The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 14

by Shannon Barczak


  “We just don’t know what may be waiting for you before you reach it. I believe the entrance is almost two miles of the main road. Obviously Mathias can run you there quickly but if there are any Rau camped out it might get ugly."

  “We’ll be fine,” I said detachedly. The idea of the Rau didn’t scare me as much as my feelings for Mathias.

  “Just listen to Mathias and you’ll be fine. He will take good care of you."

  I snorted at that. I had to stop myself from laughing hysterically. I shot him a quick look, taking in his menacing expression I gave into a chuckle.

  “Oh, he has been a model Guardian. I have never been safer in my life.”

  “Oh dear goodness,” my mother sighed. “What did you do?"

  “Nothing, I think when we get to the island he and I are going to BFF’s,” I said sweetly

  “Willa,” she said warningly.

  “Everything’s great Mom, I’m impressed by Mathias’s incredible people skills, as well as other traits he’s demonstrated. When I grow up, I want to be just like him."

  “Please be respectful,” she pleaded.

  “I have been. You should have seen how respectful I was this morning. I’m pretty sure you would have been shocked at not only my actions but Mathias’s as well." I laughed

  Mathias tried to grab the phone, but I pushed him away. This was the most fun I had all day. I continued to chat breezily with both my parents a few more minutes until I finally hung up the phone.

  Mathias didn't seem too amused though, his anger seemed to pulsate off of him. I waited for him to scold me, but I was greeted with stony silence that he kept up all the way to Vermont.

  The sun had set a few hours ago so I was disappointed that I couldn’t take in any scenery. I lived in Arizona my whole life, so I was excited that I got to see a change in landscapes as we made our way across the country. Unfortunately, it looked like I was going to miss the green mountains of Vermont.

  I let out a little shriek though when I spotted a patch of snow as we got off the highway. Mathias looked at me startled as he pressed on the brakes and pulled off the road.

  “What?" he yelled. “What did you see?"

  “It’s snow! Can I get out and touch it?" I asked eagerly

  “You yelled because of snow? Are you out of your mind? It’s fucking snow. It covers more than half of this country every year. "

  “Yes, I am fully aware that it's pretty common but not in Southern Arizona where I have lived my whole life. I just got excited finally to see it in person."

  Mathias just shook his head as he peeled out back onto the two lane road. These were the first words he had spoken since this morning, and I was hungry for any dialogue from him.

  “Does it ever snow on the island?"

  “Rarely,” he replied curtly

  "That stinks, I was dreaming of a white Christmas."

  “Please do not break out into song,” he groaned

  “No problem. I’ll just hum instead,” I smiled.

  “Shh,” he said as he pulled the car to a stop. I looked around and saw a sign that stated we had entered The Green Mountain National Forest.

  “Stay here for ten seconds,” Mathias said as he got out of the car and took off with a blur. True to his word he was back before I had even started to count.

  “Grab the backpack and phone. Leave the keys in the car." he ordered as he opened my door.

  I shoved the phone and little spell book into the pocket of the pack. I zipped it up and positioned it on my shoulders. Stepping outside I looked at the car. “What are we going to do with it?"

  Mathias reopened my door, and before I even registered what he was doing, he pulled out a box of matches. He struck one right after another and threw them around the inside of the car.

  “What the hell are you doing? That’s a brand-new car!” I shouted as he closed the door, pulled me onto his back and broke into a sprint. I tried to turn to say good-bye to our lovely little Mercedes but Mathias was fast, and it was so dark I could hardly make out any shapes. Stopping abruptly, I slid down his back and looked around.

  My senses immediately went into overdrive. Two large granite rocks formed a natural entrance to the path, but I knew this was no ordinary path. This was the entrance to the Reserve. There was electricity in the air. The wind, which had been silent, kicked up and started whipping around me. I walked slowly, as if in a trance, and grabbed Mathias's hand to pull him along with me. When we got to the rocks, I walked a few steps cautiously before suddenly my hand which had been outstretched disappeared in front of me.

  The wall is separating the Fae world and the Human world was cold to the touch. I walked through, holding Mathias’s hand in a death grip. My whole body felt like it was being sucked into a bowl of cool jelly. We popped through quickly, and a fresh breeze enveloped me. I felt refreshed and clean.

  I stumbled when I saw several hundred people had gathered around us. Mathias squeezed my hand reassuringly, which startled me more than the crowd. A tall, brunette woman with a kind smile came forward, after giving me a curtsy.

  “Welcome Princess Willa, daughter of Prince Cormac and Princess Cecily. Guardian Worthing, I offer you welcome and refuge as well. I am Princess Marilei, daughter of Princess Clover of the Earth Fae, Sponsor and Conservator of the Vermont Fae Reserve,” she said

  All of a sudden the crown dropped to their knees and bowed their heads. I gulped and whispered to Mathias. “Is this for me or Marilei?"

  His lips grazed my ear, sending shivers up and down my spine, “For you, it’s all for you.”

  I took a deep breath and moved forward slightly, letting go of Mathias’s hand. “Thank you so much Princess Marilei and to all the good people here. Your most gracious welcome humbles Guardian Worthing and me.” There, I thought, all those hours reading Jane Austen paid off.

  Princess Marilei smiled widely and motioned to the people to stand and said. “It is we that are humbled. We do not get many visitors, especially those of the royal family. We are grateful to be able to offer any assistance. Please follow me to the castle. I’m sure you would like to freshen up before we reunite you with your parents."

  “Thank you that would be lovely,” I answered. Mathias gently pushed me next to Marilei as I started to follow. Apparently he wanted me to walk next to her, not behind her. As we walked I began to take note of my surroundings.

  We had entered through a small wooded area but after a few quick steps an extensive clearing opened up before us. Stopping by a horse drawn carriage, Marilei motioned for me to climb in the carriage first. It was like I stepped back in time as I climbed into the open carriage and settled on the emerald green velvet cushioned seats.

  Marilei sat opposite me and Mathias beside me closer to the door. I noticed she was eyeing us curiously as I sneaked a couple of furtive glances at him. I tried to smooth over the awkward silence that had descended and strike up a conversation with her.

  “So how many people live on the Reserve?” I asked

  “We have six hundred and forty eight people at the moment. Small compared to the few others, but I think it's the most beautiful."

  “Of course you may be biased,” Mathias said with a flirtatious smile.

  “I most definitely am Guardian Worthing. Of course if you do not believe me I give you an invitation to visit the others to make a fully informed opinion,” Marilei said with a smile.

  Seriously? Are they going to flirt with each other in front of me? I thought angrily

  “I would love too, unfortunately, your fellow Conservators are not as welcoming as you, I’m afraid they do not offer such hospitality to my kind,” Mathias said regretfully.

  “Maybe not but any warrior who defends and protects the innocent is always welcome here."

  “Thank you, that means a great deal to me, you are most kind Princess."

  “Yes." I said jumping into the conversation. “You’ve been wonderful. Oh is that the castle?" I asked tryin
g, rather childishly to stop the love fest between Marilei and Mathias.

  “Yes it is. Not as large as Fairlia of course but pretty in its own way."

  The carriage entered a wide cobblestone road where small houses began to appear. We wove through the winding path until the houses became closer and closer together and small business started appearing. At last a large, gray stone castle came into view.

  I wished we arrived during the day so I could see it better, but the carriage moved swiftly through the high gates and we stopped as we entered the courtyard. I stepped out of the carriage, and we followed Marilei through the large double arched wooden doors and entered the cavernous foyer. A massively curved double staircase was directly in front of me, and Marilei stopped near the bottom of them before turning to Mathias.

  “Guardian Worthing, allow me to escort Princess Willa to a receiving room upstairs where she can freshen up. Alfen, my trusted servant, had procured some nourishment for you. He will show you where you can rejuvenate yourself."

  “Thank you Princess Marilei, but if it’s all the same to you, I would like to stay with Willa." Mathias replied.

  “Of course,” Marilei said surprised. I was too. I thought for sure Mathias would take the opportunity to get away from me any way he could.

  We climbed the stairs after her and were shown to a room right off the corridor from the staircase. Marilei opened the door and motioned for us to come in the room, “Please make yourselves at home. I will come back in about a half hour to fetch you."

  After thanking her Mathias, and I walked into the room and he closed the door. A massive fire roared in the stone fireplace to my left with three large couches positioned in front of it, creating a cozy area. To my right was a long wooden table laden with food and drinks and directly in front of me, four large windows covered with heavy green velvet curtains.

  Mathias walked right to the windows and pulled back the curtains to look outside while I went to the stand in front of the fire. We both were quiet for a few minutes. Finally, I couldn’t take it anymore.

  “So Marilei seems nice,” I observed.

  "Yes, we are lucky she is so accommodating, not all Fae are accepting of vampires,” he said as he came to stand near the fire.

  “Oh, she seemed to accept you right away.”

  “Willa." he started to say but was interrupted by a knock. “Enter.” he yelled

  A small, short man with pointy ears entered the room with a tray. “Good evening Sir, Princess." he said bowing slightly. “I am Alfen. I have the Guardian’s nourishment here."

  “That will be all thank you Alfen. Please convey my gratitude towards your mistress,” Mathias said taking the tray from him and setting it down on the table in between the couches.

  With another bow, Alfen left, leaving me alone with Mathias once again. I was alone in a room with a vampire and a carafe of blood. I couldn’t seem to take my eyes off of it. Talk about a big, red elephant in the room.

  “The bathroom is through that door,” he said interrupting my thoughts.

  “I’m good,” I said. I didn't want to miss this. It may sound morbid and gross but for some reason I was fascinated by the idea of watching Mathias drink blood.

  “I’m sure you need to freshen up,” he tried again.

  “You don’t want me to see you drink, do you?" I asked

  “There’s no reason for you to see me drink. On the island, we are careful to drink in private. Our job is to protect all that live there, and we try to take measures that make them as comfortable as possible."

  “But you’ve been around me when I’ve eaten. It’s the same thing, isn’t it?" I asked as I walked over to the food table.

  “Yes, I have watched many others eat, although you scarfing down that giant bag of Doritos was one I hope never to have to revisit again."

  “Very funny, you know I was starving. There were plenty of other times I ate without making an ass out of myself...Oww!” I yelped as I pulled my hand up from the table.

  “What in God’s name is …” Mathias started to say but stopped midsentence.

  I pulled my finger up and showed him a small cut that was welling up with blood on my finger. “There was a sharp piece of wood on the table and it sliced my finger."

  Noticing his expression, “Mathias, are you all right? Surely this isn’t the first time you have been around blood before?"

  Mathias just stood there frozen, his eyes transfixed on my finger and his nostrils flaring. “I have, yes, but yours is so...different. Rich,” he stuttered

  I’m going to chalk this up later as an out of body experience, because honestly, I’m not sure what came over me. There was a part of me that was screaming to run to the bathroom and lock the door. Another part though seemed to draw me over to him.

  "Willa, please, get away from me." he said sternly.

  I lifted my hand up near his face; I could see his jaw clench, and his eyes wild with desire and I knew he was fighting for control. All of a sudden a power washed over me and I seductively put my finger that was dripping with blood on his lips, “Taste me,” I ordered

  Mathias gave me a look of a cross between hatred and yearning before he dipped his head and clamped down on my finger. His tongue swirled around, at first sucking my blood greedily, but eventually he slowed until he gently licked one last time before pulling it out of his mouth.

  I smiled in triumph and reached up to stroke his cheek but was taken aback when he took my hand forcefully and tilted my chin up with another hand. “Don’t ever do that again,” he growled. The look he gave me was so sexual and carnal my face flushed and my body quivered.

  Then he did something I did not expect. He bent his head and kissed me.

  I wasn’t sure what I was more shocked about at the moment. The fact that he was kissing me or the fact that he was doing it with a passion that I could hardly breathe. Mathias forced my lips open his tongue and invaded every inch of my mouth. Swirling and plunging I could barely even stand, I wound my arms around his neck and held on.

  His hand that held my chin all of a sudden plunged into my hair forcing me even closer if that was even possible. I pulled my arm from around his neck down to his sculpted chest, exploring every little dip and plane. He took my hand and pushed it around my back to stop my little expedition. Slightly pissed at this I bit down on his bottom lip and tasted his rich, salty blood.

  I was just debating whether to rip his shirt off when he tore his lips from mine. He was breathing heavy and still holding onto me we stood there frozen in each other’s arms. Eventually, Mathias stepped backward, and I waited for him to yell at me.

  I didn’t have long to wait.

  “Are you happy now Willa? Are happy that you got me to lose control? Teasing me with your blood?"

  “I didn't mean to, it just happened. I couldn’t stop myself, and it’s not like you put up much of a fight."

  Mathias took a long shuddering breath before facing me. “Well, now what do you propose we do? Do you want me to rip your jeans off and fuck you? Will that satisfy you?"

  “No," I answered quietly.

  “Let me give you some advice little girl. When you get to the island, grow the fuck up, you are about to enter a dangerous new world and playing games is not going to keep you alive."

  “I’m not playing games. I’m sorry, the whole blood thing was out of line but I’m not going to apologize for acting on my feelings,” I cried

  Mathias came back to stand close to me and smirked. “You are naive aren’t you?”

  “Offering yourself and your blood to a vampire, Guardian of Solas or not, is a very foolish thing to do. It’s also forbidden. We do not psychically drink from anyone, unless it's our mates. That's part of the agreement, a pact that I just broke. I am ordering you to stay away from me when we get to the island. I’m not going to play some romanticized version of your hero, nor do I want to be friends, got that?"

  No, I don’t get it, I thought, I don’t get why we can’t act on
our feelings.

  “Yes, Guardian Worthing, I understand. Please forgive me, I was out of line, and I apologize for my actions."

  Searching my face for any sarcasm I tried to look sincere even though my heart was breaking into a million pieces. Twice in one day, it had to be some kind of record.

  “Good." he said. “I’m glad you have come to realize how ridiculous this was, and I hope we can keep this between us."

  Not trusting to speak, I nodded my head, thankfully there as a knock at the door. Mathias went over to open it and there stood Marilei smiling brightly. “I hope you are refreshed now. Shall we go and open the portal? Your father has called twice already. He is getting a bit antsy."


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