Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3)

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Enthroned by Amethysts (A Dance with Destiny Book 3) Page 19

by JK Ensley

  “Those names hold great power, Milady. Your Angels are lucky little men. Our ancestors believed one’s destiny could hinge upon the power of their name alone.”

  “I agree, Mika. I’ve told you before, there’s a reason I’m here with you now. These names were never even uttered within my hearing before I came to Jinn. Yet, I can think of no more beautiful words to call my beloved sons than the ones your Emperor so easily bestowed upon them.”

  Yui spoke softly as he entered the room. “So Musashi, the man who stole you from all you hold dear, is the blessed one graced with the naming of your precious Angels?”

  He joined them on the balcony, holding his arms out toward Daichi. Jenevier lifted the sleeping boy and stood. She tenderly placed the babe in Yui’s protective arms and kissed the raven-haired ninja on the cheek. Yui blushed. Mika giggled.

  “There are things here I hold dear as well, good Yui. I count you among them.” She smiled at him and lightly touched his shoulder. “How can I begrudge a man who has unintentionally heaped such great blessings upon me? In truth, had my story actually ended the way he thought, had I still been the tormented girl who wrote that journal… Musashi would have made all my dreams come true. This place, you people, those moons up there. If I were still as lost as he thought me to be, your Emperor would have blessed me with my own personal heaven. Alas, I am no longer that girl. And I never will be again.”

  “He wishes to bless you even more, Milady. Our Emperor, the one you now know… he’s not the same man who ruled this realm at your arrival. He is changed, different. Stronger, perhaps,” he whispered. “It’s all due to you, Princess. The great Emperor of Jinn loves you.”

  “This I know, good Yui. But that same love may well prove to be his undoing. It is but a spell. One I am powerless to control. I dread the fated day it is finally broken. Yet I feel it fast approaching.”

  “Do you wish me to hide you? We’ll leave by moonlight. I can lead you to a place no other man can enter.”

  “You know of such a place?”

  “I do. It’s filled with magic. The perfect place to ensure your safety while your Angels grow.”

  “Gratitude, Yui. Your heart is noble and kind. You will be a great leader one day.” She played with the loose strands of hair falling across his perfect face. “If things go beyond my control, I will call for you. On that day, you can hide me within your magical land and I will trust in your protection alone.”

  “I will answer your call, Milady. I eagerly await it until the end of time.” Yui bowed slightly and began his normal swaying, humming as he held Daichi. “How is it my little Daichi grows so heavy?”

  “He stays at her breast, always,” Mika said with a smile.

  “Then he is properly named,” Musashi said as he entered. “For only one so wise would choose to remain at your breast, always.” He kissed her forehead and turned toward Mika. “I believe Tenshi called out to me. He wishes his father’s arms about him.”

  Mika handed him the boy, tickling the babe under his chin before she left.

  “You claim a great title, Sire,” Yui said.

  “I only beg for the title, Yui. She yet refuses to let me claim it. I press upon her night and day. Still her lovely heart is withheld from me. Perhaps one day she will take pity on my tattered soul and grant me but one kiss.”

  “Sire, these things you say to Lady Jenevier are not proper. You should restrain yourself where she’s concerned. She is married to a great man and she loves him fiercely.”

  “But she’s the only one I wish not to restrain myself with.” He sighed heavily. “Yui, would you think ill of me if I forced my love upon Princess Jenevier, minus her permission?”

  “I would hate you always,” Yui answered flatly.

  “As would I,” Jenevier added.

  “My words were jest. Your answers were granite.” He turned toward Jenevier, staring at her, forcing her to meet his pleading gaze. “I would do anything in the world to win your heart, Milady. But causing you to hate me, that’s one thing I could never do.”

  “Musashi, you are an incredible man. Any woman would count herself blessed to know your favor. Such a heart as yours shouldn’t be wasted on such a creature as me. I am with you but for a season, my time here is marked. I shall not always dwell within your home. Give up this folly, Milord. I’m not worthy your noble tears. True love will find you one day. But not this day.”

  “Continue to speak thusly and I shall love you as well, Mother of Angels.” Yui winked down at Daichi as he spoke.

  Musashi chuckled. “He does not often speak. Yet when he does, wisdom drips from those stoic lips.”

  Jenevier sighed and shook her head. “I have not lied to you in this. What you are feeling is a lie. You’re both simply impossible.”

  “Impossible, yes, and impetuous at best. Alas, we are only men, Milady,” Musashi said. “We’re not fortunate enough to be made of such magical things as are you. Hold not our flaws against us, yet love us for them all the more.”

  “You play with poison yet you are blind to the dangers,” she warned. “You refuse to see me as I truly am. Have you ever watched a snake charm a mouse? The mouse cannot see the danger, no. He only stares into those mesmerizing eyes, swaying to the graceful movements of his killer. Same as you now do.”

  “I know of what you speak,” Yui said. “But the mouse dies happy. He’s swept up in euphoria. Death takes him before the spell is broken. Can you promise such a thing, Milady?”

  Jenevier growled under her breath.

  “You both err,” Musashi said. “The mouse is neither charmed nor is he happy. He is frozen with fear and cannot move. The only thing I fear from you, Milady, is your absence.”

  “I concede to you both,” she said. “But know this. Everything you see before you, everything I am, is only a tool intended to bring about harm.” She held out her arms, turning around in a slow circle. “My frail size removes intimidation. My skin is as alluring as a firefly. My coloring, enticing as nature itself. And the delicious icing on top of it all? My enchanting scent. It washes away rational thinking. Everything about me is a beautiful trap you cannot pull your eyes from. This is all true but for one reason and one reason alone—so I may kill you all the easier. Think hard on my words, gentlemen. You are both great warriors, blessed with deadly skill and amazing strength. I would not see you brought low due to mere enchantment.”

  Both men, ninja and samurai alike, stared at her, drinking in every word.

  “Now, think not of today, but of when we first met. Which of you could have raised a hand to me once our eyes had first locked? Think hard, dear friends. Now’s the time to be honest with your hearts. Remember what I told you. I was created to be the perfect weapon. Do not look upon me as a flower, but as a viper.”

  Jenevier read their minds. She sighed at the truth they knew, but so easily discarded.

  “So be it. I wouldn’t be much of a blade if my edge could be dulled by my words alone.”

  “Will you be mine, Lady Jenevier?” Yui said unexpectedly. “Your own ethereal description has pierced my heart. I understand not this strange feeling, but it engulfs me wholly. Will you stay by my side and let me protect you forever?”

  She stared, disbelieving, at the young Shinobi she already counted as a treasured friend.

  “B-but, Yui. Wh-what are you saying? I’m old enough t-to be y-your mother.”

  “Ahh, but you don’t look it. You are ageless, Milady. Never changing. Always fair, always lovely. Me, I will change with time, dwindle with the passing years. Take your own advice, Princess. Look not upon my wrapper, love me for the worth I carry within.”

  “Nay, take my hand. Reign as my Queen and be my beloved Empress,” Musashi said. “I will submit to your sovereign rule. I will trust only in you, in your grace and honor. Be my wife. Name me Father of Angels.”

  What kind of vile creature am I? she thought.

  “My answer to you both will always and forever be NO.” She pointed a
t each man as she spoke. “Ask this of me again, either of you, and I shall remove your heads where you stand.”

  “I would prefer my death to your absence,” Yui whispered.

  “I wouldn’t even raise a hand in my defense,” Musashi said. “I will gaze into those beautiful eyes and thank you for the sweet release of death you mercifully bestow upon me.”

  Jenevier let out a weary sigh and collapsed into her chair.

  “Very well then. If you promise to protect my Angels with your lives, I promise not to leave your world until they’re great warriors themselves,” she conceded.

  I have to leave this place and the madness it now holds, she thought. Minus my mask, how shall I accomplish such a thing with two tiny babes?


  Yes, Tenshi.

  Take Mika with us.

  I will, my love. I promise.

  And Yui. Naga, I want Yui to hold me.

  Yes, Daichi. I know you love Yui. But it seems things have changed where he is concerned. It may not be a good idea to take him along. How can I change his heart concerning me? And how shall I convince him to betray his Emperor?

  Bind him, Naga.

  A single tear escaped the corner of her closed eyes as Jenevier pondered Daichi’s request.

  Chapter 26



  Alzeen made his way to the familiar rose-covered cottage he had secretly visited so many times whilst watching over Jenevier as she grew.

  “May I help you?” Jezreel smiled brightly as she opened the door.

  “I’m on a quest, fair maiden. I seek dark truths from you revealed to me this day.”

  Alzeen entered the cottage and removed his mask. Jezreel was shocked. Until Varick introduced himself properly, before resuming his equally handsome Alzeen form.

  “What trouble has Jenevier fallen into this time?” she asked with a heavy sigh.

  “She seems a magnet for it, does she not?”

  Jezreel shrugged her shoulders. “Such is her life.”

  “She is heavy with child, Jezreel. And she disappeared before my very eyes.”

  “Heavy with child? But I saw her only a few short months ago. How’s that even possible?”

  “She is no mere mortal, Jezreel.”

  “Is it yours? The babe, are you the father?”

  “I am not,” he answered sadly.

  “Hmm, you don’t seem too happy about that.” She pondered a moment more. “Was it King Merodach, then?”

  “What? What are you saying, Jezreel? Did she lay with him?”

  “No. No. Calm down. I only noticed our good King was awfully taken with her still. I don’t accuse my sister of ill behavior. I often speak before I think.”

  “Yes, you do.” He gave her a level stare. “Merodach’s intent toward Jenevier was made clear to us all. Yet, it was her husband who came to her. He’s the one who left her with child.”

  “I see.” A deep line furrowed Jezreel’s brow. “So, the demon-Angel left hell, did he? I thought such a thing was not possible.”

  “Much has happened to Jenevier since last you saw her.”

  “So I gather.” She poured tea for them both. “Why are you here? Why is one of her other Guardian friends not seeking her in your stead?”

  His hand froze, steaming teacup halfway to his waiting lips. “You are a vile girl, Jezreel. Why would you try to hurt me thusly? I have done you no ill.”

  “What right do you have to get angry with me? You’re the one who broke her heart. Not me. You’re the man who gave your love to another, took a new Anicee,” Jezreel snapped. “I know the truth in this. Jenevier told me herself.”

  He took a sip of tea and stared furtively into the dark liquid cooling in his hands. “She was mistaken. She knew not the true reason for the ceremony she was witness to. It was not my marriage. I was forced to tell her where she erred… after she had already confessed everything about her time in hell. Everything, in excruciatingly painful detail, I might add.”

  “Oh.” Jezreel found the amazing news shocking, to say the least. “So… you mean to say, you never—”

  “No. I did not.”

  “And… She confessed everything about her and—”

  “Yes. She did.”

  “Wow… Imagine the weight of that guilt,” Jezreel said. “How in the world could she even look you in the eye? I mean, surely you must have hated her, do hate her.”

  “This is a tale for a different day,” he said calmly. “We forgave each other everything. As I said, much has changed since last you spoke. We are well. She is my Anicee once again. As it should be.”

  Jezreel choked on her tea. “Let me get this straight. When she got out of hell she came to see me, knowing not the truth about you. After that, she relived the whole of her missing years with you. Confessed every sin?”


  “And… You forgave her everything?”

  “Yes, as she did me. Even swore a vow to stay by my side, always.”

  “Really?” she mused. “Hmm, if she was pregnant when she was here, she either didn’t know or didn’t tell me.”

  “She was not.”

  “I see.” Jezreel narrowed her eyes at him. “Was she pregnant when she made confession to you? When she pledged her vow to stay by your side?”

  “She was not. I spoke with her the same day she left you, left Ashgard. Her wings brought her back to me.” A warm smile crossed his lips.

  “So… she got pregnant after you told her you had not married, had not cheated on her or loved any other.” She shook her head. “Wow. And after all that, she still went and slept with Vin—”

  “Jezreel, please,” he snapped viciously. “By all that’s holy. You are completely infuriating. If you have nothing of value to say, please, shut your mouth and spare my heart. I swear I could choke you right now.”

  She bit her lip. Curiosity had once again guided her mouth down the wrong path, the painful path. She regretted it. Regretted hurting someone who was already in such great turmoil. Regretted hurting someone Jenevier loved truly.

  “Is it not obvious?” She patted his hand. “Hell has swallowed her up once more. If he came to her when he could not… perhaps he took her when he could not as well.”

  “She’s not in hell.”

  “You are certain of this?”

  “If she were…” He paused.

  Jezreel could clearly read the pain on Alzeen’s lovely face.

  “Do you ever go to Jenevier like this?”

  “I don’t understand. I go to her any way I can. What are you suggesting, Jezreel?” He took another sip of tea.

  “Alzeen. Do you ever go to Jenevier as Alzeen?” Her eyes lingered on his fascinating markings. “Don’t take me wrong. Varick is heavenly to look upon, beyond perfect in every conceivable way.” She sighed, resting her chin atop her balled up fists. “But as I sit here with you now, I can see you don’t even realize… Alzeen’s the perfect one. At least, in Jenevier’s eyes he would be. I know my sister well. Heed my counsel in this, dear friend.”

  He ignored her words, they almost made him cross. He decided she simply didn’t know how to distinguish the gift from the wrapper. The treasure is always inside, he thought.

  “Where’s the green-eyed boy?”

  “Green-eyed boy?” She furrowed her brow. “Oh, you mean Alastyn. I’m not entirely certain. He divides his time between his home here and his duties at court. Why would you ask such a thing? He couldn’t have taken her. Alastyn holds no magic.” Jezreel looked down to her steaming teacup. “If he did, she would’ve never returned to you,” she mumbled.

  “What are you saying? She loves him more?” A growl was mixed in with his words.

  “I cannot answer you that. She loves who she loves. We’ve been parted too long for me to know the true intent of my sister’s heart.” She looked back up at Alzeen. “But those two…” She shook her head. “There’s just something about them. The pull’s so intense, so inexp
licably powerful. I would dare say it is not of this world. I can’t even fathom their strange cosmic bond, much less describe it. One thing I do know. Jenevier isn’t with Alastyn.”

  “I believe I hate him,” Alzeen said.

  “And I should say he feels likewise.” Jezreel chuckled to herself, mostly.

  “Are you not worried for your dear sister?” he snapped again. Jezreel seemed to have that effect on him.

  “Ah, I have worried for her the whole of my life. Alas, I am but a mortal, a mere girl, one who has proven useless help in the past where Jenevier’s concerned. Show me a favored path to her and I shall take it, Guardian.”

  He released a heavy sigh, collapsing back against his chair. “I have wasted your time. She isn’t upon this layer, is she?”

  “I believe you knew the answer to that question before your wings carried you to my door.” She studied him closer. “What is it you fear, Alzeen? Do you think she would ever leave her Varick of her own free will? If she did, it would only be so she could run to her Alzeen, the keeper of her shattered heart.”

  Jezreel saw the light sparkle back to life in his entrancing two-toned eyes.

  “Then… she is mine,” he whispered.

  “She is.”

  He blushed. “I always knew that.”

  “Yes, you did. So I ask again. Why are you really here?”

  “Perhaps I only needed to hear what I heard.” He laughed softly, shyly. “Apologies, but I am only a man. I need plain speech at times.”

  “I do not believe you are only a man, far from it. But I can easily see how you may feel insecure at times.” She took a sip of tea before she continued. “Jenevier loves you truly. Never forget that. Alas, my sister does have a few flaws. She loves too much. She cares too much. And she forgives way too easily.”

  “I find it funny we should count those as flaws. But in her case, I know the truth in your words. She loved me so much she would’ve killed Varick over me.” Alzeen smiled at the memory.

  Jezreel gave him her best what’re-you-talking-about look. “Come again? Are you not Varick as well?”

  “I am, yes. But she knew not the truth of it at the time. She loved me so much she would have killed Varick during her training. And she loved Varick so much she tried to kill Apollyon while in hell.”


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