Dad were in an accident. They skidded on the snow and went into a wall.”

  I’ve pulled away at this point. “No, no, no! Dad is a good driver. Where are they? Are they waiting for the AA to come and collect them? We can drive over and pick them up? They shouldn’t be waiting in the cold Rory. Come on why are you still sitting there?” I try to push him up off the couch.

  I stand up. I can’t believe they are both still sitting there, not moving. “Nolly” it’s Bree. “Sit down and be quiet” she shouts at me like she is angry with me or something. I do as she says because she never gets angry, it’s only me that gets angry. “Nolly, they ……. They ……”

  Rory comes over to me and kneels in front of me. “Nolly, they didn’t make it. They died on impact. I’m really sorry.”

  I sit there staring at him. This has to be some sort of joke they’re playing on me. I start laughing. “Really? You expect me to believe that! It’s Christmas Eve! They’re on their way over. They’re running late so you thought you would scare me. Well it doesn’t work. Dad is a good driver and they’ll be here in a few minutes.”

  I walk over to the front window and open the curtains and look out. I’m looking for lights coming up the drive.

  I can hear Bree crying. They’re really taking this joke too far. I see some lights coming up the road and my heart starts to flutter. This is them. Look they’re pulling into the drive. Except they don’t, they pull into the house next door.

  I feel someone pulling my arm, it’s Rory. “Nolly, please come and sit down. I’m serious. That was the police who rang us. They saw a missed call and rang the number. They’re taking Mam and Dad to the hospital and we’re to meet them there. They don’t think they can do anything for them. They were already dead when they came across the scene. I’m sorry.”

  I can hear him crying. Rory doesn’t cry. He is our rock. He has always been there for me, as well as Bree. I turn around and he pulls me into his side, he already has Bree tucked into the other side. I start crying. Bree is sobbing and Rory is crying too.

  My whole world just fell apart and I find myself sliding down Rory to the floor. I start screaming. This can’t be happening. This is a happy time of year. This is supposed to be the Eve of the happiest day of everyone’s life. I’m kneeling on the floor, my fists hitting the floor over and over again. “Noooooooo” is all that keeps coming out of my mouth.

  Rory releases Bree, leans down, picks me up and carries me over to the couch. He sits down and puts me on his lap like a child. He puts his arms around me and pulls me in close. He rocks too and fro trying to soothe me. “Nolly, I’m sorry, I’m really sorry.” We sit like that for about fifteen minutes and then Bree kneels down too.

  “Come on we need to get to the hospital. We need to go and see them Nolly. Rory can you ring your Mam and see if she can come over and sit with the kids? They’re ready for bed so they won’t be a problem.” She pulls on his arms around me to release me from his grasp.

  I feel cold now that his arms aren’t around me any longer and I look up to Bree. She needs me now and I stand up and we hug each other really tight. “I’m here for you Nolly, I always will be. We will always have each other. Sisters for life remember.” She says using the phrase we used when we were kids. I lean into her and I stop crying, I start to feel numb. It starts in my toes and I can feel it crawling slowly up my body. It’s like ice seeping into my blood, working it’s way around my body. I don’t understand it, but I know I will one day.

  We go to the hospital and we are taken into the room where Mam and Dad are. They really didn’t make it. They were right – they weren’t lying to us like I thought they were. I don’t know how we make it through the night. After a couple of hours I find myself at Bree’s house in her bed, fully clothed, with Rory between us. He has one arm under Bree pulling her close and one arm under me pulling me close. I love this man. He is there for me, as well as his wife.

  We lay there sobbing and we eventually fall asleep. I don’t think I’ll be able to look at Christmas in a nice way ever again! How can I after this? How does anyone get over losing their parents? Christmas is a time for rejoicing, how will we ever be able to rejoice again?

  Day 1

  Saturday 13th December

  Back to the Present!

  It’s my day off work and I’m walking up and down Grafton Street trying to buy some presents for my nieces and nephews. I really don’t know what to get them. This happens every year. I enjoy walking down Grafton Street though because there are always street performers and groups singing. You always find big crowds around the good groups and this is exactly what I find when I walk past the Disney Store and see a large crowd gathering.

  I can hear the group singing and decide to stop and listen to them. I stand at the back of the crowd. I don’t need to see them to realise they’re really good. I really enjoy listening to them. I try to push my way through the people to get to the front because I want to put some money in their bucket. Eventually I fight my way through the crowd and see their bucket in front of the set of drums.

  While everyone is listening to them singing I creep into the middle of the open space, reach over very slowly to put some money into the bucket. The singer is reaching a key point in the song. He is really handsome, he is wearing a beany hat and I love a guy who wears beany hats. I look at him , he is singing Michael Bublé’s “Haven’t Met You Yet” and when he’s in the chorus the unspeakable happens …….

  I overreach and fall over. I’m face down and my hand is in the bucket. It looks like I’m trying to take money out of it.

  It goes really quiet for a few minutes, then the crowd erupts with laughter and I can see the drummer is really annoyed with me. He stands up and is about to start shouting at me when the singer holds up his hand to stop him and then he walks over to help me up. I am face planted on the floor with my legs sprawled out and my head lifted watching him. He bends down and reaches out to help lift me up. “Are you ok miss?” he asks as he helps me to sit up. I nod my head unable to look him in the eye.

  “I’m so sorry. You were in the middle of singing your song, I’m so embarrassed.” I feel some tears falling out of my eyes and I reach up to wipe them away, but he beats me to it.

  “Come on it’s not that bad. I wish girls were always throwing themselves at me.” He chuckles.

  I laugh. “They will when you get famous. You’re all so good. I was really enjoying it and I just wanted to put some money in your bucket.” I turn to look behind me and see that the crowd has dispersed and the drummer is staring at me with daggers in his eyes. “Oh god, I’m so sorry everyone has left.” Now I feel so much worse. I stand up, throw my money into the bucket and turn to walk away.

  “Hey” he says to me as he reaches out and touches me on the arm. “We were going to have a break anyway. Do you want to go for a coffee or something?” I look at him.
I mean really look at him. He is very good looking. He is dark haired, I can only see a few wisps peaking out from under his hat, he is brown eyed, really tanned and he has a dimple in his cheek. I smile at him and then I blush because he is staring at me, I can feel his eyes raking up and down my body, assessing me.

  “Are you sure you’re having a break? The drummer doesn’t look too happy with me.” I say nodding in his direction.

  He laughs “Don’t mind him, he has a really bad hangover and is secretly delighted to have a break.”

  “Well if you’re sure then I want to pay for the coffee seeing as I stopped you from getting any money during that song.” He looks at me as if he is going to start refusing and then he decides not to.

  “Ok then. I’ll just tell the lads I’m going for a coffee and they’re to take a break and then we’ll go!” He turns around and walks the few steps back to the others. I watch them as they get a little animated and then he turns back to me, smiling. He walks over to me, puts his hand on my lower back and steers me down the road towards Bewley’s Café.

  I look at him and smile because I was only going to suggest McCafe, but Bewley’s is an institution in Dublin and I only get to go there on special occasions. “I see we’re pushing the boat out, seeing as I’m paying.” I nudge him with my arm and chuckle.

  He nods his head. “A pretty lady doesn’t usually pay for my coffee very often, so yes I am taking advantage.” He manoeuvres me towards the door and then opens it for me to walk through. Wow a gentleman, I don’t think I’ve met many of them recently.

  He speaks to the lady and she asks us to follow her to a table. It’s very formal in here, but it’s just so beautiful. She shows us to our table and he pulls my chair out for me to sit down. I sit down and smile up at him, he smiles back and that super sexy dimple makes me swoon just a little bit.


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