Mazy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 3)

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Mazy (Protectors of the Elemental Magic Book 3) Page 21

by Marnie Cate

  Tears streamed down my face.

  “There, there. You will lose more of those you love but we won't ever leave you. Your sister will forget about you. You are just a mortal and she will have her new life as a Goddess. The babies are too young to even know you. Your husband would be better off with a human without magic. He would have no problem replacing you. How painful it must be for him to see you use your gift now that his was taken away,” the woman said.

  “I… I….” I couldn't disagree with her. She was only saying what I thought. If I had been smarter with Eliza, my grandmother would not be dead. My sister would not have been raised by strangers. She barely knew our father and Essie when I had left her to chase Cole. I left her when she was a child. It was my fault. All of this was my fault.

  She touched my arm and a chill ran through me. Tendrils of darkness slithered off her, wrapping around me. It licked at my skin. I had hesitated for a second too long and the blackness surrounded me. I wasn't sure where to go.

  “We have been waiting for you, Marina. We hoped you would come to us. You will follow us now and we will protect your family from you. Tell me you want to come with me,” the woman's voice changed, becoming gravelly and demanding.

  “I don't know…” I whispered.

  “We have seen the darkness inside you. I can feel it pulsing, aching to come out. It is time for you to embrace it and take your place alongside Amaro. You were never meant for the mortal world. You will only hurt those around you if you stay. Your children will feel the poison inside you. Wouldn't you like for it all to stop? I can make your pain go away.”

  I did want it all to stop. I could go with her. I would go with her. I would tell her. A frigid air blew over me.

  “No, she is not going with you. Step away from her, Ladarsha.” Meg stepped out of the mirror.

  I stared in shock. How could this confident woman be my sister? The person in front of me was a strong, powerful force, not my baby sister. As she walked towards us, her now platinum white hair blew showing the bright lavender tips. She was magnificent. Beyond her great beauty, she commanded my attention. Her movement was one of a dancer taking the stage. She wore a warm smile but her frosted eyes gave a warning to not test her.

  “She's right, Meg. I have hurt too many people. I am sorry,” I said.

  “Do not submit to this, Mara,” she said, slowly enunciating each word. “The Mrak feed on your sorrow. She is trying to bring out everything which scares you or makes you sad.”

  “You're too late. She has accepted my proposal,” Ladarsha said, snarling at Meg.

  “She did not accept. You cannot take her against her free will.” Meg blasted a stream of cold at the Mrak. Ladarsha screamed as the icy air coated her. Meg caught one of the tendrils wrapped around me and held it tightly. “Release my sister,” she said, between clenched teeth.

  Ladarsha looked different. Her appearance was gruesome. Underneath her now transparent flesh, I could see a skeleton dripping black ooze. I shuddered and held back a scream.

  “We do no release those who accept our offers. Tell her you want to come with me, Marina,” she demanded.

  You are too weak to fight her, Snowystra whispered. Accept your fate.

  I did not know what I wanted. She scared me but she was right. I would continue to hurt everyone I loved. Meg tugged on the tendrils binding me, pulsing her magic through the threads of darkness.

  “I will not let you take her,” Meg said.

  “How will you stop us? Your power is not strong enough to defeat the Mrak. You're just a small child playing Goddess,” Ladarsha laughed.

  The tendrils squeezed me harder and I felt the sharp sting of darkness' anger and the icy burn of Winter.

  “You're wrong,” Meg said, pushing more of her power through.

  “How will you fight us all alone? Your sister is fragile. I could break the great Marina Stone with one word. There is no one here to save you. They have all fled in fear. They know our strength.”

  Danu stepped through the mirror and stood beside Meg. “Amaro was smart to send you. You are a master manipulator, Ladarsha. Using the voice of my sister against her was quite ingenious but you must have realized she could not be broken so easily. Snowystra would never have played with her victim for so long. Go now. Tell Amaro you failed. You are not strong enough to fight the two of us.”

  Danu placed her hand over Meg's. The tendrils began to pulse a rainbow of colors. The magic inside me fluttered as if cheering for the Goddess.

  “Ah, ah, ah. She has not refused my offer, Danu. You know the rules. Release my prize and I will leave.”

  “Tell her, Mara. Tell her you don't want to leave with her,” Meg said.

  Snowystra was gone? I wasn't losing my mind? I felt frozen. The voice in my head began to scream No, I don't want to go with her but the words would not form.

  “You will not take this child.” Brighid appeared from the large mirror to my left. She stepped into the room with her authoritative presence.

  The Elements, the Winter and the Balance stood before me. The three Goddesses held tendrils that bound me. Three Goddesses had come to save me. I was not broken.

  “You cannot speak for her,” Ladarsha said. “Tell them you want to come with me, Marina. You know you will only hurt those you love if you stay.”

  “N… NO! I don't want to go with you! But I don't want to hurt anyone else,” I said, finally finding my voice. “I don't want to lose my sister.”

  Brighid began to glow pushing her magic through the tendrils. Ladarsha shrieked as the power of the trio pushed through the threads. She exploded into small black particles.

  Meg blew the dust away with her cold air and grabbed my hand. “You're ok, Mara,” she said, wrapping her arms around me tightly.

  I collapsed against her and began to weep. “I thought Snowystra was inside me, Meg. I thought I was tainted.”

  “You're safe. She is gone, Mara. I will never let anyone hurt you,” she whispered, smoothing my hair. Letting go of me, she kissed me on the cheek. “Now, it is time for you to let go of the pain you carry.”

  The air around swirled with snow and we were transported to the outside of Danu's tree. Meg led me to a mossy spot. The spot which had begun and ended my visit to this realm many times.

  “Come sit,” she said, sitting down and patting the ground.

  I bowed my head in awe of the Goddess before me.

  “Oh Mara, nothing has changed. Well, nothing that matters. I am still your little sister. Do not bow to me,” Meg said. Her voice was enchanting. I found it hard to remember the little girl she had been.

  “You're so different,” I murmured. “I can feel it with your touch.”

  “But, I am the same inside. I need you to remember me as I was,” she said, taking my hands and placing it on her heart. “Promise me, Mara.”

  My eyes locked on hers. Within her irises, images of the old Meg flashed before me. The little girl who would convince me to share my breakfast, the little dancer practicing until she collapsed into sleep, the strong young adult who had helped me heal when all was lost.

  “It is time to go home, Mara,” Meg said, guiding me to lay down beside her.

  “I won't forget, Meg. I promise,” I said. I snuggled close to her and drifted off to sleep.

  Chapter 56

  “It's ok, Mar. Wake up,” Cole said.

  I opened my eyes. “She is gone, Cole. Meg took the Winter.”

  “I know. I saw her fade away,” Cole said, wiping the tears from my face. “But, I'm still here. Our children are here and need you.”

  “How am I going to be a mother? I am not prepared for any of this?” I blurted out.

  “You're going to be a great mother. Remember, you had the best example of being a mother from Gram. You know what it takes to be a loving caregiver. You saw it first-hand. Now is there anything else dark you need me to chase away?”

  Sniffling, I said, “I think you covered it all.”

ole kissed me on the forehead. “Now, let's go back to sleep. You have not slept enough to recharge yourself and the babies will be awake soon enough. Lay your head down. Listen to the beat of my heart. It beats for you, Mar. As you sleep, I will be here to protect you and I will chase away anything else which frightens you.”

  He kissed me gently and laid down. Resting my head on his chest, I closed my eyes. Listening to the beat of his heart, I fell asleep.

  * * *

  The sun had risen and was shining into the room. I awoke to the sound of Cole talking sweetly to Mazie. Our night had been interrupted with feedings and changings.

  “Is it already time again?” I asked. Mazie had surprised me with how willing she was to nurse now.

  “Yes, Mommy,” Cole said, in a singsong voice. “I am very hungry again and Daddy has changed me.”

  I stretched and sleepily got out of bed. Cole gave me Mazie. For the first time, I noticed her eye color. Violet. It was as if a piece of Meg Violet Stone lived within her.

  “Gram once told me her mother had beautiful purple eyes like yours. Will you be strong and brave, too?”

  Mazie grunted and kicked her legs.

  “Oh course you will be. What a silly question.”

  “You will be a brilliant mom, Mar. Look how quickly you mastered feeding not one but two babies,” Cole said, setting Finn in my free arm.

  “I couldn't do this without you,” I said.

  “And you will never have to.” Cole kissed me on the cheek. “It looks like this one is ready for her daddy.”

  Cole picked up Mazie. He placed her on his shoulder and rubbed her back. I watched him walking her around the room, speaking so sweetly to her. He was having the moments with our children I had feared would not happen. When she finally dozed off, he tucked her into the crib. Before, I had always worried I loved Cole too much. It was nothing compared to the love I felt for him now and for once, I wasn't scared. We could do this, together.

  I smoothed Finn's hair and searched his features for a hint of who he would look like when he grew up. My little boy was so content. His gift didn't match his personality. I wondered if this would change as he grew. When Finn was done feeding, Cole insisted I take the opportunity to have a shower. The warm water was welcoming but I couldn't relax. I couldn't stop thinking about my wonderful little family. Cole had been so good with the babies. He deserved a nice shower, too.

  As I hurriedly dried my hair, I heard a strange sound from the other side of the wall. Pressing my ear to it, I could hear muffled crying. It had to be coming from my loft bedroom. I threw on some clothes and exited the bathroom. I found Cole sound asleep in our bed and the babies in their crib. Quietly, I turned the latch to my old bedroom.

  * * *

  I found my father lying in Meg's bed staring at the ceiling. “Is Meg okay?” he asked, getting out of the bed. His eyes were red and swollen. They locked with mine and I could almost feel the pain inside him.

  Anyone describing Elliott Stone would tell you he was the happiest and most jovial man you could ever meet. This man was not here. The man before me looked beat down and defeated.

  “Why have the Gods taken so much of us?” he asked.

  “Meg's not gone. Meg's not gone… she's just… she's just….”

  “What is she, Mara? Another of my children taken away from me?” he asked.

  “It is not like that. Meg is the Winter. She is beautiful and marvelous. You would be so proud of her. She saved me.”

  “Are they going to tell Cedric he is her father?”

  “No, that would be a lie. He may have planted the seed but you're the only father she knows and wants. Do you think of Miles as Cedric's child?”

  “Never! Miles is my son,” my father insisted.

  “So what has changed? You have known about Meg for some time and now you aren't her father? What has happened to you?” I asked.

  My father, Elliott Stone, wouldn't act like this. He always found the solution to every problem and the positive side. Who had he become?

  “Nothing, Mara. I am just an old man feeling sorry for himself. Your father is a crazy old man,” he said, running his fingers through his hair.

  “Why don't you come and spend some time with your grandchildren?” I suggested. “You know you will have a big role to fill as their Gramp.”

  “Gramp, huh? I think I am more of a Papa,” he said, wrapping his arms around me. “I love you, Mara.”

  “I love you, Daddy.” I held him back, inhaling his familiar scent of earth and lemon. We would get through this together, as a family.

  Chapter 57

  The months since Meg had left us blurred by. I was so busy being a new mother I had no time to worry about my little sister. I had seen how strong she had become and I knew she was in safe hands.

  The twins turned two months old and I learned how strong their gifts were and how my own magic was connected. Finn's had been the first to appear. He was lying in his crib when he showered our suite with embers of his fire. I had a strong feeling as if I was the one calling it and I could quickly stop it. Mazie's revealed itself more subtly. As we had a picnic under the oak tree, purple flowers began to grow around us. Once again, I was warned and able to control her.

  One morning after my daily training with Blaze, I found Cole cooing over our children.

  “Isn't that a lovely picture,” I said.

  Cole grinned and held out a freshly changed baby to me.

  “Hi sweetie,” I said, kissing Mazie on the cheek. “Has Daddy been taking good care of you?”

  An overwhelming smell of sugar cookies, fresh pinecones and a hint of cinnamon wafted into the room. Searching for the origin of the wonderful fragrance, I found Meg by the window. She stood motionless, looking like an ice sculpture from her crystal gown, to the twisted icicles of hair on the top of her head. When she finally moved, her skin shimmered with snowflakes.

  Meg's green eyes sparkled. “And what about Auntie Meg? Will she get to see her little ones?”

  The voice of Miles echoed in the loft bedroom. “I am telling you. They are baking something in there.”

  Opening the door, I beamed at my family. “Miles is right. We have been baking. How would you like a Winter Goddess?” I stepped out of the way so they could see Meg.

  Wide-eyed my family stared at my sister.

  “Like you have never seen a goddess before,” Meg laughed.

  Miles beamed and ran into her open arms. “You are magnificent,” he said, hugging her tightly.

  “You have grown so much since I last saw you,” Meg said, tousling his hair.

  “How long are you here?” my father asked.

  “Not very long, Daddy. I need to return. The Mrak have been stifled but we are far from safe from them. I have made sure you will be guarded always. The Elementals will be close by to protect you all.”

  It felt like yesterday she was asking for my extra pancakes and performing her first dance.

  “Don't worry, Mara,” Meg said, taking my hand. “I will not be far. Today, I will see my new home.”

  “Snowstrum?” Miles asked. His eyes widened with fear. “The next time I see you I will be an adult.”

  “No, it will be a different place,” Meg said, cupping his face. “I will bring you all there to visit. But, my time here is brief. So, why don't you make me one of your famous meals and we can talk. If you don't mind, I mean.”

  “I know the perfect meal,” Miles said.

  “First, I need to change. I feel a bit overdressed,” Meg said, examining her gown.

  “Come with me,” I laughed. “I have a closet full of new clothes. The person who picked it all out had impeccable taste.”

  * * *

  Meg changed out of her elegant gown into one of my summer dresses and joined Miles in the kitchen. As we all took our places around the table, the banter of my siblings warmed my heart. Meg wouldn't let this change her.

  “Fried chicken and macaroni?” Cole laughed, piling his p
late. “This doesn't seem a meal befitting a Goddess.”

  Meg took a large bite of her food and beamed. “This goddess doesn't need fancy food. She just needs her family.”

  “And, we are here for you always,” I said, bouncing Mazie on my knee. “Aren't we?”

  Mazie cooed and held out her hand to Meg. Eagerly, Meg scooped the little girl into her arms and showered her with kisses. She giggled in response. “Your magic is strong little one.” Meg opened her tiny hand. Once again, Mazie held a small purple flower.

  “Has Finn shown any signs of using his magic yet?” Meg asked.

  “There were a few small incidents but not since. He seems to be the cautious one. When nursing, he still sends magic to Mazie. Blaze said Fire elementals are by nature more cautious with their gift.”

  Stroking his fiery red hair, Meg's eyes glowed a brilliant green. “He is very aware of the power of his magic already. Aren't you sweet boy?”

  After we finished our meal, Meg and Miles decided we would play one of their favorite card games. Anyone walking by our house would hear the laughter. When Finn's little eyes could no longer stay open, we reluctantly said goodnight to everyone and left for our room.

  * * *

  “She will be here all the time, Mara. You need to stop worrying,” Cole said, as if reading my mind.

  “I know,” I sighed. “I am worried about her going to Snowstrum. Will it change her?”

  “You heard your sister. It will be different with her in charge,” Cole said, setting Finn in the bassinet.

  “He's right,” Meg said from the doorway. “Starting with a new name. Snowstrum. Wasn't she full of herself? For now, we will call it Winterland. Yes, not very original but maybe I will be more creative later.”

  Leaning down over the bassinet, she gently stroked the cheek of the sleeping babies. “Sweet dreams, my Neeps. Auntie will be watching you.”


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