A Wild Woman: Mail Order Bride of Slate Springs

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A Wild Woman: Mail Order Bride of Slate Springs Page 4

by Vanessa Vale

  “Like what you see?” Lane asked.

  I blinked, focusing again on them. I took a deep breath and nodded. I wasn’t going to deny myself this opportunity. Besides, I was never one to lie. Fine, I was keeping the biggest lie ever from them, but I was doing it for a reason. For a night of wild fucking and I doubted it was going to hurt them much. Hell, they said it was going to be nothing but pleasure. Surely, Patricia herself couldn’t blame me.

  Lane looked to Spur. “It’s time.”

  Spur leaned down and pumped the handle, water pouring out of the spigot. Quickly, they lathered their chests and faces, rinsing the soap away with splashes of water. Then they undid their pants, pushed them down over their hips to settle around their thick thighs. Their bottoms were muscular and taut.

  I gasped, for they wore no drawers and their cocks sprang free. I’d seen my brothers’ cocks a time or two, although in passing and it had been quite unappealing. But this… hell. Both cocks were thick and long, Lane’s thrusting from a nest of pale curls, Spur’s black. Lane’s cock curved to the left and the head was flared and very broad. Spur’s angled straight up to his belly and when he gripped the base of it with his soapy hand, a pearly drop of fluid seeped from the tip.

  “Holy fuck,” I murmured, resting my chin on the edge of the tub.

  Both men glanced up at my words. Neither looked bothered by my inappropriate language. Quite the opposite, in fact. Grinning, they extended their soaping, lathering and rinsing to their… lower areas until dripping wet and very, very clean. With no way to dry themselves, they hoisted their pants back up to their hips, but didn’t button them. Prowling toward me, they came up the steps, slick and wet, their cocks only partially shielded.

  I slid down the length of the tub away from them, the water sloshing over the side. I couldn’t climb out, for the only thing protecting my modesty was a thin wall of copper.

  “All clean, precious?” Lane asked, squatting down directly in front of me, wiping a drop of water from his chin, before grasping the tub for balance.

  “Oh, um… yes.”

  Spur knelt down on the other side across from Lane and I knew he could see my body. I looked between the two, not sure what to do. I felt like a cornered mouse.

  “I don’t know,” Lane replied, and using my befuddled brain to his advantage, deftly took the soap from my hand. “I think we’ll have to check and see.”

  “Check and—”

  “Mmm, yes. We’d hate for you to take ill,” Spur added, his gaze dipping below the surface of the water. I was grateful for the darkness and just had to hope that most of me was in shadow.

  “Take ill? From dirt?” I argued. “My brothers would have been dead years ago.”

  “We can assist with your hair then,” Lane murmured, his eyes roving over the tresses that I knew were unbidden and wild.

  I shook my head. “It’s fine.”

  “Yes, it is,” Lane confirmed, lifting one long curl and playing with the wet tip. Mesmerized.

  “Then you don’t need our help?” Spur asked, looking over my shoulder to Lane.

  I swallowed, licked my lips. “No, thank you. I’m—”

  Both men stood abruptly. Lane reached down and scooped me up into his arms.

  “Good, then it’s time to make you ours.”

  I screamed in surprise and wiggled.

  “Careful, sweetheart. You’re slippery when you’re wet like this,” Spur cautioned. He seemed to be the practical one of the duo, but he wasn’t telling Lane to put me down.

  I grabbed hold of Lane’s shoulders and tried not to do so all at the same time, for they were bare and damp and warm and well muscled. I could feel his arms about me, against my side and even my thighs. I was naked!

  “I can’t wait to find all the places she’s slippery and wet,” Lane murmured against my neck.

  “Lane! Put me down. This is… oh, God. Please,” I cried.

  I was fighting his hold and Lane did lose his grip with one hand. All at once, I was hoisted up and over his shoulder as if I were a sack of potatoes. I was staring down at the upper curve of his bottom that was exposed by his loose pants. My breasts were pressed against his hard back and my bottom was hoisted up in the air. That meant—

  “Lane!” I screamed.

  A hand came down hard on my bottom. He’d spanked me.

  “You one-balled bull! Put. Me. Down.”

  Lane laughed. “Trust me, precious, I’m all man.”

  “I like that handprint on her ass, all nice and pink,” Spur commented. Nothing seemed to rile him. Then again, he wasn’t tossed naked over someone’s shoulder. No, he was standing there mouthwateringly bare to the waist, skin damp, pants open. “Settle, Piper, or there will be more.”

  Spur’s words didn’t make me calm in the least. I was as riled as a penned badger. A hand stroked over the heated, stinging flesh and I startled. But when it slipped over my folds, I bucked.

  “Shh,” Spur soothed. “She is wet everywhere.”

  “Wet? What the hell are you talking about?”

  I felt Lane’s deep intake of breath. “I can smell her arousal.”

  I was going to die of mortification. “Oh, Lane, please, please put me down.”

  “Tastes sweet, too,” Spur added. I heard sucking and then realized he must have put his fingers—that had slid over my wet woman’s core—into his mouth.

  “Lane,” I cried, even though it seemed futile.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I’ll put you down.” He walked inside and down the hall. I heard the back door slam shut, then Spur’s footsteps. “As soon as I get you in bed.”



  Piper was like a bright ray of sunshine, a shot of rotgut whiskey and a poked bear all put together in a tiny, feisty little body. Fuck, she made me laugh, and I hadn’t done that in a while. Between the shit with the mine and Lil being sick, the past year had been a struggle. The only person who knew about Lil, at least the truth of her, was Spur. I’d lied about her for so long, it felt like the truth. Everyone in town assumed Lil was a working girl and I was especially—and consistently—interested in her attentions. Hell, even Walker and Luke Tate thought she was my paid mistress. Instead, she was a sixty-year-old woman with cancer who’d taken Spur and me in when we were eight. Our mothers had succumbed to their rough lives as whores and we had nowhere to go.

  At sixteen, we struck out on our own. I’d headed to the mountains, mining, then finally settled in Jasper to dig for my own vein of silver. Spur had gone east and ended up in medical school. When Lil had become ill, I’d moved her from Denver to Jasper to be near me. I’d even sent for Spur, who’d left Chicago to treat her, although there wasn’t much for him to do. She’d settled happily into the Frightful Fawn, run by her friend. She didn’t turn tricks, hadn’t for a long, long time, but was content with the brothel life. She was happy, albeit dying, and I visited her often. My visits, though, weren’t of a carnal nature. I wasn’t going to the brothel a few times a week to fuck as everyone assumed.

  Even though a finding a bride was the request of a dying woman, neither Spur nor I regretted our choice for a mail order bride. I’d seen how the Tates’ arranged marriage had been successful. Hell, their wife Celia was beautiful and the perfect match for them. They’d put the idea in my head, especially with the new law in Slate Springs. One drunk night, I’d put it to Spur, to marry together, and he’d readily agreed. And it had made Lil smile. I’d do it again and again, just to see her happy. We’d somehow, perhaps miraculously, ended up with Piper.

  With her naked and wet over my shoulder, I had a strong feeling that this was going to work out just fine. And when Lil met her, saw that she was a little hellion, she’d love her and know, perhaps, a little divine intervention was involved.

  Before heading to Slate Springs, we’d take a day or two to acquaint ourselves with our wife. Starting with me dropping her to the bed. While she was small, she wasn’t going to break and she bounced befo

re coming up onto her knees.

  Raring for a fight, she had her hands up, eyes narrowed and I swear I could see smoke come from her ears. When we kept our gazes fixed on her body, she remembered her nakedness and tried to cover herself. But her full breasts were too much to shield with her bent arm and her hand couldn’t hide the bright red curls at the apex of her thighs.

  “You stood up to a roomful of inebriated men and you’re afraid of us?” Spur asked.

  “I don’t have my gun.”

  “You kneeling on my bed, all bare and beautiful with a gun in your hand just might make me come in my pants. That would be a shame because I want to be deep inside your pussy when I do so.”

  “Are you afraid of us?” Spur asked again.

  She dropped down onto the bed, her knees tucked beneath her, her arm still covering most of her breasts.

  “I’m afraid of being naked in front of you. I’ve never… it’s awkward,” she admitted.

  “Would it make you feel better if we were naked, too?” he asked.

  I didn’t wait for her to reply, just reached down and tugged off my boots, then dropped my pants and kicked them away. I wasn’t modest. Never had been. If seeing me naked eased her mind then I’d damn well be naked. I wasn’t used to a modest woman. Hell, I’d never even bedded a virgin before. Spur seemed to sense things I didn’t, so I was thankful he was keeping me from fucking this all up.

  Spur grabbed one of my shirts that was hooked over the back of a chair and handed it to her. “Here. Put this on.”

  She stared at the proffered garment, then took it from him. As she put her arms through the sleeves, her breasts were finally exposed, if only briefly. I groaned, seeing the plump nipples, small and pink. My mouth watered to put one in my mouth.

  “Only one button,” Spur added.

  She looked up at him through those gorgeous red lashes, but complied. Lifting her arms, she pulled the length of her hair free of the shirt and it spilled long and damp down her back.

  She was a goddess in my shirt, alluring and very enticing.

  “Better?” he asked.

  She nodded. The shirt did little to diminish her appeal and soon enough it would be on the floor. If it calmed her until we could do that ourselves, then so be it.

  “Good.” Spur stepped to the edge of the bed. “Now that your awkwardness is gone, come over here and give me a kiss.”

  Somehow, just the addition of the shirt changed Piper from modest to wild. She sprang from the bed, up onto her knees and into Spur’s arms. He kissed her, at first with eyes wide, then they fell closed. He gave over to the kiss as readily as she did. Grabbing the base of my cock, I just stroked it slowly, easing the ache, as I watched.

  “Touch me,” Spur breathed, lifting his head only long enough to speak, then delved back into the kiss.

  Tentatively, her hands moved to his chest, roving over it, following the line of hair to his navel. Spur sucked his stomach in as she dipped her finger inside, then began to move lower.

  He pulled back from the kiss and watched her, waited for her eyes to open.

  “Touch my cock.” His voice had shifted to dark and deep. He was close to the edge of his control.

  With his pants low on his hips, the buttons open, most of his cock had been exposed, ready for Piper to play with. When her fingers brushed over the broad head, he groaned. When she swirled the fluid that seeped from the slit, his eyes fell closed and his hips jerked.

  He wasn’t going to last. Hell, if Piper’s little fingers were on my dick, I’d spurt all over her. Going around the bed, I crawled up behind her, sliding one hand up the back of her thigh, lifting the shirt she wore as I went. Seeing my handprint on her ass, I couldn’t resist. I spanked her again in almost the same spot.

  She stiffened and gasped, looked over her shoulder at me. “Lane!” she cried.

  I couldn’t help but grin at the feigned missish look. She liked it. I’d bet the mine she just got wetter from that one little spank. I could feel the heat coming from her, breathe in the flowery scent from her hair. When I put my hand over the two handprints on her pale skin, she arched her back, pushing the lush flesh into my palm.

  “Liked that?” I asked.

  She didn’t reply. She didn’t have to. Just that little shift of her hips told the truth.

  “How about this?”

  Curving my hand around, I cupped her pussy from behind, my fingers delving into the very slick, very wet heat. At the same time, Spur slipped his hand beneath the shirt and cupped her breast. This was how it was supposed to be, our wife between the two of us, our hands on her, making her feel good, learning how it would always be together.

  With each brush of my hand, I learned her pussy. Her folds peeked out from her plump outer lips and her clit was obvious, hard and swollen. I followed the wetness to her entrance, circled it and slipped a finger inside. She was so blissfully tight, her inner walls clenched down on me as far as my knuckle. Using my other hand, I brushed her hair away from her neck—silky soft against my skin—to expose her neck and kiss my way down. Reaching the collar of my shirt, I nudged it down her shoulder, licking and kissing as I went until it fell down her arm. Even with the one button done, Spur’s hand was visible, weighing her breast, plumping it as he brushed his thumb over the tightened tip.

  Piper gasped and I moved closer, pressed my body directly against hers. I could feel the heat of her through the thin fabric of the shirt. At the contact, her head fell back against my shoulder. My fingers were soaked with her arousal. There was no question she was ready. But…

  “The one taste wasn’t enough. I want more.” Spur’s voice was a deep growl as he lowered his head and took the nipple he’d been taunting into his mouth. Her hands went to his hair, tangled in the longer strands, tugged.

  “Spur,” she cried. “Please.”

  “What about me, precious? I’m the one who is finger-fucking you.”

  She arched her back and practically purred like a kitten. “More.”

  Dropping to his knees on the floor, Spur put his hands on her thighs. She widened her stance for him and looked down.

  “Open that button, Piper, and show me that pussy. I want to see how Lane’s making you so hot. I can hear how wet you are. Good girl,” he told her when the shirt parted. “Time for a taste.”

  Leaning forward, he put his mouth on her. I couldn’t see him, but I pulled my finger free, let him take over tending to her pussy. She was eager, but not ready for our cocks, needing to come first. Getting her all soft and swollen, dripping wet was crucial. We weren’t small and she was fucking tight.

  Piper began to shift her hips, undulating into Spur’s mouth. It was torture for my cock as it rubbed me along the sweet slit of her ass. With the shirt open, I reached around and cupped her breasts, finally feeling their perfection. Heavy and teardrop shaped, they filled my palms. Her nipples were tight little buds and very responsive. She gasped as I brushed my thumbs back and forth over them, but her response could have been from Spur’s tongue. Many women swore by his skill, but that had all been practice for this moment. There was nothing more important than seeing Piper’s pleasure.

  “Let go, precious. Come on Spur’s mouth. Let him drink down your arousal.”

  Stiffening in my hold, her breath caught, held. Her eyes flew open and she screamed, her body quivering against me.

  “Good girl. That’s it. So beautiful.” And it was. Watching her as she came, most likely for the first time, was amazing. Knowing that she could forget her inhibitions, forget everything, and give over to her passion proved how much, deep down, she was at ease with us. Pushing the shirt from her, I stripped it away as she caught her breath. Spur pulled back and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. Her juices still glistened on his beard and the look in his eye was all the indication I needed to know he was pleased with her.

  “Give Spur a kiss, precious.”

  Leaning forward, she put one hand on Spur’s bare shoulder as she kissed him. She moane
d, probably discovering the taste of her pussy on his tongue. Sliding her hair over one shoulder, I stroked down her spine, cupped her hip as I lined my cock up. If I took time to consider it, taking a virgin from behind probably wasn’t the way to ease her into fucking. But Piper wasn’t just any virgin. She was wild and definitely responsive. She wasn’t shy, but bold in her passion. And so I lined up my cock with her dripping entrance, nudged my hips forward.

  I watched as her pussy lips spread wide around my cock, the head opening her up.

  She broke the kiss and looked over her shoulder at me, wide-eyed.

  “Yes, precious. I’m going to take you just like this.” I tilted my chin. “Give Spur another kiss. He’s going to swallow down every cry and whimper as I claim this tight, virgin pussy.”

  Nudging in a little further, Spur took her chin in his fingers, turned her head back, swallowed down all of her sounds. Her body was so slick and swollen, it was easy to slide in, even as her walls squeezed tightly around me. She felt so good and it was impossible not to plunge deep. Sweat dripped from my brow as I kept a consistent, slow pace to fill her until I nudged that thin barrier. I didn’t linger, didn’t let her think about the slightest hint of pain tearing through might cause.

  “Little pinch, Piper,” Spur breathed, knowing what was to come.

  I didn’t wait then, just pulled my hips back then thrust deep.

  She did cry out, arched her back, but Spur was there to soothe her. Leaning forward, I cupped her breasts, which hung heavily beneath her. I could feel her nipples tighten against my palms.

  Her inner walls quivered and pulsed around me, her hips shifting to become accustomed to being filled.

  Spur stroked his hand over her cheek, looked in her eyes. “Feel good having a cock in you?” he asked.

  I could see the surprise and the pleasure in her gaze. She nodded, her hair sliding further over her shoulder. “Oh, yes.”


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