The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook*

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The Skye Trilogy: Isle of Skye, Isle of Night, and Isle of Dawn. * Bonus: Scrumptious Skye Confections Cookbook* Page 79

by Shannon Barczak

  “How emasculating it must be for you to use your cousin who is a girl as a threat?” Machall sneered

  “I’m actually quite fine with it,” Jeremiah remarked

  “Machall, thank you for all your help,” Patcoena said. “I will be in touch soon.”

  “Yes, thank you Macky,” Jeremiah said as he stuck out his hand. “Be safe ok? Don’t let Fonn know you’re playing for the other side.”

  Machall shook Jeremiah’s hand. “My dear boy, I am way too smart to get caught right now. I have planned this for years, and I will not let anyone, including Fonn or Cual, get in my way.”

  “You’re doing all this for a woman?” Jeremiah asked with a small smile

  “There is nothing nobler than to fight for the one you love,” Machall answered

  “I agree,” Jeremiah said. “I just wanted to make sure that you were truly doing this for that reason.”

  Machall smiled before leaning down to pick Willa up off the bed. He gingerly handed her over to Jeremiah, who staggered under her weight.

  “I thought she was a lot lighter than this,” he gasped

  “You’re lucky she’s asleep,” Patcoena said. “Never say anything to a woman about her weight. I casually mentioned one time over a thousand years ago to Summer that it looked like she put on a few pounds, and she still brings it up whenever we have a disagreement to this day.”

  Patcoena turned to face the long mirror and closed his eyes. A few moments later, an image of a small room decorated with white flowers appeared. He gave Machall a smile before stepping through the portal and stood waiting expectantly for Jeremiah.

  “Take care of her Jeremiah,” Machall said as he placed his hand on Willa’s head gently. “Get her to Mathias. She needs him.”

  “Will do, Lord of Fire,” Jeremiah said before walking through the mirror into the throne room at the castle. He turned and nodded to Machall before the portal closed.

  “So what do we do now?” Jeremiah said

  “I imagine Kelvin and the guard will join us in twenty to thirty seconds.” Patcoena said

  “Good,” Jeremiah said as he shifted Willa in his arms. “I’m not sure how much longer I can hold her.”

  “I think I hear him now,” Patcoena smiled

  Prince Kelvin and twenty large men dressed in black burst into the small room and surrounded Jeremiah and Patcoena.

  “Who do you think you are opening a portal in the realm of the Queen…Jeremiah?” Kelvin asked disbelievingly before looking down. “Is that Willa? My God, what the devil is going on? Who are you? Patcoena, is it you?”

  “Prince Kelvin,” Patcoena bowed. “I’m so sorry to come here unannounced but we had no choice.”

  “What is wrong with Willa?” Kelvin asked as he stepped closer. “What is wrong with my granddaughter?”

  “It’s a long story,” Jeremiah said. “Hey do you think someone could take her? I’m going to drop her.”

  “Brutus,” Kelvin snapped. A large, hulking man stepped forward and took Willa from Jeremiah swiftly

  “Brutus?” Jeremiah asked. “Why on earth can’t Willa be awake when you need her?”

  “We must see the Queen at once,” Patcoena said. “It is imperative that our presence here remains a secret though.”

  “Willa is my granddaughter Patcoena,” Kelvin said almost menacingly. “I would never put her life in jeopardy. You don’t need to tell me what to do. I am fully aware that whatever the reason is that you are all here is of the utmost importance.”

  “Forgive me, your highness,” Patcoena said. “I meant no disrespect. I’m afraid I have been away from court for a long time now.”

  “No, I’m sorry; I don’t mean to sound so curt,” Kelvin said. “I have to admit that when it comes to seeing my granddaughter, covered with dirt and she looks like she has been in the war and back, I find myself acting slightly overprotective.”

  “Of course,” Patcoena said. “I think we all feel that way about Willa.”

  Kelvin nodded before turning to Jeremiah and offering his arm. “Jeremiah, please take my arm and I’ll take you to the Queen. Pat, I’m sure you remember the way?”

  Patcoena nodded and teleported in a flash right after Kelvin. They appeared outside an ornate set of wooden double doors. Kelvin pushed them open, and everyone followed in quickly. Queen Sidra stood up from her small desk and gasped.

  “Kelvin, what is going on…?” her voice trailed off as she spied the room. “Uncle Pat?”

  “My Queen,” Patcoena said as he dropped to his knees. “Please forgive me for showing up unannounced like this.”

  “You silly old fool,” she laughed. “I’m so happy to see you. I didn’t know whether you were dead or alive.”

  “I’m still alive but old age has set in these old bones.” Patcoena answered

  “It’s so good to see…” she started to say until she finally recognized Jeremiah. “Prince Jeremiah? Why are you here?”

  Patcoena and Jeremiah exchanged a look before Kelvin cleared his throat and gestured for Brutus to come forward. “Darling, they’ve brought Willa with them.”

  “Willa?” Sidra said before her she cried when she caught sight of her, “Oh my God, Willa, no, not Willa, not her. Please tell me Uncle Pat, tell me it’s not her.”

  “I’m sorry my Queen,” Patcoena said sadly. “Willa is the chosen one.”

  “No,” Sidra cried. “Is she alive?”

  “Yes, she is alive and she was somewhat responsive…”

  “Responsive?” Jeremiah interrupted. “She’s barely conscience. She’s lost her mind for Christ sakes.”

  “Would someone tell me what the hell is going on here?” Kelvin asked furiously

  “Willa is the Fae Sanctity,” Sidra said softly as she gestured for Brutus to set her down on the couch. She knelt down next to her and gently brushed Willa’s hair off her face. “She was chosen by the fates to absorb my father’s powers and bring peace and harmony to our world, as well as hers.”

  “She is a weapon,” Jeremiah yelled. “She was chosen to do your dirty work.”

  “Jeremiah,” Patcoena reprimanded

  “No, I’m sorry,” Jeremiah said. “I just watched my cousin, who I love like a sister, go through hell. She can barely speak and for what? So the Queen can use her to kill Fonn and Cual because they want to take over the throne? Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t the Queen supposed to keep order in her realm? Willa should not have to do this for her. She should be home trying to open up her bakery and living her life.”

  “What are you talking about?” Sidra said, rising to her feet. “What do you mean by Lord Fonn and Lord Cual?”

  “Why aren’t your husband and his 007 squad aware of this?” Jeremiah asked sarcastically. “They’ve only been planning to overthrow you for several hundred years. I think you need a new team Prince Kelvin.”

  “That’s enough Jeremiah,” Patcoena said again. “There is much to discuss but we need to get the Queen to help first with Willa.”

  Jeremiah shook his head and walked over to the couch where Willa lay sleeping peacefully. He sat down on the chair next to her and sighed.

  “Tell me,” Sidra said. “I need to know what has happened before I can try to heal her.”

  Patcoena started talking and every so often Kelvin and Sidra closed their eyes as if in pain. When Patcoena got to the part about Willa, they both listened attentively.

  Kelvin was the first to find his voice. “Will she be able to come out of this?”

  “Yes, I think so,” Patcoena said. “The queen needs to come with us to the Isle of Skye so that we can discuss everything with Queen Winifred. Willa has to recover, but I’m afraid that only Mathias will be able to help her at this point.”

  “Mathias?” Kelvin asked. “Mathias is the head vampire of the Guardian of Solas. How can he possibly help her?”

  “Mathias is Willa’s mate,” Sidra answered as she looking down at Willa lovingly

  “What?” Kelvin ye
lled. “Mathias is a vampire. He cannot be Willa’s mate. It is not possible.”

  “It’s not something you can stop, sweetheart,” Sidra said. “I’m afraid Willa’s fate was set in stone long ago and Mathias has always been a part of her journey.”

  “I won’t have it,” Kelvin said. “Willa is too good for him.”

  “I got to be honest Kelvin, I think Mathias is almost too good for Willa sometimes,” Jeremiah said jokingly

  Kelvin fixed a scathing look at Jeremiah before pacing the room. “I don’t believe this. My only granddaughter is mated to a vampire. Not only that but she is the Fae Sanctity.”

  “She prefers to call herself a weapon of mass destruction,” Jeremiah interjected

  Patcoena shook his head. “My queen, is there anything you can do to help her? Is there some spell that may relieve her mind of the elements and their power?”

  “I can try,” Sidra said. “Winifred is much more capable of casting that sort of spell but maybe some fairy nectar will help.”

  “I’ll go and fetch some,” Kelvin said before dashing out of the room. He returned just a short time later holding a small bottle of clear liquid. He handed it to Sidra and looked at her expectedly

  I became vaguely aware that I was in the presence of someone with magic. I was almost uncomfortable. I had so much magic and power flowing through my own veins that even a small extra amount seemed to magnify the energy around me. I shifted as I felt someone sit next to me and caress my face. That slight touch was like a burn, and I tried to pull away but when they opened my mouth and poured liquid down my parched throat I drank it greedily.

  I let out a sigh as it travelled down my throat and into my stomach. Warmth began to trickle from the top of my head to the bottom of my feet.

  “Ah, I think it’s working,” a voice said. I had no idea what they were talking about, but whatever this person gave me was a gift from the heavens.

  That was until it started to burn.

  In an instant, my stomach began to clench as it became hotter. I let out a small cry as my fingers began to feel like they were on fire. The burning sensation grew hotter and hotter until it was almost unbearable I finally let out a scream and tried to claw at my skin.

  “What’s going on?” someone yelled

  “I don’t know,” a soft voice answered. “I thought the nectar would help.”

  “Oh God,” another voice breathed. “It’s too much magic in her system. We have to get it out of her right now.”

  “How?” a deep voice yelled. “It’s already soaked inside of her body. Even if we were to make her regurgitate the nectar, it still wouldn’t be out of her system.”

  I started screaming as the pain exploded through me. My whole body felt like it was a smoldering piece of wood. It wouldn’t stop. My insides were being charred alive. I started to claw at myself again. I could feel the blood, and I prayed that would help me. I wanted every ounce of blood that was flowing with this cursed nectar out of my body as fast as I could.

  “Stop her,” someone yelled. “She’s hurting herself.”

  I couldn’t stand this much longer. I called upon my air and water, but something stopped them from coming to me.

  “She’s trying to call upon the elements,” the soft voice said

  “We can’t let her do that,” someone said. “She’s liable to destroy this entire castle.”

  “No, please,” I moaned. Please do not stop them from coming to me. They only want to help me not hurt me or anyone else. I kept trying, but it was like a brick wall had been put up around me, and I cried out in frustration.

  “Willa, we’re trying to help,”

  “KILL ME NOW,” I screamed. If they wouldn’t let me have the elements that I so desperately needed to stop this agonizing pain, then I just wanted to die.

  “We must go to the Isle of Skye right now,” someone said. “Our grandmother will be able to help.”

  “NO,” I screamed. “No.”

  “Oh my God, open a portal Sidra now,”

  I felt someone beside me, and I tried to shrink away from them. If anyone touched my skin, I knew that would be it for me.

  “Willa, we’re going to get Mathias,” the voice said

  That stopped me for a minute, and I calmed down. Mathias. I needed him. I stopped screaming and just whimpered as I tried to sit still. Every part of my entire being felt like it was charred from the inside to the outside. I just wanted some relief. I started scratching my skin again, and I sighed as I felt my blood on my fingers.

  “Did you get it open?” someone asked

  “Yes, the portal is open,” the soft voice said. “Can you lift her Jeremiah?”

  Oh no, please don’t, I thought. Please don’t touch me

  “I can do it,”

  “I’ll stay here and start investigating into this matter,” a deep voice said. “Do not leave the Isle. The Guardians of the Solas will protect you.”

  “I promise.”

  “Dear God Sidra, help her. Please assist our granddaughter. Use every bit of power that you have, but get her what she needs.”

  “I will do everything in my power to make sure she gets better.”

  I felt myself being picked up, and my body reverberated with pain yet again. I screamed as more spasms came over me. I felt myself being flung through a whirlwind, and I briefly hoped that the Air had come to aid me in my time of need. Suddenly it was over, and I was being placed on a soft surface. I writhed around as the pain came back.

  “Willa,” a voice called. “Willa, oh my God,”

  “What is going on here?” someone yelled. “Why is my daughter on the floor bleeding?”

  “She’s home,” someone shouted

  I was finally home on the Isle of Skye.

  Chapter Eleven

  “What happened to Willa?” Cecily cried as she knelt down and pushed back her shoulder length dark red hair.

  “It’s a long story,” Jeremiah said

  “Jeremiah, you need to go find Mathias,” Patcoena said. “Get him here quickly.”

  “What the hell is wrong with my daughter?” Cormac yelled

  “Mr.Sumners…” Cecily started to say

  “Patcoena,” he answered. “My name is Patcoena.”

  “I could give a flying rat’s ass what your name is. Tell me what is wrong with Willa.” Cormac ordered

  “Son,” Sidra said calmly. “Give him a chance to explain.”

  I reached out when I heard a familiar voice. Mom, I finally yelled in my head. My mother was here. She could make everything go away. I tried to find her hand but when I felt her squeeze mine I screamed again. I could feel her powerful magic, and it made my suffering worse.

  “Why is she screaming?” Cecily cried. “What did I do?”

  “Willa,” a voice said softly. “It’s dad, honey.”

  Daddy, I whimpered. My strong dad could make me feel better. He used to chase the monsters out of my closet and kiss all my little scrapes and bruises. If anyone could help me, it was him. Please, I begged in my mind. Please daddy, take the pain away. I can’t take much more.

  I could feel his presence near me, and I turned towards him but again his energy made me shrink away in fear. I heard him sigh in pain and but I didn’t care. I had to get this out of me. I tried not to scream because there was some part of me that knew it would only make my mom and dad feel worse. I started clawing at my skin again until I heard another voice cry.

  “You need to tell us what happened so I know how to help her,” Winifred ordered

  Granny Winnie, I thought. Oh, thank God. She was the most powerful Caster I had ever known, and I trusted her to do what was necessary. Please help me, I screamed in my mind.

  “We visited each of the realms,” Patcoena started saying. “There, Willa absorbed the king’s powers.”

  “What powers?” Cecily asked

  ‘Willa now has the power of every element inside of her.”

  “But that’s impossible,” Winifred
said. “No one can handle that much power except for the King or Queen of the Fae.”

  “Willa already has incredible power to begin with,” Cormac said. “She can’t possible hold anymore. No wonder she looks like she has gone mad.”

  “Dear God,” Cecily said. “She is the Fae Sanctity.”

  The second she touched me again I started writhing around on the floor. I pushed her away with a loud moan. Get away from me. Please get away from me. It’s too much. It’s all too much.

  “What happened?” a deep voice growled suddenly. My heart sped up when I heard that voice. He’s here, I thought. Mathias is here. He was my mate and my love. He was the one I had been waiting for to come to me. He was the only one that could help me.

  “As I was saying,” Patcoena said. “The good news Willa is alive. She absorbed the King’s power and didn’t die. The bad news is her power was greater than we ever imagined. I’m afraid the combination has engulfed Willa.”

  I’m not alive; I cried. I’m dying. Why didn’t someone try to help me?

  “What do you mean by that?” Cecily asked frightened

  “It means the power has overtaken not only her body but her mind as well.” Patcoena answered sadly

  I heard everyone gasp as he made this announcement. I wanted to shout at them. The elements didn’t take over my mind. They might have overwhelmed me, but they didn’t want to harm me. They wanted me to get used to them. They wanted me to use them but only when I was back to being normal. What had broken my mind was the fairy nectar, I wanted to say. All that magic had had been too much for me. When Sidra had poured that liquid down my throat, it had burned into my veins. I went from being powerful to nuclear in a heartbeat.

  “Well I think we can help with that,” Winifred said

  Yes, I cried in relief. Please help me Granny Winnie

  I felt her magic drift over me, and I started screaming. Oh God, no, no, I screamed. It’s too much. I can’t soak in anymore. I was being consumed by an even greater power than the nectar. I heard people yelling, “NO,” but I was too far gone. I started thrashing around on the floor and flailing my arms.

  “You mustn’t Winifred,” Sidra said. “Any more power, even that of a healing nature, just magnifies her pain.”


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