Shifting Love's Hunger

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Shifting Love's Hunger Page 6

by Jeff D Ellis

“Mark said something about it. He was also not sure if it would work on me like it does on Shapeshifters, but I am ready to submit to your authority in order to make this work.”

  “Then welcome to the Pack.”

  Chloe did not feel as welcome as Felicia was trying to make out. She could tell she would be on probation from this point on and would have to work hard to prove she was not a threat to the Pack. In a way, she was a double agent. Was Mark feeling the same thing, or was he treating this like any other business he had dealings with? Chloe knew it was not going to be business as usual for Greta.

  Could she betray these people that have taken her in?


  Greta's Place

  WITH PROPER SCREWDRIVERS and a clear head, Mark made good progress on finishing the bed.

  He called her into the bedroom. “Chloe, I need your help on this last part. It’s a two-person job to attach the sides to the headboard.”

  “Tell me what to do.”

  They finished the job in five minutes and had a new bed! Mark got the boxes cut up and put in the recycle bin while Chloe made the bed. When he returned, she was all spread out on the bed with a smile on her face.

  “As promised, no air mattress tonight.”

  Chloe patted the bed next to her. “You are a man of your word. Now come join me.”

  Mark lay down beside her. The bed was better than what he was used to sleeping on.

  She cuddled up next to him. “I could get used to this, but we still have to check out the nightclub and get the security requirements. We should also go down to The Second Circle and give Greta a status report. You need to look like you are on top of more than me.”

  Mark kissed her and rolled her onto her back. “I like being on top of you.”

  “I am all for testing out the bed and we have to change clothes anyway, but Greta is going to know right off that we had sex shortly before seeing her. Is that what you want?”

  Mark rolled off. “That is a bit of a buzzkill. I’m not sure. I wouldn’t want my mother to smell that we just had sex before meeting her. But Greta is not my mother. What do you think?”

  Chloe took a moment before answering. “It would be best for me to be fully fed on your energy. In her eyes, I would be doing my job. It would be best for you if at the same time, there was no evidence of me feeding off your energy. It would demonstrate how much stronger you are than Humans.”

  “Like I said, talking about this is a bit of a buzzkill. Not sure I’m in the mood any more.”

  Chloe gave him a huge grin. “Trust me, I can get you back into the mood easily enough, but we need to answer the question with level heads first.”

  “Then we test the bed after getting our work done. I don’t want to show any sign of weakness to Greta.”

  Chloe waved at her body like she was showing off a game show prize. “I must be losing my touch if you will pass up a prize like this … for being professional.”

  Mark gave her a big kiss. “I plan on taking full advantage of you when the job is done.” He rolled off the bed onto his feet. “Sorry, I need to gain some distance or my little Wolf will take control and we’ll have to cancel work.”

  Chloe sighed. “I can live with that decision. Just don’t let any Vampire get your little wolf aroused while we are being professional tonight. That would send mixed signals.”

  “I’m going to let you get changed first. I don’t think I can handle seeing you naked right now.” Mark left the room.

  He was really close to losing all control and spending the night fucking. He had to keep thinking about going in front of his mother stinking of sex to stay in control. He needed to show Greta at least as much respect as his Alpha. Chloe’s slip gave him a peek into how Greta thought; she must be under the impression sex turned wolves into puppies, and that Chloe would be doing her job keeping him under control using sex. What Greta didn’t understand was his bond to the Pack gave him a strength that she couldn’t be aware of, and soon Chloe would share that bond and be his partner. Mark would do his best to build a strong equal alliance and bring honor and prosperity to the Pack and the Clan.


  She hoped Mark had made the right decision about postponing their fun until after work. Maybe it didn’t make any difference, or maybe she should have fed deeply on him. For all she knew, Greta would be busy and they wouldn’t even see her tonight. They didn’t need her to go over the security for the nightclub or to observe what it was like in action. It had been a long day and it left her second-guessing herself. She finished getting dressed.

  Chloe yelled, “Mark, you can come get changed now!”

  Mark started pulling out business clothes. “Thanks for understanding, Chloe.”

  He started getting dressed and then looked over his shoulder at her. “You just going to sit on the bed and watch me?”

  She laughed. “Sure, why not? I love seeing your graceful moves and your hot body.”

  “It’s the Wolf. Shapeshifting to a wolf somehow gives me the grace of a wolf. My body works like a well-oiled machine. It doesn’t fight itself or use more energy than needed.”

  Chloe grinned. “Right … I bet you tell all the girls that.”

  “I don’t need to. The girls I have dated were Shapeshifters and just as graceful.”

  “I was a gymnast as a kid and am still as flexible.”

  “You move like a dancer.”

  She did not expect Mark to say that. It always seemed that guys dreamed of sleeping with gymnasts and cheerleaders, not dancers. She also expected to get a new level of respect once they sparred in a boxing ring. He seemed to be the type that would go for someone that could keep up with him in a fight.

  “You are so sweet. We should get going.”

  They had another ring to enter tonight, facing Vampires in their lair.

  Chloe had Mark park his car at the back entrance to Greta’s Place. There was some reserved parking for VIPs they could use.

  “Here is what you should know. Tonight will not be very busy. They get a good crowd at happy hour and then some more later, but most of the customers show up on Friday and Saturday nights. You might need an extra person those two nights. You will not be providing security for The Second Circle, but might get called if there is an issue they can’t handle. The Second Circle clients need discreet access and don’t care for security watching their every move.”

  “Thanks, that helps. Lead the way.”

  They walked in the back door and past some office space to the main area. At no time were they approached by security. They followed the music to the main area.

  “Chloe, is there really so little security? So far I have only seen the bouncer near the door checking IDs.”

  “I see the assistant manager at the bar. Let’s go talk to her.”

  The nightclub was like many others. Booths and tables lined one side with some areas more closed off, facing a dance floor with a place for live music or a DJ. They worked their way through customers dancing to get to the bar.

  JB yelled and waved. “Chloe! Over here.”

  “Hey, JB, let me introduce Mark Blackthorn. He will be going over club security.”

  “Nice to meet you, Mark. Why don’t we go back to my office where it’s easier to talk?”

  They followed her back to one of the offices they had passed on the way in.

  “Have a seat. I should have asked if you wanted a drink while we were at the bar. Please excuse my lack of hospitality.”

  Chloe nodded at Mark to take over the meeting.

  “Please tell me about your current staffing. All I noticed was the bouncer working the door. Do you have other people?”

  “I have two people, the door and a person watching cameras in a room next door.”

  “Has that worked for you?”

  “We have had to deal with a drunk or two, but for the most part, we haven’t had the need for more.”

  “What about breaks? I would think even Vampires need to take a br
eak from time to time.”

  “I normally help out at times like that.”

  “I know looks can be deceiving, but I would think someone as beautiful as yourself would not be very intimidating to a drunk.”

  “True, but I calm them down in other ways, if you know what I mean.”

  “And if they are Veiled, and less affected by those other means?”

  “In general, the Veiled community knows we are the only place around that welcomes their kind and acting up will get them banned. They also know not to mess with Greta.”

  “Do they now? I didn’t know about this nightclub. Believe me, Wolves can do a lot of damage in a short time if drunk and provoked.”

  The blood drained from JB’s face.

  “Hey, I was only giving an example, not making a threat. Don’t worry, my people know how to defuse a situation like that.”

  “Then it will be good to have you here.”

  “Why don’t we go next door and look at the monitors you have?”

  JB led the way and they found the room empty.

  “Is your person on a break?”

  “Apparently. I should have been told about it. Why don’t I leave you here while I check into it.”

  Mark looked over the monitors and equipment. “Chloe, it’s a wonder this place has not had any major issues. I don’t think Greta is going to like all of my suggestions, but it needs to be done.”

  “Why don’t we go down and see if we can talk to her about it.”

  “Good idea. After you.”

  Onyx was working the reception desk at The Second Circle. “Hello, Chloe. Good to see you again, Mark. Greta is ready for you.”

  Greta was on the phone sitting behind her large ebony desk. She waved for them to take a seat. “Sorry to keep you waiting. That was rude of me. Mark, how are things going?”

  “I don’t think you will like what I have to say about the condition of your businesses security. I think it’s been mostly luck and your reputation that has kept you safe so far.”

  “Now you see what I am up against! It’s nice to have an expert opinion.”

  “I’m not going to be very popular around here. People don’t like change, even for the good. I will do my best to keep the impact to a minimum.”

  “Mark, give me an example.”

  “Let’s start with your nightclub. The back side of the building has zero security. I can go through the offices or down to The Second Circle with no one noticing until they get to Onyx. When we checked out the security room, it was unmanned and JB did not know what was going on. When I looked through the actual nightclub, the bartender was skimming cash. The bouncer might be capable, but would have a hard time stopping a bar fight alone.”

  “I will have a talk with JB about her Human bartender. What do you suggest?”

  “First off, I recommend getting a card key access systems put in at all of your businesses. I want to add some automated locking systems for the offices in the nightclub, and install hidden cameras to the back door and elevator. Onyx can issue cards to your Second Circle guests. They will not have any markings so your guests will not be outed as to where they like to spend their time. I want a guy checking the faces of everybody that comes down the elevator, and when there is a question, Onyx can make the final decision. They will never know we are watching. On normal days, a three-man team and under heavy conditions, at least four men. That way we can have someone inside and out at the front door, someone on the monitors, and a backup person for breaks. In signs of trouble, we would lock down the back areas of the club while all of my team deals with the problem.”

  “You got all that in the fifteen minutes you have been here?”

  “It’s what I do.”

  “What about cyber security? Do you have experts in that?”

  “I didn’t know you also needed that, but I do have people that can audit your computers and networks and provide systems to protect them.”

  “When can you start?”

  “I can get you project plans by Friday, and with your approval, have people working on Monday. It’s going to take time to install systems and train people in a security culture so don’t expect perfection on Monday.”

  “Chloe, I thought your wedding was on Friday. Are you okay with these estimates?”

  “If Mark says he can get it done, I believe him. We would need approvals from your different businesses that same day.”

  “Mark, get me the project plans for all of the businesses sometime Friday and I will get our side together at once to go over them and let you know that night. You can then start doing your work over the weekend if you want. Rolling out your people can be based on your schedule, but I don’t think it’s a stretch to think you could have your three-man team in the club ready to work Monday night.”

  “You are fine with having to use card key access and secure your businesses?”

  “For the short term, yes. Long term, I want you to supply and manage RFID chips that can be hidden in rings or jewelry for Clan members. I have a jeweler that can make the items if he had the chips to use.”

  Mark smiled. “Excellent! It is so refreshing to work with such a forward-thinking client. I will come up with a roadmap for growth.”

  Mark truly did look happy. Chloe hoped it was not just dollar signs floating in his eyes.

  “Chloe, I understand you don’t have a car, so I have leased you one. Where should I have it delivered?”

  “Thank you, Greta. I will be at our new house during the day tomorrow. Someone needs to be home for some deliveries. I will send you the address.”

  “Mark, is there anything else you wanted to go over with me now?”

  Mark looked over at Chloe. “I think we have what we need to move forward.”

  “I want you to know you are part of our family here and anything one of our businesses can provide is yours free of charge.”

  Mark stood. “Thank you, Greta. You’re very kind. I will keep that in mind.”

  “Please see Onyx on your way out.”

  Chloe nodded. “Thank you for your valuable time, Greta.”

  “Hi, Onyx. Greta asked us to talk to you before we left.”

  “Yes, please send me your address. I will take care of your Clan deliveries tomorrow.”

  “So she is giving me a company car?”

  “I hope you enjoy it, Chloe. I picked it out myself. Fun, but practical. Just like you.”

  “Really! I can’t wait to see it. Mark was going to find me a car, but we hadn’t had time yet. It was your idea, right?”

  Onyx winked. “You better believe it. I don’t know what Greta would do without me.”

  Mark smiled. “Thank you for taking care of it. We have been so busy. We only got our bed set up tonight before coming here.”

  “You’re welcome, Mark. This is for your both.”

  Onyx handed Chloe an envelope. She peeked inside and squealed.

  “Chloe, what is it?”

  “It’s a gift certificate for the Salish Lodge and Spa, for a three-day weekend package of spa treatments, food, and a room overlooking Snoqualmie Falls.”

  Onyx gave them a hug. “I knew you weren’t going to get a honeymoon anytime soon, so I thought this would be a great wedding present for a quick getaway.”

  Mark rubbed something out of his eye. “Thank you so much, Onyx. I know we will enjoy it.”

  “I won’t keep you from trying out your new bed. Have a great night.”

  They all hugged again and they left.

  “Onyx has been like a big sister to me.”

  Mark stopped and put a hand on her shoulder. “I wish we could invite her to the ceremony, but it’s Pack only. Maybe we can do something with her later.”

  Chloe nodded and looked up at him with a grin. “Mark, do you like spa treatments?”

  Mark looked away and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I don’t know. Maybe whenever we take advantage of the lodge, you can invite Onyx to use my spa treatments and have some g
irl time.”

  “There will be a price to be named later for not sharing the treatment with me.”


  “Speaking of prices, don’t think accepting free services from Greta is actually free. Sooner or later there will always be a price to pay. Also hidden in her message was that you are considered Clan and also answer to her.”

  “I guess it’s a mirror of what you are going through. I don’t see an issue until there is a conflict of interest. At that point, our respective Alphas can fight about it.”

  Chloe smiled and rubbed his leg. “Then we are on the same page. Now get us home so we can get on the same sheets.”


  Mark was quiet on the drive back home. It had been hard earlier to remain professional when they were lying so close together on their new bed. He didn’t know if it was the smell of her hair, or the need he felt when looking at her beautiful body. Even clothed, her curves made him want to run his hands over them and shower her skin with kisses. Their first time had been rushed and felt like the first time he had sex. All lust and primal need. Today he wanted to savor every moment. The smell of her sweet musk filled the heightened senses of his nose. He could hear her tight dress rub against her skin. He risked a glance over at her and noticed her nipples pushing hard against the fabric. It took all the control he had to keep close to the speed limit and focus on the road ahead.

  He felt her hand gently caressing his thigh. It didn’t take her long before she was outlining the bulge in his pants. She must be fully aware of his need and she was going to tease him without mercy. Mark was determined to not give in. She would still be ready and willing when they made it home. This time was going to be different, but she was driving him crazy. He was not going to be one of those pussy-whipped guys that would do anything for the promise of sex; he needed to be more partner than slave.

  He made it home just in time. Once parked in the garage, she ran into the house as if it was a race. After some deep breaths, he forced an air of calm onto himself before putting the garage door down and meeting her inside.


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