Right Billionaire, Wrong Wedding (Sexy Billionaires)

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Right Billionaire, Wrong Wedding (Sexy Billionaires) Page 19

by Victoria Davies

  But far worse was the pulsing pain in his chest that whispered he’d done exactly what she’d foretold.

  Made the biggest mistake of his life.

  He tried to lose himself in work, but the tasks that normally consumed him felt hollow. There was nothing he could do to banish the sight of her desolate expression when he’d told her to go.

  She loved him.

  Could it be true? He tunneled a hand through his hair. He’d warned her when they’d outlined their sexual relationship not to let feelings become involved. She shouldn’t have fallen in love.

  That was his Ali, always doing her own thing. Following her own heart. Even when it led her astray.

  It’s not my fault she was hurt, he tried to reason. That’s what happened when you allowed yourself to love someone. It only ended in pain. He’d tried to warn her against that reality, but there was nothing he could do if she chose to go against his advice. Maybe this lesson would help her harden her heart in the future.

  Except he couldn’t imagine Allison not seeing the best in people. She was the kind of woman who would always love with her whole being. Did he really want to be the reason that changed?

  He rubbed his chest, trying to banish the phantom pain. He missed his assistant. That was all. His normally organized life was in chaos. Once he hired a replacement, everything would go back to normal.

  And he could stop replaying their last conversation on repeat in his head, trying to identify what he should have done better.

  Because he had the damning notion he already knew.

  He should have pulled her into his arms and never let go.

  Chapter Nineteen

  “Big bro!”

  Darian wrapped his arms around his sister, burying his face in her hair as he hugged her tight.

  “I need to breathe,” she joked, pushing him back.

  “Where’s Matt?” He took the handle of her suitcase from her and led her away from the airport arrivals gate.

  “He’s coming in two days. I wanted to get here as soon as possible to help you with any last minute details.”

  “I appreciate it,” he said. “You’ve got your final gown fitting tomorrow. so there’s no time for jet lag.”

  “Got it.” Jenny grinned up at him. “Are you getting enough sleep, Dare? I can see the bags under your eyes.”

  “I’m fine,” he replied. “I’ll be even better when we get out of here.”

  Together they made their way out of the main terminal, Jenny chattering away about her flight and leaving Paris.

  “Are you going to miss it?” he asked as he took out his cell to signal his chauffeur.

  “I don’t think so,” she said. “Been there, done that, you know? But the tour got a lot of great press. Matt’s meeting with a label next month. Can you believe it?”

  “That’s wonderful news, Kit.”

  “Just you wait. I’ll be settled in one place before you know it. Can you imagine?”

  He shook his head. “If I know you, the two of you will still jet off to distant locations when you get the chance.”

  “Probably,” she agreed. “At least until the kids come.”

  His gaze dropped to her stomach. “Are you—?”

  She hit his chest. “Of course not. But that’s the plan, right? I’m doing the marriage thing. Next comes the house and then the kids. What, are you eager to be an uncle?”

  In truth he’d never really thought about it. More little Kings to worry about. But they’d be part of Jenny. How could he not adore them?

  “I’m sure you’ll be a wonderful uncle,” she said, answering her own question. “I can just see it now. Every time you visit you’ll shower them with ridiculous gifts we will never be able to match when you leave. And you’ll be the most overprotective influence in their life. I’ll be able to sleep in peace, knowing that when my daughter tries to sneak out to get her first tattoo you’ll call down S.W.A.T on her to bring her home.”

  “You think so, huh?”

  She gave him a one-armed hug. “You were an excellent parent to me and you were a kid. You’ll only be better with any new kids that enter the family.” She poked his chest. “I’d like to be an aunt, too, you know.”

  “I don’t think that’s in the cards.”

  Jenny made a face. “Just wait. Someday you’ll meet someone incredible, and spending the rest of your life with her will be all you can think about.”

  “What if I already screwed that part up?” he muttered.


  “Nothing, Kit. Are you hungry?”

  “Starved. I’m so not a fan of airplane food.”

  “I agree with you there.”

  The car pulled up, and he held the door open while she crawled into the interior.

  “So tell me more about the wedding plans,” she said as they pulled away from the airport.

  “Everything is set,” he said. “Flowers are confirmed, menu fixed. I’ve got a minister ready to marry you and a full guest list to fill seats. You just have to show up.”

  “That’s amazing,” she said. “I knew you guys could handle everything.”

  He swallowed hard. “We’ve left the music and rings to you, though.”

  “Perfect. Matt has a friend whose band will play, and as for the rings…” She held out her hand. “Check out my engagement ring. There’s another band that will fit into it after the wedding.”

  He took her fingers in his, examining the small diamond that sat upon her left finger.

  “Don’t even think of offering to upgrade it,” she warned. “It’s all we could afford right now, but I love it.”

  “I was going to say it’s lovely,” he said. “Perfect for you.”

  She took her hand away, smiling at her ring. “Matt is perfect for me.”

  Again a stab of pain ripped through him.

  Jenny dropped her hand and grinned at him. “I’m so excited to try on my dress. It looked gorgeous online. You’ve seen it, right? Does it hold up?”

  Visions of Allison in the dress filled his mind. “It’s breathtaking,” he said.

  “Oh good. I hope it wasn’t too much to ask Allison to try it on for me. Will she be going with me tomorrow?”

  He cleared his throat. “Actually, Ali’s no longer with King Enterprises.”

  Jenny snorted. “Very funny.”

  “I’m serious.”

  The humor slid off her face. “What did you do?”

  “Why do you assume the problem was me?”

  “Because I’ve watched that woman fawn over you for years. There’s no way she’d just up and leave.”

  “Well, she did. She wanted a less stressful job.”

  Jenny shrugged. “Okay, I can see that. But the wedding stuff was always above and beyond. Isn’t she still going to be involved?”


  “What did you do?” she repeated.

  He huffed in annoyance. “It’s none of your business, Jenny.”

  “The hell it isn’t. Allison is the only woman I’ve ever seen crack that shell of yours. She’s been some sort of weird hybrid for years now. Half your employee, half your girlfriend.”

  He jerked as if he’d touched a live wire. “We were nothing of the kind.”

  But Jenny was watching him with shrewd eyes filled with a wisdom he wouldn’t have credited her with a year ago.

  “You slept with her,” she said.

  “I’m not discussing this with you.”

  “Who left who?”

  “What does it matter?”

  “Dammit, you broke up with her, didn’t you?” Jenny whacked the seat in front of her. “How can someone as smart as you be so dumb?”

  “Just because you don’t work for me doesn’t mean you can take that tone.”

  She rolled her eyes. “What are you going to do? Ground me?”

  “My relationship with Allison isn’t any of your business.”

  Sadness filled her eyes. Sadness he knew had been mirrored in his
own on more than one occasion. “Isn’t it?” she whispered.

  “This isn’t about mom and dad.”

  “Everything is about them when it comes to you.” She reached out and grabbed his hand. “Why do you think I first started following Matt around the world? It was an excuse to live in the now and forget about the past. I never had to worry about the future. I mean, what life could I have with a nomadic musician with more groupies than I could count?” A soft smile lit her face. “But Matt was patient. He knew I was using him as an escape, and he let me do it until the idea of creating a new family wasn’t quite as scary as it’d once been.” She squeezed his hand. “Allison’s been waiting four years for you.”

  “You don’t know that.”

  The knowing smile was back. “I watched her watch you every time I visited. She may have wanted a different job, but I’d bet you the bill for my wedding she didn’t want a different man.”

  I love you. Why can’t you just let me?

  Because something was broken in him. Something not even his sister could understand.

  The car pulled to a stop in his driveway and he was quick to escape the confines of the car.

  “Go on in,” Jenny said when he lifted her suitcase. “I’ve got a quick call to make. I’ll meet you inside.”

  He was more than happy to take the reprieve. “I’ll get the delivery menus out for you,” he said, retreating into his house.

  They’d order some food and he’d pour wine down his sister’s throat to ensure she focused on happy wedding plans and forgot about grilling him over the mistake that haunted his dreams every damn night.


  What am I doing here? Allison wondered. It had been a common question flashing through her mind since the day she’d picked up the phone to see Jenny King’s number.

  Now she sat in a hipster café, waiting for the sister of the love of her life.

  There’s probably some wedding detail she needs, she reasoned. Maybe something was wrong with the dress.

  She reached for her coffee as she waited. She could do this. Be Darian’s assistant one last time and fix whatever problem Jenny was having.

  “You made it!”

  She looked up to see the grinning blonde bound toward her.

  “Jenny,” she murmured, rising to her feet. “Welcome back to the city.” She offered her hand, which the other woman shook with enthusiasm.

  “Sorry, I’m late. I’m sure you can imagine what my week has been like.”

  “Of course.” She took her seat. “What can I help you with? Is something wrong with the dress?”

  “No, no, nothing of the sort,” Jenny said, sitting opposite her. “In fact it fits like a glove. You were a perfect stand-in.”

  She thought of the beautiful gown with a wistful sigh. “It will look wonderful on you, I’m sure.”

  “Fingers crossed.” She fished into her bag and withdrew a box tied with a bow. “First things first, this is a little thank you for everything you did for me. I know Darian couldn’t have pulled it off alone.”

  “You underestimate him,” she said, accepting the box.

  “Chocolates,” Jenny said helpfully. “From the south of France.”

  “I can’t wait to try them.” She folded her hands over the box and waited.

  The other woman puffed on her bangs. “You’ve got that reserved thing down pat, you know.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I get it. I’m sure I’m not super high on your list of people to talk to right now.”

  “I’m happy to help.” One last wedding task and she could wash her hands of the Kings.

  “That’s the thing. I’m not here for your help. I’m here to assist you for a change.”

  She arched a brow.

  “I’ve been talking to my brother.”

  Humiliation coursed through her. “Oh.”

  “Which is a good thing,” Jenny said in a rush, reaching for her.

  “This is none of your business.” She started to rise.

  “But you love him, don’t you?”

  Allison fell back into her seat, hard. “He told you that?” she asked, aghast.

  A slow smile tipped Jenny’s lips. “No. But it’s nice to see I wasn’t wrong.”

  “My love life has nothing to do with you. If you have a problem with the wedding, I’ll see if I can help. Otherwise my association with your family is at an end.”

  “I wanted to explain,” she said. “I can tell you about the childhood Darian and I lived through. There’s a reason he is the way he is. You see our parents—”

  “I know about your parents.”

  It was Jenny’s turn to look surprised. “You do?”

  “And I understand why he pushes people away. What I don’t understand is why you’re here.”

  “Please give him another chance.”

  She laughed, a sound that was bitter even to her own ears. “Darian was very clear that he wasn’t interested in seeing me ever again.”

  “Is that why he’s been moping around the house like someone died?”

  “He’ll get over it,” she said, trying not to care that he was suffering, too.

  “Like you have?”

  “Good-bye, Jenny.” She rose to her feet.

  “No, wait. Look, I’m sorry if I crossed a line. I’ve got something for you.”

  Allison waited by the table, watching as Jenny rummaged through her bag.

  “Here,” she said, holding out an envelope.

  Frowning, she took the cream paper and ripped open the seal. An invitation waited inside.

  “You can’t be serious.”

  “I think you and my brother need to talk,” she said. “But I also think you deserve to be at my wedding. You put it all together. Come and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Truly, I want you there.”

  “This isn’t a good idea.”

  “It’s bad luck to contradict a bride.”

  “You made that up.”

  “Sue me.”

  Sighing, she stared down at the invite. “I appreciate the gesture.”

  “Good. I look forward to seeing you there.”


  “At least think about it.”

  She hesitated a moment before inclining her head.

  “Thanks.” But the smile slid off Jenny’s face as her attention transferred to something over Allison’s shoulder.

  Slowly she turned to see the last man she wanted to set eyes on.

  Darian looked impeccable as always. Her eyes were drawn to the blue scarf tossed over his neck. It was a physical pain to see him still wearing it.

  “My apologies,” he said. “I was meeting my sister.”

  “We’re finished.” She grabbed the box of chocolates from the table. “Thanks for the gift, Jenny. Good luck on Saturday.”

  “Please think about what I said,” she replied. “I really do want you there.”

  Stepping around Darian, Allison locked her gaze on the nearest exit.

  “Wait. Please.” A hand caught her arm, freezing her in place. For a moment she closed her eyes. His touch revived cells she hadn’t even realized were crying out for him. But giving in to such pleasure was a sure path to madness.

  Shaking off his grip, she pressed forward.


  The soft word skewered her like a blade. Taking a deep breath, she rotated to face him, telling herself to stand strong.

  “You are not my boss or my boyfriend, Mr. King,” she said, gratified when her voice didn’t shake. “You have no right to my time.”

  Head held high, she strode from the café before he could call her back again.


  Watching her walk away from him ripped apart the already gaping wound in his chest. It was a sight he’d never wanted to see, and here he was, treated to it twice.

  “Sure, you’re over her,” his sister scoffed.

  He gazed down at Jenny. “What did you do?”

  “That woman planned my weddi
ng,” she replied. “The very least I could do was thank her in person.”

  “And that was all?”

  She shrugged. “I also asked her to give you another chance.”


  “Plus I invited her to the wedding.”

  He closed his eyes, running his fingers through his hair. “You’re meddling.”

  “Damn straight,” she replied. “If our positions were reversed you’d do the same.” She stood, swinging her purse over her shoulder. “You’ve always swooped in the second I needed you. My whole life I knew I had you in my corner. Let me return the favor, Dare. You need someone to help you fight right now.”

  “She made her choice.”

  Her hand touched his arm. “She left the company,” Jenny said. “But I can tell you right now, that woman wouldn’t have left you if you hadn’t forced her out the door.”

  The words were like sandpaper over raw nerves.

  “I’m not the right man for her.” She deserved someone who could love her the way she should be loved. Someone who could offer her the family she wanted and the life she craved.

  Someone who didn’t come to her broken.

  “We don’t always end up with the person who’s right for us in theory,” his sister said.

  “She deserves better.”

  Jenny stepped around in front of him. “And what about what you deserve?” she asked. “You live in a house that’s perfect for a family and yet, you’ve never made any moves to get one.”

  “I just haven’t gotten around to selling it yet,” he said.

  She rolled her eyes. “You have the skills and resources to do anything you damn well please. You kept the house for a reason.” She smiled up at him. “It’s frightening when you have something to lose. Trust me, I get it. But what I’m saying is your feelings don’t change even if you’re not with her. Don’t you see, big bro? You love her either way.”

  The breath rushed from his lungs. Jenny couldn’t be right. He hadn’t allowed himself to love anyone besides his sister since the night their lives had changed forever. The price of losing someone that mattered was simply too high.


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