My Miracle (A Rough Hands Novella Book 1)

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My Miracle (A Rough Hands Novella Book 1) Page 4

by C. M. Steele

  “Damn, babe. I can’t believe the losses you’ve had.”

  “Really, my aunt made up for the losses many times over. Although, my cousins hated her attention to me. I was like the daughter she never had, so she spoiled me with affection. I never wanted for anything again, except some kindness from my cousins. They refused to be nice my entire life and even more so when I came to live with them.”

  “I think there’s more to that. I can’t understand that selfish hatred to that extent. By the time you came into the home, they would have been in college.”

  “That’s true. It’s not like I stole toys, got in their way, or anything. Her affection for me was unacceptable to them.”

  “Well, if those fucks come near you, I’ll bury them. I’m not going to let anyone hurt you again. You’re mine, and I mean that in every way. We’ll get through this, Mira.”

  We drive back to the city in the middle of the night. There’s nothing we can do for now especially in the dark. We go back to my place because I want to be able to shower and change in the morning. Ben locks up, and I start to undress. It’s not done provocatively at all, but I hear a groan from Ben. I love the way he can still look at me when I’ve been a crying miserable mess all day. I brush my teeth and hop into bed, then he does the same, wrapping his arms around me and pulling my back to his chest. “I love you, Mira,” he mumbles out. I don’t react externally, but inside I’m dancing the Irish jig, doing some backflips and finishing it out with some ass popping. He said he loves me. I know he’s not all the way awake, but that somehow doesn’t lessen the revelation.

  Chapter 12


  A week passed since someone tried to kill me and then destroyed my home. They fucked up and did it backward, and that was their downfall. The police already had the fuck in custody, and he folded in a second after evidence led straight to him. The Daniel Cooley was an alias for Dennis Cooks. He happens to know my Mira. According to reports, he was obsessed with her, and she told him no way in hell. The brothers used it to their advantage. And he was sent to deal with me and the house.

  They were arrested this morning with a bunch of charges. We don’t know what’s going to happen, or when and if they go to trial, but I’m not going to let them get off the hook. The cost of the home alone wasn’t going to be covered by the insurance company. My attorney would be getting them to pay restitution in their sentence. I’m sure of it. My guy is the best.

  Now, I’m back to work, setting up the next six weeks of projects. Then I’m taking Mira on a honeymoon. We’re getting married before that. She doesn’t know any of this, but she will tonight. A knock at my door distracts me from the thoughts of tying Mira to me forever.

  Brenda comes in after I give the okay, with my father passing her by and taking a seat. “What the hell, Benedict? When were you going to tell your mother and I that you were nearly killed?”

  “How did you find out?”

  “A friend of ours saw your name in the papers, and there are at least six articles with your name in it. And who is this woman? You haven’t dated in at least a decade.”

  “Dad, what the hell? Are you stalking me? You know damn well that’s a crime.”

  “I’m not stalking you. It’s not hard to tell. Besides, your mother was very hurt to learn of the accident from the news.”

  “I didn’t want to worry her. It’s not like I was seriously injured.” It’s a lie, but I’ll keep that to myself. I’m surprised the jerk didn’t hack into my medical charts. I wouldn’t put it past him.

  “Benedict, are we going to meet this woman soon?”

  “Yes, when we both have time. I’m just getting back to work, and we’ve been dealing with everything that you read about.”

  “Yes, so is she after your money?”

  “She has her own money. She’s a…”

  “Yes, a cop. I read that too. That’s not a good profession for a wife, Ben.”

  “Dad, I know it’s not, but we’re not having kids right now.” Not that I don’t plan on trying every chance I get, but she’s on the pill.

  Another knock at the door ends this conversation. I get up and get it. Mira is standing there looking a little off color. “What’s up, babe?”

  “I came to see how you’re feeling. It’s your first day back.”

  “I’m great now that you’re here.”

  “Ah, so this is the lovely Miracle.”

  “You told him my real name?”

  “No. Mira, this nosey and rude man is my father Benedict Carrington Sr.” I look at my father who is smiling like a fool. “Dad, this is my woman Mira Richmond.”

  “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m sorry about your family and your home.”

  “How? You told…?”

  “No, the world is on the internet. All I have to do is look.”

  “My dad is one of the big tech guys before it ever became popular. He’s been working in the industry for the past thirty-five years.”

  “Oh. That explains a lot.” I narrow my eyes at her because I know where this is going.

  “Yep, the kid hates technology. It’s like a sports star whose kid hates sports. Well please come have dinner with us soon.”

  “We will,” Mira says. As soon as he’s out the door, she crosses her arms and waits for an explanation.

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Is he the reason you are averse to tech gadgets?”

  “Yes. Our house had a million different electronics, and I was forced to learn about all of it. I hated it. I wanted to play sports, build things with my hands that were made out of more than metal and wire.”

  “I get it, but it does explain a lot. Your generation is the first to have cell phones.”

  “Enough about my past. What’s really up?” I knew she had a female check up this morning. I hope nothing’s wrong.

  “Um…I don’t know how to say this. Goodness. I can’t, but…” She’s playing with the bottom of her shirt, refusing to look up at me.

  Fear of the worst comes over me. What if she’s deciding that she can’t be with me? I won’t let that happen. She’s mine, and that’s it. “But what, Mira? You’re freaking me out.”

  “I’m pregnant.” I’m shocked speechless for a whole two seconds. This is what I wanted.

  “I told you my guys couldn’t be stopped.” I grab her around the waist and twirl her off her feet.

  As I set her right, she slaps my chest and says, “Shut it. You’re not upset?”

  I lean down and kiss the tip of her nose. “Why? It’s what I want. I know that you’ve been faithful to me, so there’s nothing to be upset about.”

  “I’ve been freaking out the entire way here. They say birth control pills can fail, but I expected it after we had sex lots of times.”

  “Babe, my swimmers are Olympians. I didn’t know they could find out so soon.”

  “Ha. I agree; they’re Olympians on steroids. I was surprised when the doctor told me she wasn’t refilling my pills. They did the first test and followed it up with bloodwork. I go to the doctor at the hospital for my annuals, so they have the equipment to test sooner.”

  “Man, I guess some tech is great. I’m so happy. Marry me, Mira.” She cocks her brow then a look of sadness comes over her face. “Don’t. I’m not asking because we’re having a baby. Never mind. Forget I asked.” From the look on her face that didn’t go over well either.

  “I should go you have work to do.”

  “No. I fucked this up. It’s not the way I had it planned out.” I dig into my pocket and pull out the ring I bought before the accident. I stand before her taking her hand in mine and intertwining our fingers. “I’m madly in love with you, and I have been since the moment we met. I had hoped to ask you tonight, but I got carried away with the news.” I open the small box, then drop down on one knee. “Will you be my forever Miracle?”

  “Yes, Ben. I’ll be yours forever,” she sobs, smiling down at me. I stand and slide the ring on he
r finger. A moan escapes her, and I move my eyes to hers. I understand that look very well. I rub my rough hands over her smooth ones. She gives a little shiver, biting her bottom lip.

  I crush my mouth to hers, walking us backward to the office door. Brenda should be going to lunch, so we’re alone. I growl against her lips. “Are you ready to celebrate making me a daddy? Because I am.” I thrust my hips forward, grinding my dick on her center. I’m so damn hard that I have to have her now. From her reaction, she needs it, too.

  I carry her over to my desk, shoving the papers onto the floor and sit her onto the wood. I slide up her skirt and push her panties to the side. I don’t have time to strip us both, so I unleash my cock from my pants and in one smooth thrust. I rock into my woman as I kiss her.

  “I love you so much, Mira.”

  “I love you,” she murmurs, intertwining her hands into my hair, pulling my face to hers. I lower us down to the surface, slowly stroking into her until we come.

  Chapter 13


  I fix my clothes and leave him to work for the day. I can’t believe we just fucked in his office. The man is a menace to my self-respect. And yet I want to do it again. The thrill of almost getting caught made my desire go wild.

  My shift starts in a little while, so I drive home to get ready. I don’t want to go. I don’t know if it’s the knowledge that I’m going to be a mom, but I’m not interested in work today. I’ve got a million months to go before this baby comes, and yet since Ben told me he’s thrilled all I want to do is baby plan. I wish I had some female friends to talk about this with.

  I arrive at the lab only to be told we’re going to a crime scene. “What’s going on?”

  “There’s been a double homicide. We need to get to the scene now.”

  I recognize the address, but don’t realize until we arrive that it’s my cousin’s work building.

  “Um…do you know who the victims are?” I ask Detective Rodgers who’s standing there talking to a security guard.

  “Mira, shit.” He grabs me and pulls me away. “You can’t be here.”

  “Is it my cousin?”

  “It’s both of them.”

  “What?” I say, dropping my forensic case onto the marble floor. A medic who had been on the scene approaches me as a sudden wave of blackness takes over my vision.


  “Mira, Mira. Wake up,” a voice says. I shake my head and open my eyes rapidly.

  I see Micks standing there, looking down at me with several others. “Sorry about that.”

  “No, you weren’t supposed to be here, but by the time we realized who they were you showed up,” Rodgers says, handing me a bottle of water.

  “What happened?” I shouldn’t have come in, and now my intuition was correct. I want Ben. I need him. After everything going on, I still couldn’t forget that my aunt Rebecca loved her sons with all her heart. This would have destroyed her.

  “It’s a pretty open and shut case. David came in recording their exchange. We have his recording in his pocket. We can’t talk about it here, but I want you to know that David may have been trying to get his brother to confess to something. Please go home and get some rest. Micks will drop you off to get your car. The rest of the team will handle it.”

  “I will.” Micks isn’t the best person to take me, but really, he’s the least useful on these type of crime scenes. He’s a “bug” guy. He handles less obvious cases like suicides. He doesn’t try to speak to me. Even though he usually flirts, now is not one of those times. I pick up my car and thank him before, driving back to my apartment. I fall into bed, forgetting that I powered off my phone when I got to work.

  I wake up to kisses on my cheek. “Ben,” I moan. “What are you doing here?”

  “The detective on our case called telling me he got some news. I called you, but you didn’t answer.”

  “I was called to the scene. I didn’t get a chance to see them because my chief pulled me back, but I fainted. They caught me, but once I was okay Micks gave me a ride to my car and I came home.”

  “How come you didn’t call me?”

  “I really meant to. I just hit the bed and passed out.” I curl up in his arms, letting him protect me from the pain. “What time is it?” I murmur against his chest.

  “It’s five-thirty.” He kicks off his shoes and pulls me down onto the bed, holding me tightly. “I’m sorry, babe. For all that has happened, they were still your family.”

  “And now all my family is gone.”

  “Not all.” He rubs my belly, reminding me that we created a new life.

  “You’re right. You and this little one are my family.”

  Chapter 14


  The tape begins… “David, you need to leave. I’m not having this conversation with you. I’m doing my best to find a way to get us out of this mess.”

  “Well, maybe you should have let the shit go in the first place. Who gives a fuck that we were adopted? You were still loved like I was.”

  “She lied our entire lives. I wanted that place burnt to the ground. I’m just glad I sold the fucker first. That bastard is going to pay for naming us.”

  “Why couldn’t you have just left it all alone. You got me mixed up in your mess.”

  “We’re brothers, David. Does that shit mean anything to you?”

  “Of course it does. That’s why I helped you, but Mira’s our cousin and mom raised us when our mom dumped us.”

  “And that stupid bitch Mira was her blood relative. We weren’t. That pisses me off more than I can even describe.”

  “Calm down.”

  “I’m not going to fucking calm down, David. She’s going to be six feet under just like mother. Except, I’m really going to take pleasure in torturing her.”

  “You poisoned our mother, didn’t you?”

  “Yes, but it didn’t give me the pleasure I was looking for. Now, watching Mira suffer would be great. And that nosy rich carpenter of hers, he’s got to go too. I’m ending this tonight, and you’re helping me.”

  “No, I’m not. I didn’t like stealing the books in the first place, but that’s as far as I’m willing to go.”

  “Don’t you dare walk out on me, David. If you leave, you’ll be my enemy, too.”

  “Are you fucking crazy, Tommy? Put down the gun,” David stammers.

  “What? Now you’re shaking, aren’t you? Such a coward.”

  Mira clicks off the tape. “I can’t hear anymore.”

  “As the next of kin, you inherit everything.”

  “I don’t want more than what they owe for the damages to the estate. Everything else can be auctioned off and given to an orphanage. Tommy had issues. I always feared him. David, I was just uncomfortable around, but I never knew that they were adopted.” I hold her hand in mine as we sit in their lawyer’s office.

  “I’m going to draw up the papers, and you can sign them when you’re ready.”

  “Thank you. Ben, are you ready?”

  “Absolutely.” I get up and then take her hand. Her belly is starting to round out. It’s been a rough four months since Tommy killed David then shot himself. There’s much more on the tape which Tommy cries and argues with himself before ending his life. Mira has been doing her best to make sense of it all. Now she has her answers to the questions that have been plaguing her.

  I have nothing to say that can help her, and it’s gutting me inside. I’m supposed to be her rock, her big, strong husband.

  We married a week after their funerals. It was small and mostly filled with my family and crew. My mother wasn’t pleased about it, but with everything going on she understood.

  “Are you okay?” I ask, helping her put on her fall jacket. She looks so cute in it with her long brown curls cascading down her back. My woman is perfection.

  “Yes, I feel bad for them. Isn’t that crazy? I mean Tommy killed my aunt, and yet, I feel sorry for him.”

  “That’s because you have a good hear
t. Too good. You’ve tried longer than you should have to build that bond. They had pain they never dealt with.” I stop in front of the elevator and pull her in for a kiss.

  “Pretty soon, you won’t be able to reach my lips with this one growing so fast.”

  “I’ll find a way. Fuck if I’ll miss those lips for a day.”

  “Take me home.”

  “Yes, love.” I help her into my truck, then run around to my side. By the time I get the truck started, she’s sleeping. I lean over and kiss her cheek before driving away. Good, she can relax. I have a surprise for her that I need her input on.

  We get to the site, but she’s still passed out. It’s fine because I want to talk to Dane for a minute. There are some things we need to go over.

  I enter the house and Brenda comes from inside, fixing her hair. I cock my brow, but she looks down and walks in the opposite direction. Dane comes out, and his hair looks more fucked up than hers did.

  “Please don’t tell me you two fucked in my house.”

  “No we didn’t,” he grumbles. “Where’s Mira?”

  “In the truck, sleeping.”

  “Again. Damn.”

  “Yeah. I better get Mira before she gets cold. I have the heat on low since it’s been a chilly fall.”

  “Slowly.” It’s already October. Time has been flying by in a hurry, and I want this place ready for my family.

  “Let me wake her up. I want to see her face when she sees the surprise.

  Chapter 15


  I moan myself awake. What the heck? I can’t believe I fell asleep in the car again. This happens more often than it should. I’m glad that I quit working last month because I’m not very good at staying awake. I look around and see Ben smiling at me from outside the passenger window. “I’m glad you’re up, sleeping beauty.”

  I see one of the work trucks behind him. Did we stop at a project?

  He opens my door, then leans in for a kiss. I moan, thrusting my hands into his silky hair. My husband is sexy. He pulls back, then adjusts his cock in his pants. My eyes focus on that hard bulge. I reach to touch it, but he stops me and shakes his head. “Later, Mrs. Carrington. Now, please close your eyes, babe.” I narrow my eyes at him, wondering what he’s got in store for me. I hope it’s something kinky, but the damn work truck tells me it’s not. My hormones are going hog wild. I want him twenty-four seven. Well, when I'm not sleeping, that is.


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