Mazy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 3)

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Mazy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 3) Page 18

by Marnie Cate

  “I am not hungry.”

  “Mara, at least let me bring you a tonic,” Laura said. “You will need the energy for your children.”

  “Ok.” I took Mazie from her.

  Laura had been right. Mazie was hungry but she was also resistant. She wailed as I tried to help her latch on.

  In a low whisper intended only for my daughter's ears, I said, “You're not from her blood. You are my daughter. I know that you were created by love. Your brother will be here soon. So, please trust me.”

  I stroked her cheek and half expected my hand to be covered by fine frost from her skin. My touch ignited her natural instinct and the newborn could no longer hold onto her protest. When Laura set Finn into my arms, the babies wriggled together. Once again, they clasped hands as they fed. It was as if a magnetic force pulled them together. Finn's touch calmed Mazie and she no longer whimpered.

  “He has such red hair. Such a contrast to your pure white. My fire and ice,” I said.

  As Mazie feel asleep, Laura took her from me. Gently rubbing her back, she lay her in the bassinet. Finn continued to feed. He seemed more content than his sister. When he finally fell asleep, Laura took him and handed me a glass of thick purple liquid.

  “Drink this, Mara. After, I want you to rest and restore yourself,” Laura said.

  Chapter 49

  When the babies were fed and sleeping again, I returned to Meg. Cole had not left her side. I played our conversation over and over in my mind. Cole was a child when I saw him in Danu's world. How was this possible?

  “Cole, how do you think you were with Meg? You have never left us?”

  “I have no clue. I have these odd memories now. Things I could never have done. I remember riding on a fish and falling off a cliff. I remember —”

  A small bird flew into the room and spun around Cole. It hovered, fluttering its wings. The bird began to glow and change, rising into the air above us. The transformation continued until finally a glorious blue chested bird expanded it wings displaying a breathtaking woman with bird features: Sarika.

  “It was a piece of his fractured soul who had those experiences. When your magic was taken, a small part of your soul left your body. It has been restored,” she said.

  Sarika had no reason to be here. Cole was healed. It had not been a year. The babies. Oh no, was she coming for Mazie now?

  “Sarika, why are you here?” Cole asked, quickly standing up.

  “Don't worry. I have not come for the child yet. I came to see if you were ok,” she said and placed her hand on his chest. She smiled. “I was worried that the return of that piece of you would be carrying the darkness. But, I can feel that is not true.”

  His eyes lit up with her words. “Do I have my water magic back?”

  “No, Cole. Your magic will now just be a memory. You will never lose your connection to the element but you will not be able to call the magic at your will.”

  Silently, they stared into each other's eyes for the longest time. I could not understand her motives. She acted like she was concerned about Cole and he trusted her. She had to have something planned.

  “I don't mind that the magic is gone. Don't misunderstand me. I did love my gift but I just want to know that my children and my wife will not have to worry about the dark side of me showing up. I will never hurt Mara again. Nothing matters more to me,” Cole said.

  “May I?” She took his hand.

  He turned his wrist over and she stabbed her nails into his forearm. Cole grimaced but did not pull away. I watched in shock as his arm began to glow with silver streaks. Removing her nails, she rubbed her fingertips over his skin, sealing the gouges in his forearm.

  “Is it gone?” he asked.

  “I still do not sense the darkness inside you. You can release your fears.” She turned to me. “I am told that your sister will be making her decision soon. With your permission, I would like to be here when she wakes.”

  Faramond strode into the room. I felt relieved. He would not let her take Mazie.

  “Sister,” Faramond said, bowing his head. “The girl does not have much time left. Her body will soon release her spirit. Do not give them false hope. They do not need any more promises and pain.”

  “Always so quick to deliver the dead,” she said, her blue eyes flashed a warning. “Some things are beyond your control, Faramond.”

  “I don't know what she had to decide. All I know is that she told me she had made up her mind,” I said, hoping to stop their conversation from escalating.

  “I did not come to quarrel. I came to check on you and your children. I have seen the twins. They are sleeping peacefully. But, it is you that I am worried about. You just gave birth and I am told you have not rested at all,” Faramond said.

  “I will sleep when my sister returns,” I said. “I'm glad you came. How is my father?”

  “He is resting,” Faramond said.

  “And Cedric? What will be done with him?”

  “Cedric is also resting. He was not a well man before this and he is not taking the death of his father very well,” Faramond said. “He will be taken to the Council when he awakens.”

  “How did you not know that Jameson was dark?” Cole asked.

  “I had known of Jameson's relationship with Blanche Drygen but I had been told that it ended because she had a child with another man. There was nothing I could do to stop it as Mortorcus. I was bound to Snowystra. There was no reason for me to ask any more questions. I was not aware of Jameson's connection to Snowystra. Now we know he gave up everything in hopes of being the Shah before it was taken away from him.”

  As much as I wanted Cedric to be out of our lives forever, I knew how cruel Snowystra had been. He was a victim as much as anyone else was and Miles would feel the pain of losing both of his parents… no matter how selfish they had been.

  “I don't want him hurt,” I insisted.

  “The Council will be fair,” Sarika said.

  Faramond let out a small laugh.

  “They will not make a decision without me there and I promise you that the judgement will be fair,” Sarika glared at her brother.

  “I hope you're telling me the truth. I have not seen the fair side of the Council yet,” I said.

  “Right now Tannus' focus must be on restoring the balance. There have been warnings of a rising from the Mrak. The need for your child to be named the Winter soon has become crucial. I know we promised a year but I must ask you to consider bringing her forward earlier.”

  “I can't bring my daughter to you now. I don't want to give her to you at all.” Cole squeezed my hand. “We don't want to give her up.”

  “I understand this, Mara but won't it be easier to say goodbye to her now?” Sarika asked.

  “No, it will never be easy,” Cole said.

  “I will give you time to think and I will do everything I can to stifle the Mrak. However, each day they grow stronger and soon I will not be able stop them.”

  “We don't know who the Mrak are or why it has anything to do with our child.”

  “The Mrak are an evil force. We have controlled them for centuries. Not even Snowystra was naive enough to tempt them to help her.”

  “My child needs to be taken away to go fight? How can you expect me to separate my children?”

  “I can't ask you to do that. We could take both and raise them together,” Sarika said.

  “How convenient. Both of my children in one swoop. No, we will not give you our daughter. Go. You cannot have them. I will find a way to stop you!”

  As if on cue, a young Miezitari girl rushed into the room. “Laura asked me to come get you, Mara. Oh Goddess.” The girl came to an abrupt stop and bowed deeply before Sarika.

  Waving her hand as if to tell her the formality was unnecessary, Sarika said, “What were you sent for, child?”

  “The boy is ready for his feeding,” she said, lifting her head to answer and then bowing her head again.

  Sarika lifted the girl's
head up by placing her finger under her chin. “Your respect is appreciated but you will find with me there is no need for such formalities, child. Mara, go to your babies.”

  “Cole, I want you to stay here,” I said. “I want you to watch my sister. If she moves at all, please come get me right away.”

  “Mara, you are so convinced I have ill intentions?” Sarika asked. “I hope one day you will realize I always have had your best interest at heart. You will realize what a guardian I have been to you. Now go feed your child.”

  Chapter 50

  “We are not going to let them have either of our children,” I said.

  Finn began to whimper.

  “Shh, it's ok. It's ok, Finn,” I said, gently rocking him. Pacing back and forth, my anger grew. “I am tempted to contact the Mrak myself and make a deal.”

  “Don't talk like that, Mara,” Cole said, taking Finn from me. “Never say anything so foolish again.”

  “Either way we lose, Cole. How do we know the Mrak are bad? Because they told us? They demanded our daughter and now they have the audacity to say they want our son, too!”

  “I trust, Sarika,” Cole said, laying our sleeping child in the bassinet next to Mazie.

  “Why? She didn't heal you. They took your magic away from you. Everything has changed. We cannot give away our daughter. How do you separate twins? How did these all-knowing Gods not know I was pregnant with twins? They examined me enough. And Sarika… so high and mighty claiming to be my guardian. How has she been guarding me, Cole? I lost my mother, my father, my grandmother and I almost lost you.”

  “But, you didn't lose me, Mar,” Cole said, taking my arm. “Let's let them take the children today. We will go with them. We will insist we are set up in a house with them. We will make it a home.”

  “You heard Tannus. He won't allow this. He plans on raising our daughter,” I said, shaking off his grip.

  “He will accept our terms or we won't go,” Cole said, pulling me into his arms. “I am not your enemy. Stop fighting me. We are a team.”

  “She's awake,” Laura cried as she ran in the room. “Meg is awake.”

  * * *

  I ran faster than I ever thought I could. My sister was awake. I had to get to her. When I entered the room, Meg was sitting up in the bed. She was smiling as if she had just awoken from a restful night's sleep.

  “Meg,” I said, sitting on the edge of the bed by her. I was afraid to hug her. She had been so injured. How could she be sitting here as if nothing happened? “You scared me.”

  “I'm sorry that I scared you and that I missed everything,” she said, touching my stomach. “I can't believe I wasn't there for the birth.”

  “You're here now and that is all that matters,” I said, kissing her cheek. “Are you sure you're ok?”

  “I feel great. Now, can I see my niece?” she asked. Looking to the doorway, she saw Cole. “Is that her? Quick bring her to me.”

  “Meg… um,” I said. Laura followed Cole carrying Mazie.

  “Wait, two?” Meg looked back and forth between the babies. “You had two babies?”

  “Yeah, twins. Surprise,” I said. “Finn, say hello to your Aunt Meg.”

  “He is so beautiful, Mara. I can't believe I missed the birth.” Meg's eyes welled with tears as she stared down at her nephew. “Was it amazing? You have to tell me everything.”

  “I think you would have had more enjoyment out of your part in the process than I did in mine. But, the end product was worth it,” I said.

  “Hey, Meg. You're looking much better since you lost your plant dress,” Cole said, taking Mazie from Laura.

  “I had to make some clothing. I had to work with what I could find. If you would have been dropped into that world like I was, you would have been stuck running around naked,” she said.

  “Only you would come up with a crazy idea like that.” Cole kissed Meg on the top of her head and held out Mazie to her. “Let me take my son and you can hold your niece.”

  “Mazie, you are so pretty,” Meg said, lovingly examining her. “Hey you, what are you holding?”

  Meg took Mazie's hand and opened her tightly clenched fingers. “How did you get this? Why are you guys giving your child flowers? Isn't this a choking hazard?” she asked.

  “What?” I looked at Mazie's hand. Squished in her fist, petals poked out between her fingers. “I didn't give her that.”

  I gently forced her finger open and saw a bright purple flower. She quickly clamped her hand closed.

  “I didn't give her it either,” Cole said, looking over my shoulder.

  “I can't believe this. I gave it to her. I met her in the other realm. Didn't I, Mazie? If I only had known who you were,” Meg said, softly.

  Mazie began to cry as Meg took the flower from her. “Here let me take her from you,” I said. “Has anyone let my father know that Meg is awake?”

  “Is Dad ok?” Meg asked, standing up.

  “He is resting. Don't worry about him. I will send for Livia. She needs to examine you.”

  “I feel great. Look,” Meg said, as she spun around. “I don't hurt at all. Don't call for Livia. Instead, can someone get my satchel from my room?”

  “I can,” Cole said. Cole left taking Finn with him.

  “Meg, I was so worried.” I said. “I really don't know what I would have done if you…”

  Meg took Mazie from my arms. “I'm here now. Aren't I Mazie? Do you know who I am?”

  Mazie stared at Meg with a look of wonder. Did she know her? Meg's eyes welled with tears. “She is so beautiful. I am sorry I missed the birth.”

  Mazie began to cry. Meg rocked her trying to calm her.

  I held out my arms to take her. “Let me feed her and you can talk about the decision you have to make.”

  I sat in one of the chairs and began to nurse Mazie. Meg watched me. “You are a mom,” she said.

  “Yes and you are an aunt. Now, come sit by me and tell me everything,” I said.

  “I was given the choice between my death and my life. No, it was more than that. If I accepted my death, I would be escorted to the Afterlife to be with Gram. Or, I could become the Winter.”

  “What? You have no Winter magic. How can you become it? You have Earth magic. Are you sure that I shouldn't call Livia?”

  Cole returned with the satchel. “Here you go.”

  “Can you take Mazie? She needs a change I think,” I smiled, handing her to Cole.

  “Diaper duty?” Meg asked.

  “Yes, just until you are well enough. Then, I will turn it over to you.” Cole laughed and left again.

  “You should see him with them. It is like he has been a father his whole life,” I said.

  With a grave expression, Meg stared at me for the longest time.

  I took Meg's hand. “Are you ok? What's wrong?” I said. Meg becoming so quiet suddenly scared me. My sister was not one to hide her feelings.

  “Tell me what you mean by choosing the Winter or the Afterlife.”

  Meg reached into her bag and pulled out a silver journal. “I once told you that Eliza's children carried the dark magic. While this is true, I didn't tell you everything. Even though it shouldn't change anything, I was worried you would feel different.”

  “You're scaring me, Meg,” I said.

  “Well, you know you're my sister and you will always be my sister,” she said.

  “I got that already, Meg,” I said, not hiding my frustration. “Just spit it out. I can't handle any more riddles. Say what you need to say.”

  “Cedric's my father,” she blurted out.

  “What did you say?”

  Meg was Elliott Stone's daughter. They had the same green eyes. The same happy personality. Her injury must have done something to her memory.

  “Cedric Drygen is my real father.”

  My body felt tight and my breath felt short. A wave of nausea rolled over me. Eliza had green eyes.

  “Mara,” Meg said, taking my hand. “I'm tell
ing you the truth.”

  “What? You're wrong, Meg,” I said, blinking the tears from my eyes.

  Meg opened the journal to a page marked with a dried piece of peppermint-scented lavender.

  “I did try to make it all go away,” she said, offering me the journal.

  I took the book from her and opened it. It was Eliza's handwriting but it was hurried and not meticulous.

  Today she lured Marina into the red forest following a baby deer. If the owl woman hadn't appeared, I think Snowystra would have taken her this time. I DO NOT KNOW HOW TO PROTECT MY DAUGHTER! I need Cedric!!!!

  A faint memory came to me of chasing a baby deer. As soon as I got close enough to touch it, the fawn would rear back and run. It was playing game with me. A fuzzy image of piercing eyes and talons came to mind.

  I lit the light and sent the message. I can only hope he looks down at the lake and sees my plea for help before it burns out. I would pray to the Goddess Danu but she won't hear me anymore.

  Eliza could have talked to Gram. She would have helped her. She would have told her the Goddess loved her and would never give up on her.

  I saw Sarah this morning. Her son has grown up so much. I look at her family and I am saddened. Cedric and I were supposed to have this life. Don't get me wrong I love Elliott despite myself. I want to be in love with only him but I LOVE CEDRIC. I have loved Cedric since I was fourteen years old and she took him away from me. She put me in the horrible position of loving two men – but the one I want… the one I need… the one I can never have. Sarah has agreed Cedric can meet me one last time at her cottage and she will not tell my secret. My loyal friend… my alibi. I will continue to play the self-absorbed princess who needs to have everything perfect. I will claim my hair… my nails… my body needs to be approved and Sarah will help me. My mother will believe it. She thinks I am a selfish, vain horrible mother. But, I will keep up the act. I will be that person if it will protect my daughter.


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