The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 39

by Shannon Barczak

  “All three of us have a lot to talk about.” Julia said

  Apparently my two best friends didn’t miss a thing. I nodded and turned away but not before grabbing Julia’s hand and catching Riah’s eye.

  “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure she gets back to your house. Then I’ll come and find you.” Riah said

  “Thanks.” I said gratefully. As we made our way outside, not only had Mathias, Sabine, Robert, and Katya stood with my family but Frank, Veronica and Leona as well.

  “Mathias what on earth is going on?” Cecily asked

  “A situation has occurred.” Mathias said solemnly. “We need to go to the hospital.”

  “What?” Rhoswen said concernedly. “Who’s been hurt?”

  “I don’t want to get into the details here but if you ladies accompany us, we will fly you over there.”

  There was no way in hell I was going to be in either Mathias’s arms or God forbid, Sabine’s. I squeezed Julia’s hand and held out my other one to my mother who was on my left.

  “Ladies want to hitch a ride on the Willa Express?”

  One by one everyone grabbed hands, even Leona and Veronica, which surprised me. I turned to Mathias, flashed him a grin and away we went on my magic teleporting carpet ride.

  Unfortunately, I did not take into account the fact that I had never teleported with more than one other person, teleporting with seven slightly inebriated women? Not my brightest idea.

  That’s probably why we landed in a tangle near the front of the gray and white craftsman style building that housed the island’s hospital. They only two who landed upright were Veronica and Leona.

  “Is everyone all right?” I asked spitting out a few blades of grass.

  “Oh my goodness,” Winifred said. “I think a small branch from this bush almost went right up my arse.”

  “At least your bush is soft. My bush is much scratchier.” Rhoswen said

  “Well, that didn’t sound right did it?” Rhoswen said after a few seconds

  That pretty much did it for me. I started laughing so hard I pulled Julia back down on the grass, and we proceeded to clutch each other in hysteria.

  “Oh stop.” Cecily said gasping. “I’m going to pee my pants.”

  “I think I did!” Gussie laughed

  That sent us all back into uncontrollable giggles, which is how the Guardians and Katya found us a few seconds later.

  They all stared at us perplexed as they took in our sprawled and laughing bodies. The sound of a golf cart coming to a screeching halt broke through our laughter and my father’s voice echoed loud and clear.

  “Good Lord is everyone all right?” he asked.

  “We’re good Uncle Cormac. Well, maybe not my mum. She might need some new knickers.” Julia answered

  I finally got into sitting position and was wiping my eyes when I noticed Uncle Cuddy, Jeremiah and Milton had accompanied my dad.

  “Are you done now?” Mathias asked as he came over and offered his hand

  “Why am I always to blame?” I asked, ignoring his hand and standing up myself

  “You teleported with seven other people,” he said angrily. “You put not only yourself but their lives in danger just to prove some childish point.”

  “Mathias?” Winifred asked. “Why are we all gathered here?”

  Mathias sighed and went quiet. All at once my slightly buzzed system sobered. Something was wrong. I could tell just by the way he was standing there. It was almost like he was unsure of himself, which Mathias never, ever portrayed.

  “I was planning on returning a week ago,” he started. “But I received a call from Sabine in Paris. She had gotten a tip that a young man had been turned into the Solas, and the Rau was torturing him.”

  “How young is the boy?” Winifred asked

  “Eighteen.” Mathias answered. “His parents chose that life a few years ago and were waiting for him to be of age before they turned their son. Unfortunately for them, their son Gabriel did not want that life.”

  “Eighteen.” Gussie remarked. “It’s such a shame.”

  “Gabriel was being kept locked up until the Rau could figure out what to do with him. His parents wanted him to be kept alive, but you are all aware that the Rau hates for someone to turn into the Solas.”

  “Go on,” Winifred prompted after Mathias paused.

  “We were unprepared for the number of Rau that were in residence of the underground lair where he was being held. We made a quick decision to engage in combat with them. Obviously we prevailed but it was a long and hard battle. After we had secured the premises, we searched out Gabriel and found him locked in a cell.” Mathias said

  Robert seeing Mathias’s hesitation took over telling the story. “Surprisingly, Gabriel was already well informed about who and what we are. When we questioned him about this, he told us that he had already been told many stories of the Guardians of Solas and their unwavering commitment to protecting the Clan of Skye.”

  “How did this kid know anything about us if he was just turned?” Cuddy asked

  “He told us that beyond the door in his room there was another cell. This cell contained a member of the royal Skye family that had been held captive there for a very long time. He also said that this person had become his friend.”

  We all stood in stunned silence. Even my unflappable grandmother seemed at lost for words. Finally, she found her voice and asked the question we all wanted an answer too.


  Robert grabbed Winifred’s hands and stared at her. “Your Majesty, its Prince Archibald. Your husband is alive.”

  “That’s impossible,” she breathed. “Archie is dead. We saw his mangled body parts.”

  “All a ruse I’m afraid. A cunning and horrible deception orchestrated by the Rau.” Mathias answered. “We always talked about how after Archie’s death the Rau got cleverer. Instead of murdering the Clan, they realized the value of keeping them as captives. They fooled us with a body similar to Archie’s, put on his clothes and wedding ring. We fell for it, hook, line and sinker.”

  “He’s alive?” Cecily asked. “He’s really alive?”

  “My God, it’s been over a hundred years.” Cormac said in disbelief

  “One hundred and thirty four years.” Winifred corrected

  “What’s the status of his condition?” asked Rhoswen. She and my Uncle Oliver were the island’s two main healers so it didn’t surprise me that she would want to be apprised of my grandfather’s health situation.

  “I have to see him.” Winifred said suddenly. “I have to go to him.”

  Robert placed his hands on her arms and stopped her. “Winnie, Oliver asked us to please wait until he has finished with his exam of Archie.”

  “Oliver’s with him?” she asked. “Thank goodness.”

  My mother and Gussie went over to Winifred. They wrapped their arms around her, and the three of them wept. I looked up as Jeremiah came over and nudged in between Julia and me. He put his arm around us, and we stood in solidarity.

  “I think you will all be more comfortable in the waiting room.” Mathias suggested

  Winifred nodded and together with Cecily and Gussie she led the way into the hospital. I had just started walking when I saw Riah land a few feet away from our procession. I looked at Jeremiah and Julia and held up my hand to indicate I would be inside in a minute.

  Mathias looked at me before turning away and walking inside. The slam of the door should have shattered the glass door but fortunately it stayed intact.

  “What’s going on Willa?” Riah asked concerned

  I told him as quickly as I could, but the words came out haltingly, but the whole thing seemed so surreal to me. My grandfather was alive but the horrors he must have gone through these years made me shudder.

  “Archie’s alive?” Riah asked softly

  “Yes.” I answered. “Did you ever meet him Riah?”

  “I did,” he answered. “I was one of his Guardians, Willa.�

  “What?” I asked. “How come you never told me?”

  “I don’t know,” he replied. “I guess I didn’t want to bring it up right away. I was supposed to be there with him that day.”

  “Oh Riah,” I said. No wonder he didn’t want to say anything. I had gotten to know Riah pretty well over the last few months, and I suspected he felt in some way responsible.

  “At the last minute, Paul, Gussie’s Guardian asked if he could go in my place. He hadn’t been off the island for a while and thought this was a good time to go to the mainland. Everyone was in shock when their bodies were carelessly flung from the sky. Nobody could believe that they had actually gotten to him.”

  “I just don’t get how his body wasn’t identified correctly.” I said

  Riah shrugged. “The body, whose ever it was, had been torn apart. His clothes and wedding ring were clearly visible. Between that and the other boxes containing the two Guardians with him we were reasonably confident in our assessment.”

  “What about...his head?” I asked haltingly

  “Back then when a clan member was murdered the Rau would keep the heads as souvenirs,” he replied in disgust

  I didn’t know what else to say. I had reached my limit for the night. Between everything that had happened I just wanted to curl up into a ball and cry.

  “You remind me of him.” Riah said suddenly

  I looked up curiously. For the first twenty-five years of my life, I was not aware of my ancestry or what characteristics I may have shared with any relatives. To have Riah say this was incredible to me. I always wondered what I might have shared with my grandfather. I thought the bakery was our only common interest but apparently not.

  “Archie was friendly but he also had a wicked sense of humor.” Riah smiled. “He always made people feel comfortable. He never wanted to be known as a prince or the husband of the queen. He used to tell everyone that he was just a baker with an amazing wife.”

  I smiled in spite of the fact tears started pooling in my eyes. I hoped with all my heart I had a chance to get to know this wonderful man that everyone thought so highly of as soon as I could.

  “Thank you.” I said. “Thank you for telling me this. I should go back inside. Oliver will be ready to tell us about his condition soon.”

  “Are you coming?” I asked when I noticed he didn’t follow

  “No,” he answered. “I’m pretty sure my presence would just set Mathias off, and I’m quite attached to my head.”

  I went back over and gave him a tight hug which he returned. He kissed me on the forehead before pulling away.

  “Willa?” Riah said

  “Yes? What?” I asked

  “I love you.”

  My mouth dropped opened. I realized that there were words I was supposed to say, but I couldn’t. Riah had thrown me for a loop.

  He threw me even more so when he started chuckling with laughter.

  “Not like that,” he said. “You’re the first woman I’ve ever been friends with, even when I was human women were nothing more than a toy for me to fool around with when I was younger. I used them and then I moved on without a backwards glance. Serena and I were friends but not like you and me. I feel like I can tell you anything. The good, the bad, and you never judge me. Sure I like to flirt, but honestly? I can’t even imagine us like that, well not now.”

  I laughed. “Oh, thank God. You really freaked me out there for a second.”

  “Sorry,” he grinned. “The look on your face was priceless though.”

  “I love you too Riah.” I said. “I knew from the first day we met that you and I were going to be great friends.”

  “You do realize that no matter what I will always be there for you?” he asked seriously. “If you ever need to talk about anything I will always listen. Whatever the situation may be, whether it’s right or wrong, I will always be on your side.”

  I should have known that I wouldn’t be able to keep my feelings for Mathias from my closest friends. Obviously it had been written on my face the second he walked in the bar. I suppose I was not only protecting him but myself as well. To talk about him and admit what I was feeling scared me to death.

  “Thank you.” I replied. “Same here Rico Suave.”

  Riah started to smile, but it fell off his face in an instant. I looked around and saw why. Mathias must have come around the back and was now standing a few yards away.

  “Willa, Oliver is going to address the family in a few minutes.” Mathias said

  I searched his face in the darkness but found no trace of anger or jealously. I wasn’t sure what he had heard but for some reason I think he must have been standing there a while.

  “Riah, please forgive me. My outburst, this evening, was uncalled for, and you did not deserve that. You have obviously been taking good care of Willa since I’ve been away. I hope we can move past what occurred earlier.”

  Holy crap, was the great and mighty, never wrong, Mathias actually apologizing? I thought

  “No problem Matt. I would’ve done the same thing.” Riah said

  “That does not mean you can call me Matt.” Mathias replied

  Riah grinned. “I assume you’ll be staying with the family here for the time being?” he asked me

  “Yeah, I want to stick around for a bit. When I go home, I’ll probably just teleport.” I answered

  “I’ll talk to you in the morning?” he asked

  “I’ll call you.” I replied before he took off into the night sky

  I was acutely aware that this was the first time in months that Mathias and I were alone together. I wanted to throw my arms around him, but I knew that was not even a remote possibility. I wanted to shout at him. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs that I missed him so much. I also wanted to hear those words from his mouth.

  Words, I realized when he left, that I would never hear from his lips.

  “Willa…” he started to say

  “No.” I interrupted him. “Please, no. Not now. I can’t. I can’t do this. I just want to walk in there and be with my family and not drag any of our drama into it. Not tonight.”

  He stared at me and for a second his stern mask dropped. I thought I saw a glimpse of something in his eyes that made my heart flutter, but as quickly as it flashed, it was replaced with blankness.

  “Shall we?” he asked, gesturing to the front door of the hospital.

  “I don’t know, shall we?” I retorted before I turned on my heel and walked away from him.

  Chapter Five

  When I walked into the hospital waiting area everyone looked up as Mathias, and I entered the room. I plastered a nonchalant expression on my face and hoped like hell no one suspected anything out of the ordinary. Luckily Oliver came down the hallway and stopped in front of his mother.

  “The good news is he’s stable for the moment.” Oliver reassured Winifred. “Dad’s been unconscious most of the time. He did wake at one point. Not only did he recognize me, he also seemed to be aware of where he was.”

  “What’s the bad news?” Cecily asked

  “The bad news is he has been half starved, dehydrated, suffered trauma and blood loss for many years. Until we get back the results from his blood work I won’t have a complete understanding of exactly how much damage has occurred and if it can be healed,” he answered solemnly

  “Well, can’t you just fix him?” I asked. “Those things are all pretty easily remedied with your magic woohoo doctor stuff aren’t they?”

  “There is a lot I can do Willa but fixing damaged organs is beyond my skill or anyone’s for that matter.”

  “What about Fairy Nectar?” Cormac asked suddenly

  “There’s always a danger when anyone but the Fae drank it. A little may help, but I can’t risk giving him too much.”

  “What do we do now?” Winifred asked softly

  “I would like you and Rhoswen to come and examine him with me,” he said

  “I want to help as wel
l Oliver.” Cecily offered

  “That would be great. I need all the help I can right now. Gussie can you assist us?” Oliver asked

  “Absolutely,” Gussie said

  “What can we do?” Julia asked

  “The best thing is for you, Jeremiah, and Willa to go home and get some rest. I’m sure by tomorrow afternoon we’ll need a break.”

  “And the boy, Gabriel?” asked Robert

  “Gabriel is downstairs getting his nourishment. Joann is also trying to get him acclimated to the new environment.”

  “I need to see Archie right now.” Winifred announced

  “Wait.” I said loudly. Something occurred to me. Something I wasn’t sure was going to be received very well.

  “Wait? Why would I wait?” Winifred

  Everyone looked at me strangely. I didn’t want to upset my grandmother, but I couldn’t let her go in there without asking.

  Willa, what is it? Mathias asked in my mind

  For a second, I was shocked and somewhat overcome with joy. This was the first time he had reached out to me through our bond.

  Are you certain that it’s Archie? The Rau already fooled everyone once before. Who’s to say they haven’t spent all this time concocting this whole plan?

  Robert and I both sampled his blood. We are positive it’s him.

  So you already thought of that?

  Of course

  I turned away from Mathias but not before I caught Robert and Katya looking at us intrigued.

  “I’m sorry,” I said. “I just had a crazy thought but it’s nothing. Go ahead grandmother.”

  Winifred came over to me and took my hand. “I will know in half a second if it’s him.”

  I was so glad she realized what I was thinking and wasn’t mad at me. I wanted for her sake to believe that this was real, but I also needed her to be safe.

  Winifred, Cecily, Gussie, Rhoswen and Oliver all headed into the back leaving the rest of us standing around the room.

  I turned to Jeremiah and Julia. “So what do you say to a cousin sleepover at my house? Jeremiah can have the recliner like he has for the past week, and you and I take the couches?”


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