Toxic Dust (The Deviant Future Book 1)

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Toxic Dust (The Deviant Future Book 1) Page 23

by Eve Langlais

  Axel whistled.

  A strange ululating noise filled the air. No one seemed disturbed by it, and yet a shiver went through her skin.

  “I’m surprised they’re not ringing some kind of alarm,” Axel noted as they stepped past a ruined gate.

  “I disabled it,” rumbled Cam. “Their monitoring center is also currently inoperative.”

  “Good man.” Axel slapped his friend on the back. “Take Laura. I’ve business to finish.”

  “What? No. Axel,” she protested.

  “I’ll be along shortly.” She felt his fingers brush her cheek and a whisper in her mind. I just need to do something. Then we’re going home.

  And he would have done it, too. Gone off and died to avenge her.

  “Oh no you don’t, idiot. Stick to the plan,” grumbled the big man.

  She had only one thing to say when Cam dropped him with a heavy fist to the head. “Thank you.”

  Cam was the one to heave Axel, grunting, given he wasn’t a small man, but growling when Gunner offered to help. Casey led the way. Only a few remaining guards dared to stand in their way, most too preoccupied with handling the wandering Madres, none of whom wanted to leave.

  Laura wanted to scream at them. How could they stay? How could they agree to this? But then again, she’d been that woman. Oblivious to the truth.

  “We have to help them,” Laura said, her steps slowing as they reached the gate.

  “We don’t have time. We have to go before the city sends reinforcements,” Casey barked.

  A blunt statement but it galvanized her, especially once she looked at Axel’s pale face.

  They sprinted for the exit, where there were more bodies on the ground. Some of them appearing whole and undamaged.

  Cam carried Axel, jostling with every step, making her worry about his wound. They made it through the gate to hear an engine rumbling.

  Gunner swept an arm, indicating the open maw in the back of the sleek, rounded truck. Its wheels had been replaced with large belts. “Move. Let’s go.”

  She piled into the back of the vehicle, and when Cam heaved Axel inside, she cradled his head in her lap. The door slammed shut, putting her in darkness, but she wasn’t alone. Cam was with her, Casey having gone up front to ride with Gunner.

  The vehicle lurched, and her heart heaved with it. She kept expecting them to be stopped. But they kept rumbling, getting farther and farther from the Earl and his dome.

  “We need to take a look at Axel,” Cam rumbled.

  He found a light, and they bound up Axel’s wounds. The one in his shoulder was the most worrisome. The bruise at his temple would probably give him a headache. It was Casey who administered the sedative when they did a quick stop.

  “If we’re not far enough away from that dome, he’ll just slip our grasp and go back,” was her grim prognosis.

  Axel regained consciousness the following day. His eyes half shuttered, his voice gravelly as he said, “Cam is a dead man.”


  The only reason Cam didn’t die the minute Axel woke was because Laura sobbed over him. They’d saved her. Not that he got to enjoy that fact. The injury gave him some trouble, meaning he spent part of his time in a feverish delirium. Even got a bit irrational at one point, wondering if his brothers and sisters made it away safe.

  Gunner made a detour to the forest, allowing him a chance to commune with The Wild. To reassure himself that the wolgar at least made it out without losses. They’d all escaped with only a few injuries to show for it. A miracle in many respects.

  But he couldn’t be happy about it, not when the Earl remained a threat. Axel had no doubt the man would try and take Laura away from him again.

  I should have killed him when I had the chance.

  He was still pissed at Cam for doing the right thing. Had he gone back alone into the dome with the alarm raised, he would have probably died. The common sense did little to alleviate the rage when he saw the new scars on Laura’s back.

  It took them less than two days to return to Haven.

  Two days before he could find relief in Oliander’s healing touch. Another day before he felt well enough to stalk down Laura. They’d finally stopped drugging him. Idiots seemed to think he’d overdo it if he got up. How well they knew him.

  He located Laura in the parking area, head to head with Nikki. Which meant, for once, Vera was the one angrily glaring on in jealousy.

  He strode right up to her and dropped to a knee, head bent. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what?

  “Because I fucked up, you got hurt. For taking this long to apologize.”

  Laura eyed him. “You’ve been in an induced sleep. And there’s nothing to apologize for.”

  “You must be angry with me.” That would explain why she’d been avoiding his bed. Sleeping on the floor. Coming in while he slept, the healing draught making him senseless. Leaving before he woke.

  She hated him.

  “I’m not angry with you.” She shook her head, drawing attention to the shortness of her hair. Her hand rose to it, and her cheeks pinked as if she were self-conscious.

  He stood and pulled her hands away. “Don’t. You have a nice head.”

  Her nose wrinkled. “My hair is hideous.”

  “Your hair will grow back.” The scars on her back, though, would only fade, never leave.

  Because he’d failed.

  He turned away, and she grabbed him.

  “Would you stop it with the guilt already. This isn’t your fault. I asked to make the trade. I forced you to do it. Things didn’t go as planned. The important part is we both survived.” She cupped his cheeks. “We can be together. That is, if you still want me.”

  The vulnerability in her words had him growling as he grabbed her. “Of course, I want you.”

  “I’m going to leave now.” Nikki edged away.

  Axel only had eyes for Laura. “I am sorry.

  “How sorry?” She twined her arms around his neck. “I thought you were going to die.”

  “I’m tougher than I look.”

  “How tough?” She arched a brow.

  He tossed her over his good shoulder and began walking back to his room.

  “Hey, boss, what should we—”

  “Figure it out, I am going to take a nap.”

  “Uh, okay?” Gunner sounded as if he fought not to laugh.

  “I need a nap, too,” Laura added, stifling a giggle.

  Axel was panting by the time he made it to the catwalk for his room.

  “Next place we call home either has lifts or everything on one level.”

  “Idiot. Put me down,” she admonished.

  He did only once they reached the room. He shut the door and faced her.

  “Laura, I—”

  He never managed to finish the sentence, as she threw herself at him, her lips plastering against his.

  “Shut up and kiss me.” She raised her arms and clasped him tight.

  He relished the feel of her body against his. His hands spanned her waist, gripping her tight enough to lift her to the bed.

  She lay on it with her eyes half shuttered, her lips parted, her arms beckoning. He spent a moment letting his gaze rove her body, lingering on the swell of her breasts. A teasing smile curved her lips.

  “Remember our time in the lake?”

  “We were both a lot more naked.”

  “And you talked less. For a man who couldn’t wait to drag me up here—”

  “Drag?” he drawled, pulling off his shirt. When it went over his head, he realized she’d done the same, lying there only in a bandeau. “I wouldn’t have to resort to tough tactics if you’d not avoided my bed.”

  “Oliander said to let you heal.”

  “Having you nearby is healing.” He unbuckled his pants but left them on as he lowered himself.

  She reached to run her fingertips over the newest of his scars. “A little lower… I’m sorry. I never even knew the Earl hid someone in th
e shower.”

  “We’re both cases, apologizing for things we can’t control.”

  “Can we talk later? I thought someone promised to show me he was recovered.” She grabbed him by the arms and pulled him down, mashing her lips against his.

  He returned the embrace, and deepened it, parting her lips for the slide of his tongue, feeling how she responded to him. Wanted him.

  He felt between their bodies, his hands tugging impatiently at her pants, pushing them down far enough that his fingers dipped into her wetness.

  He shifted himself over her, settling his body atop her thighs, still bound by her pants. He let his weight fall against her, his hard length press into her. She shivered and wiggled. Moaned as she rolled her hips under him.

  He kissed her with hungry abandon. Kissed her as if it might be his last time. Because, in the Wasteland, you never could be sure.

  Eventually he left the splendor of her lips for other parts of her body. He trailed a finger down her chest, dragging it between her breasts, noting how her breath caught, her body shivered at his touch. He bowed his head and took a peak into his mouth and sucked. She arched and cried out, fingers digging into his bed, her pleasure a sharp stab against him.

  The edges of his teeth grazed her sensitive skin and then bit down on her nipple, drawing a sharp cry. He switched to the other breast, lavishing it with the same attention, feeling the pressure of her pleasure building. Smelling it. Feeling it in her trembling frame. Sensing it vibrating the link between them.

  Sensing her growing urgency, he slid a hand down her body between her thighs. He groaned as his fingers met her moistness.

  He released her nipple with a final kiss and then slid down her body until he was even with her mound. His pulled her pants off, leaving her bottom half bare. Her legs parted for him. He bent his head and delighted in her moan as he swiped with his tongue. Lapping at her, feeling her trembling. Knowing she was close.

  So close and he needed to feel it.

  Feel her.

  He shifted above her, fumbling with his pants, freeing himself. He pressed the tip of his cock against her. Her legs wrapped around his waist, and her arms dragged him close.

  Uttering a groan—of relief, surrender, pleasure—he thrust into her. She cried out and clenched around him. The tightness of her brought him quickly to the edge.

  She panted against his mouth, less kiss, more a mashing of flesh and breath. He thrust into her. Over and over. Feeling her tighten each time when he went deep. He kept pounding against that spot that had her finally screaming.

  Coming. Triggering his own release.

  Then the embarrassment as he collapsed on her, exhausted. But content.

  “I love you, Laura,” he muttered before falling asleep.

  Smiling as she whispered, “I love you, too.”


  Axel would be okay. She stared for a while at his profile as he slept. The man she loved, a concept she’d only recently learned and understood.

  So many things she’d had to learn of late, like the fact the Deviant gene was more prevalent than anyone knew. Look at Axel who could talk to animals. Oliander who could heal. And those were only those she knew personally. She had begun hearing of others and their gifts. It wasn’t repugnant to her, not after what she’d gone through. Rather she saw it for the strength it could be if used properly.

  While Axel had been healing, she’d made it a point to learn more about the Wasteland. She pestered the group with questions. Asked Casey to show her how to survive by learning to fight. Cam took it upon himself to show her the many ways the outside would try to kill her and how to avoid it.

  She would have practiced her power if the effects of the drugs didn’t linger. Once they did leave her system, though, she would teach herself. Because she would be no one’s prisoner ever again—nor would anyone be allowed to harm Axel while she was around.

  She brushed the hair from his temple before she snuggled against him and let herself sleep. The first real rest since her capture.

  When she woke, it was to him caressing her. He waited for her gasped, “Axel, please,” before giving her what she craved.

  As the shudders of their climax eased, she snuggled close and sighed. “This is perfect.”

  “Shh. You don’t want to jinx this,” he teased, kissing the top of her head.

  Before she could reply, an alarm went off. Or she assumed it was an alarm given the clanging that suddenly erupted.

  “What’s happening?” she asked.

  “Could be nothing,” he said as he rolled out of bed.

  “Or?” she asked as he threw on a jacket over his shirt and then stuffed the maps on his desk into a knapsack.

  “Or we’re about to be attacked.”

  He slipped on his boots.

  “Where are you going?”

  “To find out what’s going on.”

  “I’m coming with you.” She rolled out of bed and quickly grabbed clothes while Axel stuffed a few things into his pockets. Almost as if he feared they might not return to this room.

  An ominous prediction to have.

  They exited to hear a hum of excitement and more than few engines rumbling to life.

  “Shit. They’re preparing to evacuate.”

  The catwalk shook as they crossed, probably because all of Haven trembled.

  “Axel!” Gunner yelled from below them. “The Enclave found us.”

  “How is it they’re already so close?” he barked as they hit the ground level.

  She kept close to him as he strode through the chaos of people running with their arms full for the parking area.

  “They used the mist to sneak up on us. I don’t know how they managed to find us, though.”

  “We need to evacuate,” Axel yelled.

  “Already begun. Benny and Karlos already have people exiting via the tunnel to the forest.”

  Rumble. The entire structure shook, and screams erupted as chunks of the ceiling tumbled.

  “We need to get out before it collapses.” Axel eyed the roof overhead. “Get everyone who can fight into the trucks.”

  “Can I help?” she asked.

  He eyed her. “Is your magic back?”

  Only parts of it. “Yes.”

  “Liar,” he guessed with a shake of his head. “You need to go with the people in the tunnels.”


  He dragged her close and planted a hard kiss on her lips. “I’ll find you. Remember. I’ll always find you.”

  She wanted Cam to hit him again. Wanted to cry and beg he come with her.

  But instead she nodded. Without her power, she was a liability.

  In short order she was among a group of frightened people that included Sally and Kylie. The little girl clutched her cat, and it seemed none too pleased.

  Led by Nikki—who wore the grimmest expression yet—they went into the tunnel, a narrow affair with spotty, crackling lights. The next bit of the journey was comprised of shuffling feet, panicked breaths, and a ripe desperation.

  Laura hung close to the back, eyeing the tunnel behind them, wondering if Axel fought. She wouldn’t allow herself to imagine he died.

  It was because she lagged that she saw the cat streaking past. By the time she turned to watch its flight, Kylie had bolted past her, screaming, “Fwuffy. No. Come back.”

  Laura didn’t even think. She ran after Kylie, who was faster than a child on two legs had a right to be. She didn’t catch up to her until they were almost back at Haven.

  But not the home they’d known.

  A hole in the ceiling let in daylight and mist. It crept down and coated everything in a fog. It concealed the violence but not the rat-tat-tat of guns, or the screams.

  Kylie stared wide-eyed.

  “Come. We have to go.” She grabbed the child, who sobbed.


  “Fluffy will have to save her silly self. We need to go help your mother.”

  Kylie wrappe
d her arms around Laura’s neck, and she began to walk as quickly as she could, leaving behind the most strident sounds of battle. She met Nikki on the way back.

  “Thank fuck you found the little minx.” Nikki’s welcoming smile of relief turned to a grimaced holler, “Behind you!”

  Laura had only a moment to turn around and see the same kind of beast that had attacked Axel on their trip. A jackena. A threat.

  She thrust Kylie behind her. Her gaze locked with the animal’s as it padded toward her, its jaw widening.

  Nikki fired. She didn’t miss. The jackena hit the ground without a sound. And yet, an ululating cry arose.

  “Oh shit. Run!” Nikki yelled.

  Grabbing Kylie by the hand, they raced. Laura didn’t need to look behind to know they were chased.

  They emerged from the tunnel to find themselves on open ground, the mist licking it. People huddled close, faces shocked, a few crying. Benny and Karlos tried to round them up and direct them deeper into the fog.

  Nikki emerged with a warning. “Get out of here. Jackenas coming. Someone help me block the entrance.”

  Tearing free from Laura’s grip, Kylie ran for her mother. Nikki was joined by a few others, who closed the camouflaged gate. They rolled rocks in front of it, a pitiful pile that would do nothing to stop a determined monster. If the jackena made it out of that tunnel, the people of Haven would die here, slaughtered to pieces.

  If the monsters could escape…

  Laura returned to the tunnel and eyed it. Her magic was barely there. The drugs only slowly leaving her system. But a faint tickle had returned. Was it enough?

  It had to be. She needed it. And so she pulled on it. Pulled on every emotion she could muster: the fear of the monsters, terror of dying, her love for Axel, and some of these people among the first she could call friends.

  She used every feeling she could conjure to punch through the shield between her and her power. Focused it into a tight ball, ignoring the increasingly loud howls.

  “Move away!” she yelled, trembling as the power coalesced and demanded escape.


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