Arise (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 3)

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Arise (Cruel and Beautiful World Book 3) Page 23

by L. Stoddard Hancock

  Xander’s eyes drifted from Deryn to the stars twinkling above them. He had never realized there were so many before. Stars were rarely seen in Utopia. If it wasn’t clouds and rain blocking the view, it was the city lights. It left much to be desired.

  But stargazing outside was different. It was magical.

  After a long moment of serenity, Xander buried his cold face in Deryn’s stomach, breathing her in.

  “I’ll bet it’s raining in Utopia right now,” she said, stroking her hand through his hair.

  “Just reflecting the outside weather,” replied Xander scornfully.

  Deryn smiled and glanced down at him. “I know it’s still an adjustment, but I love that we’re here together. That I can share all of this with you.”

  Xander removed his face from the warmth of her coat and glanced up at her.

  “But I don’t like that you’ve been sneaking cigarettes on your breaks.”

  His eyes widened. Busted. “I haven’t -”

  “Oh, please. I can smell it all over you,” she said, rolling her eyes. “Harper told me the other day that Adrian shares your bad habit, and it seems he’s been going through his cigarettes twice as fast these past two weeks.”

  “To be fair, I haven’t been smoking the whole time we’ve been here. Only the past nine days, and only the past three regularly.”

  “And I suppose that makes it okay?” she asked, raising her eyebrows.

  Xander smirked. “No, ma’am.”

  She stopped her strokes through his hair and smacked the top of his head. “Don’t call me that. And don’t keep secrets from me. I don’t like you smoking, but I’d rather you were honest about it.”

  Xander sighed and sat up, keeping his body turned so it faced hers. “I really was trying to quit back in Utopia. But out here ... I need that escape. It relaxes me. Well, maybe not relaxes, but it definitely helps. I’m still adjusting to being here.”

  “I know.” She faced him and took his hands in hers. “It will get better here. But if it doesn’t, we’ll go.”

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “We’re not going anywhere. You belong here.”

  “I belong on the ground,” she said, rolling her eyes again. “But this will do for now.”

  Xander laughed. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead to hers. “Have I told you today that I love you?”

  “Only in note form. Which I’m keeping forever, by the way.” Deryn kissed him and smiled. “And I love you, too.”

  “I thought you might.”

  Xander kissed her again, her lips warm but the tip of her nose cold as it pressed against his cheek. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and pulled her close, warming her with his hands while she warmed him with her lips.

  Deryn threw her legs over his, her chest pulsing with each breath she took. Xander opened his eyes, focusing on this Deryn, the one in his arms. Not the one whose screams haunted his dreams.

  His cock twitched as he realized he wanted her. For the first time since they’d arrived in Blackbird he thought he might be ready.

  He brought one of his hands back around to the front of her, slipping it under her shirt and cupping her breast. It was so warm, so soft.

  Deryn flinched from his cold fingers, not expecting them to be there. She opened her eyes and stared into his, finding the longing lingering behind them. She breathed deeply and leaned into his touch, moving her lips to his neck as he massaged her breast. He gave her left nipple a flick and she giggled. He always liked doing that.

  Giving Xander’s lip a nibble, Deryn smiled mischievously as she moved her hand between them, stroking him once through his pants before teasingly fiddling with the button. She was just about to undo it when the stairs creaked.

  They pulled away from each other and looked over, both a little surprised to see Sam dancing his way up to them with a mug of warm ale in his hand.

  He stopped at the top, smiling when he saw them.

  “Well, well, well. My green-eyed vixen. What a pleasant surprise.”

  “Your what?” snapped Xander.

  Sam took a sip of his drink as he stepped forward. “Green-eyed vixen,” he repeated after he swallowed. “I don’t have a name for you yet, though your eyes look gold right now. Like they’re going to burn me alive.” He paused and took another sip. “I like it.”

  Deryn raised her eyebrows. “Any particular reason you’re up here, Commander Knight?”

  Sam crinkled his nose. “So formal. Just call me Sam. And nope. Just exploring.” He plopped down on the bench beside her. “You’re both very pretty.”

  Deryn and Xander looked at each other and cocked their heads.

  “I’ve had my eye on you, Vixen, since the moment I stepped off my ship. It only makes sense that you’d be paired off with the most attractive man in this place. Well ...” He paused. “Second most attractive, but you can’t very well fuck your brother.”

  Sam slapped his knee and laughed. Deryn and Xander did not join in. When he tried to take another sip of his drink, she yanked the mug from his hand.

  “I think you’ve had enough.”

  Sam laughed harder. “That’s barely my second drink. This is just me speaking.”

  “So this is just you flirting with both me and my boyfriend?” she asked.

  Sam smiled and shrugged. “It could be more than flirting if you’re into it.”

  Deryn and Xander’s eyes popped, their necks stiffening.

  “I spend my entire life traveling the world and I love it, but it doesn’t leave much room for a commitment. I’ve never much liked having to choose between a man and a woman before and then one day it hit me. Why should I choose? So I don’t. And do you know what type of people are less likely to get attached to the traveling soldier?”

  “Let me guess. Couples,” said Xander, wrapping his arm around Deryn’s waist and pulling her a little closer.

  “Exactly! And brains to boot! I knew I liked you.” Sam swung a leg so it went underneath him on the bench and turned toward them. “So what do you say?”

  “Sorry, Commander Knight, but we’re going to have to pass,” said Deryn, patting his shoulder. “But thanks for the offer.”

  Sam shrugged and took back his drink. “Whatever. It’s a standing offer, so let me know if you change your mind. We could have a lot of fun.” He glanced over her shoulder at Xander and winked. After taking another sip, he asked, “Do you think there’s any chance your brother and his girl might be interested? Admittedly, they’re my second choice, but she seems like she might be a feisty beast in the sheets.”

  “I really, really don’t,” said Deryn, her voice caught between a groan and a laugh.

  Somewhere close by, a woman giggled. The stairs creaked again and they all turned, watching as the giggling woman dragged someone onto the overlook.

  “Come on, Dax. No one will see if -”

  The girl turned, her smile immediately falling when she saw the three of them sitting there. Hera’s eyes met Deryn’s and they both scowled.

  Dax stepped out from behind her, his face covered with guilt as Deryn turned her gaze to him. Her scowl softened into a frown.

  Sam stared between them, obviously sensing the tension. He cleared his throat and focused his attention on Hera. “You’re that loud girl with the attitude. I sure hope you plan to keep it in check when we start training tomorrow. I’m not against benching troublesome soldiers.”

  Hera furrowed her brow. “Excuse me?”

  “People unwilling to cooperate with their team members would never survive on a battlefield. Their judgment is clouded by their biases. Either get your shit together or don’t show up. It’s your call.”

  Sam stood and asked Deryn, “Could you show me to my room? I’ve forgotten where it is.”

  “Sure,” she said, breaking the eye contact between Dakota and her. She stood up and pulled Xander with her.

  No one said anything as the three of them walked toward the stairs. Deryn didn’t look at Da
kota again.

  “I actually have a great sense of direction,” said Sam as they reached the bottom of the stairs. “And I need to speak with April. Have a great night and let me know if you change your mind about my offer.” Sam winked and saluted before heading off to find April.

  Deryn and Xander walked to their bedroom without touching or speaking. It was safe to say their mood from earlier had officially been killed, if not by Sam then by Hera and Dakota’s surprise appearance.

  Deryn shouldn’t have cared, but she did. She really, really did.


  “Father, no! You have to stop them! Please!”

  Lona tried to run past her father, but Arron grabbed her arm and held her in place.

  “Lona, quit making a scene!” he shouted, raising his hand like he was going to strike but not following through.

  Lona watched helplessly as two guards dragged her wave Jasmine across the twentieth-floor balcony of Saevus’s tower, at the end of which a guillotine had been placed. Hangings weren’t enough for the president anymore. He wanted blood.

  “But she didn’t do anything!” cried Lona.

  “Deryn Leon entered our house to do Xander’s bidding,” Arron said calmly. “President Saevus found security footage of her the night of your coronation. The chip she stole was in a locked safe. Someone must have helped her.”

  “But you don’t know it was Jasmine! You don’t have proof -”

  Her father’s hand swung back and finally made contact with her face. “Do not give that thing a name! That is a wave! Nothing more!”

  Lona gripped her aching cheek, breathing heavily as she fought off the urge to slap him right back. She stared at her father with wet, angry eyes and said, “I told Jasmine someone might be coming by. Xander asked me to leave a window open and I did it without question.”

  Arron’s jaw clenched. He reached out to grip her again. “Lona -”

  She stepped back and smacked his hand away. “Do not touch me!”

  Lona spat at his feet and walked over to where the other Guardians were standing, taking her place beside Finley and Luka.

  “Everything okay?” asked Finley, glancing at Lona’s cheek.

  “No. Nothing is okay anymore.”

  Lona held back tears, her throat and heart aching as she watched them strap the woman who had been like a mother to her into the guillotine. Jasmine managed to glance back once, finding Lona and giving her one last smile.

  When Jasmine was in position, one of the guards went to activate the laser blade.


  Saevus stepped forward. He searched the faces of his Guardians until he found Lona. Her heart thumped.

  “Lona, would you please do the honor? After all, she is your wave.”

  “She is the family wave,” said Lona, doing her best to keep her voice steady.

  “Even so.” Saevus motioned to the guillotine, smiling cruelly.

  Lona took a deep breath and stepped forward. The rain was just starting to pick up and she hoped it hid the tears she couldn’t hold back any longer. She stopped beside the large contraption. It didn’t do anything their Elements weren’t capable of, but the president wanted to make a show of it. He was going to find every last person who helped Xander betray him in some way and execute them. Jasmine was just the start.

  Lona stopped beside the woman, her bald head glistening in the lights, illuminating her for all citizens to see. Holograms of Lona and Jasmine were being reflected across the city. Everyone would think that she was a monster.

  “It’s okay, little dove.”

  Lona clenched her eyes shut as Jasmine called her this affectionate name for the last time. She had always been there for her. When her mom died, when Odette left, every night her father came home drunk and angry she would step in his path so Lona would be safe. She’d protected her. She’d loved her.

  And this was how Lona would repay her? By taking her life away?

  “I’m sorry,” Lona whispered, unable to open her eyes as she pressed the button, hearing the laser beam slash through flesh and bone. She turned away without looking, opening her eyes and holding her head high as she walked toward the president, who was still smiling. She sucked back her nerve and smiled in return.

  It was all a game. She knew it was. And from now on she was going to play it.


  Deryn and Xander were woken up early in the morning by several loud taps on their door. It was Deryn who got up, squinting at the two figures standing in the morning light.

  “Why hello, green-eyed vixen,” said Sam, boing-ing a curl that had fallen out of her messy ponytail. She scowled and smacked his hand away. “Not a morning person, I see. Did the golden-eyed devil forget that we had a six o’clock appointment?”

  “Golden-eyed devil?” repeated Deryn, her voice crackling.

  “He gives everyone a stupid nickname like that,” said April. “I’m dead-eyed warrior.”

  Deryn raised her eyebrows. “Ouch.”

  “It’s alright. I’m basically dead inside,” said April without the slightest hint of cynicism or malice. “Will we be taking our meeting in here?”

  She and Sam stepped forward but Deryn held out her hand. “Talon has a proper meeting area in his room. We’ll meet you there in five minutes. Make him get coffee.”

  Before they could respond, Deryn shut and locked the door.

  “Guess that means it’s time to wake up.”

  Xander groaned. He pulled the covers over his head and burrowed deeper.

  “Now, come on, golden-eyed devil. This is important.”

  Xander groaned louder at the use of his new nickname. “If you ever call me that again I swear to god, Deryn -”

  “Should devils be swearing to god?” she asked, running forward and leaping on top of him. “No! You should be swearing to Lucifer!” She laughed while wrestling with the blanket, trying to yank it off of him.

  Xander managed to get a tight hold of her and flipped them so she became the one trapped under the covers.

  “Dammit, Xander! We’re down to three minutes!” she shouted, her arms flinging around in a frantic search for him.

  When she finally found skin, Xander took her hand and maneuvered them again so that they were both under the covers. He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight.

  “Can’t we just stay here?” he asked, nuzzling his face against hers.

  Deryn smiled, nuzzling him right back. Her lips gently brushed against his. “Tomorrow we’ll sleep in. I’ll find someone to cover your kitchen shift for you. But today ...” She stopped her nuzzling to breathe him in. “Today we have to wake up.”

  Deryn gave Xander a shove and he rolled off the side of the bed, taking the quilt with him.

  “Dammit, woman!”

  Deryn laughed. “Call me woman again and I’ll make sure Neetles gets you up extra early for your shift tomorrow.”

  She climbed off of the bed and went to their drawers, taking out clothes for both of them.

  Xander pouted as he changed and continued his pouting as she dragged him from their room and over to Talon’s.

  Sam, April, Piz and Matilda were all waiting inside, standing around a table with a paper map of the underground set upon it.

  “Doesn’t Talon have an electronic version of that?” asked Deryn as she and Xander joined them.

  “He does, but, by the high probability that Saevus might one day find a way to hack us and delete all of our progress, he keeps this updated,” answered Matilda.

  “A wise man. I knew there was a reason I liked him,” said Sam, tracing one of the pathways with his finger. “This is the underground where your ancestors lived?”

  “It is,” answered Piz. “Utopia was built on top of it.”

  “You don’t have the original blueprints on record?”

  Piz shook his head. “When we found it, everything was either destroyed or rotted. Maybe Saevus does, but he doesn’t share that knowledge.”

bsp; “Hmm.” Sam’s finger stopped on the center console room. “April, could you -”

  “Already on it,” said April, pressing a button on the thin metal band she wore on her head. A hologram appeared in front of her. She pulled up a keyboard and started typing away. “It looks like ...” More typing. “... the information was stored in all other former U.S. bases, but only the old New York one still has a working a processor. And ...” Something dinged. “A request has been sent. We should have the blueprints within the week.”

  The Outsiders all stared in awe at these fascinating strangers.

  “New York. That’s the ancient city with all of those tall buildings,” said Deryn. “Does it still exist?”

  “Sort of,” said Sam. “There’s a city within the ruins but it’s small and it’s called Yorkers. Personally, I think they really dropped the ball on the name change.”

  “It’s not very good land and the majority of people moved on from there,” added April. “The people who stayed are ...”

  “Strange,” finished Sam. “But cooperative. They’ll get us those blueprints. Though, judging from the size of this ...” He traced a pathway on the map with his finger again. “I’d say it’s almost complete.”

  The door opened and Talon and Laramie stepped inside, carrying a large thermos of coffee and several pastries.

  Deryn hurried forward and grabbed the thermos. “Gimme, gimme, gimme!”

  Talon already kept a bunch of mugs in his room for meetings. Deryn poured herself a cup of coffee and took a long, deep sip before even considering pouring cups for other people. She wasn’t sure why she was so tired. It wasn’t like waking up early was unusual for her. But after seeing Dakota with Hera last night ...

  It had made it hard to sleep.

  Chairs were brought out and the meeting began. Sam, April and Talon all took detailed notes as Xander spoke of Utopia, President Saevus and his life as a Guardian. He covered everything from guard shifts and switches to the president’s personality and patterns. He listed every single Guardian, ranking them from highest to lowest and, with a bit of reluctance, told them which ones were actually decent human beings. The number was small, but it was something.


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