The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 68

by Shannon Barczak

  She was quite simply the most magnificent creature in the world, and I would never be able to resist her. I knew it pissed her off, but I still could not squash my protective instincts towards her. The thought of anything happening to her made me want to kill everything in my path. I knew that she believed that there was no reason for me to protect her. She had proven time and time again that she could handle herself in any situation but what she didn’t realize yet was that our beings were tied to one another on every level.

  Her survival meant my survival. If she were to perish, my soul would wither and die as would hers, if I were to leave this earth unwillingly. I could care less about my life, but her essence was far more precious. When I left the island for those four months, it had been pure hell. I didn’t eat or sleep for months. I was worried about what our time apart could do to her now that we had truly mated in every sense of the word.

  Patcoena had said that Willa could be overwhelmed when she tried to take in the king’s power of the elements into her body. I didn’t want to tell her that being away from me may only compound that feeling. I knew she had enough to worry about, but I was now kicking myself.

  I was also apprehensive because I could feel her power. I knew when it was building up inside of her, and I could also feel her joy when she released its force. If the king’s powers engulfed her mind and body then I would suffer too. I knew she would need me if that happened, and I had to find a way to coexist with her while she went through this experience. Even if she was able to come through this with flying colors I knew that we were in for a roller coaster ride.

  Of course, life with Willa was always like a carnival ride so maybe it wouldn’t be a big deal. After all, our lives and our relationship were far from normal and stable; a little more craziness was pretty much on par with our day to day life.

  I spied the castle in the distance and stiffened. I had no idea what would happen when we landed. Winifred might throw me back in jail.

  “Summer, be prepared,” I said. “I’m not certain what may transpire when we land on the island.”

  “I’m not worried,” she yelled back

  I dropped down as gently as I could. Summer slivered off my back and gave me a smile. I heard the footsteps and shouts the second my feet touched the ground. I fixed an impassive look on my face as I faced my colleagues. Robert, my friend and former head of the Guardians made his way over to me slowly. I tried not to smile in greeting. I knew he wanted no part of arresting me again.

  “Mathias,” he said formally

  “Robert,” I answered. “May I introduce you to Summer…?”

  “Mrs. Sumners?” Cecily shouted in greeting, I looked over Robert’s shoulder and saw Cecily with Winifred coming towards us.

  “Mathias,” Cecily said almost coldly. I almost smiled. I knew she had to be slightly pissed and probably a little disappointed in me. Willa had told her about us, and I’m sure she wasn’t pleased Willa was with a vampire. I nodded but refrained from saying anything to her. Now was not the time to have a discussion about her daughter’s relationship with me.

  “There is a lot to talk about Mathias,” Winifred said. “Can you please bring your guest with you to my office?”

  “Yes, your Majesty,” I replied before turning to Robert. We wordlessly exchanged a quick look. I shook my head in answer. I knew that he wanted to know why Willa wasn’t with me, and I needed him to be in the loop about all of this. I gestured for him to join us, and we all proceeded to follow the Queen into the castle and up to her office.

  “Where’s Willa?” Winifred asked once we were all settle inside. “I’m assuming you found Patcoena and this is his wife Summer?”

  “Yes, this is Summer,” I answered. “Willa is with Patcoena.”

  “What?” Cecily asked as Cormac burst into the office. “Where did they go?”

  “Where’s my daughter?” Cormac demanded

  “Cormac, please sit down,” Winifred said. “We’re just getting to that.”

  “If I may explain, your Majesty?” Summer had said before she launched into the whole story of who she and Patcoena were. I listened with one ear. I walked over to the side window and stared out at the darkness that still enveloped the island from Sabine’s sinister spell. My mind was calculating the time that had gone by since Willa left. Forty- three minutes, I thought, two thousand five hundred and eighty seconds.

  “Willa has gone with Pat to seek out the…” Summer started to say

  “No,” I said. “That’s enough. Willa has gone with Patcoena to find out more information on the Fae Sanctities. She’ll be back in four or five days.”

  Summer grew quiet as she looked at me. I knew that she wanted to tell everyone about Willa being the Fae Sanctity, but I was hesitant. We had to keep this a secret for Willa’s protection. I trusted her family, but I wasn’t ready for them to know the details. I also knew that Willa wouldn’t want them to worry about her.

  “Why didn’t you go with her?” Cormac asked in a low voice

  I let out a snort. “She gave me no choice Cormac.”

  “She shouldn’t have a choice,” Cormac said. “You are her Guardian and her…”

  “Be careful Cormac,” I warned. I knew that Winifred was perfectly aware that there was something going on with Willa and me but until Willa told her I wanted to keep her in the dark. That was something she should hear from Willa not me.

  “You are sworn to protect her,” Cormac said

  “I’m afraid if Mathias went with Willa than he would’ve died,” Summer explained. “I had a vision of what would’ve happened and I showed this to Willa. She was adamant that he was to stay here and not come after her.”

  “I don’t care,” Cormac yelled. “It’s his job to keep her safe…”

  “She gave me no choice,” I shouted. I pushed myself away from the window and stared down at Cormac. I was angry enough about not being with her. I didn’t need anyone to question Willa’s decisions.

  Everyone grew quiet, and I had to hand it to Cormac, he didn’t shrink away in fear from me. I knew how much he loved his daughter, and I respected that, but I was already pissed off enough at myself. I didn’t need him second guessing me.

  All of a sudden Riah burst through the door. “Jeremiah’s gone,” he said

  “What?” Robert and I both said at the same time

  “Where could he have gone?” I asked concerned, for Jeremiah to be missing was the last thing I needed right now. I knew how close Willa and Jeremiah had become in the last few months. If anything happened to him, she was liable to go postal.

  “Mathias,” Riah said. “Do you know where Willa is?”

  “Yes,” I answered. “But what does that have to do with anything? She’s fine. Where’s Jeremiah?”

  “Apparently he’s with Willa,” Riah answered

  “No he’s not,” I said confused

  “Veronica just came to see me,” Riah said. “An hour ago Lord Machall opened a portal and came to see Jeremiah. He told him that the great Patcoena had said that he and Jeremiah were to be guides to help Willa on her quest. He requested that Machall fetch him and meet them somewhere in Fairlia.”

  I stalked over to where Summer sat and placed my arms on her chair essentially blocking her in. “What the hell is going on?”

  “I had a vision last night,” she said. “Pat and I both thought that Willa’s history with Machall may cloud her judgment if he was to tell her that Lord Machall would be coming along with them.”

  “Lord Machall is the very reason this island is in darkness,” I said dangerously. “Lord Machall was there when that bitch tore down the protective barriers and let the Rau in to kill thousands of people.”

  “No,” Summer said. “It’s all a big misunderstanding. Machall is on our side. In fact, Willa is going to become very close with him…”

  “What?” I roared and pushed myself away from Summer. Robert came over and stood in front of me. I was going to lose it right here and now. Images s
tarted to erupt in my mind of Willa and Machall. A red haze began to cover my eyesight.

  “Calm down Mathias,” Robert said. “Let her explain.”

  “I don’t mean intimately,” Summer said. “Machall and Willa will become friends. He is going to be a huge help to her and Jeremiah.”

  “Why is Jeremiah with them?” Riah asked

  “Because of his talents,” Winifred said. “Isn’t that right? Jeremiah can sense magic from far away. He can pick up even the slightest charge in the air.”

  “Yes,” Summer said, nodding her head. “Machall’s not who you think he is. Trust me.”

  “You and Patty boy are both skating on thin ice with me,” I said. “You got that?”

  “Cecily, why don’t you take Summer to a guest room so she can freshen up?” Winifred asked

  “I’m not playing hostess with the mostess Mother,” Cecily fumed. “I want to speak to Mathias in private right now.”

  “Fine,” Winifred said. “Robert can you please go find Gussie and Cuddy. I think they need to know their son is in another realm unlawfully.”

  “Mathias?” Cecily asked before turning and walking out of the room. I sighed inwardly and followed her. I had no desire to go head to head with her right now. There were a million other things I needed to think about and discuss with Robert and Winifred.

  We walked into an empty formal living room, and Cormac shut the door. Cecily turned to him and held up her hand. “You can be in here Cormac but you better be quiet. It’s my turn to talk.”

  Cormac held up his hands in surrender and stayed in position by the door. I braced myself as Cecily turned to me. Oh fuck, I thought, I did not want to do this right now.

  “I know what it is going on with you and Willa, Mathias,” she said.” I want to know what your intentions are towards my daughter.”

  “Cecily, barely an hour has passed since I sent Willa off into parts unknown,” I replied. “I also just found out Machall is with her. I do not have the time or the inclination right now to discuss the future beyond the next few days.”

  “Well, you better start,” she fumed. “I will not have you fooling around with Willa. She is a good woman. She is not some girl you can just play around with and not make a commitment too.”

  “You’re lecturing me on the importance of marriage?” I smiled in disbelief

  “This isn’t about me and Cormac, Mathias.” Cecily yelled. “This is about you and Willa.”

  “She doesn’t know does she?” I asked. “She doesn’t know that you and Cormac haven’t gotten around to being legally married?”

  “That is neither here nor there,” she replied. “We just haven’t told her yet.”

  “Oh, I’m fully aware of that because if she did know I’m pretty sure we would have to hear comments about it every five minutes.” I said. “I wonder how she’ll react. Actually, I just wonder what song she’ll start singing.”

  “Oh good Lord,” Cormac muttered. “I can only imagine what she’ll come up with.”

  “I want to know how you feel about her.” Cecily said. “I know she loves you and I need to know that you feel the same. Please, Mathias. I have to know.”

  “Cecily,” I said softly as I walked over to her. “She is my life. She is my soul. I will do everything in my power to keep her safe and happy for the rest of my existence and even beyond that.”

  Cecily let out a cry before she surprised me by throwing her arms around my neck. I was momentarily surprised, but I softened when I breathed in her familiar scent.

  “Can I call you Mom?” I asked cheekily

  “Mathias Wulfric Worthing don’t you dare.” Cecily smiled. I turned to Cormac and after a moment held out my hand. I was never that worried about Cecily’s reaction. I knew she could never stay mad at me. We had known each other too long. Cormac, on the other hand, was different. He was Willa’s father, and if I were in his shoes I would probably want to rip my heart out and cook it for dinner.

  Cormac hesitated for so long that I had almost pulled my hand away, but he surprised me and shook it hard before whispering, “You hurt her, and I will kill you.”

  “I wouldn’t expect any less of a reaction from you.” I replied. “Now if you both will excuse me…”

  I walked out of the room and took a deep breath. One mess down and another one to handle before I could leave and go to Willa’s house to see our dogs, I thought. For some reason, their company was the only ones I wanted to keep until Willa came home.

  I strode back into Winifred’s office. She was with Riah and Robert. I assumed Summer was freshening up somewhere in the castle. They looked up as I entered, and Riah smiled. Riah had not only been Willa’s Guardian, but he was also one of her best friends. I used to be insanely jealous of their friendship, but I accepted it a while ago because I knew how much they genuinely cared for each other.

  “Well, I bet that was fun,” Riah grinned. I shot him a warning look before turning to Winifred.

  “You need to have Milton research anything he can about Machall,” I said. “I don’t care what Summer said. I still don’t trust him. There’s got to be a reason he wants to help Willa. He’s using her for something, and we need to find out what that is so that we are prepared.”

  “Robert and I were just talking about that,” Winifred said

  “I don’t know about anyone else, but I for one am sorry I can’t be there when Willa finds Machall with Jeremiah,” Riah said. “I think the new record for how many f-bombs one can use in a sentence might just have a new champion.”

  “That’s our girl,” Robert smiled. “Don’t worry Mathias, Willa can handle Machall.”

  “I know she can, but I’m still weary of his sudden appearance,” I said. “So am I to be put back into my cell?”

  Winifred looked startled. “Why on earth would I do that?”

  “Winifred, I was still in jail when Willa broke me out, and we left the island.” I explained. “I know that there are still tests you probably want done on me before you feel comfortable having me in charge again.”

  “The only place I want you is back in the Guardian offices where you belong,” she said

  I shook my head. “I’m sorry but I won’t be much help at the moment.”

  “Why won’t you be any help?” Riah asked. “You’re the Head Guardian, Mathias. We need you to run the ship.”

  I turned to Robert. “I can’t resume my duties until Willa comes home. I’m sure you understand.”

  Robert who was mated with a Gypsy just nodded. “Go home Mathias.”

  “I’ll be at Willa’s,” I replied before leaping out of the window and flying towards Willa’s house. I heard the dogs barking and when I landed a giant brown and white dog jumped on me.

  “Hey there, it’s ok big boy,” I said as I patted Cupcake, Willa’s St. Bernard. “She’ll be home soon. I promise.”

  I reached down and gave my gray Weimaraner a pat on the head. Oscar looked regal sitting there. I could tell that he knew something was wrong and that it had to do with Willa. I was just heading into the house when I heard a voice call out to me.

  “Yo, Mathias,” Polly, Willa’s best friend who was also a wood Nymph yelled. “What the fuck man?”

  I groaned. The last person I wanted to talk to right now was Willa’s soul sister BFF. I plastered on a pleasant smile. “Ms. Woods, how are you this evening?”

  “Don’t Ms. Woods me, Mathias,” Polly snorted. “I want to know what the 411 is right now. Where is Willa? I knew she was going to break you out of the clink. I also knew something funky was going down. She tried to blow off that last line of the poem, but I knew that I had heard it before. ‘We only part to meet again.’ I mean didn’t she think I would figure it out?”

  “I’m not sure what you mean,” I said politely

  “I know everyone thinks I’m a moron but please, I remembered Mr.Sumners always said that to her. So he’s Patcoena right?” Polly asked but kept on talking. “Willa went with him so she could
take the king’s powers and become a bad ass weapon.”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking…” I started to say but Polly interrupted me

  “Whatever,” she said. “I figured out the paintings. I know that Willa is the Fae Sanctity. It’s cool I won’t say anything.”

  “Polly,” I said. “We need to keep this to ourselves for the time being. It’s for Willa’s protection.”

  Polly rolled her eyes. “Yeah, I know. Listen she’s not going to Woodlia is she? I do not want her to find my parents, especially since I haven’t told her everything about them yet.”

  “I’m not sure if Willa will even be going to Woodlia,” I answered. I was impatient to get away from Polly. I needed time to myself so I could think or as Willa would say brood about everything. Listening to Polly ramble on and on was starting to annoy me.

  “I hope not,” she mumbled

  I gave her a small smile and turned to go inside the house.

  “Hey Matt,” Polly said. “You know she’s going to be all right? I mean Willa’s strong and I don’t mean her awesome powers. I mean she’s always able to put up with a lot of crap. She may bitch about it and throw a little temper tantrum from time to time but in the end she always manages to come out on top. She’s going to do just fine. She’s the bravest person I know, and if you tell her I said that I’m so going to deny it.”

  “I’ll take it to my grave,” I replied. I walked into her back door and stood there for a minute. I didn’t even know what to do with myself. I went through the motions of feeding the dogs but after I was done I just sat down on one of the chairs out on the back deck and stared at the ocean lost in thought.

  Oscar and Cupcake settled in next to me. I knew that they wouldn’t go very far until Willa came home. The three of us missed her so much. She was our lifeline and until she came back there would be no happiness. I sank down further in the chair and looked up at the sky.

  I didn’t move for five days.


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