Shifting Love's Hunger

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Shifting Love's Hunger Page 8

by Jeff D Ellis

  “I’m sorry you will miss out on that.”

  “It’s no problem, it means we can enjoy our mating bed that much sooner.”

  She laughed. “Now, that I can get behind.”

  “Let’s go out for a nice dinner. After all you did today, you deserve it and more.”

  After a pleasant evening of dinner and dancing, Mark was back in his old room at his parents’ house and already missed her. Lying on his old bed staring at the ceiling on his last night of freedom was lonely. Well, he had never actually been free. Mark was going from living with his parents to living with his mate, never getting to experience what it was like to live on his own. At least Chloe had her own apartment. What did he really know about her after a few short days? Yes, she was fun in bed, but could he build a life with her? Would he grow to love her? They would be sharing more than their bodies tomorrow. Would she like what she saw in him? Would he find she was a monster inside?

  Mark shivered. He didn’t want to go down that road. He had to believe everything was going to be as nice as if she had been from another Pack.

  No worries, it would be the first day of the rest of his life.


  Mating Day

  IT WAS FINALLY the day of the Ceremony. Spending the night alone had been harder than she’d expected. This was not a normal wedding, but it was likely the only one she would get. The Clan had provided a hair specialist and a beautiful white dress. When she looked in the mirror, she hardly recognized herself. Chloe was sure she was going to impress Mark and his Pack. She was worried a little about the magic to bind her, but there was nothing to be done about it.

  It was time to go.

  Chloe drove to the assigned place to meet Mark’s mom.

  “Honey, you are so beautiful! You need to come with me now. They are all waiting.”

  “Am I late? I thought I was on time.”

  “You have perfect timing. Tradition dictates that the men show up early to meditate on their futures. Follow me, it’s a short walk.”

  Chloe hoped it was a very short walk. She did not wear the right shoes for going off road.

  The path quickly opened up to a clearing. The heads of the major families were all gathered to each side of the path, naked! Chloe hadn’t expected that. She saw Mark standing next to a stone altar of some sort. His father was standing behind it. At least they were both clothed.

  Felicia led Chloe to the altar next to Mark. Centered on the altar was a small silver bowl filled with water. She could see her reflection in the water.

  The Alpha raised his arms and chanted something Chloe did not understand, but she felt the area go quiet and energy prickle at her skin. As he continued, she heard noises behind her. She stole a glance back and saw the men had all become wolves. She looked back at Mark’s smiling face.

  “Place the rings you both carry on the altar.”

  Mark placed the ring that would be hers on the altar in front of himself. Chloe followed Mark’s lead and placed the ring to give him down beside it.

  The Alpha held his hands over the rings. Chloe could sense the power flow from his hands into them.

  “Mark, place the ring on the hand of your mate.”

  He picked it up and placed the ring on Chloe’s hand. The ring felt like Mark’s energy and it pulsed with power. Her hunger was confused as her body filled with energy that she could feel from the tips of her toes to the top of her head. She had never experienced anything like it. She was offered more energy than she had ever fed on before and it filled her.

  “Chloe, place the ring on the hand of your mate.”

  She carefully picked up the ring and placed it on Mark’s finger. He looked a little different wearing the ring.

  “Please take each other’s hands.”

  Mark held both of his hands out for her to take.

  Alistair spoke loudly to the crowd. “As Alpha, and by the power I wield, I accept Chloe into my Pack. As Alpha, and by the power I wield, I make Mark and Chloe one with each other as mates. As Alpha, and by the power I wield, I join today Wolf and Vampire to be one with each other.”

  She saw Mark’s eyes change to brown like hers. Mark nodded his head in the direction of the water. Chloe looked and choked down a gasp as she saw her eyes were ice blue like his normally were! She could also feel where each of the Wolves were sitting. She really had joined the Pack. Feeling a strong need to shift to wolf form and run with them, Chloe grew frustrated that she could not shift.

  “From this day forward, Mark and Chloe speak with one voice.”

  They turned as one and bowed to the Alpha, then turned and bowed to the Pack.

  Mark pulled Chloe in for a hug and kissed her. Her hunger was so confused it didn’t know what to do, so it did nothing.

  Mark must have sensed her confusion. He leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Chloe, it’s over. Time to go. Father will sign and send the paper to the state, certifying our marriage.”

  “What is going to happen to us now? Will my eyes be blue forever?”

  “Your eyes will change back to normal in a day or so. Normally the couple would shift into their Wolves and go for a run and they would be normal when they changed back. Since you can’t shift, you will have to give it time.”

  She was still troubled. “How do you know mine will go back to normal?”

  “I just know.”

  “I feel so strange, Mark.”

  “Let’s go back to your car. I rode here with my father so we would only have one car to deal with.”

  “Okay, but I’m driving.”

  “That is fine, Mrs. Blackthorn.”

  “Damn right, Mr. Blackthorn.”

  They got back to the car and had a seat.

  “Mark, why do I feel so strange?”

  He held her hand. “I feel it also. Part of the mating was mating my Wolf to your hunger. They are still in the process of understanding that.”

  “What does that mean? Will I be able to shift like you?”

  “No, but we will feel each other in new ways. I will know if you are in trouble and be able to come to your rescue, or you mine. Don’t worry, your hunger should feel more normal by the time your eyes go back to normal. I will also be able to draw on your energy in times of need, and so will the Alpha. That is what he did back there. He pulled the energy from the Pack and sent it to us. In times of great need, he can focus all of the Pack’s energy into magic. You are truly now Pack as well as Clan.”

  Chloe was still not sure about all of it. She needed to make sure her hunger had not been hurt or she would no longer be a Vampire.

  “It’s okay. Give me a kiss and feed on me.”

  Chloe kissed him and her hunger took what was offered. It came in a rush with no resistance, but she could also feel Mark and his Wolf. Unlike before, they were separate feelings. She could almost read his mind. Then the energy flowed back into Mark and it became a swirl of give and take. She lost herself in it all until she heard his voice calling her name. It startled her as if she was roused from a deep dream.

  “Huh? What happened?”

  “You are fine now, Chloe. We really are one. I could feel the give and take between us that made a single moment feel like hours.”

  “I still am a bit freaked out. That was really too much for me. Is it supposed to be like that?”

  “It is normal between two Wolves. We are both too high on Pack energy. Normally we would go for a run to help burn it off, but we should do it a different way. Let me drive. I am not so sure you are safe driving on this much energy.”

  “I think you’re right. Take me home.”


  Chloe was not sure of what to make of her feelings. Her hunger was really out of whack. Maybe it went to sleep after all that energy, or was unable to process it all and it was like feeling sick after eating bad chili. Her body did have an excess energy, but it was not like anything she had ever felt before. She looked at Mark and it seemed like he was surrounded by swirling mists
of bright energy. She could feel his heart beat and the mists pulsed in time with it. Nothing else on the drive home looked any different than normal. The word ‘home’ hit her. Before, it had felt like being on a vacation in a borrowed house, but now it was sinking in that this really was her home now and her life had been forever changed.

  Mark parked the car in the driveway. “Would you like some help getting into the house?”

  “No, I can manage.”

  She went into the house while he moved the car into the garage. She took a seat on the couch and waited for him.

  Mark knelt at her feet and looked up in to her eyes. “Feeling any better? Can I get you something?”

  “I’m not sure what I’m feeling. I’m amped up, but weak.”

  “You look pale. Would you like a glass of water?”

  “Maybe I should go lie down for a while.”

  Mark stood and held out his hand and helped her up.

  Chloe looked deeply in his eyes. “Your eyes are back to their normal blue again.”

  “Yours are still blue, sorry.”

  Mark followed her into the bedroom. She kicked off her shoes, unzipped her dress, and flopped onto the bed.

  He lay down beside her. “I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. Maybe it would help for you to burn off some of the energy?”

  She was a little stunned by that, her body buzzed with energy and her hunger was in a panic. She felt sick, why couldn’t he see that? “Is sex all you can think of right now? For all I know it could send me even more energy I can’t process.”

  “Sorry, Chloe. We need to have sex to finish the mating … but it can wait. Rest for now.”

  “Mark, I need you to be understanding. I don’t want to be touched right now. Give me a few hours to sleep and we can see how I am.”

  “I have some ideas on getting some expert help. I will go look into it and maybe we can see a doctor of sorts if you are still having issues.”

  “That would be great.”

  Chloe could feel from their new connection that he felt disappointed and rejected. She hoped he could feel from her how scared and bad she felt. She did not mean to reject his attention; he was only trying to help.

  Chloe drifted off to sleep.


  Finding Help

  THIS WAS NOT how Mark imagined his special day would be. He had no idea it would affect Chloe like this. He had to help her. Since she needed a little space, he paid his mother a visit.

  He went next door and knocked.

  “Mark, you are still as much a part of this household as ever. You don’t need to knock.”

  “Yes, Mother. Do you have a few minutes?”

  “I always have time for you. Why don’t we go have a seat.”

  She led him to the living room and had a seat.

  “I would have thought you would be off mating your new wife all day.”

  Mark had a hard time looking her in the eyes. “The ceremony went as I would have expected, but there is something wrong with Chloe. Her eyes are still blue, she complained of too much energy, and her Vampire hunger isn’t acting right. It’s making her feel sick and it’s scaring her.”

  “Interesting… There were cases in our lore where a Human was added to the Pack with no ill effects. As far as I know, we have never done this with other Veiled. We had no idea what impact it might have on her. Normally the mating is also between our inner Wolves. Maybe her hunger is rejecting your Wolf?”

  “We do have a connection; I can feel her fear and she can sense my feelings and body.”

  “I still think it might be a rejection issue that might get better on its own.”

  “Mother, I have to find a way to help her. I can’t sit back doing nothing!”

  “Calm down, son. I think I know what you need to do.”


  While Mark was gone, Chloe tossed and turned a lot, but didn’t get any rest. It helped that he was not in the same room, but not enough to get any rest. She could feel Mark come back into the house before she heard him.

  “Hey, Mark! Any luck?”

  “I think we have a plan of action. There is a local Shaman that my Mother has heard about that could help.”

  “How does he feel about Vampires?”

  “In general, he isn’t the type to help Greta. Since we are closely related to the Coyote Shapeshifters that are native here, she thinks he will help us.”

  “He might not help?”

  “All we can do is try. I have a good feeling he will help you.”

  “Let’s go, there’s no time to waste.”

  The Shaman lived in a rural area not far from the Snoqualmie Casino. After passing the casino, they turned onto a rural road. After a few more turns, they ended at a small house off by itself. There was smoke coming out its stone chimney.

  “Remember, we need to show the utmost respect. He is a tribal Elder as well as a powerful Shaman. My mother gave me a pouch of tobacco to leave as an offering. I will find some place to leave it for him.”

  Chloe nodded. “I understand.”

  They walked up to the door. Chloe reached out to knock and it was opened by an ancient-looking man, who was hunched over and frail-looking. This was the man that would help them?

  The old man smiled. “Please come in. I had a vision you would come.”

  The house was decorated very simply with dark wooden furniture that looked handmade. A stone fireplace had a fire going. He also had a small TV in the corner next to a rocking chair. Two chairs were placed near the fire.

  He waved for Chloe to sit in one of them and pointed at Mark. “Your job is done. Wait in the car. What I say is for her ears.”

  Mark bowed his head and went out to the car after leaving the offering on a side table.

  He looked Chloe in the eyes. “You may call me Grandfather.”

  “Thank you, Grandfather. My name is Chloe.”

  “You have been tossed into a lake and told to swim or die.”

  She looked up at him, with tears in her eyes. “I feel very much like I am drowning.”

  “You do not know your people.”

  “I am a Vampire.”

  “You are more. You are of the People. I see your grandparents in your eyes.”

  “I don’t think I understand you. You’re saying my mother had family here?”

  “Yes, it is so.”

  “That is interesting, but I just got mated to Mark out there who is a Wolf of the local Pack and something went wrong. I need help.”

  “You do not know your people. You do not know yourself.”

  “I would love to learn about them, but I have this problem.”

  “You look, but you do not see. You are waking up.”

  “That is part of it. My eyes are normally brown, but ever since the mating, they turned blue.”

  He pointed at her eyes. “Your eyes are also blue. This is also you. You woke your Coyote and your hunger does not know how to share.”

  “Huh? What coyote? Mark has a Wolf.”

  “His Wolf joined with your Coyote and your hunger is jealous.”

  “How do I make it go away? I don’t want to feel sick anymore.”

  “You have lived your life broken. Now you must give your Coyote its power if you want to be healed.”

  Chloe was very confused. She did not expect to be subjected to touchy-feely crap. She needed real help. She took a deep breath. “What must I do?”

  “I will take away the sickness, but you will need to come back for a spirit journey to the back side of the moon. I will arrange for others to be here for your safety. You will meet your grandparents then as well. After we are done, they can teach you more about your Coyote.”

  “Thank you, Grandfather.”

  He stood and started gathering stuff. “I will quiet the coyote and sooth the hunger now.”

  He lit a bundle of sage and started to wave the smoke around. “Stand here. Close your eyes.”

  The scent of smoke was heavy in the
air, as Grandfather moved around her. Breathing became easier and her body felt lighter. The chanting pulsed in time with his rattle as he moved around her. Chloe began to feel more herself. Her hunger woke, but was not as strong a feeling as normal. Something else was there, with its own needs, raw and earthy. She felt a monetary growl in her being. Something didn’t like being told to share. Why couldn’t she hear it before? A touch on her head, woke her as from a dream.

  “Open your eyes.”

  “I feel better now, thank you.”

  “Yes, it is so. You must come back tomorrow; your Wolf can bring you, but he must wait outside until we are done. You must not eat. Be here at noon.”

  “I have one last question.”

  “You may go finish the mating you started. It is needed to complete your bond.”

  That answered the question on the top of Mark’s list. It must be time to go. She bowed her head. “Thank you! I will be on time tomorrow.”

  He smiled at her respect, holding out his arms. “Yes, it is so.”

  She gave him a big hug and felt his warmth soothe her spirit. Chloe went out to find Mark.

  “Chloe, you look better!”

  “I am feeling much better. I have to come back tomorrow at noon. You need to drive, but are going to be stuck again outside, maybe get some work done and I will call you when it’s done. I don’t think it’s anything against you, just that I have to go on some spirit journey.”

  “That sounds very Native American. Did he give you any other instructions?”

  “No eating until after the journey. He said I would meet my grandparents tomorrow! Apparently, they’re part of the tribe and will help train me or something.”

  Mark cocked his head to the side and gazed off into nowhere. “I knew my Wolf was trying to tell me something, but I didn’t understand what. Did he say something about a Coyote?”


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