Promise Me

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Promise Me Page 9

by Tara Fox Hall

“House is clear,” the woman said. “One dead. Lander’s taking care of him.”

  Danial moved back from me. “Go to your bedroom. I’ll join you in a minute.”

  I nodded and went inside. To my relief, the body was gone, though the blood was evident. I saw a man, likely Lander, heading toward it with cleaning supplies. I hurried into my bedroom and shut the door.

  Even my room smelled of gunpowder, and I opened the bathroom window. As I did, I caught sight of myself in the mirror and saw specks of blood on my face. I wiped them off.

  Screw it; I was taking a bath. It would help me relax.

  Through the open window, I could hear Danial’s angry voice, cold as ice, demanding to know what had happened. I turned on the water, then turned it back off when I couldn’t hear him anymore.

  “Suri, call Theo for me. Demetri, set up a perimeter around the house. Ivan, go up in the barn and watch with the starlight scope. I don’t want to be disturbed again tonight.”

  “Theo for you, sir.”

  “Give him what we learned. Janice, you monitor the police channels. If you hear anything, notify Demetri. Lander, you’re in charge of the bodies. There are twelve more near the forest.”

  “Okay,” I heard a voice in the woodstove room say. “Inside’s almost done.”

  Danial was the leader I’d taken him for. He’d covered all the bases, making sure that I was safe and we wouldn’t be spending a good portion of the night in a police station. Maybe it was illegal, but I told myself Danial didn’t have a choice, being what he was.

  I heard his voice again, this time sounding weary. “Theo, it’s me...Yes, yes, you were right; I was wrong. We should have taken a stronger approach. What happened tonight was my fault. It was Max. We managed to capture one of his men. He gave us everything, the plan, how they found out where I was, and where Max and his family are hiding.” A pause. “Yes. Do whatever you think is fitting. No, she wasn’t hurt, but she had to kill someone to stay that way. There were about fifteen of them, not a lot for what Max has at his disposal. But we’re set for tonight. And Theo, make sure that when you settle this, you add in the interest due to him and his kin. I want them dead before dawn.”

  I abruptly closed the window, chilled by his words. This was the man I was falling for? He’d just told his hit man to take care of a problem by killing an entire family. I shuddered as the hot water filled the tub. I stripped off my clothes and got in, hugging my legs against me.

  Danial was as ruthless as Theo, maybe even more so. Could I live with that? Could I trust him enough to be intimate with him, now that I was learning more about what he was capable of? His business was more than I’d thought, and there was an ugly side to it. Thinking back to the e-mail he’d shown me, it made sense he’d have help, especially to watch over him in the daytime.

  I took a hard look at the killings. The one’s here had been in self-defense and didn’t bother me, at least now that the bodies weren’t in sight. Sending Theo after the man who’d caused the problem didn’t bother me either. Killing Max’s kin was the only thing that did, even if it was probably prudent to do. I’d heard stories where a child or woman had been spared because it was the moral thing to do. They always came back later for revenge. I didn’t want this to happen again because someone wasn’t ruthless enough tonight. Max, a man I’d never met, who knew nothing about me or my life, had ordered me to be tortured and killed just because I knew Danial. I wouldn’t sit here and cry for him or his family.

  That realization prompted another concern; would Danial ever hurt me? He’d been a little forceful when we kissed but he hadn’t done anything I didn’t like. I’d had a great time on our date, as well as tonight, up until almost getting killed. No, I didn’t think he would. If I saw the signs, I’d break things off.

  The tub was full and I felt much better. I relaxed back in the water. After another ten minutes, I began to wonder if Danial would make an appearance. As if on cue, the bedroom door opened. He came in, but not into the bathroom.

  “Are you sure you’re unharmed?” he said with concern.

  “I’m doing okay.” My voice wavered. “I’m not fine, but I’m dealing with what happened. Are my dogs okay?”

  “Yes, they’re still in the basement. My people left them there. The house is being watched, so you’re safe.”

  “Thanks,” I said uneasily.

  “Would you prefer that I left?” he asked carefully. “I don’t have to stay tonight, if you—”

  “I want you to,” I said, blushing. “Come in here with me.”

  He crossed to me and crouched beside the tub, wrapping me in his arms. I hugged him hard, then moved back, apologizing for getting him wet.

  He didn’t respond. He took all of me in with a faint smile. His eyes were a little wistful and very affectionate. I watched as his desire filled those dark eyes, turning them darker. He ran his hand down my arm, into the water. I was as tense as a coiled spring, motionless. His hand crossed my stomach, one finger tracing my skin. Our eyes locked. He ran his palm under my breast, around and over the top, to slide up to my neck. His eyes were almost black, and I suddenly wanted him with a longing that made me tremble.

  I’d almost been killed. I was through being lady-like, through with waiting. But I still wanted to be somewhere more comfortable than the tile floor.

  “Can we go downstairs now?” My words were rife with heat.

  He gave me a slow smile, the same heat in his eyes. “Sure. Let me call Theo and tell him I’m staying.” He got to his feet. “You go downstairs. I’m sure the dogs are eager to see you.”

  I grabbed a towel and stood up, wrapping it around me as I went down to the cellar. Ghost and Darkness were fine. Someone had even given them Cheweez treat and brought their beds down. I gave them each a hug and told them they’d been brave. I left them snoozing, went into what was Danial’s room, and stopped. It had changed since I’d last been down here. He’d moved his equipment to a desk in the corner, creating a home office. The biggest change, though, was the bed. It had been a spare bed before, nothing elaborate. The sheets and comforter hadn’t even matched. Someone had put on a new box spring and mattress. The sheets, pillows, and comforter were forest green. I thought initially that they were satin, but touching one to push it back, I realized they were cotton. The sheen came from a high thread count.

  I admired the room as I dried off. It looked a lot nicer than I’d been able to manage with my limited means. I sprawled naked on the bed and waited for Danial.

  The look on his face when he walked in and saw me waiting for him was priceless. He couldn’t get to me fast enough.

  He pressed the full length of himself against me, kissing me deeply. His tongue darted in, and I licked him in return. He tried to take off his shirt without disentangling himself from me, but it didn’t work. He reared back on his knees and stripped it off in one fluid motion. He was breathtaking. A pearl-like luster against his now flushed skin outlined his muscles. He touched me everywhere, exploring my body, as I explored his. He felt so good, just like the dream. This made me remember something we’d both neglected to discuss before we’d started. I pushed him back from me, panting.

  “What about safe sex?” I asked, breathing hard. “I don’t want to—”

  He put a finger to my lips. “I can’t make a child within you. My body can only regenerate itself. It gave up the power to make life long ago, becoming sterile the moment I became vampire. So don’t worry, okay? My immune system destroys anything that tries to make a home in me. You’re safe.”

  This was hardly the moment, but I wondered aloud “Then why are you still able”

  “Have sex?” he laughed. “Magic, I guess.” He nuzzled me.

  “Sorry,” I said in false apology. “I probably jinxed it.” I smirked at him.

  He gave me a libidinous smile. “Think so?”

  He rolled off the bed and stripped off his jeans. I had three thoughts: Oh. My. God. He was perfection, from his muscular ch
est, down to his tight abs, to his well-formed masculinity. Clearly, everything was working as it should.

  Danial dove back on the bed. I bounced when he hit, but his arms were already around me, pulling me to him. Then we were making love, and it was better than the dream. For each thrust, I was ready for him, meeting his body with mine. He felt so good inside me. Too quickly, I felt my climax building, and a moment later, we came together, clutching each other. The aftershocks lasted for the both of us as we writhed together on the bed, moaning our pleasure. Finally, he rolled off me, and we lay on our sides facing each other.

  “That was wonderful,” I said, deeply gratified.

  He kissed me softly. “And for me,” he said, satisfaction in his tone.

  He gave me a lover’s smile; one that said, I’ve tasted your secrets, all of them, and there is no going back. I gave him the same smile and stroked his chest. He turned me over to spoon against me. I felt the strength of his body holding mine and was completely content. I was half-asleep when he said, “I bet I know what you’re thinking.”

  I wasn’t thinking of anything except how good I felt, despite the FUBAR beginning to the night. But I did wonder what he thought I was thinking. “Tell me.”

  “You’re wondering why I didn’t bite you.”

  Now that he mentioned it, I was surprised he hadn’t. “So why didn’t you?”

  He rolled me onto my back and raised himself up on one arm, so he was looking down at me. “If you give me your permission, I’d like to try it.” He bared his fangs at me in a teasing way, and I laughed. “Until I know you’ve recovered from what I took from you before, I don’t want to risk taking any more. And I won’t do it then unless you want me to,” he said tenderly.

  He dipped his head, ran a fang down my breast, and suckled me, careful not to cut me. I reached down to feel him lengthening in my hand.

  This time was slower. I got to examine every inch of him, and he did the same to me. I rode him as he rocked my hips astride his, caressing my breasts. Later, he entered me as he sat, forcing my hips down on his lap as he kissed my neck. I leaned back against him, reaching my arms up to twine them around his neck. I kissed him as he thrust into me. His hand deftly stroked me as I let out soft eager cries.

  I couldn’t get enough of him, not his body or his kisses. He was everything I’d ever wanted. Much as I didn’t want it to stop, as the night wore on, my body told me it was time to. After the sixth time, I said, “I’m loving this, but I’m exhausted.”

  We kissed again, and he stroked my face. “Good, I’m getting tired, too.”

  We both laughed and snuggled closer. I fell asleep with his arms around me, my head on his chest.

  * * * *

  I woke in blackness. What time was it? I was missing my watch, but it had to be morning by now. I could feel Danial next to me, unmoving. I touched him, and he was cool, not cold. I put my hand over his chest, where his heart would be. I didn’t feel anything for a moment. Then I did feel a slow beat. Ten seconds later, I felt it again. I’d have to check it when he was awake, to see if it sped up any. I kissed him lightly, but he didn’t wake.

  I grabbed his shirt, remembering I didn’t have any of my own clothes down here. It covered me to my mid thigh and would have to do. I had to go check on the dogs.

  I opened the adjoining door and found them still in their beds. When they saw me, they bounded to their feet and whined. I helped them navigate the stairs with a lot of coaxing, pushing, and pulling. Once upstairs, I let them out. No one was around, at least not in the house. Someone had made a fire but it was going to go out soon, so I put a few more logs on it. I let the dogs in, fed them, and called the cats, most of which had spent the night outside. As I fed them, I noticed it was about ten a.m.

  I sat down and turned on the TV. There was nothing about any Max on CNN. I checked the weather channel next, where reality sheared my fantasy morning. It said that a large thunderstorm was headed our way, coming up from the southwest—the remnants of a hurricane that had hit the Texas coast a few days ago. It would be there by that night. I had to get out there and mow the lawn.

  I showered, put on my watch, and dressed in sweats. Cavity joined me on my way to the barn, heading upstairs to the loft when I started the mower. I looked for signs of last night’s trouble but didn’t see anything out of place, not even a brass casing.

  As I mowed, I thought about the last things needing to be done before the first snow and made a mental list. I thought about Danial and how good sex had been. His coolness hadn’t bothered me. If I’d not known he was a vampire, I’d have thought he was human.

  Two hours passed before I was done. I cleaned the mower, put it away, and headed inside for lunch. I made myself a sandwich, treating myself to a soda. I decided to watch a movie, but the cats decided they’d been ignored for far too long and applied themselves to my lap. I only saw the beginning of the show before I fell asleep.

  I woke up as it was ending and decided to take the dogs for a walk in case the storm arrived early. This time, though, I went armed. I checked the chamber and replaced the bullet I’d used last night. The gun didn’t need cleaning, as I’d only fired it once. I buckled on my holster and went outside. Ghost and Darkness bounded all over in their exuberance.

  We started toward the barn. It was a beautiful sunny day, so beautiful that I wondered if a storm was really coming. As we came up to the building, I saw a figure on the road. The dogs didn’t bark. It was Theo.

  “Good Morning,” I said, flashing him a smile.

  He looked down his nose at me. “Afternoon, you mean. Where do you think you’re going?”

  “For a walk,” I said, petting the dogs. They again acted nervous around him. “Want to come?”

  “You know you’d be safer if you stay around the house.”

  “I’d be safe enough if you came with me. Or don’t you do walks?”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “C’mon,” I coaxed. “There’s no lifting involved.”

  His mock sigh turned into a laugh. He used his cell to tell someone that he was “accompanying me on a dog walk” and for them to take a break.

  We began to walk. Theo let the silence last for only a few minutes. “So Sarelle, how’d it go?” His voice was filled with innuendo and lust.

  “It went just fine. Thanks for asking,” I said smoothly, not looking at him.

  He flashed me a grin that I saw out of the corner of my eye. “No problem.”

  Bringing the topic back to safer ground, I asked, “Have you guys been out here all day watching me mow the lawn?”

  He turned serious. “Yes. After last night’s mess, I didn’t want a repeat incident today.”

  “Weren’t you ordered to take care of Max last night? You’re here, so you must have. I’d think we’d be completely safe now.”

  Theo stopped walking, irritated. “Do you always listen in on conversations that aren’t for you to hear?”

  “Yes, when it’s important, and they concern me. Look, I’m glad you’re protecting us. I’m glad you’re we aren’t attacked again. But I need to know if it’s always going to be this bad.”

  To his credit, there was no denial of any problems, no stupid comebacks such as “What do you mean?” or “Define bad.” He just looked at me, sighed, and started to walk again. I followed.

  “It’s been worse than usual lately. We had the problem with Max and his vendetta even before Danial met you. There was also a threatening email from a woman who swore she’d see Danial dead, but so far, she’s done nothing. She’s probably harmless. We’re still keeping an eye on her, but for now, the worst is the vampire Danial claims is after him.”


  “No one’s seen him, only Danial. The only thing proving that there’s someone after him is what brought him to your door.”

  “He said there was vampire poison on the arrow that struck him.”

  “Yes, there was. He sent samples to verify
the type. It slows the body’s ability to regenerate itself, until it stops it altogether.”

  Danial had mentioned that. “What can you do about this vampire?”

  “Not much,” he said grudgingly, obviously hating his helplessness. “We have to wait until he shows himself again. All the other vampires in the area say they’re innocent. They usually get along fairly well with Danial.”

  My bullshit detector went off at that. At least one vampire around the area was Danial’s enemy. But the confusion in Theo’s voice was real enough. “So they’re lying?”

  He shifted his eyes to me. “I believe them. This vampire is a rogue, and that means he’s a wild card.” He turned to me and suddenly took me by the shoulders. He’d never touched me until now, and it startled me. His eyes bored into mine.“Listen when I tell you this. Danial believes all vampires will respect you as his...woman; that no one will bother you because they’ll see the symbol and respect it. But this vampire wants to kill him, not get his attention. Get it?”

  I got it all right, loud and clear.

  “When Danial and I leave, I’m going to add extra guards here, so someone is always watching the house. And I’m going to leave this with you.” He reached behind his back and withdrew a gun, which he handed to me. “You have revolvers, so you should be able to handle this one.”

  I examined the wicked semiautomatic. I hefted it and admired the sleek lines. It was a nice piece of work.

  “Are you going to give me a holster, too?”

  “Yes, but not now. This back holster was custom made for me. I’m having a smaller one rigged for you. It’ll be ready by the time Danial and I leave.”

  “Thanks, but what good are bullets against vampires? At least two bullets hit Danial last night, and he was fine afterwards.”

  “Yeah, I’ll bet he was,” he laughed and smirked at me.

  Always with the sex. Did he only think about sex and weapons? “He was more than fine last night. Now tell me why you think this gun will be of any use against a vampire when they’re practically immune to bullets?”

  “Danial wasn’t hit with bullets like these. Max might have been out to kill him, but Danial’s vampirism is a closely guarded secret. Max has no idea what he is and sent his men with regular bullets. That is the only reason the attempt failed.”


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