Daring Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 2)

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Daring Fire: Paranormal Romance (Bad Boys Of The Underworld Book 2) Page 19

by Crowe, Mallory

  Rok and Goff started to leave, but Rok stopped and looked to Kilk. “You asked for her and you got her, but it will be daylight soon. She’s going to be dead when you leave, understand?”

  A sadistic grin filled Kilk’s face. “Understood.”

  Was she supposed to pretend she didn’t hear that? Rok never told her to ignore what he said, and she really didn’t know how this mind control stuff was supposed to work.

  She remained silent as Goff walked farther and farther away until she could no longer see Marcus. As she forced herself to remain still, her mind screamed at her to race after him. How could she just stand there and not do anything as her Marcus was being carried away to God knows what types of torture?

  Kilk shut the door and turned to her with that same nasty smile in place. Gena tried to keep her expression blank, but she knew some of her hatred was spilling over.

  “You are going to do whatever I say, right?” he asked.

  “Whatever you tell me to do,” she responded in a monotone.

  He laughed softly at that, flaming the fires of her anger. He slowly walked a circle around her and looked her over carefully. Evaluating his prize.

  “What exactly did Marcus like about you so much?” he said, almost to himself.

  Gena took it upon herself to answer. “He said I’m an amazing kisser.” Although she had no desire to kiss the beast walking around her, she did want him closer. If she ran for him with the knife, his vampire speed would surely stop her before she got anywhere near him, but if he wanted her close, she could attack before he knew what was coming...

  “A good kisser, huh? Where do you kiss him?”

  Gena repressed a scowl. He wanted to talk dirty before he raped her? Disgust and anger replaced any fear she’d felt. All she wanted was a chance to find Marcus and bring him home. As long as this sorry excuse for a sentient being stood in front of her, she was stuck in the penthouse.

  Seeing how Rok had ordered Kilk to make sure that he left before sunrise and that she never left the penthouse alive, she also had a timeline. Dawn was only a few hours away and Kilk would have to leave well before then.

  On top of that, she had no idea how long she could keep him convinced that she was still under his control. She needed to get this over with. She raised her head and looked him straight in the eye. “Marcus likes it when I kiss him all over.” She traded the monotone voice for a slightly more sensual one.

  Kilk’s smile vanished and was replaced with a hungry look. “Take off your shirt,” he ordered.

  That could prove problematic. The hilt of the knife was poking up from her pants against her back. As long as he remained focused on her front, he wouldn’t see it, but if he wanted her to continue stripping, the knife would fall to the floor.

  Gena grabbed the hem of her shirt with both hands and in a fluid motion pulled the material over her head. Deciding to be proactive, before Kilk could order her to take off any more clothing, she walked toward him seductively. It only took a few steps to bring her just inches from him.

  He took a moment to admire the lacy bra Marcus had bought for her just days before. It was a shame that she’d probably have to burn it after this. Gena made sure her back was extra arched to hide the knife from him even more, but this had the unfortunate effect of pushing her breasts even closer to him.

  His expression turned heated and he leaned in close. One of Gena’s hands reached up and cupped the back of his neck. As his head lowered toward her, she snuck her free hand behind her and firmly grasped the hilt of the knife. His mouth came on top of hers; she didn’t hesitate like she had with Ryan.

  Without a second thought, she mentally located his heart, the position of his rib cage in relation to his heart. With one forceful thrust, she plunged the silver blade into his chest and twisted once for good measure.

  Kilk screamed in shock and pain and pushed her away. The strength of that push sent her across the room, but even as she gracelessly fell to the ground, she never took her eyes off the vampire.

  He took one step to come after her before he abruptly fell, motionless, to the ground.

  Gena breathlessly waited and watched for any sign of movement. He didn’t look any different. She’d thought vampires would crumble to ash or something when they died. Did this mean he wasn’t dead?


  After a few minutes that seemed like an eternity, Gena finally pushed herself up and took a few tentative steps to the body in front of her. As she looked down at Kilk, she didn’t see any signs of life. She knew she should check for a pulse, but she was in no hurry to touch a vampire who, if still alive, would like nothing better than to rip out her throat.

  She noticed the hilt of the knife still sticking out of his chest. If he were still alive, that had to hurt. She cautiously lifted a foot and slightly tapped the still embedded knife. She jumped back as soon as she could but still saw no movement from Kilk. Feeling a bit more secure, she bent closer to him with two fingers out. His skin was still warm when she touched him, but she had no idea whether that was normal or not. A human would not be cold so soon after death.

  After a few seconds, she was certain that he had no pulse. She’d done it. She’d killed a vampire.

  Quickly, she ripped the knife out of his chest and let out a deep breath she didn’t even know that she’d been holding.

  Marcus. She had to find Marcus now. She grabbed her t-shirt off the floor, her shoulder bag that contained the now reloaded with silver bullets gun, and bolted out the door.

  She left Lady in the bathroom. She didn’t want her innocent dog roaming free around a dead vampire and had no idea how to get rid of the body, so for right now the dog was stuck.

  She hurriedly pulled her shirt over her head and tucked the bloody knife away in her bag as the numbers in the elevator counted down. She rushed to the doorman on duty, trying to recall his name as she ran. “Frank! Did you see two men just walking out with Marcus? Maybe five or ten minutes ago?”

  Frank’s brow furrowed as he seemed to think really hard. “I, uh, no. I don’t think I have seen him.”

  Gena cocked her head. How hard was it to remember if you saw someone five minutes ago? “What do you mean, you don’t think you’ve seen him? You either have or you haven’t.”

  Frank shrugged one shoulder. “I don’t know how to explain it. I don’t remember much about the last few minutes. It’s the strangest thing.”

  Frustration bubbled up inside Gena. Rok or Goff had messed with Frank’s mind. He couldn’t tell her anything of use. “That isn’t even the strangest thing that has happened in the last ten minutes,” she muttered as she walked out into the cold night.

  She looked around her at the street, trying to envision where they would have gone. Who could she even go to for help? All of Marcus’s people thought he was a traitor except for the king, and she had no idea how she could track down a vampire king.

  She could barge into the Tower, but obviously Rok had plenty of his people in place there. Hope might be able to help, but this was way out of her league at this point.

  That left only one place Marcus might have allies. The club where they’d met. She had to go back to Fang.

  By the time the cab dropped her off at Fang, it was already four thirty in the morning. The cabbie insisted she wasn’t dressed right for the club, even if it was open. Gena dismissed his words and paid him for the ride.

  The club was long closed, but it was run by vampires, so she doubted that every one of them was home sleeping just yet. She avoided the front door and walked straight to the back entrance that Marcus had walked her through the first night they had met.

  Hoping for a change in her luck, she tried to turn the handle, but, unsurprisingly, it was locked. Instead, she went for her next best option, screaming like a crazy woman until someone let her in. Her fists banged on the door as she screamed for Vlad, or anyone within a half-mile radius of where she was to open the door somehow.

  It took a few minute
s and a few sore fists for Gena, but soon enough the door opened just as she was preparing to kick it solidly once again with her tennis shoe clad foot. She managed to just stop herself from slamming her foot into the imposing man who stood in front of her. He already looked pissed, and kicking him wouldn’t win her any favors.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked in a deep voice.

  “I need you to get me in touch with Vlad somehow,” she said with a steady voice.

  “We’re closed. Come back tomorrow night, dressed more appropriately.” With that, he started to shut the door.

  Gena pulled the bloody knife from her bag and shoved the blade between the door and doorjamb to prevent it from closing.

  The man opened the door and suspiciously looked at the knife in her hand, obviously sensing it was silver and seeing the blood on it. “What’s that?”

  Gena held the knife in a more threatening position, the blade pointed directly at his throat. “This is what I used to kill a vampire with earlier tonight. If you don’t want to be number two, I suggest you get me Vlad. I don’t care if it’s on the phone or in person, but I need to fucking talk to him about important vampire business.

  “And for the record, that mind control shit doesn’t work on me so don’t insult me by trying. If you doubt it, just ask Gareth.” She stared him down, daring him with her eyes to call her bluff.

  Before he responded, she heard a familiar voice from behind him. “You have changed since we last met,” said Vlad.

  Gena looked at the bloody knife in her hand. She really had changed. “I know what I’m capable of now. The rebels took Marcus. You need to help me get him back.”

  The man she’d been threatening raised a brow. “You know Marcus?”

  “She has been staying with him this past week. Somehow I think they became more than friends, don’t you, John?” Vlad’s gaze raked over Gena and he frowned. “You really killed a rebel by yourself?”

  “Believe me, he had it coming.”

  “Let me tell you a secret that isn’t so secret about me.” Vlad walked closer to Gena. She lowered her knife but still kept it firmly in hand.

  “I don’t care if he had it coming,” he whispered. “Even so, I’m impressed. A week ago, I didn’t think you had it in you.”

  “They have Marcus and they’re going to kill him. I don’t know who else to go to. Even if you don’t care, please help me.” She hated the idea of begging him for help, but if she had to grovel to protect Marcus, then that was what she’d do.

  Vlad put one hand on the door to hold it open and waved her inside the club. “I have my own reasons for wanting to stop the rebels, which is why I helped to arrange the meeting between them and Marcus in the first place. I’ll help you look for him, but I can’t make any promises.”

  Gena walked into the warm club, not realizing how cold she’d been outside until she stepped into the heat. In her panic to chase after Marcus, she’d forgotten to put on her jacket. Vlad walked with purpose deeper into the club that looked completely different now that it was closed.

  The dance floor, tables, and booths were empty, and the mess of a busy night was evident under the bright lights that were now on. A couple of girls wearing Fang shirts helped to clean until Vlad walked in. At his entrance, everyone stopped what they were doing to look curiously at Gena.

  He approached and handed her a bottle of water. “Try to make yourself comfortable and I will see if any of my contacts know anything.”

  Gena nodded and looked for a chair to sit down in. “Thanks for doing this. I didn’t know where else to go.”

  Vlad considered Gena for a moment and walked over to her. Close to her ear, he whispered, “I would keep that knife hidden if I were you. Also, keep your mouth shut around the staff. You never know who is listening.”

  Gena discreetly glanced around the room at the scattered waitresses and bartenders who were finishing up their shifts. They probably were not all vampires, and she had no idea what they knew about Vlad.

  “Thanks for the warning,” she muttered and tucked the knife away. Once her hands were free, she twisted the cap off the bottle. She hadn’t realized how thirsty she was until she had the cool drink in her hand.

  “So is there anything you can think of to help? Did you see what car was taken or what direction they went in?”

  Gena shook her head as she took a swig of water. “They left me in the penthouse with one of their men, who was supposed to finish me off. I didn’t see them after they got on the elevator.”

  “Well, I will call around, but I’m not sure what I can find out with that limited information,” said Vlad sympathetically.

  “No,” said Gena. “There has to be some way to track him down.”

  “There’s only so much I can do. Marcus doesn’t carry any form of a tracking device. All I can rely on is hoping one of my connections saw him in the rebels’ car or if they were seen taking him anywhere. How many men did you see take him?”

  “There were three of them. One stayed behind with me and two carried Marcus away. They injected him with something. The leader said it was some type of silver. It basically paralyzed him, but I could tell he was in a lot of pain. Have you ever heard of something like that before?”

  Vlad’s brows furrowed and she could tell he was concerned. “I’ve heard of vampires and vampire hunters using colloidal silver or silver nitrate as a weapon and injecting it, but the concentration of silver was never strong enough to have the reaction that you’re describing. It hurts like a bitch, but never paralyzes.”

  “So we don’t know who these rebels are, where they’re from, or what kind of weapons they’re using. Brilliant,” muttered Gena. She was sick of feeling three steps behind at all times. If only she could track Marcus like Ryan had tracked her down.

  The thought caused Gena’s eyes to open wide in surprise, and she grabbed Vlad’s sleeve. “Ryan’s phone. Marcus has Ryan’s phone.”

  Vlad stared blankly at her. “Are you expecting him to call you?”

  “Ryan’s phone was in my car. We think he used it to track me to New York. If Marcus has it, we can get Ryan to trace it again. We can find him before it’s too late.” She jumped up and grabbed for her bag. “We have to go now.”

  Vlad stood to let her pass, but made no motion as if to leave. “What are you waiting for?” she asked.

  “Gena, I know you want to go to Marcus, but it’s five in the morning. There are very strict time limitations I have to work with,” he pointed out.

  Gena looked around her, but there were no windows to the outside. “We have at least another hour or two of darkness. You can make it work.”

  “Even if we get to Ryan in the next hour, I will have to mobilize my men and prepare to invade unknown rebel territory. These things take more than an hour and we could not avoid getting burnt to a crisp by the sun.”

  “Then I will cover you with a fucking blanket!” she shouted in desperation. “We can’t just leave him. They are torturing him for information right now!”

  Vlad’s cold expression never changed. “That’s why I will be risking my men and my own life to drag Marcus’s sorry ass back to you, but that will have to happen tomorrow.”

  “Give me his address and I will track down Marcus my own damn self,” she spat out.

  “I have a handful of humans under my control. I will have Ryan brought here during the daylight so my men and I can rush off to retrieve your Marcus as soon as the sun sets,” assured Vlad.

  “He isn’t just my Marcus! He wouldn’t be in this mess if he wasn’t trying to protect you and every other godforsaken vampire from another war!”

  Vlad had obviously had enough of her shouting as his expression changed from blank to angry, yet his voice remained eerily calm. “Listen, human or whatever the fuck you are,” he said as he moved toward her. “I assume that at some point since we met you crawled into Marcus’s bed and you two became mighty friendly, but right now, you aren’t dealing with Marcus. You�
��re dealing with me, and unless you want to start taking off your clothes and bend over that table over there,” he pointed to a table behind her, “you are going to shut up and do as you’re told. Do you understand?”

  Rage boiled inside Gena as she kept reminding herself that Vlad could be dangerous if pushed too far. “You go ahead and take your sweet time then. I’ll go out and see what I can do while you are safely tucked away in your bed.”

  Vlad’s eyes shot to a spot behind Gena and she looked to see the thug who had opened the door for her approach. She had a bad feeling about this. “What’s going on?” she asked.

  “This is vampire business. I know you mean well, but you’re very emotional and I can’t have you running around on a wild-goose chase. Even if you found Marcus, what could you even do?”

  The thug walked up behind her and one hand wrapped around each of her biceps. Her water clattered onto the floor. She gasped at the sudden contact and quickly tugged, but she stood no chance against his strength. “You can’t keep me here against my will,” she protested.

  Vlad gave a quick bark of laughter. “I have rooms here specifically for holding people against their will. Don’t worry. They’re comfortable.”

  Gena couldn’t believe this was happening. “You’re just going to lock me away? I have to find Marcus!”

  “We will find him,” he assured her.

  She shook her head and pulled away from the man holding her, but his grip didn’t loosen in the slightest. “My dog is locked up at Marcus’s apartment,” she said, trying out a different tactic. “I need to let her out.”

  Vlad crossed his arms over his chest. “We will take care of your pet while you relax.”

  She lunged toward him, to no avail. “You can’t do this!”

  Vlad waved a hand in front of his face as if he literally brushed away her concerns. “Don’t be so melodramatic. It’s only for a few hours. You’ve had a stressful day and look like hell. The sleep could do you good.”

  Gena stared blankly at him, finally speechless. Did he just say she looked like hell? She didn’t have any time to respond even if she had thought of something clever to say, as she was being pulled backward.


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