The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 56

by Shannon Barczak

  When he plunged his fangs into my neck, I yelled out as another orgasm came over me. I knew Mathias was close when he stopped drinking from me, and I heard him growl sexily. When he reached his release, I made small bites around his neck until finally kissing him on his mouth.

  “Now that is a proper wake up call.” I said

  We teleported back to my house and changed clothes. I threw on my usual staple of jeans and a long sleeve shirt while Mathias dressed in more formal attire. I headed upstairs while he cleaned up the destruction from the other night. I had no idea what I was going to tell Riah about the door that had been ripped apart but assumed he probably didn’t even want to get into that conversation.

  I was finishing up my tea when Mathias came upstairs. I poured him a cup without even realizing what I had done. When I sat back down next to him, he smiled at the look that had come over my face.

  “Did you just figure out how all normal and domesticated this is?” he asked

  We finished up without talking. I was too wrapped up in my thoughts and memories of the last forty hours. It had been perfect and now that we were back to reality I found myself slipping into a slight depression. I wished with everything inside of me that one day this would be our daily routine. I know some people might not think that sitting drinking a cup of tea in the morning with your partner was exciting but I would trade all the tea in china for this to be my life.

  “Riah should be here soon.” I murmured absently as I glanced at the clock

  “Riah is meeting us at the bakery.” Mathias said getting up from his stool

  “The bakery?” I asked

  “I have one last surprise for you.” he announced. I had no idea what it could be, but anyway to prologue this side of Mathias was a gift. I teleported us to the bakery, and almost stumbled when I saw my parents there.

  “Hi sweetie.” my mom said coming over to give me a hug. “How are you feeling?”

  I was momentarily dumbfounded before I remembered Mathias telling everyone I had a stomach virus.

  “I’m good.” I said. “In fact I’ve never felt better.”

  “You look incredible.” Cecily remarked, giving me a once over. “You’re practically glowing.”

  My father snorted, and I could tell from his expression he knew exactly what Mathias and I had been doing. I flushed from embarrassment. The thought of my father knowing made me want to crawl up and die in a corner somewhere.

  “So what’s going on here?” I asked, looking at all three of them

  “Your ovens were delivered.” my dad said, almost stiffly

  “WHAT?” I yelled and went into the kitchen. Sure enough, all my equipment was now in place. I did a little happy dance as I opened the three, large standing ovens.

  “They’re beautiful.” I sighed. “I thought they weren’t coming in for several more weeks?”

  “Mathias pulled a few strings.” my mother answered happily. I looked up at Mathias, and when I saw his stern mask was back on his face I nodded before I turned away. What I wanted to do was drag him to the floor and show him my appreciation. Instead, I said thank you and went back to examine my new babies.

  I heard the door open and looked up to see Riah and Julia walked inside the shop. I watched the two of them and grinned. Riah had his usual devil may care smile but lurking underneath was something else, a shyness that I had never witnessed from him before. Julia was cheerful as ever, but she also seemed to be nervous.

  I was so going to do a little interrogating later when I got her alone.

  Mathias gave Riah a look and left without a backwards glance. I was a little stung from his abrupt departure until I heard him in my head.

  Enjoy your ovens

  I promise to make you something sweet and delicious. I answered

  Nothing you could bake in those ovens could ever compare to you

  I smiled wide as a warm feeling came over me. When Julia took my arm, I looked at her in surprise. “What is it?”

  “We need to talk.” she mouthed. I nodded and took her hand. “I need something up in the storeroom. We’ll be right back.”

  We landed up in the almost empty room, and I whispered. “All right, spill it Blondie.”

  Julia wet her lips before whispering back. “After the ball Riah kissed me.”

  “Oh.” I answered. I was expecting something a little juicier but then I remembered this was Julia my twenty-five year old virgin cousin. “Did he slip you the tongue?”

  “Willa.” she cried before lowering her voice. “That’s not all.”

  “Oh, do tell.”

  “Last night we stayed up late and talked.” she said. “Then we fell asleep. Together.”

  “Ahh,” I said understanding. It seemed like the signs of being true mates were finally coming together for Riah and Julia.

  “Something else occurred this morning as well.” she announced, almost horrified

  “Did he try to kill you when he woke up?” I asked thinking of Mathias and our first fateful morning in a hotel room in St. Louis.

  “No.” she answered perplexed

  “Did you wake up to see him pitching a tent?”

  “What?” she asked confused. “We were in my bedroom not outside.”

  I laughed and rubbed my eyes. I wished Polly was here for this conversation.

  “When we woke up, we started kissing some more. I don’t know what compelled me to do what I did, but I offered him my neck and made him drink my blood.” she said. “Are you ashamed of me?”

  “Why would I be ashamed of you?” I asked confused

  “Because it’s forbidden.” she answered

  “Julia, I’m not even going to tell you how many times Mathias has bit me.” I said. After a second I added, “Or where he has bit me for that matter.”

  “Oh.” she said. “So it’s natural then know?”

  “Know what?”

  “Orgasm.” she whispered

  “Oh, little cousin just had her first orgasm.” I said in delight. “This is so sweet.”

  “Willa, it’s not like I have never pleasured myself before this morning.” Julia said primly

  “O.M.G,” I said. “‘Let me go wild, like I blister in the sun, let me go wild, big hands I know you’re the one’.” I sang

  “What are singing now?” Julia asked me wide eyed

  “Blister in the Sun by the Violent Femmes.” I answered. “It’s about masturbation. At least, I think it is. Hold on.”

  I pulled out my cell phone and called Polly. “Hey Pol, Blister in the Sun? That’s about masturbation, right?”

  “Oh, totally,” she answered

  “Cool, thanks call you later.” I said as I hung up the phone

  “Willa, this is serious.” Julia wailed before walking over to the small window facing the street

  I gave her a hug and then proceeded to explain to her about the ins and outs of being true mates.

  “So Riah can only sleep or feed on me now?” she asked. “If he doesn’t he’ll be sleep deprived and starved?”

  “Yup,” I answered

  “So that means…” she started to say hesitantly

  “That means you’ve got to take care of your man.” I finished. “It’s give and take though. He also needs to see to your needs.”

  “Which are?” she asked her eyes widening

  “Multiple orgasms.”

  Julia continued to prattle on for a few more minutes while I stared out the window in amusement. My smile died though when I spotted Machall, the Fire Lord teleport into the square. He glanced around before spotting someone across the street. I crammed my neck to see who he was so intent on talking too.

  When I saw him reach Sabine and start talking to her I was surprised. Most of the Fae that I had observed didn’t seem to pay any attention to the Guardians. When he reached out and grabbed her, I froze in shock, especially when she didn’t seem to mind.

  Suddenly they were gone, and I teleported down to the square without an
y thought. I knew I had to follow them. I sniffed the air and noticed a strange smell. It was the same familiar smell I always caught a whiff of when Sabine was around. I was just about to follow her scent and his magic when Riah took my arm.

  “What are you doing?” he asked furiously. “You know you’re not supposed to teleport alone.”

  “Sorry.” I said. “No time to explain. Hold on and be quiet.”

  I followed the scent of magic and soon we landed outside a door. I looked at Riah and whispered. “Do you know where we are?”

  “In one of the apartment complexes.” he replied softly. “I believe this is where Sabine has been staying.”

  I raised my hand and when the viciousness of the black magic that poured off the door; I pulled back stunned. I knew though I had to see and hear what was going on behind this door. I summoned the elements and muttered a chant:

  Earth, Air, Wind, and Fire I call upon thee

  Break down this wall of magic that has been cast with deceit

  Help me hear and help me see

  As I will so mote it be

  The struggle between my magic and the one guarding the door was so powerful I could feel the electric currents that fought with each other crackling in the air. I chanted my spell again and pushed back with everything I had. Small cracks began to appear through the invisible struggle, and I breathed a sigh of relief when my magic finally won.

  Riah and both had sucked in air as the scene before us appeared. Sabine and Machall were locked in a passionate embrace. I almost turned away when they started tearing each other’s clothes off but then Machall started talking.

  “Is everything set?” he asked

  “Set and ready to go.” Sabine answered. She turned slightly, and when witch fire appeared in one of her hands I almost gasped out loud. One by one, she lit several candles that were spread around the room before finally Machall pulled her to the floor.

  I slowly backed away and closed my spell. Riah guided me down the hallway to the stairs. I had walked down slowly before finally I sat down on the steps. There were so many thoughts racing through my head that I needed a moment to compose myself.

  “Did you see what she did?” Riah asked bewildered

  I nodded before suddenly it hit me. I grabbed Riah’s hands and teleported us quickly to the Guardian offices. Milton almost jumped out of his skin when we landed right in front of him.

  “Willa.” he said in shock. “I told you don’t do that. I’m a vampire, but I still can get startled.”

  “Milton, is there any record of a Fae witch that was turned Rau?” I asked with urgency

  “Uh, I don’t know…we can look but I have never heard of …” Milton answered. I could tell by his stuttering I had thrown him for a loop.

  “Willa.” Mathias said as he and Robert suddenly appeared. “What’s going on?”

  “Willa teleported when she saw Sabine and the Fire Lord leave the town square quickly.” Riah answered. “We followed them and after performing an intense spell, we spied on them hooking up.”

  “Sabine and Lord Machall were intimate?” Mathias asked

  “That’s not the point, well it is, but before we even saw that I had to break through an amazingly intricate spell that surrounded her apartment. Then I saw her Mathias. I saw her summon witch fire and light candles.”

  “Sabine’s a witch?” Robert asked

  “That’s not all.” I said as my eyes darted around the room. I was trying to calm down and stay focused. “I finally figured it out. “

  “What?” Mathias asked

  “Remember that night when we went to rescue Aunt Gussie and Julia?” I asked. I didn’t even bother waiting for a reply. “When we tried to open a portal at the Rau compound it was like slamming into a brick wall. I could taste and smell the magic. You once told me that magic leaves a scent, right? Well, ever since Sabine’s been here I thought she smelled familiar. I put it out of my head though, after all, I had never met her before. When I saw her call upon her witch fire, it hit me like a ton of bricks.”

  “Sabine’s the witch.” I announced after a few moments of stunned silence

  “Are you sure?” Mathias asked intently

  “I’m ninety-nine point nine percent positive.”

  “I’m good with that percentage.” Robert said

  “Willa.” Milton said. “I think you’re right.”

  We all swung our heads to where Milton was sitting in front of his computer. Mathias and I looked over his shoulder at the screen. All I saw was indecipherable gibberish.

  “Is that Fairlian?” I asked

  “I’m in the mainframe of Fairlia.” he explained. “There was a witch, about four hundred years ago that was reported to have been turned Rau. Funny though, it doesn’t mention any connection to Machall but to Lord Fonn.”

  “Alvie’s husband?” I asked

  “If Sabine is indeed this witch, then her real name is Sabriana. She is from the Air realm and was registered as a healer when she was born. According to this though, her status was stripped when she was found performing unlawful magic. It doesn’t go into her crime but for a healer to be reprimanded at all is very unusual.”

  “How does Lord Fonn play into this?” Riah asked

  “It is mentioned in her file that she was his mistress.” he answered

  “Well, she has obviously has a thing for Fae Lords.” Robert murmured

  “Machall asked her if everything was set.” Riah said quickly. “She said that it was.”

  That pushed Mathias and Robert into action. Robert sprinted off, and Mathias started shouting instructions.

  “Milton, activate the alarm. Even if this is nothing we need to get everyone on the island into their safe rooms. Christopher, see if you can detain Sabine.”

  “What do you want me to do?” I asked

  “I want you to go inside, find your grandmother and the rest of your family. There is a secure place beneath the castle for the royal family. You need to go there and stay until I come and get you.”

  “Riah, go help Robert round up the royal family.” he ordered

  “No.” I said. “I will be more of a help here than locked away in some basement dungeon…oh my gosh, Polly and the dogs, Mathias…”

  “Milton can you go and retrieve Ms. Woods, as well, as Cupcake and Oscar?”

  “Right away sir.” he replied. Milton quickly tore out of the command center leaving Mathias and me alone as all hell broke loose.

  We both turned when we heard the shouts coming from the Guardians who were watching the security screens that were set up around the island. Mathias rushed over, but I was distracted by the sight of my grandfather Kelvin and his group of guards.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Kelvin roared. He caught sight of me and rushed over to where I was standing

  “Willa, you need to get to safety.” he said

  “What’s happening?” I asked

  “Night has fallen magically over the island.” he answered, I teleported out of the room ignoring Mathias’s yell.

  When I was outside, I doubled over as black magic hit my gut. I forced down the bile that was in the back of my throat and looked around. The sky, which had been a bright blue, was now darkening with white and gray clouds.

  I could see patches of black creeping their way through the barriers and knew that the enchantments were breaking down. My senses were so overwhelmed by the elements that I didn’t even register the fact Mathias had joined me. He and I both looked at each in horror. I heard my grandmother cry and ran to her side as she fell to the ground.

  “So much darkness.” she muttered clutching her stomach. “The barriers, Willa, we must make sure they keep for a little while longer. We need to give our people time to get to safety.”

  I nodded and helped her off the ground. Mathias and I had exchanged one more look before Robert ushered my grandmother and me into the castle. I followed him in a complete daze as he went down several corridors before stopping ou
tside the throne room.

  There were Fae everywhere. Most were simply teleporting inside the throne room and through the portal while some scrambled past us in a rush. When I saw, my grandparents come down the hall surrounded by guards my stomach started to churn nervously. Their expressions were one of sadness and resignation.

  Sidra gestured for us to follow her into a small storage room down the hall. When one of the guards shut the door, I began to talk, hesitantly at first but the more I told them, the stronger I became.

  “Why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Sidra asked, shaking her head. “We never would have come here to the Isle. We would’ve tried to ferret out what Lord is trying to destroy the Skye Clan and acted accordingly.”

  “I’m sorry.” I apologized. “We were going to tell you today, but you’re right we should have confided in you sooner. This is my fault, I was the one that wanted to hold back, and now I have put everyone’s lives in jeopardy.”

  “You were worried, weren’t you?” Kelvin asked. “You didn’t trust us enough and thought we would probably tip off whoever is involved.”

  “Yes.” I admitted. I wanted to hang my head in shame. If I had just brought them into the loop, none of this would be happening right now. I still believed eventually this war would come to fruition, but we might have delayed it long enough to gather more information.

  “Willa.” Sidra said as she grabbed my hands. “I will always be here for you. You are my granddaughter. I know that we may not be as close as you have become with Winifred but believe me when I say that I would do anything for you.”

  “As would I,” Kelvin added

  “We must leave your Majesty,” one of the guards said

  Sidra pulled me into a hug and whispered in my ear softly. “You must believe in yourself. When you do, you will have the power to do anything you heart desires. You’re more powerful than any being on earth. Remember that.”


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