The Climax Montana Complete Collection

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The Climax Montana Complete Collection Page 72

by Reece Butler

  She wanted to stay. That meant keeping secrets from these caring men.

  “Let’s not talk about that,” she said when her throat loosened enough to speak. “I do have skeletons, and they’re staying in my closet.”

  He held her, silent and still. If he insisted she either speak or leave, she would go. She allowed herself another moment to memorize what a man’s caring embrace felt like, then began to pull away. He tightened his hold.

  “What do you want to do with your life, Jane?”

  “Survive.” She answered without thinking for once, providing the truth. She waited, but he didn’t return to their previous topic of conversation.

  “You’ve got to want more than that. What are your dreams?”

  A man with such a rich life, full of family and friends, backed up by wonderful memories, wouldn’t understand. She tugged, and this time he released her. She turned toward the open sea and wrapped her arms around herself, already missing his touch.

  “Dreams are one of those luxuries I can’t afford. Getting through today, and maybe tomorrow, is as far ahead as I can think.”

  “I can accept that. Riley was the same after Zarah crushed him. What one thing do you need to accomplish first?”

  “Change how I look so no one can find me.”

  He hauled her around until they faced each other. “Why?”

  She shook her head, cursing the burst of honesty. “I don’t want to tell you. I’ve done nothing illegal, honest. I just…have to disappear for a while.”

  She could tell by his expression that he didn’t like her answer. She didn’t blame him for not trusting her. After all, look where he’d found her. She tried to move but he wouldn’t release her.

  “Jane,” he said, stretching the word in warning.

  “Thank you for saving me last night,” she said, looking at the sand. “If you give me a ride to Corpus Christi, I’ll get out of your way.”


  It wasn’t a “no, I don’t think that’s a good idea.” It was an out-and-out denial, as if he had the right. Just like last night. Back then she’d been close to the edge of hysterics, and had few defenses. It was different now. She could take care of herself, if she had to. But she must also consider them. To keep them safe, she must leave.

  “You don’t have a say in this, Travis.”

  She didn’t look above his chin as he slowly shook his head. “You’re not leaving, Jane. You said you’d stay and work for us, so as your boss I’ll be making the decisions from now on.”

  She shook her head. She’d said that last night, before she thought it out. What she wanted didn’t matter. Not if it put them in danger.

  “I can’t tell you why, but I won’t take the chance of you and your family being harmed because you were kind to me.”

  “I’ve already said you’re staying put. If we have to tie you up, we will.”

  “You can’t keep me tied up!”

  His posture said he was serious. The half-lidded eyes caressing her said he would enjoy doing it.

  “You’re right. We want you to work. Fine, we’ll keep you naked. That’ll stop you from running away.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Jane’s chest tightened, but in arousal more than fear. She jerked away, but he caught the back of her coat with both hands. She struggled, but could not escape.

  “Why are you doing this?”

  “Someone is after you, Jane. We’re going to protect you, whether you want us to, or not.”

  The possessive, commanding presence both thrilled and infuriated her. Thrilled that someone like Travis wanted to protect her, yet infuriated he thought he could tell her what to do. She’d just escaped a man who’d treated her like a puppet. She would not be controlled, even for a pair of handsome, arousing cowboys. She stopped fighting, and he released her. She turned to face him. His expression, cold and distant, made her shiver. She still raised her chin.

  “You’re not the boss of me, Travis Adams.”

  She knew she sounded like a child. It was the sort of thing her sister would throw at her. Instead of yelling, like Sissy would have, Travis smirked. That’s the only way she could describe the condescending way he lifted his eyebrow.

  “Yes, I am.” His voice was deeper, more intense that she’d heard so far. He took a step closer. His steps were bigger than hers, so he landed an inch from her chest. “I told you last night, Jane. When you climbed in my truck I assumed responsibility for your protection. Then you agreed to work for me. That makes me your boss.”

  He loomed over her, seeming so much bigger than a few minutes earlier when he’d held out the fragile sand dollar. Why did her heart pound, her nipples crinkle, and her stomach drop when he said such things in that commanding tone? His voice wrapped around her like soft, supple leather and drew her in, tantalizing her with forbidden images.

  She was naked and blindfolded, tied with black leather. Easily available to be taken however he wished. She could feel his presence and knew he would inflict wicked pleasure on her straining, eager body. She fought to escape, knowing it was impossible. Unless she asked.

  She shuddered at the image, the intensity of need overwhelming her. She turned into the wind, gulping cold air, hoping her face would cool before he noticed her flush. She didn’t know where that image had come from, but every nerve was exploding in reaction. If this wasn’t an orgasm, it was the closest thing to it.

  He waited until she had her breathing under control. The rest of her still throbbed, but he couldn’t see under her clothing.

  “Jane, neither of us would bind or strip a woman against her will,” he said soberly. “We want to help, not frighten you.”

  A broken laugh escaped. “I’m not afraid of you.”

  She wasn’t, not in the way he meant. She’d noted the “against her will.” That meant Travis and Riley would do it if they knew she agreed. Once more a shiver tickled her. She needed to know where she stood. All her life there had been rules to follow and consequences when she had not. She’d done her best, but her father kept changing the rules without telling her. It kept her in a state of constant fear and confusion, as he was never pleased.

  “I don’t know what you want from me.”

  His eyes smiled, but his expression didn’t match.

  “I want to help you discover yourself, and all you can be.” His finger stroked the edge of her jaw, a light touch which shook her to the core. “You need to be cherished by someone who will hold and comfort you, as well as help you stand tall.” His eyes seemed to bore into her, sending a beam of light into the darkness she’d spent years cowering in. “You need a man you know will take care of you, no matter what. I aim to fill that position, Jane.”

  She yearned to be held and comforted, to relax and let someone else take over. Was it possible? Could she trust him? Her heart raced at the possibility, excited and terrified at the same time.

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Her tight throat caused her voice to croak the words.

  He slowly lifted his palms, placing them either side of her face. Her father had grabbed her chin numerous times, cruelly forcing his thumb up behind her jaw. Travis cradled her head in his callused hands. His tender touch made her mind go blank. He leaned over, searching into her eyes.

  “You’ve been forced to obey orders that harmed you. You were often punished, but never rewarded. Am I right?”

  Her chin trembled in his hands. Facing straight ahead, she looked up through her eyelashes, feeling like an unsure small child with a towering adult. His dark eyes caressed her as much as his hands and his deep, gentle voice. She nodded, a faint movement that caused him to sigh.

  “You need a man to comfort you and guide you, encouraging you to grow and flourish, to be the best you can be.”

  She wanted to become proud, confident Jane instead of inhibited, fearful Penelope. She needed, and wanted, to share a home with two cowboys who made her feel feminine and powerful.

  “This isn’t something you c
an do alone,” he continued.

  “You’ll guide me?”

  He nodded. “My guidance will include discipline, but it will help you learn and to believe you can do far more than you thought possible.”

  His quiet words flowed over her like cool water on a blistering day. She barely registered the soft kiss on her forehead before it was gone. Tears welled at his gentle care. She was so tired of being alone. Tired of staying tense and alert, expecting a verbal or physical blow at any moment.

  “You need to experience the care and attention you’ve be craving all your life,” he continued. “A big lap to climb on, strong arms to hold you close, and a broad chest to wet with your tears.”

  This time his lips brushed hers, whisper-soft, a hint of what could be. She opened her mouth, wanting more, but he’d only tantalized. His eyes warmed. Her breath caught.

  “You’re a smart woman, Jane, and well educated. You’re determined to make your way in the world, but you need help to overcome your hesitancy.” His nostrils flared and the corners of his mouth turned up. They spoke of a sensual awareness she could feel seep into her cells. “You have an intriguing innocence combined with a flicker of sexual awareness. Coaxing that flicker into a flame will take time, and patience.”

  This time, when his head descended, she was ready. She pursed her lips, thinking that was how to kiss. He groaned, a guttural sound that hit her like an electric current. She melted into his kiss, clutching his shirt with her fists to stay upright. He pulled away, both of them panting. His eyes glittered with intensity.

  “I’ll be soft and gentle,” he whispered. “And when you need me to show you the error of your ways, I’ll take that role as well. You’ll offer your submission to my command, giving me your fears, knowing I’m strong enough to take them on, and help you banish them.”

  He tilted her head, his hands now pressing against her face. Not hard, but with steady intent. She felt his power, and his caring. Her fingers, still fisted in his shirt, trembled. Her lungs, already tight from his kiss and tenderness, burned. Her throat swelled, fighting oceans of tears she’d never had the opportunity to shed.

  She’d been so alone. Unloved, and therefore unlovable. Unable to give or receive affection in case her father attacked the ones she cared about. She yearned for Travis’s touch, his arms, and his whispered reassurances.

  She needed to submit her fears into his care. His power, like an iron fist encased in velvet, could protect her and smite those who would harm her. He could caress her in the dark night when the nightmares hit, wrapping his body around her sobs to soothe her into a peaceful sleep. And he would, when he believed she needed it, make her sting, and feel fully alive.

  Every part of her could finally come to life. That included her pussy, which pulsed with the need to feel more than Travis’s hard cock pressed against her belly. There was no way she could deny she wanted him, or that she wanted this transformation.

  “I can help you find, and release, that little girl who never had a chance to play, be cuddled, or feel safe.”

  His caring sent a shaft of grief to pierce her heart. Sudden tears erupted. One ran down her cheek. He caught it with his tongue.

  “I can also help awaken the sensual woman in you, Jane. She hides behind a wall of shame and fear. Together, we can break down that wall and release your passion.”

  His words flowed over her like warm honey. Chills hit her tailbone, morphing into a heat that spread over her pelvis. Her nipples swelled. He chuckled knowingly. A different kind of heat flowed up her chest to redden her face.

  “Will you accept me, and submit to me, Jane?”

  She wanted to stay. Travis and Riley wanted her to stay. Everything might work out, if…

  “Can we pretend nothing existed before we arrived here?” she asked.

  He frowned. “What do you mean?”

  “You don’t ask how I got to that bar.”

  The words tumbled out. She looked up to see his reaction. Her stomach dropped. His eyes bored into her, branding her soul. The bland look he’d shown her was a front. He shook his head, slowly, exuding a sense of power.

  “Not acceptable. You will tell me what I need to know to protect you.”

  His intense look proved he believed he could protect her. It was sweet, but misguided. No one could protect her from the monster she knew too well. She wouldn’t be completely safe while her father lived, but Travis didn’t need to know that. She forced a dismissive laugh.

  “Who would harm me?”

  His steady look censured her for dismissing his concern.

  “Whoever, or whatever, you’re running from, to start,” he replied.

  Travis was not a man to back down. She reconsidered her position. Hiding in a tourist town would be perfect. She’d learned that everything in life had conditions. If she wanted to stay, she had to tell Travis enough to answer his curiosity.

  “I’m running from my father,” she replied with as much dignity as she could scrape together. “He has money and power, and considers himself an important man. He also believes he owns me, that I’m just another piece of property to barter with. I disagree.”


  “Please, let me talk.”

  He nodded, then stepped behind and wrapped his arms around her again. Already she was getting used to having his protective warmth envelop her. She drew on his strength and chose her words carefully.

  “Last week he informed me I would marry in April, a week before my birthday. I’ve learned never to say no to him, so I nodded obediently.”

  Nor did she show any reaction. Only the weak showed emotions. She’d learned to look calm, no matter how she felt inside. It was a survival characteristic, ingrained long ago.

  “You didn’t reply because he would beat you,” murmured Travis.

  “That, too,” she admitted with a nonchalant shrug.

  She could take the physical blows. It was the deliberate cruelty to others, then blaming her for causing them harm, that brought her to her knees. She’d learned not to have friends, pets, or show an interest in anything he could destroy as a method of subjugating her.

  Penelope Elizabeth had been a coward, had crumbled each and every time he struck. Jane was strong. Jane would survive, and prosper.

  “After informing me of my wedding, but not the name of the groom, I was locked in my suite.”

  His arms jerked in reaction, but he didn’t interrupt. She made a mental note not to tell him how often she was locked away. Her father called it protecting her, but no matter how well decorated, it was still a prison.

  “Two nights ago I was brought downstairs. My father handed me a wedding invitation. Mine.” She shuddered, remembering her shock and revulsion. “That’s when I discovered the name of my fiancé. He is twenty years older than I, a man my father’s wanted to do business with for years.”

  “You don’t like him.”

  “He makes my flesh crawl.”

  That was being polite. She could not face being alone in a room with the man. Marriage was out of the question.

  “I decided I would rather be dead. So I ran away.”

  “What you’re saying, is that your father bartered you for something he wanted,” said Travis coldly.

  “To him, people are just another commodity, a means to an end to further his business empire.”

  Travis gave a low growl. She couldn’t see if his teeth were bared, but expected they were.

  “I’ll kill him,” he said, quiet and deadly.


  She pulled free to face him. “Promise me you won’t do anything!” She grabbed his arm and shook. Nothing moved those hard muscles. “You’re a good man,” she continued. “You have a family who loves you. He’ll have you killed, and your family. For real. He’ll destroy everything that matters to you. He’s done it before.” She begged him with her eyes and her heart. “I can’t put you in danger by staying here with you. Promise me you won’t go after him, or I’ll have to leave.�

  He dropped his head back, inhaled, and then looked at her again. His jaw was tight, his eyes hard.

  “Fine.” He exhaled. His lip twitched. “How can I do anything to him when I don’t know his name, or even if Jane is your name.”

  She slumped, but only for a moment. “His name is Bertram, so I call him Bertie, but only in my mind. As for me, Jane is who I am. I’ve always hated the name he gave me. Four syllables is too many.”

  He pursed his lips and looked her over.

  “Alexandra?” he asked. “That’s four.” She shook her head. “Amelia? Arabella?”

  She bit her lip to hold back a smile. “Even if you guess, I won’t tell you. That’s not who I am anymore.”

  “Because you’re becoming Jane instead.”


  His warm eyes smiled in return. Travis Adams knew her better than anyone else, even though they’d spent only a few hours together. He cared enough to listen, and to hear what she said. The two things were not the same. Had anyone else really looked at her, seeing beyond her façade of bland indifference?

  Of course not. She was nothing other than her father’s pawn. Men danced to his tune. She was an unwilling prize, to be given to a man her father knew she despised. Why did her father hate her so much?

  She turned away so Travis wouldn’t see the tears that threatened to fall. Travis held her close, enfolding her, keeping her safe. He slowly rocked her from side to side, silently sharing the view.

  This time belonged to her. She could look in the past and cringe, or step forward and embrace a new life.

  Could she trust Travis, thrilling to his roar when he chased and caught her? Or fight back, knowing he wouldn’t harm her? After he subdued her, using those muscles that made her heart skip, would he touch her gently, arousing her and making her cry out in a way she’d never experienced?

  She wanted to feel this man’s hands caressing her. She wanted his lips to nuzzle her as his fingers skimmed her skin. Only when she was eager for more would he remove his clothes. Much later, when he’d banished her fears, he would enter her. If she could accept all of him, with caring and tenderness, she would no longer be broken.


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