The Climax Montana Complete Collection

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The Climax Montana Complete Collection Page 76

by Reece Butler

  They both knew it was an excuse to separate. He moved the candle from the table to the breakfast bar, and Jane set down the game. They took turns drawing tiles from the decades-old Crown Royale bag. He grinned at the purple cloth and gold rope.

  “We have the same bag at home,” he said. “What about you?”

  “I’ve only played the computer version.”

  She studiously kept her face down, so he didn’t comment. Another reason to smash her father’s face. No friends over for sleepovers, common at his place growing up, and no family board game nights. No family at all, just a bastard father and a bitch of a sister.

  Buster settled at their feet, content to have two out of three of his best buddies at home with him.

  Jane trounced him, two games out of three.

  “What do I win?” she blurted.

  Travis went instantly hard. How was he going to get through tonight without seducing Jane? She looked up, catching him watching her. Instead of shyly looking away, she dared him to answer.

  “Anything in particular you’d like?”

  “A kiss?” Her pink ears turned a darker shade.

  “I can do that,” he softly replied.

  She tensed, but he’d bide his time. She’d made it clear she was ready to stretch her boundaries tonight. That didn’t mean he’d jump her bones. Not yet.

  He grabbed her bare foot and drew it go his mouth. He nibbled her instep. She squealed, kicking and trying to pull away. He kept going until she yelled, “Stop!”

  He released her immediately and sat back. Her face was flushed, as was the small portion of her chest that showed under her T-shirt. She panted, thrusting those peaked nipples at him with every breath. She seemed disappointed. Had she wanted him to continue, while complaining? There was a solution for a playful “no means keep going.”

  “You need a safe word so you can make all the noise you like, without me stopping. The usual one is ‘red’, with ‘yellow’ meaning slow down.”

  “Pardon me?”

  He gave her a good look from hair to tabletop, making his interest plain.

  “Say you and me got into a tussle. We’re rolling on the floor, wrestling in a play fight. You want to scream all sorts of things, including ‘no’ and ‘stop’, but have me ignore them. I’d keep going until you said ‘red’. Unless I heard that word I wouldn’t stop.”

  He had her full attention. Just as he couldn’t do much to stop his cock from getting firm at the thought of wrestling with her, she couldn’t stop her eyes from dilating, her nostrils flaring, or that pulse in her neck from beating like she was running home.

  She put the game away. He admired the way her sweats tightened over her ass. She seemed to hesitate, then faced him.

  “You might need to say it, too,” she said.

  He laughed out loud. “Sweetie, I could overpower you anytime I want. I’ve got a hundred pounds and nine inches on you. In height,” he added, suddenly aware of another meaning. One which got more urgent the more he looked at Jane. He could hold his hundred extra pounds over her with one arm and guide his nine-inch cock between her legs with the other.

  She stared blankly at him. Dang if he didn’t see wheels turning. She narrowed her eyes. They dropped to his chest, almost caressing him.

  “Not if I’ve got you tied to the bed,” she said.

  He went from cucumber-hard to iron bar in zero point three seconds.

  Her face turned red but she didn’t back down. He leaned back, feigning an ease he sure as heck didn’t feel. He should have changed from his work jeans into his sweats before starting this dang game.

  “Now why would I let you tie me to the bed?” he asked, as if he didn’t care one way or the other.

  “To let me be in control.”

  “If that’s what you need, Jane, just say the word,” he said gently.

  “Why do you want to kiss me?” she asked.

  He stalked toward her, slow and steady. If she’d shown the least bit of resistance, he would have stopped. She quivered, but didn’t run. She wanted this, but was fearful. Not of him, or he wouldn’t be pursuing her.

  “There’s all sorts of reasons, Jane.” He rested his hands on her shoulders. He kept his touch light, but let her feel enough weight that she was aware of his command. “Because I like you as a person. Because you play a great game of Scrabble.” Her chin came up. “Because I’ve been imagining those lips of yours,” he murmured.


  “And because you want to be kissed.”

  She hadn’t run, so he slowly dropped his head. He inhaled, rubbing his nose in her hair. She smelled of the strawberry shampoo Riley had picked for her. “Do you?”

  “Yes, please,” she whispered.

  “That’s my girl,” he replied just as quietly.

  He started sweetly, with butterfly-light kisses on her cheeks. He let her get impatient before joining their lips. She made a sound in the back of her throat. It wasn’t quite a moan, but he took it as encouragement for more. The hands that fisted his shirt added emphasis to her demands.

  He deepened the kiss. She responded, all eager and unsure but wanting it anyway. He opened her mouth and slid his tongue just inside. She took the hint and returned the gesture. He let her explore him. She might be a beginner, but she learned fast.

  The faint sound of a familiar truck engine warned him the front door would soon be opening. He moved his hands, cupping her ass with one while putting the other around her back. When Riley came in, she wouldn’t be able to shove him away. She responded by rubbing her pelvis against him. He pulled her closer. Of course, that was when Riley opened the door.

  “About time you two got it on,” said Riley.

  Jane startled, shoving against his chest.

  “Shh, it’s okay,” he said quietly. “That’s Riley coming home.” He held her tight, until he realized she wasn’t struggling. He raised his voice. “You covered in cougar juice, Rye? Or are you clean enough to help our Jane learn her way around a man’s mouth?”

  Riley shucked off his coat and hat.

  “Didn’t go to a bar. Drove to the beach and watched the surf.”

  Looking over Jane’s head, Travis saw Riley reach for his shirtfront. The staccato popping of snaps filled the quiet room. Removing clothing had not been on Trav’s agenda, but he’d let Jane run the show.

  “Why did you go to the beach?” she asked, her head still on his chest.

  Riley, eyes on Jane, strode over.

  “I realized I wanted you, Duchess, or nothing. You’ve had your turn, Trav. You going to stand back and let me kiss Jane, or do I have to knock you out of the way?”

  * * * *

  Jane felt as if she were in an erotic dream. Already overwhelmed from being aroused by Travis while playing Scrabble, then devastated by his kisses, Riley’s words of desire made her pussy clench. But wouldn’t Travis be jealous of Riley intruding? The hard cock which had pressed into her during their long kiss proved how much Travis wanted her. Yet he’d done nothing but kiss. Even now, with his brother wanting to take over, he showed respect.

  “Jane? Riley’s a lousy kisser compared to me, but you can let him try to prove otherwise, if you like.”

  “You’re not jealous?” she asked Travis.

  “Why would I want to do anything to lessen your chance at pleasure? Riley’s my brother. There’s few secrets between us.”

  The next kiss grazed her temple. She shivered.

  “I want you, Jane. We both do. But you’re the one leading the way. If all you want is kisses and then we each go to bed, alone and horny as hell, that’s your choice to make.”

  Travis released her. Riley took over, sliding his hands over her back and down. He pressed against her, proving he was equally aroused. He brought the scent of the sea with him. She rested her forehead on his chest, realizing it was bare when hair rasped against her face.

  “That’s right, Duchess. Snuggle up tight and we’ll see about this kissing. This all new to yo

  “Yes,” she replied without looking up.

  “Nuh-uh, Duchess. You talk to me, you look at me. Got it?”

  His commanding tone, though lighthearted, caused her to inhale. She looked up. His brown eyes were serious for once.

  “That’s my girl,” he murmured. “You do what you’re told, and we’ll get along just fine.”

  “Riley,” warned Travis from behind her.

  “I know Jane’s navigating,” said Riley over her shoulder. “But I’m the one in the driver’s seat. The lady says where we’re going, but it’s up to me to get us there. You got that, Duchess?”

  She hadn’t seen such an intense expression on his face before. “I just want to kiss,” she said.

  “You say anything about what you want kissed? Or is that up to me?”

  “My lips,” she replied. The sudden heat in his eyes arced to her nipples.

  “Well, now, Duchess,” he murmured, leaning in close. “There’s two sets of lips. How ’bout I try a taste of each tonight?”

  He nuzzled her ear, then traced a line to her neck. She couldn’t think, much less speak.

  “Hmm, no answer. That mean it’s my choice?”

  “I…I’m not sure what you mean.” His dark chuckle sent shivers through her body.

  “There’s these lips,” he said, and nipped her top lip.

  She opened her mouth in a gasp. He groaned, hauled her close, and plundered her mouth. She melted under his erotic onslaught, responding with the same intensity until he pulled back. She rested her forehead on his chest, her mind blank as she hauled air into her lungs.

  “And then there’s these.”

  His hand slipped between her thighs. His touch was lightning in a dark sky. She found herself spreading her legs, eager for more. He slid his rigid hand back and forth, then pulled away. She moaned at the loss of sensation. He inhaled deeply.

  “Damn, you smell good! I bet you taste even better.”

  “She only asked for a kiss,” said Travis, interrupting.

  “Just checking where the lady wanted those kisses.” Riley squeezed her. “Your pussy sure is a’purring, Duchess. You are wetter than a house cat caught halfway to the barn in an August storm. Sure you don’t want my tongue in that hot, wet pussy of yours?”

  She gave a choked cry. Overwhelmed by kisses, would she let them get too far to stop? Would they force her, refusing to listen, and ruin everything? Though she wanted more, she couldn’t allow it. Not yet. She pushed against Riley’s muscular chest. He sighed deeply, but released her.

  “Scared ya, did I?” he asked quietly.

  “Please, I’m sorry, but I need time,” she begged. “Trust is hard for me.”

  “Gotcha,” said Riley. He heaved a sigh, then gave a lopsided grin and held out his arms. “Hug?”

  She nodded. He pulled her into a bear hug, squeezing just enough, then released her.

  “Have a good sleep, Duchess.” He winked. “Let me know if you want me to star in any of your erotic dreams. Now off you go.”

  She shut her door softly, then shuddered as she exhaled. They’d let her go without argument. She really could trust them, far more than she’d thought possible.

  As for erotic dreams, she’d just learned a lot. She locked the door and turned to the bed. Buster sat in the very middle, tongue hanging out, laughing at her.

  “You’re right,” she said. “They are good men. But I’m not ready yet.”

  The dog sighed and flopped down, somehow seeming to take up most of it. She laughed, though it came out more as a choking sound. For now she’d share her bed with a dog. But one day soon she would find out what it was like to enjoy sharing herself with a man who cared about her pleasure.

  “Or even better,” she said to Buster, “two men.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Jane stomped her way across the beach. As far as she could tell there wasn’t another human in miles.

  The sunset, glorious as usual, had passed, leaving her alone with Buster. Her pussy thrummed, demanding release. She’d learned how to do it with her fingers, but it was no longer enough. She wanted a man’s hands and mouth on her.

  “Enough!” she yelled at the surf. “I want an orgasm!”

  She’d hoped to talk with them at supper, but once more they’d rushed through their meal and gone back upstairs to work. She wasn’t comfortable asking for sex during the day, while they were working. The subject was never far from the surface, though. When she bent over to do something Riley often hissed a curse. Travis was the type to pound his hammer, or fist, into something.

  They were at least as frustrated as she, but they could wrestle in the ocean to get rid of their pent-up energy. She, on the other hand, walked Buster. The dog was still the only one to share her bed. She didn’t count that one time Travis lay beside her and fed her chocolate sauce. She’d spent a few hours thinking of Travis dripping warm sauce over her nipples and licking it off.

  Buster dropped his ball at her feet again and stood back, eagerly waiting for another throw. She picked up the slimy rubber, pretended to throw in one direction, then whipped around and heaved it in the other. Buster took off, a streak of black and white against the light sand.

  She groaned as Buster dropped the ball again. “If they don’t say anything by tomorrow night, I’m going to demand they service me!”

  She threw the ball in total frustration. It went way down the beach, Buster racing after it.

  * * * *

  “I’ve had it!”

  Trav ignored Riley’s latest outburst. They were getting more frequent as their sexual frustration climbed. He finished measuring, wrote the number down and set the pencil aside. He stretched, making his tendons crack.

  “And?” he asked.

  “And I say we ask Jane to go out with us tonight,” declared Riley. “She’s barely left the place.”

  Jane would go out in a hat, red sunglasses, and her ugliest clothes, but only if they accompanied her. Travis didn’t mind, but Riley hated doing groceries. Because of Jane, they hadn’t gone out to any bars. Also because of Jane, they’d spent hours up here working, keeping their hands off her. They’d put the time to good use, and it showed. They were weeks ahead of schedule, well on the way to getting that bonus.

  “Where?” asked Travis. “I could use a night out.”

  “Shorty’s,” replied Riley. “It’s small, and the regulars are used to tourists. We’ll fit right in.”

  Travis vaguely remembered the name from Riley’s Internet surfing before they left Montana. “You been there?”

  “Nope. Jane asked me to check out that artist cooperative. Shorty’s is across the parking lot.”

  The sound of footsteps on the stair had Travis’s heart thumping and his cock rising even before Buster trotted to the door ready to greet Jane. She burst in, all smiles and sunshine. A dark smudge of something marred the corner of her lip. Chocolate? His mouth watered, wanting to taste.

  “I made a chocolate cake, but I mixed up the baking soda and powder.” Jane shook her head, rolling her eyes. “It looks more like brownies, but it tastes okay.”

  “You’ve got some chocolate on your face,” said Riley. He was closer to Jane, so beat Travis to their mutual target. “Mind if I lick it off?”


  She glared a warning at Riley even as her pink tongue escaped. It swiped left, and then right, finding the chocolate. She wiped it off with her fingers. If that agile tongue would dance over his cock, he’d come like Old Faithful. He barely held back a groan.

  “To thank you for all that extra effort,” he ground out, “we’re taking you out tonight.”

  “Out?” Her eyes widened. Pink flooded her cheeks.

  “You have to see people sometime, Duchess,” said Riley. “Why not at night, in a dim bar? You look totally different now.”

  “It’s Wednesday,” added Travis, “so it’ll be quiet. The place is small, just a local watering hole.”

  He thought
she might be unsure, but she was quivering like Buster waiting to chase the ball again.

  “What shall I wear?”

  They both laughed at the question their sisters had asked far too often. They said nothing, having learned every suggestion would be wrong.

  A half hour later he and Rye had taken quick showers and changed. Jane stepped out of her bedroom and Travis almost swallowed his tongue.

  She wore a tight T-shirt tucked into a pair of jeans. The jeans were as snug as the T-shirt, which clung to her padded bra. She’d put on a few pounds so her breasts swelled above the lace. Hoo boy!

  Jane would never fade into the woodwork. Good thing it was a quiet Wednesday or she’d start a riot.

  “I couldn’t go out to a bar for the first time ever and look terrible,” she said. She looked down, biting her lip. “Is this okay?”

  Her silky brown hair was perfect to drape over a man’s chest as his woman leaned forward and rode his hard cock. He winced. He’d worn his loosest pair of Wranglers, but that wasn’t good enough.

  “It’s better than okay,” said Riley. “You look damn hot!”

  “Nine bucks,” said Travis. He’d kept count during the day.


  “Ten. Pay up.”

  Riley jammed his jaw shut. He said something that was likely another swear word, but since his teeth were clenched, it didn’t count. He pulled his wallet out of his back pocket. He looked down and curled his lip.

  “That means I’ve only got enough for one beer.”

  Riley pulled out a ten, then paused. He eyed Jane with speculation, then grinned. He stuffed his wallet away, slowly folded the ten in half, then again. He curled his finger at Jane to come forward.

  “I’m going to ask Jane to hold my money until we get back. Then she can put it in the jar.”

  She held out her hand.

  “Nuh-uh, Duchess,” he said, shaking his head. “I’m going to put it in your pocket. Turn around.”

  “Rye, I don’t think Jane—”

  “I don’t mind.” Jane blushed and turned around. “If it will help your mom, I’ll play along.”


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