The Independent One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance

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The Independent One: A Billionaire Bride Pact Romance Page 7

by Cami Checketts

  They reached her door. She slid the keycard across and Cal opened it up. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Mr. Taz,” Cal said.

  Taz crashed into Cal’s legs and gave him a quick hug. “Thanks for the pepperonis!” He ran to the side counter where Haley had stashed the treats from the gift basket Cal had sent up.

  Haley smiled at Cal. “Thanks for dinner and all those treats too.” She pointed at Taz, who was trying to decide which sucker to eat first.

  “It’s my pleasure,” he said. “What are your plans for tomorrow and can I be included?”

  Haley’s eyes widened at his boldness. She didn’t mind, not at all, but she was still surprised that he seemed to want to be with them nonstop. “No big plans, just chilling on the beach.”

  “Great. I’ll find you.” He handed over their leftovers. Their fingers brushed and warm tingles spread through Haley. She wished he’d stay a little longer, but wasn’t brave enough to suggest it. He tilted his chin up with a grin and walked away.

  Haley smiled and closed the door, walking to put the pizza and salad in the fridge. A white piece of paper on the wooden table caught her eye. A note was written in black marker.

  I enjoyed watching you in your swimsuit today.

  Haley dropped the pizza on the counter and pressed her hands over her mouth to stop the scream. She scooped up Taz, running back out into the hallway. He fumbled and dropped the sucker he’d been unwrapping.

  “Hey,” Taz yelled. “My sucker.”

  Cal was scanning his key card on his door. “Cal!” she cried out.

  He spun and after one look at her face, that was probably ghostly white, he ran to her side. “What’s wrong?”

  “There’s a note, on the table, somebody watching me.” As she said it, she started to wonder if it was Cal who’d left it. The surprise and anger on his face made her think it couldn’t be him, but she didn’t know him that well. He escorted Haley back into the room and then read the note, his jaw tightening. “Did you touch it?”


  “Stay here, please.” He went into each of the rooms.

  “Mama, I want to eat my sucker and watch a show,” Taz said.

  “Just a minute, sweetie.”

  Cal came back out. “The rooms are clear.” He glanced at the note. “Maybe we can get prints off of it.” He pulled out his phone and pressed a number. “Troy. Room 4328. Now.” Dropping his phone back into his pocket, he turned to her. “You okay?”

  “Yes, no. I don’t know.” She was shaking and barely able to hold onto Taz, who was trying to squirm out of her arms.

  Cal took Taz from her and walked into the second bedroom. Haley followed. “Do you want to play on my phone?” Cal asked.

  “Let me get the iPad. He can watch one of his shows on Netflix.” Haley hurried to her room, found the iPad, and rushed back.

  “Do you like Chuggington?” Taz was asking.

  “I haven’t seen it before,” Cal said.

  “You’d better watch it with me then.”

  Haley found the show and handed the device to Taz. Immediately, he was into the show and zoning everything around him out. “I kind of love and hate that he’s so easily distracted.”

  Cal gently touched her arm. “You okay?”

  She shrugged, glancing down. He put an arm around her shoulder. It was probably supposed to be a gesture of comfort, but the room was suddenly very warm. She cleared her throat and he dropped his arm. “It’s pretty freaky to think that someone was watching us at the pool or the beach then got into my room and left a note. I don’t know how I’ll sleep tonight.”

  He nodded. “You could move to my room.”

  Despite the fear, Haley half-laughed. “Now there’s an idea.”

  “Not a bad one.” Cal’s jaw was set. He wasn’t joking.

  A rap on the open door announced a middle-aged security guard. He was so hairy the fuzz on his neck just grew up into the hair on his head.

  Cal showed him the note. “I’ve already searched the suite. There’s no one here. Check the security cameras and see what activity there’s been outside Ms. Turnbow’s room since… When did you leave this afternoon?”

  “About three-thirty.”

  “From three-thirty on.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Get the police here to fingerprint and document what happened.”

  “Yes, sir.” The man sat there, fidgeting, glancing at Cal then at the door.

  “Thanks, Troy.” Cal nodded to him, obviously dismissing him.

  The man didn’t take the hint. “Sir, if I could?”


  “I’ve been with the hotel for fifteen years, sir, and I’ve seen these notes before.”

  Cal’s eyebrows lifted. “So there’s a perpetual creep in residence, but you’ve never been able to catch him?”

  Troy’s face reddened. “Well, sir, it’s impossible to catch a ghost.”

  Cal scoffed and shook his head.

  Troy leaned closer to them and lowered his voice, “The ghost always leaves notes and it seems to like beautiful ladies.”

  A shiver passed through Haley. She stepped toward Cal and farther away from the guard. “What’s he talking about?”

  “It’s just a silly superstition. There are stories of a guy—”

  “Jacob Shriver,” the security guard was eager to supply.

  Cal rolled his eyes. “Jacob Shriver. He was supposed to meet his lover at the hotel. He waited two weeks and she never appeared so he shot himself. Now security people make up stories of a ghost so they won’t have to do their jobs.”

  Troy paled. “I’m sorry, Mr. Johnson. I’ll get the police coming and search the film. We’ll find this guy.”

  “Thank you.”

  Haley felt bad for the security guard, but she wanted him to do his job too.

  The man rushed away to make the call. Cal rolled his eyes. “Sorry, sometimes it’s hard to get good help. I brought the head of security with me when I… moved here. I’ll get him involved because apparently this guy doesn’t know how to do his job. I’ve been making over the staff but…” his voice trailed off.

  Haley looked up at him. He was catching himself left and right. She didn’t like the secrecy any more than she liked this note on her table. “What are you? The manager or something?”

  Cal’s smile was stiff. “Yes. Something.”

  “No, honestly. Everyone acts like you’re Zeus and you hardly worked the past couple days and are planning to hang out on the beach with us tomorrow.”

  “I’ll work tonight.”

  “Doing what?”

  He exhaled slowly. “I’m a part-owner in the place. I’m staying here for a few weeks to evaluate profit-loss, management, and some other things with this resort.”

  Haley sucked in air. He was part-owner of a resort that was more elaborate than any place she’d ever visited. “Wow. What do you do when you’re not part-owning a hotel?”

  “Real estate.” He didn’t elaborate but Haley could only imagine. She’d guessed he was wealthy from the way he dressed and carried himself, but wow, part-owner. She and Cal were obviously in different worlds when it came to money. Did that matter to him? Did it matter to her?

  Haley wanted to talk about what else he owned with this real estate, but the security guard re-entered the room. “I found the footage. At 3:53 a blonde woman, I’m pretty sure it was Katie slipped into the room for only a few seconds.”

  The muscles in Cal’s jaw were working overtime. “Katie is gone now?”

  “Yes, sir. She was on the afternoon ferry and won’t be allowed back on the island.”

  Haley felt a wave of relief. Whoever this Katie chick was she was gone. Maybe the note didn’t matter, but what an odd note for a woman to leave.

  “Excuse me,” Cal said to her. “I need to call my head of security.”

  She went into Taz’s room to check on him. Chuggington on the iPad was working its magic, he was content and not getting in the mid
dle of everything. She paused the show and said a prayer with him, but still couldn’t dispel the cold feeling from that creepy note. What would she have done if she’d seen it alone? Thank heavens for Cal.

  The police and security had left and Cal could barely stop his hands from trembling with anger. Katie had somehow slipped back into the hotel when Raul left her waiting for the ferry and gotten a note into Haley’s room for Katie’s fake ghost. How could Katie be so stupid? She’d already lost her job for the guy who was obviously manipulating her.

  Cal couldn’t figure out a motive for this guy. If he regularly stalked women in the name of some ghost why weren’t there more police reports about it? True, there were only a sheriff and one detective in residence on the island, but they had appeared competent when Cal met with them.

  The only semi-comforting thing was they had no reports that this Jacob Shriver imitator had ever actually been seen in a room or attacked or even talked to one of the women. It was always just the notes then the women usually got scared and changed rooms or left the hotel and the notes stopped.

  Haley walked out into the living room. Her shoulders drooped. “He’s finally asleep.”

  “You tired?” he asked.

  “Yeah, all that adrenaline is wearing off and I just want to crash, but I think I’ll be too afraid.” She sighed and met his gaze, looking so vulnerable and beautiful he couldn’t resist pulling her into his arms. Luckily, she came willingly.

  They were developing something here and he was not letting some creeper come between them. He’d been looking for a woman like Haley for a long time. She was even more beautiful and intriguing than Tucker’s Maryn. Had he finally found his own Maryn? The thought filled him with protective urges and a desire to make her his.

  “What if I stay?” he whispered.

  Haley pulled back, eyes wide.

  Cal grinned, but his stomach smoldered at the thought of what she was worried about. “Not stay stay, but sleep out here on the couch.”

  “I can’t ask you to do that. You’d sleep horrible.”

  “I’ll sleep worse knowing you’re alone and afraid.” He tightened his grip on her. She fit perfectly in his arms. “When I find this ghost he’ll regret picking you for one of his victims.”

  “I can’t believe he does this year after year.”

  “Yeah, and Katie checked out two other women’s names and rooms besides yours so we’ll have to make sure they haven’t received notes too.” He’d talked to the police about this while she was getting Taz to sleep.

  Her head jerked up.

  “Don’t worry. Katie is long gone and security is watching the other women closely too.”

  “Security is watching… Katie is the one who got the note in my room and you and your security guy took care of her.” Haley’s eyes narrowed and she pulled back. “You knew about this guy earlier, didn’t you? Not just the story or the fact that he’d left notes before. You knew about him watching me. When that security guy came to get you on the beach this morning?”

  Cal released his grip on her and shrugged. She was smart and he was acting really dumb. There was nothing now but the truth. “I fired an employee this morning for going into three guests’ rooms for the ghost.” He exhaled and admitted, “Your room was on the list.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me?” She stepped even farther away from him.

  “I didn’t want to worry you. We’re monitoring the situation.”

  “Monitoring?” Her voice rose. “You’re doing a great job as Katie or the ghost or whoever got a note on my table!”

  Cal stepped closer, his palms up. “I would never let something happen to you or Taz, you have to believe that.”

  “Oh? I don’t have to believe anything.” She paused, wringing her hands together. Her eyes filled with frustration. “I take care of my son and myself and I don’t need some man who wants to keep secrets from me trying to butt into our lives.”

  Cal blinked. He was keeping other secrets, but now was definitely not the time. Was she going to ask him to leave them alone? Please, not now. He couldn’t obey that kind of command and he didn’t want to force his way into her life.

  “You were watching me all day on your great video surveillance system. I saw you and I also saw some other guys checking on us. You think I’m too stupid to notice, Cal? That is so wrong. You should’ve told me so I could be more cautious.”

  “And what would you have done?” Honestly, women were so confusing. He was trying to protect her and she got all bent out of sorts.

  Her mouth pressed into a thin line. “Don’t act like I’m some defenseless girl. My dad taught me how to shoot. I could’ve gone and bought me a gun. I could’ve left this creepy hotel and its controlling,” she made finger quotes with her hands, “‘part-owner’.”

  “Hey.” Cal tried to smile. “The part-owner’s actually a pretty nice guy.” She was getting far too much info from him and it was too early. She was going to bolt. He didn’t remind her that she’d never get a gun with the new gun control laws in place. She knew how to shoot? Oh, he liked that.

  Haley folded her arms across her chest and tossed her dark curls. She was so cute when she was mad. He finally understood how Tucker could be enthralled with Maryn when she was upset. It was all Cal could do to not take her into his arms again.

  “You should’ve told me.” Haley drew the side of her lip between her teeth and he lost concentration for a few seconds until she continued, “I’m a tough chick and I protect my little family. I don’t need you—”

  Cal didn’t resist this time. He crossed the distance between them, took her in his arms, and kissed her. She jerked in surprise then her arms went around his neck and she pressed fully against him. Cal moaned and held her tighter. She fit perfectly against him and the sensuous curve of her mouth against his was going to undo him completely.

  Haley jerked away, breathing heavily. “How dare you?”

  Oh, he more than dared. If she didn’t look so angry he’d be kissing her again. “I’m going to keep watching over you, Haley.”

  She swallowed and met his gaze. “Just keep your lips to yourself.”

  “I can’t promise that either.”

  Her eyes softened but then she folded her arms across her chest and glanced away. “Please leave.”

  It was the please that got him. She was so sad and almost broken.

  He exhaled slowly. “Deadbolt the door and make sure the sliding glass doors are locked.”

  Fire leapt into her green and gold eyes. “Don’t tell me what to do. I know how to protect myself better than you and some security guards.”

  Cal fought not to smile. “I’m a trained military sniper, Haley. I spent eighteen months in Afghanistan hunting down and killing terrorists.” He couldn’t believe he was telling her this. He and his friend, Tucker, had worked hard to put that behind them. “I think I know a little about protection details.”

  “Good. Then you can protect yourself when I beat you to a pulp for not getting out of my room.”

  Cal chuckled but walked out the door. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “If only you were so lucky.” Haley slammed the door behind him. The deadbolt clicked into place.

  “If only.” Cal stood there for a few seconds, realizing he’d done everything wrong, except for that kiss. If that didn’t affect her in some way he might as well give up pursuing her because that kiss had touched him in places he didn’t know he had and lit a fire he knew would be hard to control. He smiled to himself. She was upset, but tomorrow was another day. He knew women were drawn in by his dimples, his money, and his charm. Haley was going to have to work hard to resist him.

  Haley stayed next to the hotel room door. She’d heard Cal’s soft whisper of, “If only” and couldn’t resist watching him through the peephole. He stood there for a few seconds looking a bit dejected, but then he grinned. Dang him. Why did he grin? She placed a finger on her lips. She’d grin if all she had to think about was that kiss
. She was still tingling. But she couldn’t just react like some teenager and go all starry-eyed over one incredible kiss. Even as she tried to convince herself to focus her worries on the stalker and let her anger at Cal protect her from his charms, she knew that kiss was more than ordinary.

  She double checked all the exterior door locks then went to Taz’s room, closed and locked his door and tugged the dresser away from the wall. It was heavy, but she’d told Cal she could take care of herself and her son. She wasn’t going to give up because the dresser weighed a ton. She grunted and pushed and finally the dresser was wedged firmly in front of the door.

  Haley let out a grunt of satisfaction. “I am one tough mama. Take that, Cal Johnson. Jerk thinks I can’t protect myself.” She smiled to herself and wiped her hands on her shirt. Was it completely psychotic to push a dresser in front of the door to try and feel safe? Maybe, but she didn’t care.

  Curling up next to Taz on his bed, she didn’t have high hopes for any rest tonight, even with the door barred. Thank heavens there was no balcony entrance to this room. After much too long watching shadows and jumping every time the air conditioner kicked on, she finally drifted off to sleep.

  Taz woke her in the morning, demanding they go swimming. Haley forced a smile throughout the day and tried to enjoy herself, though her head was cloudy from lack of sleep and she was lonely without Cal to talk to. Thank heavens for Taz. He kept her laughing and busy. She could almost forget about Cal and how it had felt to be wrapped in his arms and kissed. Cal must be some kind of expert to elicit that kind of response from her. She’d dated a lot of nice men, but nobody had made her feel like that.

  Glimpsing security personnel watching her throughout the day made her want to either cuss Cal all over again or thank him for watching out for her. She hoped he had informed those other women that a deranged ghost impersonator was stalking them. Maybe she should suggest it to him. No. She was going to stay far, far away. If she could just get through today and tomorrow, the day after that she was going to take the ferry back to San Diego and drive to Maryn’s house in Laguna Beach. Spending the day with Alyssa and Maryn would definitely be what she needed to stay away from Cal and maybe if she was lucky, forget about him.


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