Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1)

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Torment (Primal Progeny Book 1) Page 30

by Stacey Mewse

  Audra bit her lip ‘Nicolai, I’m yours to take… Every inch of me.’

  He barely noticed that she used his Christian name, the first time anyone had in decades. He crossed the room to the bed with obvious intent. She watched him advance with longing in her eyes, her naked body desperate for his touch.

  In the room across the hall Holly lay prone on the bed, out cold and ready for his real lusts.

  Chapter 34

  Hunter dropped to the back of the group to run beside Eve after a while, wanting to get close to her again. She had smiled at him when he had first drawn level with her, and he had smiled awkwardly back.

  Realizing that he would need a reason to have slowed down he asked her loudly. ‘I’ve been meaning to ask someone for a while, what’s going on with Audra’s accent?’

  Eve smirked ‘I’ve been waiting for you to ask actually. Her mother was Italian. Our alpha rescued her from a bad situation many years ago… Well, he tried anyway.’

  ‘How do you mean?’ Hunter asked.

  ‘Well, he went for a trip to Europe to hold council with a few other alpha’s and encountered a lone female who was running from something. He took her in and it turned out that she had been made by a travelling scavenger who was not so unlike Varulv. The beast was looking for her, and she was pregnant. In an attempt to hide her from the wolf who was hunting her, Alfred bought her back and cared for her, and in time she had her baby. Alfred looked after the child as though she was his own, and she has always been known as his daughter even though there is no genetic link. That child was Audra…’ She trailed off, her breathing ragged from running and talking.

  ‘But how did he manage to save her and not her mother?’ Hunter asked, puffing and panting himself from the exertion of jogging and talking together.

  Eve slowed to a walk, waiting until Hunter had done the same to continue with her story. She called out to the others ‘We’ll catch up, the new boy’s struggling!’ Which bought loud laughter from the others.

  Looking at Hunter she apologized quietly ‘If they think we’re talking about anything interesting they’ll want to hang back and listen in.’ She explained.

  Hunter shrugged ‘It’s fine, but why do we need privacy?’

  ‘What I’m about to tell you is not common knowledge, but I feel like you deserve to know after all the trouble Audra has caused. Perhaps it will give you some insight on why she is the way she is… Not that it makes her any more likeable.’

  Hunter nodded and waited for her to continue, their breathing beginning to settle thanks to having slowed to a walk.

  Eve continued in hushed tones. ‘When Audra was very young her mother committed suicide. She had always suffered with nightmares about the werewolf who had made her, and her sanity slowly crumbled. When Audra was three years old her mother hung herself, she made it so that her neck was broken by the fall. She did this with Audra in the room… She saw the whole thing. Alfred tried to save her but he was too late.’

  Hunter’s eyes widened. ‘I suppose that does explain a lot. But how is it that you know this and others don’t?’

  ‘I was Beta even then’ Eve answered ‘I’m not as young as I look. He trusted me with the information, as I have now trusted you with it. We told the others that she had died of natural causes. They were all initially skeptical but heart attacks during the change are not unheard of in our kind, even if they are rare.’

  Hunter did not know what to say, and so for a while they walked on in silence. After a few minutes Eve suggested that they might jog to catch up with the others. Hunter held out one hand and asked her to wait.

  ‘There’s something else I need to ask you about, in private. If that’s alright?’

  ‘That’s fine, ask away.’ She smiled up at him, her piercings glistening in the moonlight.

  Hunter swallowed loudly, trying to work out how to phrase what he wanted to say in his head. Eventually he blurted it out. ‘Why do I feel so strongly drawn to you?’

  Eve clearly was not expecting the question to be asked so soon. They had both avoided discussing the matter further on their journey, and she had hoped he had forgotten. Her eyebrows shot almost into her brow line and she smiled awkwardly. ‘You want to discuss this now?’ She knew she sounded agitated, but she couldn’t help herself, it wasn’t the time for that conversation.

  ‘I’d like to know.’ Hunter replied quietly. ‘It’s such a strong pull, I’ve never felt anything like it.’

  ‘Neither have I’ Eve admitted, her expression soft and slightly vulnerable beneath all her makeup and bravado.

  ‘…Well?’ Hunter prompted. ‘I know you know more than I do.’

  Eve nodded slightly ‘just because I know that does not mean I understand. I can explain to you but you’ll only be in the same situation as me. Knowing and not knowing might be more irritating than having no idea at all?’

  ‘I’ll risk –’ Hunter began to reply but was cut short by Tobias’ familiar voice.

  ‘EVE!’ His call was angry.

  Eve was startled by the sudden intrusion and turned sharply to face the direction of her co-beta’s shout. She didn’t reply but instead broke into a run, leaving Hunter to chase after her.

  They raced forward, hopping over shrubbery and skirting round clumps of dense grass. Eve narrowly avoided running straight into the line of bushes the farmer used to separate his fields from the greenbelt land beyond. Hunter skidded to a halt behind her and almost collided with her back.

  ‘Where are you?’ Eve called out, looking up and down the line of bushes, scowling deeply.

  ‘On the other side!’ Tobias called back.

  ‘How do we get through?’ Eve answered, her nostrils twitching. The smell of death and old blood hung heavy in the air, it was nauseating to her human nostrils.

  ‘There’s a gap wide enough to get through underneath a few feet to your left.’ Tobias replied. ‘Brace yourselves.’

  Eve Hurried along the edge of the field, crouching and scrambling under the thorny bushes hastily. Hunter followed suit, dreading what he would find on the far side.

  What he saw was not what he expected, it was far, far worse. He had smelled the clear scent of blood and knew that he would be encountering something unpleasant, but was not prepared for how bad the sight might be. Eve had stopped dead in the spot she had emerged from beneath the bushes, and he had to push past her to see what was going on. He instantly regretted it.

  The rest of the men who had gone hunting for Varulv were stood in a semi-circle around the hideous sight on the floor. All of them were staring in silent disbelief. They had known of Varulv’s tastes, and heard much about his modus operandi… But they had not been truly prepared to be confronted with what was left in the wake of his perversions. It was like nothing any of them had ever seen; something entirely beyond the ability of their collective imagination’s to conjure up as a possibility. In a scene mapped in police tape lay the remains of the second victim of Varulv, the same that Eve had heard of on the radio.

  The mess of meat on the ground no longer even vaguely resembled a human being. Too much damage had been done, too much had been removed and repositioned. It took a moment of searching the scene before he could even work out which end of the body was the head. Her flesh had been flayed and moved and her limbs strewn about so that she looked like a carcass in an abattoir. His attention was snatched away by the sudden realization that in his peripheral vision, breast tissue hung snagged in the thorns. He gagged, then composed himself and looked back to the body. That is when he noticed her face… Or more accurately what was left of it. He had to look away. The poor girl had almost nothing left above the neck but bone. There were a few patches of raw flesh but that was all, and worst of all… A tuft of white-blonde hair jutting from between her teeth. He hoped and prayed it was from biting the bastard to try and get away. His brain told him otherwise, but he tried to push the thought to the back of his mind.

  Eve put a hand on his arm and drew his attentio
n away. Looking up at him she quietly insisted ‘It’s best not to look for too long. Try not to get absorbed by it, sights like that will haunt you in your dreams. Besides we must leave and quickly, the police will no doubt be back at any moment.’

  ‘My dreams are already haunted by plenty of sights’ He answered quietly ‘you forget how I was made…’ He trailed off, trying to block thought of his parents from his mind.

  Eve gave his arm a squeeze. ‘I know’ she paused and sniffed at the air. ‘It reeks of Audra here. By the smell of it she left before the police arrived, thank god.’

  Tobias responded angrily ‘her scent is very concentrated around the body. I have a feeling she interfered with it.’

  Matthew looked shocked and saddened but managed to interject very quietly ‘We’ve all made mistakes.’

  Tobias shot him a disgusted look. ‘In our early days perhaps! And never with a body that will be connected with a serial murderer. Don’t try and defend her Matthew.’

  Finnlay spoke up. ‘You don’t even like her Matthew. None of us do?! Why the sudden understanding? She’d probably have tucked into you if you’d been the one lying there!’

  Matthew opened his mouth to respond but was cut short by Eve who marched between them. Shoving them both hard in the chests she snarled at the whole group. ‘Enough with the bickering! Now is not the time.’

  Tobias nodded. ‘Its safe to just assume that we cannot trust her, so arguing over her is pointless.’

  The group nodded and mumbled in agreement, Finnlay jostling Matthew with his elbow and smiling in apology.

  Mason interrupted this with an uncertain voice. ‘I think I smell vomit?’

  This bought a chorus of sniffs from the others, Matthew quickly confirmed his suspicion. ‘Yeah, and its Audra’s… And its full of human meat.’

  Tobias sighed ‘Well that was predictable unfortunately, can you lead us there please Matthew? We need to get out of here quick sharpish anyway, no doubt the police have gone for a coroner, I can smell them in the direction of the nearest road west of here. They’re not far away enough for us to risk staying here any longer.’

  Matthew nodded and made off into the field, followed closely by the rest of the group. It was not long before they came upon the disgusting sight of a drying pile of regurgitated human flesh lying on the floor. Eve wrinkled her nose and nudged Matthews back, not wanting to stop and hang around near the remnants of their errant pack member’s meal.

  ‘Lets get on with it.’ She insisted ‘there’s no point in examining the thing, just keep following her trail.’

  Matthew allowed himself to be pushed and carried on his way, following his nose. ‘She’s quite some way away’ He observed.

  ‘Then we’d better pick up the pace’ Tobias suggested. ‘Lets get back jogging boys.’

  Eve elbowed him hard in the ribs and he looked shocked. ‘And girl, obviously. I didn’t think you’d take well to being ordered but if that’s what you want…’ He poked out his tongue, trying to keep his mood light in the face of what was to come.

  Eve snarled at him and broke into a jog, heading up the group. The others followed suit and soon Matthew overtook her.

  The darkness deepened steadily around them as the night drew on, the stars and moon providing just enough light to see by. In the distance they could see the stark glow of the city border. Blissfully unaware of what exactly was going on behind the inviting glow of those lights.

  Chapter 35

  Varulv lifted one knee onto the bed and pulled himself onto the mattress. Crawling forward on his hands and knees his muscles bulged and his hair fell onto his face. He crawled over Audra, stopping when he had one powerful hand on either side of her shoulders. His legs were either side of hers, but he used one knee to part her thighs and maneuvered himself so that both his knees rested between her legs. He was so close to her that he could feel the heat radiating from her against his thighs.

  Stooping lower he pressed his lips to hers and she closed her eyes. She moaned softly as his lips first brushed against hers, and then pressed harder and harder. Her hands roamed over his naked torso, feeling the defined muscles in his abdomen and slowly sinking lower and lower. She could feel the heat of his erection just millimetres from her hand, but she skirted round it coyly. Brushing his taught stomach with her fingertips and running them around the sides of the base of his penis teasingly. His body responded in kind, his cock jumping and tapping against first his stomach, then hers. This drew a groan of longing from her, and he kissed her harder still. His tongue snaked from his mouth and forced its way between her longing lips. He explored every inch of her mouth, breathing into her and brushing her cheek with his calloused hand.

  She pushed her cheek into his hand and he cupped her face, lacing his fingers into her hair and lifting her to him to kiss her all the more desperately. She arched her back and her hand slipped round to his buttocks, gripping them hard. Varulv nipped at her lower lip and pulled it slightly, wanting to bite down hard but somehow restraining himself. He trailed his hand slowly down her neck to her breast and took it in his palm, cupping and squeezing gently. She bit at his lip in return and sighed blissfully, the sensation of him massaging her breast sending tingles shooting all over her body. Her nipple stood to attention under his palm, pressing into it and sending warm pulses into her groin.

  She tried to pull him towards her, her hands pushing against his naked rump. He resisted and lifted his head away from her hungry kiss, looking down at her lustfully.

  ‘Not yet my love, have patience.’ He whispered to her.

  ‘I want you…’ She moaned, wanting to protest but lost in her lusts. Her fingers loosened their hold but she dug in her nails in frustration as her hands fell away from him.

  This drove him wild, he wanted nothing more than to unleash the full force of his fury upon her naked body. Struggling within himself he twisted his fingers in her hair and pulled her head back to the bed. She arched her body up to meet his and a gasp escaped her. His savage kiss quieted her, and his hand squeezed her breast harshly. She winced but made no sound and his hand crept lower. He trailed his fingers so lightly over her skin that she could barely feel them, until they began to tease around the bottom of her belly. He moved his fingers over the sensitive flesh there and tickled at the inside of her thighs, which spread open wider, longingly. He smirked as he kissed her, enjoying the tease as she fought to steer him toward the heat of her sex. She was desperate to feel him inside her. All the blood in her body seemed to be in her groin and her clitoris was almost painfully swollen.

  He teased her like this for a while as her hands roamed over his body, but when her searching fingers tried to grasp his penis in her hand he drew back. Lifting his head he looked down at her naked body beneath him. He smiled down at her, then took her nipple in his mouth and sucked. Flicking his tongue around the sensitive protrusion until she moaned and her breathing became rapid and jagged. She squirmed and writhed beneath him and he moved to the other breast, repeating the process and finally lowering himself so that his throbbing cock was trapped tightly against her belly. She moved against it, rubbing herself on the heat of him and gripping the covers tightly in her hands as he prodded into her. In his mind he imagined the incision there he would have liked to have been fucking, and that kept his erection strong. That and the thought of the woman waiting in the other room to be rendered limb from limb.

  Blissfully unaware of his disgusting thoughts, Audra squirmed against him more and more desperately. His hand slowly inched closer and closer to her opening. Deliberately he ran his fingers over it, not quite entering her. Then he rubbed the sensitive mound of her clitoris, running his fingers over and around it as her moaning grew louder and louder. Then all of a sudden he slid his hand lower and pushed a finger inside of her, thrusting in and out just once before inserting another. She was dripping wet, and he moaned at the sensation of her swallowing up his fingers as her muscles tensed around them. He worked at her with hard hand stro
kes and moved himself up from her belly.

  She reached up and grasped his cock hard in her hand, squeezing it and pumping her hand up and down its throbbing length. He closed his eyes and groaned loudly as her movements grew faster. He mimicked her speed and then suddenly gripped her wrist and pulled her hand away.

  Taking hold of himself he found her entrance and pushed himself inside her, hard and as deeply as he could. She gasped and ground her hips up against him as he began to thrust into her. He did not start gently and work his way up, instead going hard and fast from the second he was inside her. He pounded into her so hard that the bed shook and her groans and moans became screams of pleasure. That only excited him more; it mimicked the screams of his victims so perfectly.

  Stopping for a moment he panted and grabbed the pillows from under her head, stuffing them beneath her hips. She looked up at him in confusion, sweat glistening all over her body. He looked down at her and breathed heavily ‘more depth, you’ll enjoy it my love.’


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