The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 23

by Shannon Barczak

  I hid my disappointment and gave him a small hug and invited him inside the house. “I’m so glad you came, Frank."

  “Sorry, I’m late. We had a little issue with some exiled Fae and a few Rau trying to break through the protective barriers,” he said as he entered the living room.

  “Is everything ok?" Winifred asked with concern.

  “Everything is fine your Majesty, just the usual hijinks we get during the Holidays. Apparently they think we might be too busy to keep the spells up,” he answered. “Mathias is handling the problem. He wanted me to let you know he may not make it, but sends his regards.”

  “Frank, please grab some food and a drink, I made more than enough.” I offered.

  I was trying to ignore the stab of disappointment I felt when I learned that Mathias would not be attending.

  The rest of the night went on without a hitch. When the desserts came out, I was rewarded with a round of applause and oh’s and ah’s which was the best gift I could ask for to top off my night. The evening winded down around ten o’clock, and everyone started to leave. My Uncle Cuddy came up to me and gave me one of his Cuddy hugs and then handed me a gift bag.

  “I forget I had these. Thought you would enjoy them more than anyone. They’re your grandfather’s cookbooks,” he said gruffly

  “Uncle Cuddy, thank you, I will treasure them.” I said running my hands reverently over the spines of the old journals.

  “Your Aunt Gussie got a bee in her bonnet one day to try a few recipes out. The only she made was a big mess in John’s kitchen,” he said fondly

  “I’m sure she and Archie would have loved for Willa to have them." Winifred said nicely

  “I thought I should give them back to you Winnie but Willa and Cecily are the ones who would appreciate them the most,” he said

  “Thank you Cuddy.” Cecily said.

  “Well, Happy Christmas and all that junk. What do you say we go home Jeremiah and tie one on?" Cuddy asked

  “I think that’s a great idea,” my father said

  “Sounds good to me,” Jeremiah agreed. “Bye Willa. Thanks for a truly wonderful evening, Happy Christmas."

  Everyone put on their coats and left with hugs and kisses. I finally closed the door, after shooing Riah and Serena out and peeled off my shoes before I tackled what was left to clean up in the kitchen. When I was done, I grabbed a glass of wine and sat down to reflect on the evening. I spied the bag of books and my attention was quickly diverted as I began to pour through the handwritten recipes and notes scribbled in the margins by my grandfather.

  A soft knock on my front door broke through my reverie. I glanced up at the clock and saw it was almost eleven. Someone must have forgotten something I thought to myself as I went to open the door.

  Standing on my doorstep, looking tired and uncharacteristically disheveled, was Mathias.

  “Hey,” I said softly, crossing my arms and leaning against the door jamb. My heart began to speed up just at the sight of him.

  "Hey,” he replied with a small smile. “Christmas present?" he gestured towards the driveway.

  “Do you like my kick ass golf cart?” I asked with a grin

  “It is pretty kick ass,” he agreed. “Did Cormac decide it was safe enough to let you loose on the streets of the island with your own transportation?"

  “No, Riah and Serena, I think they were getting tired of being Willa’s taxi service."

  "I’m sure Riah was more than happy to be your chauffeur."

  I shook my head and decided to ignore his little comment. Although part of me took a small amount of pleasure in his apparent jealousy.

  “You look beat Guardian Worthing.” I observed

  “It’s been a hell of a week. I wanted to drop by real quick to say I’m sorry for missing your party.”

  “It’s ok,” I shrugged. I looked down and noticed a beautiful gray Weimaraner dog sitting still by Mathias’s feet, “Who’s this?"

  “This is Oscar." Mathias said patting the dog’s head.

  “Why Guardian Worthing, you're a dog person, how unexpected." I said cheekily

  “Oscar and I go way back. I found him abandoned in a London alley over fifty years ago."

  “Fifty? Dog years you mean?"

  “No, fifty years ago, human years.” he answered

  “Is he a ...vampire dog?" I asked perplexed

  "There’s no such thing." Mathias scoffed. “The Fae have an animal version of fairy nectar. A couple of drops a year extends their lives almost indefinitely, a bit of a commitment, but well worth it."

  “That’s amazing." I said in wonderment. “Funny, I always wanted a dog, but my parents never let me have one. I guess it was because they never knew when they might have to leave unexpectedly.”

  “Well, tonight all your dreams will come true." Mathias smiled as he put his fingers in his mouth and whistled.

  “What do you mean?" I asked suspiciously. At the end of my driveway I saw a large, dark shape appear

  “Oh no, you didn’t. Mathias it’s ok. I mean I just moved here. I’m trying to find my groove. I don’t have time for a dog.” Exasperated I turned away into the foyer.

  “You haven’t even met him yet." Mathias said

  “I don’t need to meet him. I’m sure the Rottweiler, Pit Bull or German Shepard you picked out is a very friendly animal, but I don’t need a killer attack dog. That’s your job."

  “Come on Willa, turn around, and meet Cupcake.” Mathias persuaded

  “Oh for goodness sakes,” I muttered as I turned around rolling my eyes. What stood right in front of me was not a sleek guard dog. Nope, in front of me was a large brown and white spotted St. Bernard with his giant pink tongue hanging out of his mouth.

  “You got me a St. Bernard...and named him Cupcake?” I said in disbelief

  “Yeah.” he replied nodding his eyes. “Handsome isn’t he? Only eight months old.”

  “He’s not even full grown?" I groaned as I rubbed my forehead.

  “No, but he’s housebroken.” Mathias grinned. “He’s a good pup. He sleeps a lot, but don’t let that fool you, he’s strong and can do some damage."

  “I’m going to open a bakery Mathias. I’m gone all day. Who’s going to let him out? Who’s going to make sure he gets plenty of exercise?"

  “He’ll go with you to the bakery. He’ll be happy as a pig in shit to lie in the corner and take a snooze while you work and at night he will keep guard."

  “Snooze in the corner of my new bakery? I think that may be a health code violation. You know no farm animals inside a place that serves food? Jesus, Mary and Joseph, he’s the size of a pony."

  “You wouldn’t have known it a few months ago. When I went to meet him at the Vet, who had taken him in, he showed me pictures of him from when he arrived. He had been abused since he was born and hardly fed or taken care of at all. He went to a couple of different foster homes, but neither of the couples had the room for him.” Mathias explained as he knelt down by Cupcake and stroked his back.

  I chuckled and looked away. “Can you pull at my heartstrings anymore?"

  Then I looked down at him. Cupcake’s big, brown, sad eyes penetrated my own and all of sudden visions of him small and scared cowering in a corner flashed in my head. I knelt down and petted him under the chin.

  “If you chew any of my shoes we’re going to have a serious problem.” I said sternly. He replied by sitting up and licking my face with his wet tongue.

  “Eww, not on the lips, cheeks only.” I ordered, wiping my face with my hand, and giving Mathias a dirty look.

  “See, I knew you two would get along. He’s already has had his nectar drops and here are his bowls and food,” Mathias reached around the bushes in the front and put the two fifty pound bags of dog food in the hall along with two large dishes.

  “Happy Christmas,” he said to me as he and Oscar walked down the driveway.

  “Merry Christmas to you, I hope you have room for him if he gets in trouble
because he’s coming to your house.” I shouted.

  Mathias turned. “Nice dress by the way."

  “Yeah, I’m sure in a few minutes it will be covered with dog hair and slobber, thanks."

  He waved and went back on his merry way, leaving Cupcake and me alone.

  I shook my head and went inside, turning around to Cupcake, I asked. “Well, are you coming inside or not?"

  He clumsily got up and gave a deep "Woof" before rambling into the house.

  "Merry Christmas to you Cupcake,” I replied before shutting the door and locking it. I walked in the living room to find my new roommate had already made himself at home on the couch and was currently slurping up wine out of my glass.

  I laughed to myself and sat down next to him. “You know, I had you pegged as a whiskey guy."

  His only response was to lay his massive head in my lap and close his eyes.

  “Merry Christmas to me,” I said softly as I pet his soft fur.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The next morning I woke up slightly overheated and paralyzed from the waist down. I cracked my eyes open and saw my new, massive puppy dosing contently by my side.

  “All right, we need to have a talk. It's way too early in our relationship to be sleeping together already." I said sleepily

  Cupcake responded by opening one eye and then promptly went back to sleep. I untangled myself from the blankets and his body to go into the bathroom to take a quick shower.

  The whole family was gathering for an early dinner at the castle. My mom said it was going to be a very informal affair, but I'm pretty sure jeans would be frowned upon by my grandmother. I shimmied on a pair of black tights and paired it with a red plaid skirt, black turtleneck sweater, and knee high black boots.

  “Come on Cupcake, time for a late breakfast and bathroom break before we head off to meet your grandparents." I said to him coming into the bedroom.

  The half hour that I had planned to get us ready did not go smoothly. For one thing, Cupcake needed to go out at once. He kindly showed me this the minute we got upstairs, and he started scratching the hell out of the door. Then when he came in, he took his leisurely time over breakfast before scratching at the door again to be let out.

  Finally, an hour later we were on our way to the castle in my new ride. Cupcake seemed very excited when we got going and stuck his massive head out in the wind with his ears flapping and mouth wide open. I enjoyed watching him and even giggled until I noticed big, plops of doggie drool all over his side of my shiny new vehicle.

  "Mathias is so cleaning this every day.” I muttered to myself as I pulled up into the Castle courtyard. My face broke into a smile, and I waved to Riah and Serena as they came out to greet me.

  “Merry Christmas!" I called out.

  “Merry Christmas, oh my gosh, who’s dog is that?" Serena asked in a delighted voice

  “That’s not a dog. That’s a young bull, look at the size of his nuts.” Riah joked.

  We all stared over at Cupcake, who had wandered over to the grass. He was on his back, with his paws in the air, rubbing around in the dirt.

  “Cupcake!" I reprimanded. “No! Bad dog, do not roll around on something dead, or you will not be sleeping in my bed tonight."

  “Cupcake? You named a male St. Bernard Cupcake?" Riah asked

  “No, Mathias named him Cupcake before he dropped him off at my doorstep last night and took off smirking.” I answered

  “Mathias gave you a dog?" Serena asked astonished

  “Yup, merry fucking Christmas to me, isn't he a peach?" I snorted “Apparently he wanted me to have a guard dog. Doesn’t he look vicious?"

  Riah and Serena burst out laughing as they took in Cupcake’s lazy walk back over to me. He plopped down next to my feet huffing and puffing.

  “He looks battle worthy,” Riah quipped

  “Battle over a steak maybe,” I said swiftly

  “Oh, he’s cute,” Serena said as she knelt down to pat him. “We used to have a St. Bernard when I was little. My mother is going to spoil him rotten."

  “Your mother?" I asked confused.

  “Yes, my mother. You haven’t had met her yet, she’s been busy at the school.” Serena said

  “Are we talking about your mother, as in a woman who is like a mother to you or a woman who birthed you from her loins?"

  “My biological mother and I were both turned together,” she said

  “Ok, I’m a little shocked." I said. “You know I haven’t wanted to ask either of you because I know it’s not something that is spoken of, but how did you die?"

  "Well, my story is fairly typical,” Riah started. “After deflowering many young debutantes and causing scandal, in the aristocratic English society of the 1820’s, I was shipped off to Europe where I whored and drank my way from one end to another before ending up in a Paris brothel. I was approached by a beautiful, mysterious creature named Yvette, who offered me, her body and immortality. I was so drunk I accepted. It was only when she lifted her veil, and I saw her red eyes before she ripped my throat out did I realize what she may be. That's when I realized what she wanted to turn me into."

  “So you didn’t realize what she was?" I asked

  “No, I didn’t. I was a drunken wastrel. I wasn’t very particular about whose skirts I lifted. Needless to say, when I woke up a few days later in the basement with the bitch standing over me I was pissed. She was too, the Rau are not fond of making those that become the Solas. They prefer people that are evil to the core, so that they can expand their small army."

  “So what happened? Did she try to kill you when she realized?"

  “She didn’t get a chance. I killed her first and then took out a few others that were there,” he smiled slightly

  “After that you also saved a few people as well Riah." Serena said thoughtfully.

  “It is they who freed me. You see Willa; they had recently captured a few clan members on vacation and decided that they were all powerful now. They wanted to recruit more members into their club. I'm lucky that Pierre and Paulette took the time to explain to me who they were and what I was. I protected them while we travelled here and ever since then the lucky bastards that they are now have me for a substitute son."

  “Awww, that’s so sweet. Are they still alive?" I asked

  “Alive and well, they own a hair salon and barber shop in town called ‘Crops & Bobbers’." he answered with a smile

  “Oh, I’ve seen that, it’s a block over from the bakery, right? Next to ‘Han’s Hats, Gloves, and Fine apparel’ and that Japanese place, ‘Saki Sun’?”

  “That’s them, speaking of which, I just got done with my shift and am heading over to their house to spend the day. Happy Christmas to you both and if you get lonely tonight call me.” Riah grinned

  “You forget that I now have a big, strong, man in my bed every night but I’ll keep you in mind.” I smiled

  “Merry Christmas Riah, tell Pierre and Paulette I said hello.” Serena said

  “I will do that. Cupcake, it was a pleasure, although now I am exceedingly jealous of you. Lucky dog." he said as he walked away.

  “So, are you going to tell me how you and your mother died?" I asked Serena

  Serena looked thoughtful for a minute. “My mother and I were on vacation. It was a once in a lifetime holiday. I had just graduated from the Master’s program, and she had been scraping every penny together for years to be able to afford it."

  “Master’s program? I’m assuming you weren’t turned that long ago?"

  “No, we are relatively ‘young’ vampires. The year was 1982. I grew up in a small fishing village on the coast of Maine. My dad was a lobsterman who had been lost at sea since I was nine, and my mom was a teacher. After he had died it was hard but we managed, and I got a full ride to UMaine where I studied English Literature. I wanted to follow in my mother’s footsteps and become a teacher as well. I wanted to teach at a college level, so I busted my tail to get my Masters while I worked for
ty hours a week."

  “The day I graduated my mother handed me our itinerary and I was floored, I couldn’t believe she had saved enough for us to go to England. It was a dream come true for two book lovers and amateur historians. For two weeks we explored, went to museums, took in the culture, it was perfect. On our last night, we took a few wrong turns in the fog, and a very sick Rau kidnapped us."


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