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Agreement Page 12

by Brian Grenda

  Lauren and I walk over to my SUV trunk, and I see a huge variety of items.

  The trunk is loaded with bottles of alcohol, medication, razors, deodorant, shampoo, feminine products, soap, water, batteries, canned goods, diapers, weapons, and clothing.

  “Damn, you got a huge selection of items here.”

  TJ says, “The one pilot that Janet is going to target for our trip likes this wine, and his wife will be thankful for a lot of these products.”

  Janet says, “This should be enough for our one-way trip into the zoo. I know my guy Ramano, and this should do the trick.”

  “I leave it up to you to barter for the helicopter ride. Make sure Ramano knows that we may need him again down the road. We can take care of him, and his wife again with any products he wants. As for the best products at World of Trade, what am I looking at here Janet?”

  Janet replies, “Well, World of Trade is all about bartering and making deals. The vendors have the power, unless you have something they really want.”

  Lauren asks, “What should we stay away from when we are there?”

  “Good question. I was only there a couple of times, but the prices varied every time I was there. One day, five bottles of water got me this, and another day ten bottles of water got me the same item. You have to be ready for anything when you are there,” says Janet.

  TJ says, “You have tons of these items back at the Big Club. Don’t worry about running out of the stuff that we put in your vehicle.”

  “Thank you for taking care of this for us. How is the Big Club holding up?”

  TJ replies, “It’s great actually. The rear entrance is fully repaired. It’s actually better than it was before. The solar panels are all hooked up also. The store is almost running completely on solar now. You will need about four or five more panels to have the store running completely on solar power.”

  Phil asks, “Who is going on this helicopter ride?”

  I look at TJ and ask, “I don’t know actually. Who is going? How many people can fit in the chopper?”

  Janet says, “We can fit about twenty people. We have plenty of room for everyone.”

  TJ says, “Right now. I think it’s myself, Janet, and Bo. You want to come Phil?”

  “No thanks. I want to see this World of Trade place. I want to see if they have any gun modification vendors or anything hard to find,” says Phil.

  “What about William or his group?”

  TJ says, “I’m not sure if he wants to join us or not. We will have to check in with them, when we get setup for the trip.”

  Janet asks, “You think we should get going TJ?”

  TJ says, “Yeah. We should get on our way. Do you mind helping us load up my jeep with our trade materials?”

  Lauren, Phil, and I help TJ and Janet load up TJ’s jeep.

  TJ and Janet got some good stuff to trade the helicopter ride for.

  I place a gas container in TJ’s jeep and say, “Gas up the helicopter pilot’s vehicle. Let’s make a good impression on this pilot. I feel like we may need his services again in the future.”

  TJ, Janet, and Odin get into TJ’s jeep and exit Citrus Oaks through the South entrance.

  I look at Phil and say, “Bo better return the favor for all this hard work we are doing for him. I want to see his ranch.”

  “Me too. I miss having a good hamburger,” jokes Phil.

  TJ, Janet, and Odin are in TJ’s jeep and are driving towards downtown Tampa.

  Janet looks out the passenger side jeep window and says, “Holy crap! That wall is huge. Who built that thing?”

  TJ comes up on a part of the large debris wall that surrounds part of downtown Tampa and the zoo.

  Janet asks, “Can you get closer to the wall? I want to see this thing up close and personal.”

  TJ makes a right-hand turn and is headed straight for a piece of the wall.

  As TJ drives closer to the wall, Janet examines the wall closely.

  The wall is constructed of a variety of miscellaneous objects.

  The base at certain sections is made of heavy vehicles or material. There is a fire truck next to several large monster truck tires.

  Whereas, the top part of the wall is made of lighter sheet metal and fencing.

  “The wall looks to be made up of different materials. I see vehicles, tires, wood, trees, fencing, and block,” says Janet.

  “I wonder why someone hasn’t tried to blow a hole in the wall and enter?” asks TJ.

  TJ stops his jeep next to the wall and parks.

  Janet and TJ look to see if the area is clear of zombies, Conquerors, or any other trouble.

  The streets and area are clear.

  Janet gets out of the jeep and looks around the streets, walls, and surrounding area.

  “This car is cemented shut around the doors!” shouts Janet.

  TJ exits his jeep and feels that something isn’t right.

  “Whoever built this wall, doesn’t want anything getting in or out. Zoo animals could be loose in there. I don’t think we should be messing with the wall out here,” says TJ.

  “Look at this!” shouts Janet.

  TJ runs over to Janet’s location at a discolored part of the wall.

  Janet points at the wall and says, “Something definitely happened here. The wall is damaged, there is blood on the bricks and wood. Someone tried to get inside alright,” says Janet.

  TJ looks down on the ground next to the wall and sees something in the tall grass.

  TJ bends down and picks up the round object.

  Just as TJ picks up the object, a loud squawk is heard in the surrounding trees.

  TJ picks up the object and says, “This can’t be a good sign.”

  Janet asks, “Is that a grenade?”

  TJ looks around and sees hundreds of birds in the trees around him and Janet.

  Odin senses danger in the area and starts barking.

  “I think we need to get the hell out of here Janet,” says TJ with a concerned look on his face.

  Janet and TJ start walking towards TJ’s jeep. A noise is heard in the distance. TJ looks and sees something move in the distance. TJ sees something move towards a car, then disappears into the shadows near a vehicle.

  TJ and Janet make it back to the jeep.

  TJ starts up his jeep and speeds away from the wall.

  Someone in the shadows comes out from behind a vehicle and watches TJ and Janet drive away.

  “That place is freaky. I’m not going back to that wall again,” says TJ.

  “I definitely felt someone watching us, and what was up with all those birds? There must have been a hundred of them in the trees,” says Janet.

  Ten minutes go by, and TJ pulls up to the heavily secured front entrance of MacDill Air Force Base.

  The guard slides down the window at the main entrance security booth, as TJ rolls his jeep window down.

  “Identification please,” says the guard.

  TJ gives the guard his military identification and asks, “You don’t remember me?”

  The guard looks at TJ’s identification and says, “I’m glad you brought your military ID this time.”

  The guard hands TJ his ID back and opens the main gate.

  “Thank you,” says TJ.

  Janet thanks the guard, and the guard says, “Your welcome Janet.”

  TJ drives through the front entrance of MacDill Air Force Base and shakes his head.

  “Do you know everybody?” asks TJ.

  Janet replies, “I know a lot of people. People like me.”

  Janet directs TJ on the base, and TJ drives to the recreational building.

  “I bet Ramano is in here,” says Janet.

  TJ, Janet, and Odin exit TJ’s jeep.

  Janet goes to the rear of TJ’s jeep, and TJ opens the back-rear hatch door.

  TJ looks at Janet and says, “This base feels a lot busier now. Almost like the base doubled in population and equipment.”

  Janet says, “Mayb
e more and more people are making their way to Florida, Tampa Bay, and MacDill.”

  Janet grabs the box of bargaining goods for Ramano, and TJ closes his jeep rear hatch door.

  MacDill is a lot busier now and has been since the last time TJ was there. It just feels busier now. There is a certain feeling in the air that people are working and getting stuff done again.

  Cars, trucks, and other military vehicles are entering and exiting the base. People are going in, and out of buildings, and military mechanics are working on various military vehicles.

  Janet walks towards the main entrance of the recreational building. TJ opens the door, and Janet walks through the door.

  Odin follows Janet and TJ closes the door.

  The recreational building is a big facility. There is a gym, basketball court, pool, sauna, and small dining hall.

  Music is playing in the gym, the lights are on, and it feels like a normal day on base.

  TJ looks at Janet and says, “This feels weird, like we aren’t in the middle of a zombie apocalypse right now.”

  Janet replies, “I know what you mean. Living on base can make you feel sheltered. You forget what the world is really like outside of here.”

  There is some yelling in the dining hall, and Janet starts walking that direction.

  “No way man, Tom is the best quarterback ever!” shouts a man.

  “Wilson, you are crazy. My money is on Joe,” says another man.

  Janet enters the dining hall.

  “Hey Janet!” shouts the two men.

  TJ looks at the men as he walks with Janet and Odin.

  “That dog don’t bite does he?” asks Wilson.

  Janet says, “Only if you make him, or he don’t like you.”

  Wilson replies, “Fair enough. I’ll keep my distance.”

  Janet introduces TJ to the two gentlemen.

  “TJ, this is Wilson and Ramano,” says Janet.

  TJ greets the men and takes a seat next to Janet at the table with Wilson and Ramano.

  “Roberto Ramano, we need your services for a one-way flight downtown into the zoo,” says Janet.

  Ramano replies, “That’s dangerous. I don’t know if I can help you.”

  TJ asks, “What will it take for you to fly us in your helicopter and drop us down into the zoo?”

  Ramano smiles and asks, “What do ya got?”

  Janet pulls out two bottles of wine and says, “We got these.”

  “Those make it a little less dangerous, what else ya got?” asks Ramano.

  TJ gives Ramano the box that Janet put on the table and says, “That’s all for you and there is more where that came from, if you can keep helping us.”

  Ramano looks at the objects in the box and says, “Alright. Very nice. I can help you guys. Keep giving me presents like these, and I’ll take you wherever you want to go.”

  TJ shakes Ramano’s hand and says, “Alright then. We got ourselves a pilot.”

  Wilson asks, “Why do you want to go into the zoo anyway?”

  Janet replies, “None of your damn business, Wilson.”

  There is an awkward silence.

  “I’m just messing around man!” shouts Janet.

  TJ says, “We are interested to see if there are people alive at the zoo. We have a friend looking for his brother, and a couple of other people.”

  Ramano looks at Wilson and says, “We have seen people inside the huge barricade and at the zoo. People and animals are alive in there.”

  TJ asks, “Any idea who built that massive wall downtown?”

  Wilson says, “It was definitely a group of people. They are well organized. The wall went up fast. I think the zoo was under attack by zombies, people, and hunters. People started seeing the zoo animals as food.”

  Janet says, “That’s terrible.”

  Ramano says, “No, that’s life. Survival of the fittest. People will do anything to survive. They need water, food, and shelter.”

  “When can you do the trip downtown for us?” asks TJ.

  Ramano says, “In three days. Three days from now, I can take you. My chopper is being repaired right now. The repairs are much needed. I want to make sure it’s repaired the right way and not rushed. Someone keeps firing at our choppers when we fly over certain places downtown.”

  Janet says, “Well, let’s stay away from those areas please. We will meet you at the helicopter hanger in three days. Don’t you go dying on me before then.”



  “You really should think about naming your sword,” says Jon to me as we are sparring near Jon’s house in the morning.

  I put my sword down at my side and say, “This is not that medieval show, Jon. Plus, my sword is a samurai sword, not a broadsword like you have.

  “That doesn’t matter. I’m sure the samurai had names for swords that took down emperors and empires,” says Jon.

  “What’s the name of your sword Jon?”

  Jon replies, “I’m between two names. Z Killer and Last Rites,”

  “Come on, Jon. Really? Z Killer?”

  “What’s wrong with that? Z Killer, as in zombie killer,” says Jon.

  “I thought you would go for more of a name like Vanquisher or Soul Sabre.”

  “Soul Sabre is good, but how about Silencer. As in I’m silencing the souls of the zombies, or people that I have killed,” says Jon.

  As I’m talking with Jon, I’m seeing the sequence of me cutting Joseph’s hand and head off repeatedly in my head. It’s a terrible sequence that I have been thinking about since it happened.

  “Ryan? You okay?” asks Jon.

  I snap out of my daze and say, “Yeah, man. Just thinking about the last fight, I had with Joseph, and me cutting his head off.”

  “That must have been awesome and terrible at the same time. Ending someone’s life can’t be easy, but doing it like that has to be a memorable experience,” says Jon.

  “Have you killed a living person yet? Not a zombie, but a living, breathing person?”

  Jon hesitates for a second and says, “I have only killed the dead. I haven’t had the experience of killing a person yet.”

  I look right in Jon’s eyes and say, “It’s not easy to do. It stays with you. I keep reliving it. Killing Joseph has forever changed me, and I feel that I’m forever connected with him now.”

  “You are forever connected with Joseph. You’ll never forgot him and your experience with him,” says Jon.

  “You going with Silencer then?”

  Jon picks up his sword, raises it above his head and shouts, “Fear the Silencer! I will free the souls of the dead with one swing!”

  Jon swings Silencer at my face and narrowly misses my chin.

  “Careful with that thing Jon!”

  Jon apologizes for almost cutting my chin off.

  “How do you even control such a heavy sword? You are only 5 feet 7 and 170 pounds. The sheer weight of the blade must be taxing to hold, let alone fight with.”

  Jon replies, “I could use some modifications to my blade. To help reduce the weight on it somewhat, but the weight of the sword helps me cut into zombie skulls.”

  Eric walks over to Jon and me.

  “Morning fellas,” says Eric to Jon and me.

  Jon and I greet Eric.

  Eric asks, “Did you give it anymore thought about Davis Island? When do you want to go?”

  I look at Eric and say, “I totally forgot about it. It’s been so crazy here with Jacob, those orange badges, and now this guy Bo.”

  “I understand. I’m thinking about heading over there soon myself. I just wanted to see if you guys would be up to joining me and Julia,” says Eric.

  Jon says, “I will go with you.”

  “I will go with you also. I can only go for a day though. I’m supposed to go with Jacob to World of Trade in three days.”

  Eric says, “We can go for less than a day. I just need help with clearing out the zombies around the island e

  “Sounds like you are going to need more than just me and Jon though. Let’s go recruit more people for this trip.”

  Jon, Eric, and I walk from the back of the neighborhood and recruit more people for the trip.

  I stop at Kim’s old house to look for Phil, while Jon and Eric go talk with Matt and Shaun.

  “Phil? You here?” I ask as I enter Kim’s old house.

  “Yeah. I’m in the garage,” says Phil.

  I walk into the garage and see Phil working on the new replacement front door.

  “Looks pretty good. You need help installing it?”

  Phil says, “Yeah, actually. That would be great. Let me sand this last part of the door a little more, and I’ll be ready to install it.”

  “Take your time, I’ll be checking out Kim’s, I mean your new house.”

  I re-enter the house through the door that takes me into the laundry room. The house is the same layout as mine and most of the homes in the neighborhood.

  Phil’s new house is a big 4-bedroom, 3-bathroom house. It’s right behind Shaun’s house, and their yards are divided by a fence.

  The house has pictures of Kim, Steve, Tim, Judy, Dave, and Billy all around.

  Looking at the pictures, takes me back to the time we dropped Kim off at her parent’s house, and the whole craziness with her father Tim.

  I look at a wedding picture of Kim and Steve that is up on the wall. I can’t help but to laugh at what Dave and Billy are wearing.

  “Even at a wedding, you two manage to wear some hillbilly hunting gear outfits. I hope you guys are doing alright in Lakeland.”

  I find it odd that I’m walking around a neighbor’s house now without them. Especially, since I never had the chance before the zombie apocalypse.

  I always saw my neighbors as a group of people that I was forced to be around, and not a group that I would want to be around. Maybe it’s the Sagittarius in me, but I have always needed my personal space and alone time.

  “I’m ready bro!” shouts Phil.

  I walk into the garage from the laundry room and help Phil carry the front door through the garage and out to the front of the house.

  Phil and I place the door against the outside wall, and we take off the broken current front door.


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