The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 65

by Shannon Barczak

  “I would love to know how you were able to portal into my bathroom.” Mathias said. “Especially since the enchantments on my island are impenetrable.”

  “You forgot Mathias that you share a portion of my soul.” Patcoena said, his eyes twinkling

  “That’s a little science fiction theater weird.” I remarked

  “Do you mind if I see some of your work before we leave?” Patcoena asked. “I must say I do miss the feeling of my brush sliding over a canvas and the smell of paint.”

  “What do you mean?” I asked confused. “You don’t paint anymore?”

  Patcoena fell silent, and Summer clasped his hand before answering. “When Mathias was being turned, Patty had to give him his light. So he chose the one thing that gave him the most joy to sacrifice.”

  “Not the most joy, which would be you darling, just my greatest gift.” Patcoena added. “A spell of that magnitude requires great sacrifice and frankly, Mathias’s soul was more important than my work.”

  I was stunned by this admission, for Patcoena to give up his artistic talent for Mathias was beyond anything that I could imagine. I knew from personal experience that one’s own creativity is worth more than any gold in the world. It was at that moment that I realized I could trust Patcoena with my life.

  “I don’t know what to say.” Mathias replied. “Thank you.”

  “That’s all you need to say my boy.” Patcoena said. Mathias led Patcoena and Summer into his studio. For several minutes, she and I watched them talk about each and every painting. Patcoena peppered Mathias with questions, to which Mathias answered patiently and animatedly.

  “What are you working on now?” he asked pointing to the easel that was covered in cloth

  “No.” I yelled. I was not comfortable with anyone seeing me in all my glory. Anyone, that is, but Mathias.

  “Ah.” Patcoena said smiling. “We have a few of those kicking around. Don’t we, my love?”

  Summer smiled almost shyly. “A few here and there.” she answered

  “Ancient naked selfies,” I remarked dryly

  “Are you ready?” Patcoena asked me. My hands started to sweat a little. I wanted to shout ‘No.' I wasn’t ready, but I knew that I had no choice. There were a lot of people that needed me to be brave and strong. I had so many doubts, but I also had many reasons to go through with this.

  Starting with the man who had walked over to stand in front of me.

  I suddenly wasn’t afraid anymore. When you are teetering on the edge of doing something that could be life or death, little things, like admissions of love don’t seem very frightening.

  “Here’s the thing,” I started to say. “According to Patty boy when I get back you’re going to have to give me some pretty intense sexual therapy so I can rejoin the living. So in my mind, all bets are off. I’m going to be your sex slave anyway so I might as well just throw in the towel now.”

  Mathias was gazing at me so intensely I almost lost my nerve. “I love you.” I said in a rush. “And it’s not because of this whole true mate crap. It’s because I genuinely love you. I think you’re smart and witty. I love you even when you piss me off. I love that you get me when no one else does. I love that you challenge me and make me a better person than I really am, but most of all I love being with you. You make me feel like I’m the most desirable and beautiful woman in the world and no one has ever made me feel that way.”

  I wiped a tear that had escaped from my eye. “All my life I’ve always been the girl that made people laugh. Guys wanted to hang out with me because I wasn’t an annoying girly girl, but I don’t think they ever really thought of me as the girl of their dreams. You look at me, even when I am in old pajamas and have no makeup on, like I’m some kind of Playboy Playmate.”

  “I love it when you laugh. I remember the first time I heard it. We were on the beach the day you left? It was the most beautiful thing I had ever heard in my life. Even though, I had just been knocked on my ass, I was still so proud that I had done that. I made Mathias laugh. It was one of the best moments of my life.”

  I paused for a second and looked away. “I love that you give me things that I didn’t even know I needed. For instance, that damn dumb dog that I love like he was my child or that photo frame with all those pictures of Yuma. I needed that, and you gave it to me. I also love that you didn’t bat an eye last night when I started singing ‘I want to sex you up.' I really should be apologizing for that though. I’m not sure where that came from. I heard it on the satellite radio nineties station and I’ve had it in my head for weeks now…”

  Mathias cupped my face with his hands and leaned in to kiss me. It was, without a doubt, the sweetest kiss he had ever given me. I didn’t even care that Patcoena and Summer were watching us in fascination. The only thing that I cared about was that his lips were on mine. Mathias pulled away and gave me on last kiss on my forehead.

  I held on to his arms. I didn’t want to let him go. I also didn’t want to look into his eyes because I was somewhat embarrassed by my rambling admission of love.

  Mathias sighed. “You just never know when to shut up.”

  I laughed. “Thanks. That’s what every girl wants to hear right about now.”

  “You are my life.” he whispered. “Come back to me.”

  “I promise.” I replied. I wasn’t surprised that he didn’t proclaim his own declaration of love. I wasn’t sure if he was quite ready for that yet, but I was glad I finally said what was in my heart. I didn’t know what was going to happen in a week. I may not be the same person that I was right now. That’s why I wanted to say what I said. I didn’t want to blurt it out when I was drugged out of my mind on power. I needed Mathias to know how I felt before I might be changed into something or someone else.

  “Take care of the dogs and keep an eye on Polly.” I said before adding.

  Mathias rolled his eyes. “I will do my best.”

  I smiled. “I’m ready.”

  I walked over to Patcoena and grabbed his hand. “So where are we going to first?”

  “I thought we should go to the Fire realm first,” he replied. “It’s the least appealing so best to get it over with as quickly as possible.”

  “All right,” I said before taking a deep breath. Since I had no clue as to where I was going, it took me longer than the first time I tried to create a portal out of thin air. Eventually, a barren desert that was covered in gray and black ashes began to form in front of me. I stole one more look at Mathias. He was staring at me with his hooded eyes. I saw a faint smile on his face, and I returned it with my own.

  I steeled myself for what was to come. I hoped and prayed that I would be back. I knew that this wasn’t going to be easy. I knew that I might not return, and if I did, I might not be who I was. I also realized something in the last seven months. I had a lot to live for and many people that I would fight to my last breath just so that they could survive.

  I pulled Patcoena through the portal, and we landed on the dark sand. I turned around and could see the thin veil between our worlds slipping away. I tried to memorize Mathias’s face before he disappeared.

  The last thing I saw was his mouthing ‘I love you.’


  Dear Granny Winnie,

  I know right now you are pretty ticked off but let me assure you that I had a very good reason for breaking Mathias out of jail and leaving. I didn’t tell you, but I think I know what the last line of Patcoena’s diary means and we’re off to go find him.

  I promise you that we will be back and hopefully we will have answers.

  I want you to know something, in case I don’t make it back. Growing up I always had this warm and fuzzy picture of a grandmother in mind. You are nothing like the image I used to comfort myself with. You are so much more than I could have ever asked for. I know that we got off to a rocky start, but I think it’s because (gasp) we are so much alike.

  Thank you for teaching me, not only about magic, but about uncondi
tional love and trust. Only a kickass grandmother would have followed me out into that street to face down Sabine and the Rau. I didn’t have to ask; you just did it because you believed in me.

  I love you.


  Dear Mom and Dad,

  First off, I just want to say, please calm down. I’m fine. I broke Mathias out because I needed to have him with me when I open a portal to Yuma. I’m not sure if you remember Mr.Sumners, but I think he’s Patcoena. I’m going there to find out, and I’ll be back as soon as I can.

  I know you don’t want to read this but if for some reason I don’t come back I want you to know how much I love you. You both are truly the best parents in the world. I think I was upset when we came here because I felt so out of the loop. I know that I have pushed you both away, but it’s only so that I could find MY way in this world.

  I want to thank you for bringing me here. I’m still not sure what I am, but I do know now who I am. I’m Willa Cecelia, daughter of the Princess Cecily of the Clan of Skye and the Fae Prince Cormack of Fairlia. I’m proud to be your daughter but mostly I’m just proud that you’re my parents.

  Thank you for letting me find myself and thank you, most importantly, for giving me a family that I have come to love dearly.



  Dear Polly,

  Hey girl! I know, I know, you’re pissed because you have to continue watching the dogs and being my pet sitting bitch. I’m going to be back before you know it, I promise. I realize this whole visit for you has been a bit of a letdown, but I’ve had a lot of shit to deal with and unfortunately I think there is more headed our way.

  I’m not going to get all mushy on you, but I just want to tell you that when I’m with you, I feel normal. Well, as normal as I can be. You are without a doubt the best friend I have ever had. I‘ve never believed in fate. I hate the idea that I’m not in control of my life but since I came here to the Isle, I have had it slap me in the face more times than I can count.

  I think you were always meant to be in my life, and I will always be grateful that you walked into my bakery that day. Although, I think you were wearing that nasty black t-shirt, with the Rolling Stones tongue on it?

  Anyway, I just want to say, I love you girl. You are the wind beneath my wings.

  Feel free to make those fake vomiting gestures.



  I love music. Here are a few songs that inspired me while writing ‘Isle of Night’. Listen and support these amazing artists!

  Isle of Night Playlist:

  “Awake my Soul”- Mumford& Sons

  “Only if for the night”- Florence + the machines

  “In my veins”- Andrew Belle

  “Be Still”- The Fray

  “Turn to stone”- Ingrid Michaelson

  “Holding and Letting go”- Ross Copperman

  “Demons”- Imagine Dragons

  “Glory and Gore”- Lorde

  “Do I wanna know”-Artic Monkeys

  “Afraid”-The neighborhood

  “Addicted”- Kelly Clarkson

  “Beautiful is gone”-The Ruse

  “Blister in the sun”- Violent Femmes

  “Closer”- Kings of Leon

  “It goes like this”- Thomas Rhett

  “The kill”- Thirty seconds to Mars

  “Let’s go”- Calvin Harris

  “Lovers Carvings”- Bibio

  “Set free”- Katie Gray

  “Someone to watch over me”- Renee Olsted

  Isle of Dawn

  Book Three of the Skye Trilogy

  By Shannon Barczak

  All Rights Reserved

  Copyright@ 2014 Shannon Barczak

  No part of this book may be reproduced,

  distributed or transmitted in any form or

  by any means or stored into a database retrieval

  system without the prior written permission of the author.

  You must not circulate this book in any format.

  Thank you for respecting the rights of the author.

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status

  and trademark owner of various products referenced

  in this work of fiction, which has been used

  without permission. The publication use of trademarks

  is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the

  trademark owners. This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance

  of characters to actual persons, living or dead, is purely


  Cover Design by Shannon Barczak


  I want to thank all my family and friends

  who have given me a tremendous amount of support

  during this process.

  You know who you are!

  I want to give a quick shout out to a few important people

  To my Aunt April, I love you so much, you’re more than

  an aunt to me. Thank you for always listening.

  To my Aunts’ Joanne, Jane, Kathy, Debbie and Mary

  I love you ladies and thankful you are in my life!


  This book is dedicated to two very special people.

  Dick and Karen T. you have been like another set of

  parents to me and I love you both very much.

  Thank you for being you!

  Part One

  Extinguish thou my eyes: I can still see thee,

  Deprive my ears of sound: I can still hear thee,

  and without feet I still can come to thee,

  and without voice I still can call to thee.

  Sever my arms from me, I still will hold thee

  with all my heart as with a single hand,

  arrest my heart, my brain will keep on beating,

  and should thy fire at last my brain consume,

  the flowing of my blood will carry thee.

  ~ Extinguish Thou My Eyes by Rainer Maria Rilke



  The darkness still enveloped the Isle of Skye. I knew that it was late in the afternoon, but I welcomed the perpetual blanket of night. I sat on the deck of Willa’s house, where I had been for the last five days. I was waiting. I had promised not to come after her, but that promise only extended for a certain amount of time.

  If she wasn’t back by tomorrow, I was going to Fairlia. If I had to walk through the bowels of hell to get there, I would. I had to bring her back. I needed her. I couldn’t eat or sleep without her. It wasn’t just the fact that we were true mates. It was the fact that without her my life had no real purpose. She was the very reason for my existence.

  I was fully aware of how dramatic that sounded. A year ago I would have scoffed at anyone who would dare utter those words in my presence. It was ridiculous to rely on someone for your own happiness or survival. I never truly understood until I saw her clear blue-green eyes staring back at me in her parent’s living room in Yuma, Arizona.

  She not only captured my attention, but she captured my soul in that one look.

  I had not wanted her to travel to Fairlia and go beyond the different realms without me. Ever since she stepped through the portal with Patcoena, a sense of wrongness had almost overwhelmed me. I knew that she could handle herself. I had seen her fight, not only with her words, but with her power, and she was remarkable. That still didn’t lessen my worry or my fears. I had been born to protect her. Patcoena and his wife Summer could call me her watcher all they wanted, but I was her Guardian.

  After arriving back on the Isle, I had thought that I would be thrown back in my cell. My secret was out in the open. I was neither a Guardian of Solas nor was I the Rau. According to Patcoena, I was a true hybrid of Rau, Guardian of Solas, Gypsy and Fae. The only thing I wanted was to be Mathias, head of security and Willa’s mate.

  Winifred, the Queen of the Gypsies, had taken one look at me and demanded I get back
to work. I had smiled slightly before I explained who Summer was and then I took off to Willa’s house to wait. Our two dogs Cupcake and Oscar hadn’t left my side. The three of us were waiting for our mistress to come home safely.

  I stood up when I thought I saw a flash of light. I shook my head and went to sit down but then I realized that the light wasn’t in the sky. The light was coming from me. A small spot of light had appeared not before my eyes but in the pit of my stomach. That’s when I felt it, her presence was surrounding me.

  Willa was back on the Isle of Skye.

  I shot off into the air and flew as fast as I could to the castle. Her very being was calling to me. It wasn’t until I landed outside the front doors that I became aware, not of her presence, but of her pain. I quickly raced up the stairs and climbed to the family living room. When I opened the door, I breathed a sigh of relief to see Patcoena.

  It didn’t register at first that he was standing with Sidra, Queen of the Fae, Summer, Winifred, Cecily and Cormac. They were standing there looking concerned, but it was what exactly they were huddled around that caught my attention.

  Willa was on the floor. She was moaning and writhing in pain. I was so shocked I couldn’t speak. I didn’t know where even to begin. I tried to focus on the conversation around me, but it was almost impossible.

  “What happened?” I growled. Everyone turned to look at me, but no one answered my question. I fixated my steely gaze on Patcoena and willed him to speak.

  “As I was saying,” he started. “The good news is that Willa is alive. She absorbed the King’s power and didn’t die. The bad news is that her power was greater than we ever imagined. I’m afraid the combination has engulfed Willa.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Cecily asked, looking frightened

  “It means the power has overtaken not only her body but her mind as well,” he answered sadly


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