The Climax Montana Complete Collection

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The Climax Montana Complete Collection Page 153

by Reece Butler

  Sam wanted to do more than dance with Katie. His eager cock agreed.

  “We’d better get cleaned up or we’ll be the last ones there,” said Trey.

  “There’s lots of time. Both Lila and Jane have to serve supper before they go out. Katie won’t get there before the singing starts.”

  “How do you know that?” demanded Trey. “Katie left our supper on the table, and she has to eat somewhere.”

  “On the table?” Sam frowned. “Don’t you mean on the stove?”

  “Nope. She left one of those cans of stew you bought, along with the opener. I got the message, loud and clear.”

  Sam waited, but Trey didn’t continue. He sighed, taking the bait. “And the message is?”

  “Katie’s here to work,” said Trey. “Not to be stepped on.”

  “Right now, I don’t much care what Katie does in the kitchen.”

  “I do, especially if she does it in nothing but an apron. That kitchen table is a perfect height.” Trey smoothed an imaginary moustache. “I intend to show her my appreciation. All night long.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lila hit a pothole, making Katie’s chest bounce. She looked down. The girls were still contained in Marci’s dress, though barely. She’d never, ever, worn anything so tight, short, or revealing.

  “I can’t wear this dress,” she said. “I’m going to fall out!”

  “No, you won’t,” said Jane calmly. “That’s an expensive dress with amazing engineering built into the bra. It’s designed to keep men hoping but getting nothing but a tease.”

  “It wasn’t engineered for someone my size.”

  “All the better.” Jane winked.

  Katie changed tactics. “Isn’t it a bit old fashioned?” She knew it was a lame argument but was getting desperate.

  “Sexy never goes out of style,” said Lila with total confidence.

  Maybe if Katie was over six foot tall in cowboy boots and had lived all her life with a loving family she would have Lila’s confidence. However, she was a short, shy stranger who hadn’t realized what the dress did to her until too late.

  “It’s a Marilyn Monroe type of dress,” added Jane. “Vintage.”

  “You’re going to have them all drooling,” replied Lila. “No, we are. Look at our cleavage!”

  Lila shook her shoulders, making her assets wobble. Jane was also showing a lot of flesh. Both women wore knee-length, feminine dresses. Since they’d all dressed in the same room Katie knew they wore nothing underneath their dresses but a plunging bra, garter belt, stockings, and boots. Lila had tossed off a comment about their men insisting no panties be worn.

  Katie wasn’t naked underneath her dress, though it was close. Lila had insisted a panty line would destroy the effect so Katie wore only a thong. Her feet were bare in her three-inch heels. She’d never felt so wicked, or alive.

  “I love having Riley and Travis walk into walls when they see me dressed like this,” said Jane with satisfaction. “Once I got over morning sickness my breasts really expanded. Having been forced to diet most of my life, I’m enjoying my new shape.” She smirked. “And so are my husbands.”

  “Good thing none of our men saw us before we ducked out,” said Lila. “They’ll each think we’re eating at the others’ place,” she explained to Katie. “We rarely go out for supper.”

  “I’m looking forward to tonight, though we’ll pay for it later,” said Jane. She looked more eager than worried.

  “I won’t mind being punished for this,” said Lila. “Jet and Houston will be so horny they won’t last long. They’ll remind me why I’m allowing them to marry me.”

  Katie had squirmed whenever she read one of those punishment scenes in Marci’s books. The squirming had led to damp panties. Her thong wasn’t doing anything to protect her. Instead, the fabric rubbing on her clit made her even more horny.

  “I can’t wait!” said Lila, turning to her with a wide grin. “It’s been a while since Jet got out the cuffs and floggers.” She winked. “I hope to be kept up late tonight.”

  “What about your horse ride tomorrow? Won’t you be too sore?”

  “I can ride another day. We haven’t had a good play session in a while. Though he may insist I ride anyway, as part of my punishment.” Her eyes gleamed.

  Katie pressed her thighs together, hoping it would be dark enough that any damp spots on the back of her dress wouldn’t show.

  “Most of the cousins should be there,” said Lila.

  “You’ll have to dance with every one of them,” said Jane. “It will give you a good feel for them, so to speak.” She winked. “If none of them excite you the way Sam and Trey do, you’ll know you’re on the right track.”

  “It’s going to be fun watching Sam deal with it.” Lila flashed her a look. “I should mention that my cousins have this territory thing going. You’re living at the Rocking E which would normally make you off limits. Since you’re arriving with us, that changes everything. Unless you make it clear you’re only interested in the Elliotts, the others will assume you’re free for the taking.”

  “Taking?” She choked on the word.

  “Available,” clarified Jane.

  “I’m available, all right,” said Katie, grumbling. “Sam insulted me. Badly.”

  “What did he do?” asked Jane

  She didn’t know them well enough to explain about her fury at them leaving her bed. That wasn’t the only thing Sam had done, though.

  “Nothing’s been painted or replaced for years so I made a few suggestions. Sam snarled at me and stomped off.”

  “Sam Elliott, snarling?” Lila gaped at Katie. “That’s great!”


  “There’s a reason Sam’s called the Iceman,” said Lila. “He never shows anything but a poker face, unless he’s frowning. Getting mad at you means he cares about you.”

  “I do not need another insufferable, arrogant man in my life.”

  “Another?” asked Jane.

  “Cousins and uncles.”

  “Ah, that’s okay then.” Lila turned to Jane. “Any of this sound familiar?”

  “Katie won’t believe you any more than I did,” answered Jane.

  “What’s that all about?” demanded Katie, looking from one to another.

  “You make Sam feel, and that scares the crap out of him,” said Lila. “Don’t tell Jet or Houston I said the word crap.” She suddenly grinned. “They’re not here, so crap, shit, and dammit!” She slapped the steering wheel. “Dang, that felt good.” She turned to Katie, her grin fading. “Jet was a foster kid. He was sworn at so often he doesn’t want to hear me doing it. I respect his reasoning, but it’s hard to change old habits.”

  “You mean like Sam’s habit of being overly cautious and grouchy?” asked Katie.

  “I think it has to do with a man’s home being his castle,” said Jane.

  “You mean that Sam took my suggestions as an attack on his castle, and defended himself by blowing up at me?”

  “I think you’ve got something there,” said Lila thoughtfully. “He gave up on everything but the ranch when Uncle Ron died in that rodeo. He hasn’t stopped pushing himself since. Trey went the other way, though he’s settled down a lot. I heard he’s decided to find a wife no matter what Sam thinks.”

  “That’s what Riley says,” added Jane. “They’re the same age. If half of the stories I’ve heard about them are true, his children are going to be wild.”

  “They’re true,” said Lila, nodding. “Dad used Riley and Trey as examples of what not to do. He tried to overprotect me,” she explained to Katie. “Papa’s the rancher, and he has a more realistic view of things. He told Dad to back off so I could have hot sex with Jet and Houston and make grandbabies for the ranch.”

  “You realize marriage is a package deal,” said Jane to Katie. “Whoever marries Trey gets Sam as well. Just like me with Riley and Travis, and Lila with—”

  “Whoa!” Katie held up her hands. “Eno
ugh about marriage. I don’t want a husband, thank you very much, just to have some fun while I’m here.”

  “Are you sure?” asked Jane slyly. “It’s double the laundry, but double the fun.”

  Lila elbowed Katie. “You’re dressed to have a hell of a lot of fun, sister.”

  Katie elbowed Lila back, heat flashing north and south. “You’re the ones who chose this outfit!”

  “You could’ve said no at any time.” Lila’s smile faded. She took her foot off the accelerator. “You want me to take you back to the Rocking E? Your choice, Katie.” Being so much taller, she looked down at Katie. “Are you going to keep hiding the wild woman inside you, or are you going to stand up and roar?”

  “You don’t have to do anything,” added Jane quietly. “You’re safe no matter what you wear, or do. The men here value women and treat them with respect.” She paused. “We’re all wearing outfits that say we’re ready for fun. Are you?”

  Was she? Did she have the courage to demand what she wanted?

  “Remember, they’re a bunch of horny bachelors who work hard and play hard,” said Lila. “I’m their cousin so I don’t count. Jane’s married to Riley and Travis, who’ll pound anyone who openly lusts after their wife. But you, Katie Winterbourne, are a sinfully single stranger, and fair game.” Lila raised an eyebrow. “So, do you want to go back, or do you want to be sinful tonight?”

  Katie inhaled, again marveling that she didn’t pop out. This was it. She was a single woman in a town full of equally single men. She’d been shocked when she’d looked in the mirror. There was no trace of stodgy, boring Katherine Winterbourne. She had a sparkle in her eyes, a wicked smile, and a dress that begged men to throw her over their shoulder and carry her back to their lair to fulfill all her fantasies. Tonight she felt alive. And she was going to enjoy it. She pressed her shoulders into the seat back. Her dress gaped even further.


  “Yes!” Lila pounded on the steering wheel, grinning widely. Katie and Jane rocked back when Lila jammed her foot on the accelerator. “This is gonna be a night to remember!”

  “I’m not making any decisions until I see all the merchandise,” she warned.

  “Smart move,” said Lila.

  “How many cousins are we talking about?”

  Gravel crunched as Lila pulled into a parking lot. She scanned the rows of trucks.

  “Looks like we’ve got Jack and Brick Taylor, Ty Gibson, Dare and Grant McInnes, and Ross and Brody McDougal. Josh Gibson’s the sheriff, so he may stop by in uniform.”

  “There’s also Luke Chambers, the new deputy, and the O’Keefe brothers, if they’re in town,” said Jane. “And Oscar and Dustin Peters.”

  “That’s a lot of dancing!” Lila laughed and shut off the engine. Jane opened the passenger door. Cool air flowed over Katie’s overheated face and exposed chest.

  “None of them will do anything inappropriate in front of the seniors,” reminded Jane, holding the door open for Katie.

  “Unless they see Sam or Trey getting jealous,” added Lila as she came around the front of the truck. “Then they’ll pretend to be all over you.”

  Katie looked forward to seeing if Sam would get jealous. She’d enjoy rubbing his nose in some competition. She picked her way carefully over the gravel so she wouldn’t turn an ankle in her high heels.

  “I want to see Sam get all steamed.” Lila grinned widely. “Maybe they’ll push him enough to make him take a swing at someone. I would enjoy watching a good fight. It’s weeks until my wedding.”

  Katie stopped to make her point. “No one would fight over me.” But you wish someone wanted you enough to prove it that way.

  “I think losing his cool would be the best thing for Sam,” said Lila, for once serious. “He thinks he’s responsible for keeping everyone safe. That makes him a pain in the ass, especially when you want to kick up your heels.”

  “That attitude gets tiring very quickly,” added Jane.

  “Oh, God, yes,” said Lila, grimacing. “Get pregnant and suddenly you can’t do anything fun.” She took Katie’s elbow. “Enough stalling. I can’t wait to see what happens when we walk in. Wanna bet which one goes for Katie first?” she asked Jane as they started to walk again.

  “Of the cousins, I’d say either Dare McInnes or Brody MacDougal. I don’t know the other ones well enough yet to say.”

  “Is this your chance at revenge for something Sam did years ago?” asked Katie.

  “You got it.” Lila’s teeth gleamed. “I’ll make you a deal. If you flirt outrageously with my cousins tonight, I’ll do whatever you like if any of your relatives show up.”

  The chance of that happening was miniscule, though seeing Uncle Walter face to face with this confident blond Viking as she told him off would make her life complete.


  “Let’s have Katie follow behind us,” said Lila to Jane. “The guys will be surprised enough when we arrive alone, dressed to kill. When all their eyes are on us we’ll step aside.” She rubbed her hands gleefully. “Seeing Katie should knock a few off their barstools!”

  Katie’s steps faltered as they reached the back door.

  “No chickening out,” warned Jane.

  “How did you know?”

  “I spent most of my life with no say in anything. I recognize the signs of fear in taking action,” replied Jane quietly. “This is your chance to have a wild night. Nobody here knows you. If you leave town, which we hope you won’t, you’ll want everyone to remember you as a confident woman who enjoys life with every cell of her being. When times are hard, you’ll remember this night and remind yourself you can do anything you set your mind to.”

  “And you’ll knock that overbearing, insufferable Sam Elliott on his ass!”

  Jane and Lila were right. Tonight was going to be a glorious success. She raised her chin and gave a brisk nod.

  “Let’s do it!”

  Chapter Fifteen

  “This place is packed,” said Trey.

  He waited for Sam to find what he considered a safe spot to park. He had to put up with his older brother’s driving if he wanted to party and get home afterward. Even better, he wanted to take Katie home and do some partying of their own. That meant he shouldn’t say “I told you so” when Sam discovered Katie was inside and not having dinner at the MacDougal ranch. Sam insisted she was with his aunt and uncle, but Trey knew Marci would have made Katie leave a much more detailed note.

  “There’s Lila’s truck,” said Sam, frowning. “And Jet’s. Why didn’t she drive in with them?”

  “Riley’s here. Wonder if Uncle Lance brought Aunt Marci,” said Trey, acting innocent.

  “Marci likes to sing. They probably just arrived.”

  “And Katie added that bit about staying out late just to piss you off?” Trey climbed out.

  “Me? What about you?” Sam shoved his door shut far harder than usual.

  “You’re the one who insulted her about decorating. I’ve got nothing to apologize for.” He touched the hood of Lance’s truck. Cold, as he expected. If Katie had eaten dinner with his aunt and uncle, she’d done it here. “I agree with Katie. We need a lot of new stuff to fix up the homestead and attract a wife.”

  “That can wait until after the haying,” said Sam dismissively.

  “Katie won’t. I’m going to give her a hug and kiss, enjoy a slug of whiskey, and then dance with her. Slowly, with lots of kisses. I’ll hold her close and rub—”

  “Like hell you will!” Sam strode forward. “Out of the way!”

  Trey hid his grin as he stepped aside. Sam shoved open the back door. Trey recognized the slow ballad. It was perfect for holding a woman close. Sam took three steps and stopped. Trey slid past on his right. The dance floor was packed. Many of his aunts and uncles were taking advantage of the music, snuggling tight under the mirror ball as if they were newlyweds instead of middle-aged ranchers who’d been married for more than thirty years.

  He fe
lt hollow, as if he’d been going through the motions instead of living his life. Trey suddenly understood what Uncle Lance meant the night he’d driven him home after a townie had damn near wrapped his truck against a tree. Trey had been riding shotgun, drunk as a skunk since it was a Saturday night. It was a miracle that neither of them were killed. Trey was badly bruised, but it was no worse than being tossed from a horse and stomped. He’d shrugged it off, refusing Uncle Lance’s offer of healing.

  The next morning he’d hauled his sorry ass out of bed at the usual time of half-past dark for morning chores even though his head pounded and his muscles complained. When Uncle Lance appeared mid-morning he was more than ready to accept his uncle’s healing hands. He wasn’t so big on the lecture.

  Lance said Trey wouldn’t realize how empty he was until the right woman came along and made him feel whole. Trey insisted there was nothing the matter with him that another whiskey couldn’t cure. Uncle Lance had calmly replied that he’d think otherwise when he decided to live his life rather than going through the motions, like Sam. Trey had roared that he was nothing like his stodgy older brother, that he was alive while Sam was a robot.

  As always, Uncle Lance had been right. Trey’s need to be wild was the other side of Sam’s need to keep to a very narrow line. They’d acted like the pendulum of a grandfather clock, both of them living at the farthest points of the arc. They’d let no one near, or allowed their lives to change. They’d just kept going, doing the same thing day after day.

  Then he’d turned twenty-five, still alive in spite of all his crazy stunts. He’d cleaned up his act, or at least he thought he had. Watching his aunts and uncles dancing, enduring love shining on their lined faces, gave him hope for the future. He wanted to be them in thirty or forty years. He wanted a woman who’d still be cuddling up to him after going through good times and bad for decades.

  Katie may not be the one, but she was a step in the right direction. She’d certainly been Sam’s wake-up call. After tonight, no matter how things went down, he doubted Sam would go back to sleep. He certainly wouldn’t.


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