“Not so,” he said, sat down next to me and took my hand. His grip was soft and warm and as gentle as a bubs kiss. I squeezed lighter than I’m used to and carefully placed the Mediswabs across the red marks on his legs.
“What they did...”
“Let us not speak of it.”
“So many kinds of wrong has happened here Wirt.”
“I must not think of it. I must not.”
I watched him squeeze his eyes tight shut and breathe in hard. He did a better than good job at preventing the shakes to overthrow his body and despite his delicate ways, I thought him the bravest and strongest male I had ever known.
“You should maybe let Brennus in on what those Thugbulls did.”
“The first time, I did so.”
“The first? How many more since?”
“Eight, no, nine.”
“He would not have this stop?”
“He would not have this voiced.”
“Nay, careful.”
“They will not reach manliness this way.”
“They already have.”
I stood and turned from him, not wanting him to see the anger in my face. I wiped away a tear and breathed in a deep lungful of cold air. “Tomorrow I shall bring meat and more.”
“Ye are deep with feeling.”
“I am deep with rage.”
“Empty it. I have, long ago. Ye see,” Wirt said and held up his graceful hands. “They gave me perk. To keep my silence. I am the only Nearly let to puff-puff upon the baccy that blanks things out. Plus, the Ladies when they come to rub the tired and sore limbs of the Manlymen and tell their make believe tales, they make pet of me.”
“Clean nails and befuddlement cannot make up for their digression.”
“In one year I will be a Manlyman and then I’ll leave.”
In one year, I thought, this makeshift male will be as nothing. I had a scheme brewing in my nonce. “Are you fit to travel?”
“With yer care, I am.”
I offered Wirt my arm and he pulled himself upright. I made a smile and swished his skirt to face the right way and to my discomfort and joy, Wirt wrapped his arm around my middle and huggled me close. Now, if any other uninvited teen had done this to me, I would have ripped his nads from their resting place and flung them to the raptors. Instead, I did the same to him, and cozied thus, we walked back.
Just before the entrance, Wirt and I dropped arms. He strode in first then I slightly behind. The Nearlymen were all-abed and only Brennus and the greybeard Aiken were still awake, sitting and supping something hot. Wirt approached them and they sent their focus to the floor.
Cowards. Cowards all.
“Safely returned as was bid,” Wirt said.
“Job done well. Retire. Go quick,” Brennus said without lifting his gaze. Wirt bowed and left. “Catcher of birds, sit one sec more. Will ye try some grog?”
“I do not partake.” A lie. I have and dare say will again, but my mistrust for these males ran deeper than the lake at Ness.
“Then sit. I will have words or two.”
“Speak. I have no relish of squatting in your midst.”
“Understood.” He raised his giant head and stared full into my eyes. I gazed back not intending for one jiffy to allow him a win. “Ye were found a distance from yer land. Aiken here, so taken with yer status, omitted to discover yer purpose.”
“I quest for my bro-bro, taken by the Agros.”
“So, they have reached as far as that? We have heard rumours that Cityplace is under siege from the Agros. Is this true?”
“It is.”
“What drove them to set upon ye in such a manner?”
“To free the Praisebee rebels that were incarcerated. And, as it turned out, to filch my bro. Santy Breanna and other Specials took a stance against them and they sent forth troops, or rather, Carnies, to put us in our place. The whole city was in lockdown when I left.”
“Then how did ye escape?”
“Diversion set up by a S.A.N.T. and my grangran to fool the perimeter guards. One gave me a tip off and I headed into the forest before I was missed.”
“Why here?
“Not sure. I gleaned not much info from the guard. He just sent me deep into your province as quick as that. With a vague suggestion that I would glean more when I neared the end to this wood. I dare say he wished to have me gone before the Agros observed my lack of presence.”
Brennus rose to his feet and loomed over me as if to strike. I held my position, ready to kick at his delicate area.
“Sent here? For what purpose?”
“That he did not declare.”
“What did he say?”
“That answers would be forthcoming.”
“Nay more?”
“Ye are yet of youth. To be travelling alone is not without question.”
“I have years enough to clear me for solo duties. And I am well trained from my Santy Breanna.”
“A S.A.N.T. gave ye school?”
“For many a moon and sun. Twelve to be exact.”
“And how old when ye started?”
“Five and three-quarters.”
Aiken wolfed down his grog and stifled a mild “Ha, ha, ha.” Brennus changed his look of threat to one of kindred and slapped me on the shoulder. Sending my camouflaged Synthbag to the floor. I quickly scooped it up before they got a glimpse. Everyone, despite their choice of dwelling, knows about the goodies contained within and I did not want to be severed from their comfort.
“Very well, little warrior, very well. To bed and rest for tomorrow ye will be sorely set to test. We will feast upon the meat ye provide for many a long day.”
I did not like the last part of his speech. It indicated my stay would not be brief. “I cannot give vent that much. I am bound to limit the numbers lest there be no more to dine upon.” Brennus did not respond. “If I were to annihilate too many birdybirds that would mean extinction, and extinction means…no more meat. Ever.”
“We shall see. There are more than enough to go round in these parts. Our kin have not had taste of flesh since before my coming out. The Agros have slimmed our rations too. Nay so long past, a gaggle of Agro brutes swarmed into the women-folk’s camp and set about smacking and slapping. My own comfort mate was gashed about the head and legs. When word reached our ears we fled quick as quick to find all manner of tears and sighs, our homes all broken and soiled. Kiddles and old ‘uns shivering in fear as they washed away the blood from their wounds. The women fought back as best they could, but they have no proper weapons and young ‘uns were took.”
“Yep, sounds about right. Agros only attack those least able to defend themselves. The cutting back of foodstuffs is a coward’s way to weaken those they wish to overcome. Provisions have dwindled in Cityplace too, and when I left all means of power had been severed.”
“I cannot say how ye and yers will manage, but if me and mine are to survive their nefarious scheming, we have to live by our wits and yer talent. I think ye will be staying long. Ye will bring a swarm of relief to our plagued peoples.”
Not on your turgid waste, I wanted to shout for all to hear, but all I did was grunt in way of acquiescence. But then an image of Deogol flashed into my noggin and I blurted out, “And yet, I must retrieve my stolen bro.”
“There will be time for that and more. Do not fret for yer lost one. There is feeling in the wind that those that have been took are not damaged.”
“This is something feasible?”
“Word from those who know would say it is.”
“Then I must take your side of things as truth.”
“Good. All is set. The cot up high where the ladder rests is to be yer space whilst ye are here. Sleep without thoughts,” he said and bowed.
I gave a curt nod and headed towards the ladder. I do not like the highness of things especially when I can see no enclosure to stop a drop. I scanned the sleeping teens all wrap
ped up like babybubs and climbed the long, long ladder. The highest place I’d ever been was the middle of an info board in the main plaza, and then I’d taken an antivertigo pill. This ascent was more than four times that height and my legs wobbled all the while.
The platform reached, I wiped my brow and tried to not look down. The bed to my relief was secured with massive clamps. I gave it a goodly shake to make sure it was safe, then climbed between the Flexisheets and relaxed a little as they moulded into shape around my body. I breathed in deeply, closed my eyes and opened them again. Thoughts of sleep in this shifty place sent a wave of hot and cold up and down my spine.
I moved my head to the side and looked down the rungs of the ladder for signs of teen. All was clear. I did not doubt that Brennus meant me no harm, but I feared that once he was dream-filled, my safety would be in jeopardy. I vowed to stay awake lest a creepy Nearly ascended and fiddled with my bits whilst I slept. I stared at the hole in the roof, at the swirling smoke and embers that drifted through and felt my lids grow heavy. I lifted them half way but gravity had other ideas. They fluttered briefly, and then fell.
Chapter Four
The Day Of Getting Even
I thought my head was somewhere else when I awoke. It swam and tumbled as though I were hanging upside down. I squeezed my eyelids together, and the up and downess faded. Altitude sickness. I fumbled amongst the tight sheets and came upon my Synthbag caught around my feet, which I unravelled and nimbly opened up. I took out a Soother, placed it on my temple and sighed as it sank into my brain. It was not quite time for the moon to be forgot and in the dimness, I gave myself up to curiosity. I wriggled free from the constraining bedclothes, knelt, gripped onto the edge of the platform, and saw row after row of snoozing teenbulls. In the flattering light, they looked all innocent and noble.
I came over all-woozy, leant against the wall to compose myself and got a feel of its texture. Several knots dug into my back and I moved myself over their gnarled surface, positively sighing with relief as the knobs scratched itch after itch I didn’t even know I had. I let out a sigh, then remembered Wirt’s anguished face and the marks of ruffing up upon his soft flesh. Out there all a-cosy and sleeping the sleep of the blameless, were several males as guilty as an Agro filching a bub.
I bit my tongue before a yell of “sissy’s all” escaped from my lips, and noticed a grey-bearded figure mosey towards the sleeping Nearlys. My high position made it difficult for me to see exactly where he was headed. I raised myself slowly, so as not to allow the altitude to get the better of me again, and stood. I inhaled the smell of corruption that swirled around the room like smoke from a dreampipe. The ‘dult fairly reeked of skank design as he scuttled amongst the resting teens. A red-hot anger began at my toes and crept up and up my limbs until all I could think of was revenge.
Time for me to keep my promise and fetch them all some beastie flesh.
Quiet as a Monk’s fart, I slithered down the ladder and tiptoed outside. Gaining in belief of my unseen exit, I hid behind a tree, dug a hole in the dirt and made a much-needed plop. This outdoor toilet doings was not something to be relished, but there being no indoor means of relief. I hardened my finer sensitivities and thought it good experience for when I began training as a Backpacker. I kicked some dead leaves over my droppings, took off my Synthbag, pulled out a Moister and refreshed my sleep-blocked face. Then unplugged myself, noting that my sponge was dry and the reddiness a thing to not think about until next month.
The ground had a light frost upon it and a hazy mist twisted around my legs. I would have to wait until the sun sucked it up before I sang my song. I could not afford said fogginess to stick upon my vocal chords and diminish the intensity of my tune. They named me well although I do deny it. I am ‘The Catcher of Birds’ and as it is my calling, I must do right by it and poor Wirt. They would have their meat and choke upon it.
I headed back to the Oakhome and saw Wirt dart from the entrance. Aiken chased after him, his skirt all hanging loose.
I raced after, taking one of the vombombs that Orva had given me from my trouser pocket. I hurried close enough to see Wirt stagger and fall. Aiken, mitts all ready, kicked him in the ribs and spat upon his face.“Coward!” I shouted and threw.
The tiny ball landed on his neck and burst. Aiken swatted at the entry point thinking it perhaps a gnat. But I knew better and so did Wirt. When Aiken’s mouth dropped open and he squirted up his guts, I ran to Wirt and pulled him up. His nose was all bloodied and there was a gash across his cheek. I turned to Aiken who by now was lying on the ground twitching and clutching at his belly. He groaned and writhed and I spat upon his face.
“What have ye done?”
“Nothing that won’t wear off before too long.”
“They’ll come for me. They’ll teach me a lesson. They”ll...” Wirt didn’t finish his speech. He fell to his knees and blubbed and blubbed. I knelt beside him and took his shaking hands in mine.
“It’s nearly time for me to get some meat. When I do, stay close. So close we are as one. You will do this?” By way response, he laid his head upon my shoulder.
“Good. Now we must go back.”
“But they’ll know. Aiken will be missed.”
“Not so much. If they ask, I’ll say I saw him go for plops.”
Wirt raised his head and despite the muck and spittle that ran down his chin, he gave a whisper of a smile to me. I wiped his face with the sleeve of my tunic, rummaged in my Synthbag and handed him some Sterichoc.
“Ye sure ye want to part with such a treasure?”
“Keep stum about this. It’s Sterichoc.”
“I believed that to be a lie.”
“No, all true. Self-replicating choc. Or it would be, if I had the DNA and the 3D imaging device. But I have enough to keep me indulged for a while, I think.”
Wirt sniffed the sweetness and gulped it down in one.
“Such meltiness and sweet-sweet flavour. This truly is a wonder of wonders.”
“Time for glorifying later. Up we get,” I said and we walked back to Oakhome, the groans of Aiken fading in the mist.
We paused outside the entrance. I peered in through a small gap in the cloth hanging and saw the males sitting around the cauldron, eating. I squeezed Wirt’s hand for a sec and went inside. The great fire whooshed with warmth when we entered and a pleasing smell of oatlys wafted towards us. Both our guts grumbled with hunger. Wirt took his place next to a hairy-faced teen, grabbed himself a bowl and ladled a great splat of the porridge into it. Brennus lifted his head and gestured for me to sit.
“Welcome, Adara. Here, eat our humble chow. Then set to work.”
“Don’t mind if I do,” I said all bold. He handed me a large portion. I took it, sat next to him and scoffed down the proffered goo.
“What tune will ye sing to bring down the birdybirds?”
“The only one I know. Not much to choose from since their voices are not so often heard, what with them being so aloof. They tend not to hover close to where those that would capture and eat them dwell. Santy Breanna told me once, that birdies used to land and folk would put out food for them to feed upon.”
Brennus laughed and slapped his thigh. “Today we eat meat! Today we frolic with the knowhow of having ourselves a real life birdy catcher. Others will take note and our tribe will be great and honoured. Ladies will flock to our abode once more!”
A great cheer and clanging of bowls ensued to Brennus’s false claims. I caught Wirt’s eye and gave a look as if to say “Get ready” and stood. All rose with me, and Wirt, clip-clopped to my side. I waved my hand in the air and hurled my breakfast bowl against the wall. It smashed in two and all gave out an excited whoop and walked towards where I stood. I stayed them with raised open palm and began to sing.
I warbled loud and clear, a savage sound that came from beneath my bowels. The fire retreated back inside itself, as though scared of what was to come. I backed away towards t
he opening, felt Wirt’s fingers grip tightly at my pants and raised the volume. The males turned white when my singing reached an almost scalding intensity. I stepped outside and felt the cold air bite into my skin
The sun had risen and dried up the ice and haze revealing swirling black dots high above our heads. I softened my trills so as to listen to the song of the gathering birdybirds. I gazed upon their swirling shapes, free and boundless and wished that I could see them all up close and watch them peck and frolic.
My sentimental musings ended when the males appeared armed with clubs and nets. Eyes wide with eagerness, they tilted their faces up towards the sky and for a moment all stood still and silent, ears tuned to the birdy voices peep-peeping above. But the sweet sound was torn apart by a roar of joy as the males became aware of the enormity of what they were witnessing. A mighty flock of birdybirds circling overhead. They raised their weapons and one by one began to chant the word, “Meat.” They stamped the ground, clapped their hands and shouted into the air. Almost too loudly, for it nearly drowned out my soft singing. When I was sure that they were near to fever point, I switched my frequency.
The slavering males, blind to all but their own impending gratification, did not notice the increased size of the big-beaked things that began to descend, or the retreat of the smaller, edible ones. I pulled Wirt close to my side, waited until the sky was almost black with wings, and then gave forth a sound most pure in its intent. A note that caused the predatory birds to dive.
My mouth ran dry and I held onto Wirt with all my strength as raptor after raptor plunged into the gathered males. Their talons tore, their razor beaks slashed, and I swear I saw an ear or two come off. Despite attempts to fend off the resolute birds of prey with their sticks, the Nearlys and ‘dults fell heavy under the weight of so many. I gave in to gloat at the sight of these big proud males, that only the night before saw fit to defile a gentle creature for their sick needs; squealing like a girlygig with a tangle in her hair.
Echoes from the Lost Ones Page 3