Right Billionaire, Wrong Wedding (Sexy Billionaires)

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Right Billionaire, Wrong Wedding (Sexy Billionaires) Page 14

by Victoria Davies

  “Yes. Yes, of course. I’m sure he’s expecting you. I’ll show you in.” Show a gorgeous model into her lover’s office. Sure, she could do that.

  Friends with benefits, remember? she scolded herself. It had been her idea after all. And they’d made no promises or rules. Just because she couldn’t conceive of touching anyone who wasn’t Darian didn’t mean he felt the same.

  So what if last night he’d treated her to dinner? He’d probably done that and more with the woman before her.

  Forcing herself to her feet, she moved around her desk with wooden steps.

  “Right this way,” she said, a smile pasted on her lips.

  As she led the nameless woman to Darian’s door she realized she’d assumed they’d be exclusive for however long their affair lasted. It was a foolish, naïve mistake. One she should have known better than to make. After all the years she’d spent with him, she should have realized if she ever wound up in his bed she wouldn’t be the only one there.

  They reached his office and she knocked on the door before she could chicken out and run away to lick her wounds. It was her own mistaken conclusions that had led her down this road. She could face the music now and mourn later.

  “Come in,” Darian called.

  Opening the door, she saw him behind his desk. His head rose as she entered the room, eyes brightening for a split second.

  “You have a guest,” she said, ushering the blonde beauty through the door.

  He pushed to his feet.

  “Darian, darling,” the blonde said, stalking forward without a backward glance at her.

  His eyes flew from the model to her. “Ali—”

  “I’m leaving for the day. Have a good weekend.” She shut the door before she could hear any of his excuses.

  For a moment she stood with her back pressed against the door, trying to relearn how to breathe.

  This was exactly what Darian had been worried about. Hell, it’s what Gillian had been worried about. That she’d get attached and think she had some claim to him that she didn’t. So what if he made a date with some other woman. So what if he slept with the blonde. He wasn’t doing anything she shouldn’t be.

  She walked to Gillian’s office and pushed through the open door.

  Her friend glanced up, startled. “Twice in one day?”

  “Are you still going out tonight?”

  Gillian grinned. “You know it. Drinking, dancing, and men. My favorite three words.”

  “I’m in.”

  “Really?” Brows arched high at her words. “I mean, not that I wouldn’t be thrilled to have a partner in crime, but what about Darian?”

  “I’ll be there. Text me the details.”

  Gillian’s surprise didn’t lessen, but she nodded in agreement. “I’ll do it right now. Wear something short and bring cash.”

  “Perfect,” she said before leaving the office.

  This was good. Exactly what she needed. If Darian could keep a harem then so could she. She’d have a wild night on the town and explore her options for the first time in far too long. There were more men out there than just billionaire CEOs with relationship complexes.

  She’d have a great night. The fact that tears clogged her throat was completely irrelevant.

  Her phone buzzed again.

  “You’re not going to check your messages?” Gillian asked, a colorful straw sticking halfway out of her mouth.

  “Tonight is about having fun,” she replied. “We’re having a good time, right?”

  Her friend didn’t seem convinced. “Honey, right now you look like you put the fun in funeral.”

  “I’m enjoying myself,” she said, grabbing her beer from the bar. It was warm, thanks to the time she’d spent nursing it. Still, she raised it to her lips and took a large gulp to prove her point.

  Gillian shook her head, surveying the crowded bar.

  It was rather impressive to watch Gillian in a bar. She didn’t waste her time with anyone who bored her or with anyone who had sights set on someone else. She’d dart in, strike up a conversation, and get out equally as fast if the man wasn’t filling whatever criteria was guiding her night.

  Allison had sat on this same bar stool for a good two hours, watching her vivacious friend flirt her way through the male population of the room. Thanks to the redhead, neither of them had paid for a single drink all night.

  But it wasn’t the night she’d planned on. Allison had pulled a rarely-seen-the-light-of-day dress from the back of her closet and come out with the expectation of finding someone to get her mind off Darian. And to the credit of the men at this particular bar, more than one had tried to keep her company.

  But each had been just slightly wrong. Too tall or too short. Too opinionated or not well enough read. Too bossy or lacking in confidence. They just weren’t…


  She sighed into her beer. Time to face the facts. If she was sitting here sighing over a man who, for all she knew, was out right now with another woman, then something had gone very wrong with her friends-with-benefits plan.

  I’m not supposed to care this much, she told herself. This was supposed to be light, fun. It wasn’t supposed to make her feel like the freaking B team. So what if she couldn’t compete with a leggy model? Darian must see more in her than just her body.

  Didn’t he?

  More depressed, she slumped against the bar and stared into the amber depths of her beer. Alcohol was wonderful. Alcohol didn’t judge.

  “Looking for answers in the bottom of the bottle?”

  She glanced up to see an attractive man leaning against the bar at her side.

  “Excuse me?”

  He gestured to her beer. “You seemed to be thinking deep thoughts. I couldn’t help wondering what they there.”

  She straightened, forcing a smile to her lips. “Nothing too interesting, I’m afraid.”

  “Now see, that’s where I don’t believe you. I’m sure a woman like you has fascinating things on her mind.”

  Nope, pretty much just thinking about boys. God, what had happened to her?

  “What about you?” she tried. “What brings you here?”

  “Out with a friend. Always up for meeting new people.” He ran a hand down her arm and she felt nothing. Not even the slightest twinge of interest. He wasn’t the man she longed to touch.

  “Can I get you another drink?”

  She could say yes. Try to flirt with the pretty stranger and see if he could take her mind off Darian, but the effort seemed exhausting. She really wasn’t cut out for casual.

  “Thanks for the offer, but I think I’m going to call it a night.”

  “Hope it wasn’t something I said.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not in a very festive mood tonight. Good luck.”

  He nodded his head. “You, too.”

  Grabbing her coat, she went in search of Gillian, only to find her dancing with someone on the makeshift dance floor.

  Pushing through the sea of bodies, she managed to wrap a hand around her friend’s arm.

  “Allison?” she asked, pushing away from the stranger.

  “I’m going to head out.”

  “Give me a minute,” she said to her partner before grabbing Allison’s hand and dragging her off the floor.

  “What’s up?”

  “I don’t think I’m feeling it right now. Sorry.”

  Her friend shrugged. “Everyone has those nights. Want to leave? I can grab my coat.”

  “No, no, you’re having fun. Don’t let me ruin your night. The brunette looks cute.”

  Gillian grinned. “He does, doesn’t he?”

  “Did you get his number?”

  She laughed at the question. “Girl, tonight’s aim is just to have fun. You know as well as I do I’m not looking for anything.”

  How does she do it? Allison wondered. So many people excelled at casual relationships, and here she was, failing horrifically.

  What was wrong with her that
she couldn’t let the blonde’s visit roll off her shoulders?

  “Good for you. You’re sure you don’t mind if I leave you alone?”

  Gillian waved her off. “Not if you don’t mind me staying. I’ll come with if you need some girl talk.”

  “No, no, I’m just going to head home. Have an early night. It’s been a long week.”

  As if on cue, her phone buzzed again. Gillian’s gaze dropped to her purse.

  “Everything’s fine, right?”

  “Totally fine,” she said.

  “Uh-huh. Look, when you go outside, don’t kill me.”


  “Nothing.” Gillian gave her a one-armed hug. “Get some rest.”

  “Will do. Enjoy the brunette.”

  A smile slid over her face. “Oh, I intend to.”

  With a last wave, Allison turned to push her way toward the door. The pounding music and flashing lights really were going to give her a headache if she stayed. Better to go home and sleep off this awful day.

  Stepping into the cool night air was a welcome relief. After setting her bag down on the sidewalk, she shrugged into her coat.

  As she picked up her purse, her phone vibrated once more. The damn man was persistent if nothing else. Four texts and two calls, all of which sang the same tune of “let me explain. Yada, yada, yada.” Tomorrow she might be interested in his explanations, but right now she just wanted to sleep.

  Even so, she fished her phone out of her purse and checked the preview of her new message.

  Sure enough it was from Darian, but this one simply read, “look up.”

  Jerking her gaze from the ground, she saw him leaning against his black car. For a moment the desire to run nearly overwhelmed her. She could go back into the bar and pretend she hadn’t seen him. Then she wouldn’t have to hear him outline just how sorry he was, but they weren’t a real item, and he had the right to see whomever he chose.

  But that was the coward’s way out, and while she might be delusional and naïve, she didn’t run from a fight.

  Straightening her shoulders, she walked over to him.

  “How’d you know I was here?” she asked.


  “Ah.” That explained her cryptic apology at least. “All right, now let’s try why you’re here?”

  “I should think that’s obvious.”

  “Because stalking is such a turn on?”

  He threw her a dirty look. “You ignored my calls.”

  “That’s my prerogative.”

  He ran a hand down his face. “I know. Trust me, tracking down a woman is not territory I normally find myself in. But I couldn’t let this day end, remembering…”

  “Remembering what?” she demanded, crossing her arms over her chest.

  “Remembering the expression on your face when you led Sasha into my office.”

  Humiliation seared her. So much for appearing aloof. She hid her emotions as well as a two-year-old.

  Stepping back, she looked anywhere but at him. “You didn’t need to go to such lengths to explain. I get it.”

  He scoffed at her words. “I doubt that. Can we go somewhere else to discuss this?” He looked over her shoulder at the bouncer.

  “Such as?”

  “My house is close.”

  That caught her off guard. He’d never invited her back to his place since the first time they’d slept together. All the other times had been at her apartment, and he’d never stayed.

  “I don’t think we need to—”

  “Please. I think we need to have a real conversation. Make some rules.”

  She drew in a deep breath. She was this far down the rabbit hole already. Maybe he was right and it was better to get everything over with tonight. Then she’d have the weekend to lick her wounds rather than torture herself with not knowing where they stood.


  He held the door open for her before rounding the car to get behind the wheel.

  As he pulled out into traffic, she searched for something to say, but everything circled back to the blonde, and that wasn’t a conversation she wanted to have while he was operating a vehicle. So instead, she sat back and watched the world flash by outside her window.

  True to his word, they were in the car less than ten minutes before they pulled into his driveway.

  Wordlessly, she followed him up the walk and into his home. She kicked off her heels and wandered into his sprawling living room.

  “So, rules,” she said, not turning to face him even when he followed her rather than turning on the lights. “Let me guess. Rule number one: don’t interfere with each other’s personal lives.”

  “No.” His voice was soft. “Exactly the opposite.”

  She turned then to see his expression in the moonlight. There was a sincerity in his eyes that had her conviction wavering.

  “The meeting with Sasha was completely innocent.”

  She shrugged. “Want a gold star?”

  “She was hoping for an escort to a benefit next month.”

  “I really don’t want to hear about your future date plans.”

  “I turned her down.”

  That surprised her. “You turned down the leggy goddess?”

  “I did.” He took a step closer.


  “Because I realized that whether it was next week or next month, if I was going to go anywhere, I wanted it to be with you.”

  She blinked. “Only me?”

  “Only you.” When he reached out to wrap his hands around her waist, she didn’t protest. “Which is a rather new concept for me.”

  “So what you’re saying is I’m making my way to the top of your harem?”

  He laughed. “What I’m saying is, since the night of our disastrous pasta dinner I haven’t touched another woman.” He pulled her closer. “And I’d rather like that to continue.”

  Her heart raced with excitement even as she fought to keep her tone even. She couldn’t let him see how much she wanted this. “Geez, Mr. King. Are you asking me to go steady?”

  “Exclusivity,” he clarified. “For however long we’re together. Or until we decide to amend the rules.”

  “No other women?” she asked. “No Amazonian models that look like they could step on me?”

  “Not a single one. That is, if you agree not to look twice at any man bound on whisking you away.”

  She thought of the men she’d met at the bar. It was embarrassing how little he had to worry. “I went out tonight to find your replacement,” she said. “And you know what I discovered?”

  “What?” His forehead brushed against hers.

  “That they’re all wrong. None of them were you.”

  A smile tugged on his lips. “Then we’re in agreement.”

  “Exclusive friends with benefits.” She drew her nose against his. “Ever tried that before?”

  “Not since high school.”

  “That’s a long time not to get very involved with anyone.”

  “Mmm.” He pulled her closer, resting his chin on the top of her head. “They were distractions. The last thing I planned for was a lover I had to worry about. Someone who would invade my thoughts and make it impossible to focus.”

  Some of her happiness seeped away. “I guess I don’t do that, either, huh?”

  His soft chuckle filled her ears. “On the contrary, you’ve been driving me crazy. Do you have any idea how hard it is to focus on work when all I can think about is exactly what we did on my desk?”

  She stared up at him. “Really?”

  “Congratulations, angel. You’re driving me mad.”

  Joy simmered within her. “I rather like that.”

  “Hopefully I consume an equal amount of your thoughts.”

  “Oh no,” she said on a sigh. “I barely remember you exist when you leave the room.”

  Leaning down, he nipped her earlobe in punishment.

  “All right,” she said, tipping her head up. “I might
spare you a thought or two.”

  “Glad to hear it.” His lips brushed against hers. “Don’t ignore my calls again.”

  “Didn’t like that, did you?”

  “I spent three hours trying to track you down while feeling like a vise was pressing down on my chest. What do you think?”

  “Did it hurt?”

  There was a beat of silence before he nodded his head once.

  She closed her eyes, knowing she was hopelessly tied to this man. “Quid pro quo, I guess.”

  “Let’s not repeat today,” he said. His breath played across her lips. “I’m not a fan.”

  “That can be rule number two.”

  “I like the sound of that.”

  His lips came down on hers. Not wanting to do anything else, she gave herself over to his masterful touch. It was enough. What he’d done tonight. He might not have said he was ready to date her, but still, they’d come a long way from their one night stand. She’d gone from being one of the many women in his life to being someone…


  Pleasure curled through her. What a wonderful notion.

  “Would you like me to drive you home?” His question was soft.

  It would be the smart move. Give them both time to clear their heads.

  “No,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. “I’m exactly where I want to be.”

  Chapter Thirteen

  He shouldn’t care.

  Her lips glided over his, drawing him deeper.

  Pleasure had been the center of his life for more than half his life. He shouldn’t care that Allison had looked at him with desolate eyes.

  Except he did.

  He gripped her waist, pulling her closer as he kissed her. No matter what else was happening, this remained the same. When he touched her, everything got exceedingly simple.

  Her pleasure was all that mattered.

  Desperation trickled into his kiss. He tried to cloud her mind, make her forget what had led them to this moment.

  Make him forget the pain in her eyes when she’d led Sasha in.

  This was why he didn’t do relationships with people who mattered. Shallow, superficial fun was his wheelhouse.

  But those words didn’t apply to Allison.

  When she’d shown Sasha into his room, all he’d wanted to do was run after her. To explain that, despite what she thought, he had no interest in any woman but her.


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