number of wounds received in, 137–38
oath not used in, 97
omens of, 108–9, 122–23, 133
planning for, 97–100
plot to kill Antony in, 96, 98, 157, 223–24
public reaction to, 145, 147, 148, 150–52, 153, 154, 157, 158, 160
recruitment of conspirators in, 87–106
Roman people invited to Capitoline by, 162–65
rumors of, 102, 108
and Senate’s goal of retaking control of Republic, 143–65
senators’ sympathy with, 153
Sextus Pompey’s alliance with, 196
sources of evidence for, 69–71
stabbing in, 132–40
start of, 63, 67–69, 71–72, 80
veterans and, 181
weapons of, 130–32
Caesar, Sextus, 56
Caesar’s Forum, 42–43, 44, 58–59, 61–63, 96
Caesar’s Gardens, 48–49, 169
Caesar’s Senate House, 128
plan for building of, 30, 42, 43, 44
Calpurnia, 107–8, 111, 123, 154, 174
Calvinus, Cnaeus Domitius, 110–11
Calvisius Sabinus, Gaius, 138, 139–40
Camilus, 216
Campania, 192, 199
Campus Martius, see Field of Mars
Capitoline Hill, 114, 146–47, 148–49, 150, 152, 154, 155, 159, 176, 223
public invited by conspirators to, 162–65
Capitoline Temple, 62
capsarii, 125
Carinae, 156, 158
Carmental Gate, 155
Carrhae, Battle of, 55, 73, 75, 140
Casca, Gaius Servilius, 91, 120, 135, 140
Casca, Publius Servilius, 91, 120, 133–35, 136, 177, 212, 219, 222, 224
Cassius (Gaius Cassius Longinus), 93, 236
as alleged leader of plot to kill Caesar, 67–68
in alleged plot against Caesar (47 B.C.), 100
allowed to remain praetor after assassination, 192
Antony’s murder desired by, 157
Antony’s reconciliation dinner with, 164–65, 167
Antony’s suspicion of, 196
appearance of, 72
appointed grain commissioner, 195
assassins recruited by, 87–88
Brutus’s forces combined with, 219–20
Caesar stabbed by, 132, 135
Caesar’s alleged affair with wife of, 76
Caesar’s monarchical behavior disdained by, 75
Caesar’s public funeral opposed by, 167
Caesar’s suspicion of, 102
Caesar’s veterans and, 145, 170
in Civil War defection to Caesar, 74
conspirators gathering at house of, 112, 113
courage of, 73, 76, 97
dagger used by, 131
death of, 222–23, 229, 235
Decimus refused aid by, 207
and Decimus’s recruitment to plot, 81
in decision to kill Caesar, 71, 74–77, 81
Eastern exile of, 192, 193, 197
Egyptian invasion urged by, 211
in flight to Antium, 193
greed of, 73–74
hostages kept by, 164
Lepidus and, 155
lions of, 76
in march to Capitoline Hill, 146
memory of, 235
military mind of, 104–5
money raised by, 217
in Parthian War, 73, 75–76, 105
at Philippi battle, 221–23
philosophy studied by, 72, 76, 83
on Pompey’s foolishness, 74–75
as public face of plot, 144, 145
public support desired by, 149
Senate’s assignment of new province to, 195
speech on assassination by, 150–51
Sulla’s fight with, 72
as Syrian governor, 73, 76, 195, 211
Syria taken over by, 210
threatening letter to Antony from, 196
urban praetorship desired by, 75, 80
war on Rhodes declared by, 218
Cassius, Gaius, of Parma, 94, 228
Cassius, Lucius, 76
Castor, 101, 176
Catiline, 121, 206
Cato (Brutus), 26
Cato (Cicero), 26
Cato the Younger (Marcus Porcius Cato), 6–7, 21–23, 24, 52, 81, 94, 95, 130, 146, 222, 226, 236
austerity of, 22
as Brutus’s role model, 21
Caesar criticized by, 22, 31, 88
Caesar stripped of Gaul governorship by, 9
in Civil War, 23, 25, 34–35
gladiators employed by, 116
imprisonment of, 34
Porcia and, 27
republicanism of, 22, 233, 234
suicide of, 25, 26, 234
Censorinus, Lucius Marcius, 138–40
centurions, 132
Caesar lent money by, 38
pay of, 38, 39
Ceres, 158
Cicero, Marcus Tullius, 18–20, 24, 74–75, 78, 187, 195, 205
aid for Decimus desired by, 207
as alleged guiding spirit of plot, 95
anti-Jewish feeling of, 178
Antony accused of assassination attempt on Caesar by, 13
Antony forced out of Rome by, 198
Antony not trusted by, 152–53, 188–89, 193, 210
on Antony’s funeral oration, 174
assassination account of, 69–70, 138, 141, 144
on assassins’ departure from scene, 146
Balbus disdained by, 40
Brutus consoled by, 211
Brutus’s brutality as shocking to, 23
Brutus’s post-assassination meeting with, 194–95
Caesar not trusted by, 18–19, 31
on Caesar’s alleged affair with Junia Tertia, 76
Caesar’s assassination approved by, 138, 149
on Caesar’s dictatorship, 50
Caesar’s peace with, 24
Caesar’s shallowness derided by, 118
Caesar’s statue mocked by, 52–53
on Caesar’s stay in Rome, 49
Caesar’s veterans as worry of, 170
Caesar’s visit to, 56–58
Cassius influenced by, 72
Cassius’s courage praised by, 73
Cato celebrated by, 26
Cleopatra’s first meeting with, 53
crushing of Caesar’s supporters desired by, 161
and daughter’s death, 57
death of, 214–15, 217–18
Decimus criticized by, 206
on Decimus’s desire for fame, 84
Decimus’s formal recognition from Senate promised by, 197–98, 199–200
as disappointed in Brutus, 18
letters to conspirators from, 69
Milo defended by, 117
on need to compromise with assassins, 160
Octavian and, 191, 201, 205, 210, 215, 225
oratory of, 18, 19, 90
in plan to attack Antony, 130
Pompey supported by, 18
on poor judgment of assassins, 144
public addressed on assassination by, 164
on public reaction to assassination, 151
Quintus Brutus’s statue put up by, 158
Rebilus disdained by, 50
republican ideals of, 19–20, 31, 80, 95, 155, 161, 198, 233, 234
on riot at Caesar’s funeral, 177
on rumors of Cotta announcement, 113
semiretirement of, 52
on Servilia, 21
soldiers summoned to Rome by, 155
Trebonius praised by, 90–91
as Triarius’s children’s guardian, 85
on veterans, 119
villas of, 56, 193
as worried about plots against Caesar, 100
Cicero, Quintus Tullius, 158–59
Cicero, Tullia, 57
Cilicia, 16–17
Cimber, Lucius Tillius, 92–93, 133, 196,
Cinna, Helvius, 177
Cinna, Lucius Cornelius, 130, 151–52, 158, 177
Citadel, 147
Civil War, Roman, 4, 7, 9, 13, 16, 17, 23–25, 47, 52, 83, 84, 89–90, 92, 94, 101, 125, 139, 147, 155, 159, 211, 229
carnage from, 30
Cicero’s support for Pompey in, 18
conspirators in, 94
Senate’s opposition to Caesar in, 35, 37
soldiers’ pay in, 219
start of, 34–35, 38
Claudia, 26
Cleopatra, 35–37, 210–11
as absent from Caesar’s funeral, 174
appearance of, 35
Caesar’s affair with, 33, 36–37, 53, 141, 235
in Caesar’s Gardens, 169
Caesar’s support for claim to throne of, 35, 68
children of, 89, 230
death of, 229
effigy of, at Octavian’s triumph, 230
Mark Antony and, 53, 89
on mission to Rome, 53–54
statue of, 43
Clodius, 11, 99, 168, 170, 176, 188
funeral of, 172–73, 179
murder of, 116–17
clothing, 112
Cnidus, 124
Commentaries on the Civil War (Caesar), 24, 34, 38, 74, 92, 187, 202
Constantinople, 233
Corduba, 133
Cornelia, 151
Cos, 228
Cotta, Lucius, 113
Crassus, Marcus Licinius, 33, 55, 73, 140
Crassus, Publius, 55
Cretan archers, 143
Crete, 195
Curia Hostilia, 114
Curia Julia, 114
Curia Pompei, 114
Curio, 11
Cyprus, 24
Cyrene, 195
Cyrus, King of Persia, 106
daggers, 130–32, 221
Death of Caesar, The (Gérôme), 128, 130
debt relief, 10, 40, 41, 149
Decimus Junius Brutus Albinus:
as alleged leader of plot to kill Caesar, 67–68
in alliance with Plancus, 206–7, 209
Antony denounced in letter to Brutus and Cassius from, 179–80
Antony’s battle with, 205–6
Antony’s demand for surrender of territory from, 199–200
in arrival at Public Mansion, 111
assassins recruited by, 87–88
background of, 12
Caesar stabbed by, 135, 137
as Caesar’s confidant, 82, 83
at Caesar’s house on morning of assassination, 121–22
Caesar’s promotion of, 45
Caesar’s suspicion of, 102
Caesar’s veterans and, 145, 170
in Caesar’s will, 179
Cicero’s promise of Senate recognition for, 197–98, 199–200
in Civil War, 83, 94
coin issued by, 219–20
death of, 235
descent from Lucius Junius Brutus claimed by, 22
in decision to join assassination plot, 81–86
elected quaestor, 6
execution of, 216–17, 225
as forgotten conspirator, 234
in Gallic revolt, 6, 83, 97
gladiators owned by, 5, 83, 116, 117–18, 144, 146, 150, 158, 176, 179, 195, 200
governorship illegally kept by, 198
in journey through Alps, 215–16
Junius Brutus claimed as ancestor of, 52, 83
at Lepidus’s dinner, 105
made governor of Gaul, 156, 169, 192, 196, 197, 198
made praetor, 7
in march to Capitoline Hill, 146
marriage of, 6
memory of, 234–35
men trained by, 209
military mind of, 104–5
native allies in Gaul desired by, 206–7
Octavian and, 13, 83, 84, 96, 125, 199, 204
personality of, 84
and plan to kill Antony, 98
Pollio and Plancus’s desertion of, 207
as possible guardian of Caesar’s son, 169
public disapproval of role in assassination, 144, 175
republican cause espoused by, 198
in return to Rome, 3, 4, 13–14
rise of, 4–8, 105
in siege of Massilia, 7
in siege of Mutina, 200, 201–2
soothsayers scorned by, 125
as unconcerned about Republic, 83–84
Deiotarus, 100–101, 193, 211, 223
Demosthenes, 162
Dio, Cassius, 71, 82, 101, 118, 121, 123, 159, 164, 176
on assassination, 134–35, 136
Diocletian, Emperor, 236
Dionysius, 48
Dolabella, Publius Cornelius, 57, 96
at assassination, 147
assassination opposed by, 160
in bid for consulship, 113, 130
Caesar’s Egyptian legions sent to, 210
Caesar’s suspicion of, 102
monuments to Caesar disdained by, 190
public addressed on assassination by, 164
at Public Meeting after assassination, 152
Rhodes’s support for, 218
Trebonius killed by, 201
Eastern Roman Empire, 233
Education of Cyrus, The (Xenophon), 106
egkheiridion (dagger), 134
Egypt, 210, 230, 231
Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 180
emperors, lineage of, 232–33
Empylus, 69
England, Roman invasion of, 4
Ephesus, 24
Epicurean philosophy, 76, 95
Eudamus, 116–17
Fabius, Gaius, 50
Fango, Gaius Fuficius, 85
Fausta, 116–17
Favonius, Marcus, 94, 130, 146, 194
Field of Mars, 42–43, 115, 155, 172, 173, 176, 177
Fifth Philippic, 217
Flavius, Gaius, 194
Flavius Caesetius, Lucius, 59, 60–61
Florus, 140
Forum, see Roman Forum
Forum Gallorum, battle of, 202–3
Forum Julium, 30, 42–43, 44, 58–59, 61–63, 96
Fulvia, 10–11, 96, 170, 173, 176, 188, 226–27
funerals, 171–72
women at, 174
Further Hispania, 203
Galatia, 101
Galba, Servius Sulpicius, 91–92, 202, 214
Gallia Comata, 203, 206
Gallic revolt, 6
Games of Troy, 231
Gaul, 4–5, 7, 40, 197–98
Antony’s return to, 213
Gaul, Italian, 40, 192
Brutus put in charge of, 16–17
Roman citizenship given to, 16
Gaul, Roman war against, 5–6, 9, 33, 37, 39, 55, 79, 83, 84, 89, 90, 92, 123, 163
brutality of, 140, 233
Gérôme, Jean-Léon, 128, 130
gladiators, 5, 83, 115, 116–18, 130, 139, 143, 144, 146, 150, 158, 176, 231
Gracchi brothers, 135, 143
grain dole, 40–41
Great Britain, 163
Hannibal, 3, 68
Hercules, 3
Herod, King of Judea, 89, 178
Herophilus, 48, 190
hippopotamus, 231
Hirtius, Aulus, 63, 156, 179–80, 192, 201, 202
death of, 203, 204
Hispania, 4, 7, 8, 10, 11–12, 29, 31, 45, 47, 48, 74, 105, 118, 119, 156, 178, 188, 203, 213
Homer, 196
Horace, 178, 224, 228, 229, 232
hostages, 164
Hostilius, Tullus, 114
Iliad, 138, 196
Illyricum, 210
Iran, 68
Jews, 178
Judea, 74, 178
Julia (Antony’s mother), 8
Julia (Caesar’s aunt), 48
funeral of, 172
Julia (Caesar’s daughter), 41
Julia (Caesar’s sister), 12
Julian Court Building, 43
Julian Senate House, 30, 42, 43, 44, 114
Julii, 42, 60
July, 230
Junia Tertia, 76, 194, 236–37
Juno, 147
Jupiter, 110, 112
Jupiter Lattiaris, 59–60
Juvenal, 178
knights, clothing of, 112
ksiphos (sword or dagger), 134
Labeo, Pacuvius Antistius, 94–95, 212
Labici, 29, 40, 45, 47, 48
Labienus, Quintus, 227
Labienus, Titus, 34, 89–90, 227
Laenas, Popilius, 120, 124
Leopard, The (Tomasi di Lampedusa), 234
Lepidus, Marcus Aemilius, 51, 84, 154, 225
angry crowd confronted by, 160
Antony’s alliance with, 206, 209
as Antony’s rival, 170
assassins’ worries about, 145
Brutus’s reconciliation dinner with, 164, 194
Caesar’s dinner with, 105–6, 109–10
at Caesar’s funeral, 176
in charge of Tiber Island troops, 118–19
Cinna protected by, 158, 168
death of, 226
as governor of Narbonese Gaul and Nearer Hispania, 203
made Chief Priest, 189–90
Public Meeting called by, 155
revenge for assassination considered by, 155, 156, 160
in triumvirate, 213
Lex Pedia, 213
Libya, 210–11
lictors, 104
Life of Caesar Augustus (Nicolaus of Damascus), 70
Ligarius, Quintus, 93–94
lions, 76
Lives of the Twelve Caesars (Suetonius), 70–71
Livy (Titus Livius), 58, 69, 232
Longinus, Quintus Cassius, 133
Lucius, 226–27
Lucretius, 111
Lupercalia, 61–63, 108, 194
Lupiae, 186
Macedonia, 9, 188, 192, 198, 199, 210
Manlius, 236
Mao Zedong, 180
Marcellus, Marcus Claudius, 100
Marcius Rex family, 60
Marius, 48, 104, 139, 151, 172, 214
Marsyas (satyr), 139
Marullus, Gaius Epidius, 59, 60–61
Massilia, 7, 189
Matius, Gaius, 148, 156
Maximus, Valerius, 137
Mediolanum, 3, 8, 11, 15
Megara, 76
military tribunals, 39
Milo, 116–17
mint, 147
Mithradates, King of Pontus, 42
Munda, Battle of, 31, 51, 90
Murcus, Lucius Staius, 147, 210
Mutina, siege of, 200, 201–3, 211, 234
Myrtilus, 198
Narbonese Gaul, 118, 203, 207, 213
Nearer Hispania, 118, 203, 213
Nero, Tiberius Claudius, 159
Nesis, 195–96
Nicolaus of Damascus, 70, 77, 82, 88, 89, 93, 97, 116, 122, 154
on assassination, 134–35, 136, 137–38, 139
Augustus supported by, 89
on Cassius’s speech on assassination, 151
on conspirators’ flight from assassination, 146, 150
on public support for assassination, 158
on soothsayers in Senate, 125
Niobe, 49
Death of Caesar : The Story of History's Most Famous Assassination (9781451668827) Page 35