Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

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Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) Page 1

by JK Ensley

  Enthroned by Amethysts

  “If you let it, fear will rule you, become your prison, withdraw your passion, and cripple your soul. Fear for your children will accomplish this with terrifying speed. The most dangerous place you can find yourself is between a mother and her child.”

  JK Ensley




  Book Three of

  A Dance with Destiny

  JK Ensley

  I am Jenevier Olesia Embarr,

  Daughter of Heaven, Anicee of Hell.

  We have a long path yet to walk, Brothers and Sisters.

  Copyright© 2013 by Jennifer Ensley

  Enthroned by Amethysts is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance or similarity to actual persons, living or dead, events, products, or locales is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

  Artwork by Claudia McKinney. http://www.phatpuppyart.com

  Cover Design by Ashley Dungan, The Bookish Brunette. http://www.bookish-brunette.com

  Editing by Toni Rakestraw. http://www.rakestrawbookdesign.com

  Proofing by Mel Carey and Linda Ingle.

  Formatting by Jennifer Ensley. http://www.JKEnsley.com

  All rights are reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form, including but not limited to, characters, text, book design, and artwork all owned solely by Jennifer K. Ensley. Any unauthorized duplication and/or distribution of this work, characters, places, and story in whole or in part may result in civil liability and criminal prosecution.

  Download entire series here.

  Many things in my life have changed since I first began this tale. It has been an amazing journey, one which I learn and grow from daily. I have been blessed beyond words. And although I may not be worthy, I am truly thankful.

  There are wonderful people everywhere, but none more so than the ones that now grace my life. Incredible friends and a lovingly devoted family… no treasure holds such glory as do these.

  Namaste, Mother and Father. I bow to you and my spirit honors yours.

  I have been asked… How can Jenevier love more than one person? It’s just not natural.

  My answer is and always will be this… Do you love only one child? Only one parent? Only one friend? If you are thusly blessed, think back to the miracle that happened within you when your second child was born. The heart is an amazing thing, a true gift that surpasses all others. It doesn’t fill up and become cramped with each new person we accept within. We are not forced to cast one person out so that we can love another. Nay, our heart grows and swells and thrives. And that is the most natural thing I can possibly imagine. If you allow pure love to live within you, you’ll know heaven before your time.


  All works by JK Ensley are available in print at Amazon.com, Createspace.com, Barnes and Noble.com, and wherever books are sold.

  eBooks available in all ereader formats for all devices. Audio books available through Audible.com, Amazon.com, and iTunes.

  Also by JK Ensley

  A Dance with Destiny:

  Cursed by Diamonds

  Blessed by Sapphires

  Download entire series here.

  “There’s a dark beast inside every man, sleeping, waiting. The bold and the timid, the fair and the scarred, the whole of humanity, each one conceals a dormant monster deep within. Take heed, Brothers. The creature stirs once armed. No matter how noble your intention, place a sword in a man’s hand… and you awakened Death.”


  Chapter Prologue

  “Do you not desire me, little Raven Hair?”

  “I do not.”

  “And why is that? Hmm? Tell me. Is my body not pleasing to your eyes? Is my enticing voice not as rare magic upon your heart?”

  “These things are true, yes, I cannot deny that. Yet I defy your enchantments and will never let their seed take hold within me. She alone is the rightful owner of my heart. I will save it for her and no other.”

  “What if your end finds you before she does?”

  “Then I shall take my tortured heart with me and one day gift it to her in the Otherworld. As I have said, it is hers. Be it now or in the Nether Realms, it belongs only to Jenevier.”


  “I will never look upon you as Queen of the Forest.” The Elf-girl crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re not even worthy the gifts already granted you.”

  “I do not wish to bring contention among your people.” The new Elf Princess sighed softly. “But if you are asking me to deny my heart, turn my back upon loving husband and savior of my shattered essence… then cast your worthless words upon the wind, she-Elf, for they will not take hold here.”

  “You are not special. You’re not even beautiful.” The enraged Elf-girl took a step closer. “Why would he lower himself to such a fate as this? Why would the Prince stoop to touching a lowly human? Did you spin an evil enchantment around his unsuspecting heart?”

  “Trelaina, speak thusly to my lovely wife once more…” Kias gently wrapped his arm around his new bride’s waist. “…and I shall let her have you.”

  The Elf-girl chuckled. “Let her have me?”

  “Yes, let her have you.” He ran his fingers through his wife’s lovely golden hair. “Do you not see how she trembles? She stays her hand at harming you… out of respect for me.” He smiled sweetly, fondly gazing upon her fair profile, the hard line now set to her jaw. “Were I to tell this enchanting woman such nobility were not necessary… they would find tiny pieces of you sprinkled throughout Mangladune. Count yourself lucky, Trelaina, and hold your tongue… lest your luck run out.”

  “She couldn’t possibly dispatch me,” Trelaina scoffed. “She boasts no such power.”

  Kias turned then toward the furious Elf-girl and hardened his glare, but did not speak.

  She chuckled. “Very well. Release her then. Let us all witness the lie in your words.”

  “Trelaina, you go too far,” the Elf Princess said. “How dare you speak thusly to your noble Prince? I will say this only once, but let my words stand for all time, since I shall never retract them. If you ever set foot within our home again, your screams will send a shudder throughout hell itself. If you ever speak ill of my husband, ever again… no one will hear your screams. I will remove your disrespectful tongue and whip you to the brink of your miserable life daily. Yet, never will I gift you with the sweet release of blessed death.”

  “But you cannot—”

  “As I said. Speak… one… word, utter even one more sound… and the witch in me will prove the truth in my words.”


  “How long shall we wait?”

  “Until the time is ripe. This you know, Jophiel.”

  “Yet, I am anxious.” He blew out an exasperated breath. “My wings tingle with anticipation, Uriel. I wish nothing more than to be surrounded by millions of vibrantly colored feathers… floating upon the wind as I rip them from his vile back.”

  “You will get your chance,” Uriel said calmly. “Now, still your pacing feet before your constant moving about drives me mad.”

  “Look at him,” Jophiel spat. “Look at all of them—prancing across the layers, proud as the peacocks they’re painted after.” He growled under his breath. “My greatest joy to date… will be removing that haughty smirk of his, once and for all.”

  “Be patient, Brother. Be still and wait. The time is nearing. Can you not feel it? The hour is at

  Jophiel rolled his eyes. “Yes, I feel it, Uriel. Thus the constant moving about. I want to go now. I want to rend that old blue devil once and for all.”

  “You will get your chance,” Uriel said, casting his antsy brother a sideways glance. “When the summons comes… we will see to more than just that old blue devil.”

  Jophiel growled through his coming words, “The Sage… that one is mine… all mine.”


  “You have found nothing?” Apollyon didn’t even look at the soul-eater as he spoke.

  “No, Sire. We have found nothing of import. She hides from you and we cannot track her scent.”

  “As well she should. Ooh, Ahriman… when I get my hands on that silver witch, heaven itself won’t be able to heal the scars I shall bestow upon her pale flesh.”

  Book Three

  Chapter 1



  “And you are certain this is what happened?” He closed the book, casually looking back up at the strange glowing woman seated across from him. “This is the whole of it?”

  “It’s her journal, written by her own treacherous hand.”

  “Yes, that’s what you’ve said.” He tossed it back upon the desk between them. “How can I be sure?”

  “Believe what you will, I care not.” She crossed her arms and glared at him. “I was there… well, she records when first I showed myself to her.”

  “That event is recorded here, yes, if this is truly her story.”

  Valencia’s arms went down, hands balling into fists at her sides. “You doubt me? This is her twisted life written by her betraying hand and I took it from her own bed chambers. If she lied, take it up with her. I care not.”

  “Yes, you keep saying that.” He casually rested his forearm on the ornate sword hilt at his waist. “But tell me… Why? No one ever had to know. All you had to do was live and let live. Yet you willingly came to me with an unbelievable tale for the ages, when sealed lips alone could’ve spared so much misery.” He leaned toward her, studying her features. “Why?”

  “Why do you care?” she spat.

  “I never said I cared.” He looked away. “I was merely curious.”

  “I have been gone from these people for so long now, they no longer seem as family to me, nay, barely strangers. But one thing I will never forget, and that was how much my big brother loved me, how he always doted upon me when I was young.”

  The Emperor raised a single eyebrow, pretending to study upon his perfectly manicured nails. “So, then… jealousy was what brought your knock upon my door.”

  “I’m not jealous of her,” Valencia hissed. “I hate her. I hate how foolish she is. I hate how she takes no one else’s feelings to heart but her own. I hate how she has been so blessed while my brother has been passed over.”

  He looked back to her then. “I read the magical lore from cover to cover. Is it not true she was an Angel from birth? Is that not why all this constant attraction and love is accounted to her? How so then do you say your brother has been cheated? He is not, nor will he ever be, an Angel.”

  She slammed her fists down atop the intricately inlaid desk. “He is the Prince of all Vanir. Yet he follows her around like a neutered dog!”

  “And that is his choice!” He matched her fury. “She binds him not.”

  “The spawn growing in her belly binds him,” she yelled.

  He released a heavy sigh and returned to his seat. “Yes. He is a Guardian of innocence. Which is why he was so good to his little sister, and then to the girl he was given charge to bring down from heaven. That’s who he is. It’s why he was made, and it alone makes him happy.”

  She gasped. “You have fallen in love with her as well.”

  He spoke casually, yet pointedly. “I love her not. Nor do I love you. I am a rational man trying to make sense of why a blessed creature such as yourself would sell out all creation, asking naught in return. I am nothing if not cautious.”

  “I do not sell out creation.” She didn’t even try to hide the disgust written plainly across her angelic face. “No one is to be harmed and nothing is to be changed… save her. Do to her as you will. That’s the only payment I seek in exchange for this treasured gift.”

  “Yet is it not true her jeweled inheritance can make and unmake?” He eyed her steadily before continuing. “Personally, I will get no more pleasure out of destroying her than out of destroying another. I want the locket. Once it’s mine, your wishes will become irrelevant.”

  She glared at him. “I alone know more demons and Angels and Guardians than you could ever possibly unmake before they tore your pathetic body to shreds. Do not think for one moment, you can double cross me, Emperor.”

  “Valencia, darling, I believe you are failing to consider the whole picture here,” he said, tapping the tip of his finger atop Jenevier’s journal. “But I will not press the issue with you further. Consider your request granted. I will do as you wish. And then I will do what pleases me.”

  “Very well, Musashi, I must be going now.” She cast an unfazed glance toward the motionless guards posted outside his royal office. “I grow tired of your dreadful, scheming layer.”

  He laughed. “And yet we’ve always believed Jinn to be the only place in the universe.”

  “And now you know better.” She flipped her hair as she turned to leave. “Your layer is but one of ten. You should be more humble in that knowledge. There are beings far more powerful than you in existence.”

  He spoke to her departing back. “So you say. Yet you come to me with your impossible request. That alone speaks volumes.”

  Valencia stopped but she didn’t turn to look at him. “Only because your ego could fill the whole of this layer, Emperor.” She smirked haughtily. “There are more powerful beings, yes, but none are more vain. Only Musashi Yomika would have the nerve to think he could overthrow God.”

  “Yes… there’s that.” He chuckled. “But is there not more?” He tried to agitate her further. “Do I not feel your obvious disdain mingling together with hidden desires? I must now give pause to your gracious visit.” He leaned back in his chair, locking his crossed fingers behind his head. “Perhaps I should seek a greater bounty for your proffered task.”

  Valencia turned to him then. “Don’t flatter yourself, Ronin. I will see you dead before bedded,” she spat.

  “Dead? By whose hand?” He chuckled at her threat. “There’s not a man in all of Jinn who can stand before my blades, once drawn.”

  “I am no man and I do not hail from Jinn.” Her words were as ice. “Take caution to heart, lest you fail before trying,” she warned.

  He laughed again. “I jest, Maiden. Still your temper. I cannot be aroused by one so fair of flesh and absent color.” He waved his hand to show she had his permission to go. “Take your leave with the knowledge your rival will be removed from your sight.”

  “And destroyed?” she asked, still gazing out upon the flowing lavender.

  “Why concern yourself with further details?” he taunted. “Such brutal knowledge as that could only weigh down your pure, angelic heart.”

  She looked over her shoulder at the incomparable Emperor of Jinn.

  He mirrored her icy glare and arrogant smirk, perfectly.

  Chapter 2



  Musashi Yomika was a warrior without equal.

  He had trained and sliced his way to the very top. This unlikely Ronin was sole ruler of the entire ninth layer realm of Jinn, the second largest layer in the universe. No man, woman, demon, or Angel could boast such a claim.

  An entire, vast layer sovereign to just one man, to just one will, to just one rule… bend the knee to Musashi and live.

  Yet in all this he was not a tyrant, not unnecessarily cruel. He did what he had to do to get to the top and remain there.

  There was no mistaking, Musashi had killed. He’d killed thousands, many had been innocents.
r />   On his rise to the top, he slew all that dared cross swords with him. He left none alive and sent whole families to the Otherworld to prevent any chance of him having to answer for their father’s blood.

  Musashi Yomika did not hail from one of the prestigious clans; he couldn’t even claim one of the lowly clans. He was a rogue, living by the sword alone. This mighty warrior was blessed with the strength and physique of a god. He was born in a poor village and his parents were forced to sell him at a young age for they could not feed and care for him. Their intentions may have been noble… but reality was far from such grandiose dreams. Musashi was worked like a beast and beaten twice as badly. He was picked on and tortured by the other village children. Looking back now, he knew it was because they actually feared his size and inhuman strength.

  At the first opportunity, Musashi escaped his forced servitude and made his new home in the wilderness, far from any human contact. He ate what he could find and spent his days learning to wield the twin blades he’d stolen upon his departure.

  As he grew, he had an uncontrollable desire to pit his steel against any man he caught donned with a sword. Musashi never lost, and each victory fueled his need for greatness.

  He had no family. He had no friends. He was nursed by steel and comforted by death. His blade was for hire and he cared not what task he may be set to. He played the part of guard, of protector, of warrior, and of assassin. He had little use for the coin, but the blood… Ooh, sooo… much… blood. He found great strength in the blood of his slain.


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