The Christmas Tree Guy

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The Christmas Tree Guy Page 8

by Railyn Stone

  “Why would you think I would be in this to hurt you?”

  “It’s just very hard for me to trust anyone anymore and you have so much to look forward to in life. Why would any man want a ready-made family regardless of his age or race, plus all the baggage I’m carrying? Don’t give up your life and the opportunities you could have.”

  “Look, why don’t you let me decide what I may be giving up and what I could be gaining, okay?” Softly, he took her face in his hands, gently lifting her chin to look him in the eyes. Moving closer to her, Quinn bowed his head and kissed her softly on her lips. It was the gentlest and sweetest kiss she’d ever experienced. There was something so pure and right in the way his firm lips pressed against hers and she felt the same flare of fire intensify, warming her against the chilly evening from her head to her feet. Pulling back, he paused, looked into her eyes, relaying his intentions of how serious he was, before he walked down her steps and back to his car. In complete shock, she watched him pull away and touched her fingers to her lips before regaining her composure and walking slowly into the house.


  “I haven’t done this in ages.” Sydnee giggled as she and Quinn made another lap around the ice rink.

  “Doesn’t seem like it. You must have been a professional before,” he laughed as they circled the rink hand in hand. After their movie date, Sydnee finally gave in and decided to go out with Quinn again. He wore her down and ultimately convinced her there was nothing wrong with the two of them hanging out and getting to know one another. She was right, he was persistent and he wasn’t going to give up in his pursuit of getting her to see things his way. That’s why he’d sent her one single flower to work each day with a different reason why they should go out. He wanted to believe the last one he sent was the reason she conceded. It simply said, ‘please’ with a huge smiley face. Now, holding her delicate hand in his as they glided around the ice, he was glad his tenacity paid off. She was beautiful. Inside and out. He’d known that from the first day he’d met her. Listening to her melodic laugh made him want to spend more and more time with her. Her ex-husband was an idiot to let her go.

  Obviously, she was enjoying herself because in the small amount of time they’d spent together, he could see her relaxing a little more each time they talked. He’d purposely focused on keeping her laughing and enjoying their time so she wouldn’t even think of Matt and her frustration she had with him being absent from their kids’ lives.

  He thought about all of the things they had stuffed into a short amount of time. They had gone to lunch again, and he’d even convinced her to go with him to another club to go dancing and she had been pleasantly surprised at how great of a dancer he really was. He had even flipped the situation on her and joked about how he knew he had shocked her with how much rhythm he had.

  “Not bad for a white guy huh?”

  “You do move pretty well for a white guy,” she laughed along with him.

  “Well, thanks. I hope you can keep up,” he joked and she nearly spit out her drink laughing at him.

  As they neared the opening to exit the rink, her voice interrupted his runaway thoughts. “So, there’s this party one of my friends is having on Saturday, and I was wondering if maybe you’d like to go.” He watched her starting to worry a hole in her lip from chewing on it, and he only wished he could be the one nibbling on the plump projection as he led her to the benches to remove their skates. Was she nervous?

  “A party? Syd, are you asking me out on a date?” He narrowed his eyes at her and she ducked her head shyly. Oh wow, she is nervous!

  “You really want to make me beg?”

  “Oh, no begging is necessary. I just wanted to make sure YOU were asking ME out,” he teased as she stuck her tongue out at him.

  “Yes, I AM asking YOU out. So, will you go?”

  Tilting his head to the side, Quinn furrowed his brow and shrugged. “Well, I don’t know. I’m not sure what people may think.” He was trying his hardest to keep a straight face knowing he was more than happy to go anywhere with Sydnee.

  “Hey!” She smacked his bicep for making fun of her.

  “Of course. I’d love to go.” He grinned, and then laughed, putting her out of her misery.

  “Good, now help an old lady get these skates off,” she demanded, throwing her legs into his lap for him to untie her skates. “And stop tormenting me.”

  “See, us young guys come in handy for some things.” He winked, turning to look at her with a toothy grin before untying the skates.

  “Yes, you do.”


  “Hi,” Sydnee called out as she came through the door to her mother-in-law’s house to pick up the boys.

  “Mommy!” Both of the twins screamed, running and tackling her as she entered the house. She didn’t think she would ever get tired of their happiness to see her and it always made her heart swell being greeted with their effervescent energy.

  “Hey. Did you have fun with Grammie and Grandpa today?”

  “Yeah, Grandpa took us to the store with him and we got Grammie a Christmas present,” Charlie chirped proudly.

  “Shhh, Charlie, you weren’t supposed to tell,” Travis chastised his brother.

  “Oops,” Charlie placed his hands over his mouth, his eyes wide.

  “A present for me?” asked Leanne as she stood to greet Sydnee.

  “What’s this about a present?” their grandfather inquired playfully.

  “Grandpa, Charlie told,” Travis said, crossing his arms and staring down his little brother, obviously disappointed he had ruined the surprise concerning the present they bought for their grandmother.

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to,” Charlie said with tears welling in his eyes. Kneeling in front of him, Sydnee pulled him into her arms.

  “Oh honey, it’s okay.”

  “Yes, son, it’s already wrapped and she still doesn’t know what it is,” Charles agreed, tousling the little boy’s soft curls.

  “See, it’s okay.” Sydnee wiped his eyes and smiled. She kissed him quickly on the cheek and took his hands in hers. “Why don’t you and Travis go and get your coats and things so we can go, all right?”

  “Okay,” he murmured as he walked slowly behind his brother to the playroom to retrieve their things.

  “Minor meltdown averted,” Leanne offered as Sydnee stood up.

  “I know,” Sydnee breathed deeply, following Charles and Leanne into the living room.

  “So, how have you been, Sydnee?” Charles asked, sitting in his recliner. “You look different.”

  “I do? Good or bad?”

  “Yes, I could swear you’re glowing and you look very happy. That’s a very good thing,” he said, and winked.

  “I don’t know what it is. I’ve just been working and getting out of the house a little more than I was. Maybe it’s the fresh air.” Sydnee knew what the difference was. Quinn. His twenty-six years of youth were rubbing off on her and breathing new life into her body each second she spent with him. Happiness was practically oozing from her pores, but she wasn’t ready to share the fact she was seeing someone with everyone just yet. Especially her in-laws. It was more than a little awkward. Plus, she wasn’t sure how serious it was. They were just having fun, right?

  “Or, could it be you have met someone?”

  “What?” Leanne grinned and Sydnee suddenly blushed. There was no way they could know she was seeing Quinn, could they?

  “You could have met someone. That would explain the happiness.”

  “Um, Leanne, I uh,” Sydnee stammered. She was caught off guard by Leanne’s comments and was only saved by the sound of the twins coming down the hall. “You two ready to go?” Diverting her attention to the boys, Sydnee busied herself with straightening Travis’s collar, as Leanne and Charles traded knowing glances at her obvious deflection of Leanne’s guesses concerning what had changed Sydnee’s demeanor lately.

  “Oh, Sydnee, Charles and I are going downtown on Saturday fo
r the holiday events and we wanted to know if it would be okay to take the boys?”

  “Mommy, can we, can we,” Travis asked, jumping up and down. “Please,” Charlie added. He had recovered from the earlier breakdown and now he joined Travis in their pursuit to go with their grandparents to see the Christmas lights.

  “Leanne, are you sure? I mean, you two have been doing a lot with them and I don’t want to wear out our welcome.”

  “Sydnee, please. These are our grand babies and you, nor they, could ever wear out your welcome.” Leanne added, pinching Travis’s chubby cheeks.

  “Please, Mommy,” both said in unison as they looked at her with the biggest brown eyes she had ever seen. She was a sucker for those eyes that reminded her so much of her ex-husband. She didn’t want to ask too much of her in-laws since they already did so much for her, however, it would solve her need for a babysitter on Saturday to go to Mina’s party.

  “Oh, all right, you can go but you better be good and you better listen to everything your grandparents say.”

  “Okay, we promise.” She chuckled watching them make up some new celebratory dance, broad smiles plastered on their adorable faces.

  “In the meantime, let’s get going,” she laughed, opening the door. “Thanks again for letting them stay with you today. Just let me know what time I need to drop them off on Saturday.”

  “I’ll call you. See you later sweethearts,” Leanne hugged and kissed both boys before they hugged their grandfather and ran out the door.

  “Thanks again. Good night.” Hugging them both, Sydnee headed out the door to the car.

  “You really think she’s met someone?” Charles asked Leanne as she closed the door behind them.

  “Honestly, I don’t know, but if she has, then good for her. I sometimes think she’s purposely trying to avoid meeting anyone new.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “I think she thinks we may not be happy about it since Matt is our son and that we may not approve. Sometimes I think she’s afraid of falling in love with someone else. Matt really destroyed her trust in people.” Leanne sighed, taking a seat on the sofa.

  “Well, I have no problems with her dating again, or even finding someone to marry possibly. I still can’t get over that son of ours, leaving her and the boys. It would be good for her and the boys so she doesn’t have to keep doing this on her own, and the boys would have a father figure. I’m getting old and I’d feel better knowing there’s someone there for them in the event we aren’t around anymore; especially since her family lives so far away.”

  “Well, then, let’s hope I’m right. Maybe someone has come along.”


  Once the boys were in bed, Sydnee put on her pajamas, slid into bed and answered her nightly call from Quinn. They talked for over an hour just like they had every night since their second date. It was funny, but she felt like a love struck teenager anticipating each call. Even with all of the time she was spending with him, she still made sure not to have Quinn around the boys. It was something she felt pretty strongly about since they were just getting to know one another, and it didn’t seem logical to have her kids around just anyone she went out with. It could be confusing for them, however, she had an overwhelming urge for the boys to spend time with Quinn. He was so full of life and she knew the twins would love him. After all, they had already met him, and had seemed to like him. It appeared to go both ways, because Quinn constantly asked about them and genuinely wanted to know more about what they liked and disliked.

  “I’m looking forward to the party,” Quinn’s voice brought her back from her reverie.

  “I am too. I hope my friends don’t scare you off.”

  “You sound a little nervous about this. Is there something I should know?”

  “It’s nothing. I just want things to go well that’s all.”

  “Syd, talk to me. What’s really going on?”

  “Nothing.” She knew she was lying. Truthfully, she was nervous about taking Quinn to Mina’s for the party. It wasn’t like it wouldn’t be a mixed crowd, but she didn’t know how people would react to her and Quinn being together, and if they would make comments or make him feel unwelcome.

  “You didn’t tell them how old I am or that I’m white, or you did, and they don’t agree with us going out?” How did he do that? He seemed to be able to read her mind. And she blushed hoping he couldn’t read everything that crossed her mind, especially when she was thinking about his physique.

  “I didn’t tell them.” Closing her eyes, she suddenly felt horrible for not being more upfront about Quinn with her friends. She wanted to be, she just wasn’t ready for their reactions. She hoped most would be like Sara. Open and accepting, but she had an uneasy feeling many may be more like Mina.

  “Hmm, okay…wow.” She could hear the disappointment in his voice and she instantly felt worse.

  “Quinn, wait, it’s not like that. I-”

  “Sydnee, I’m going to ask you something and I want the truth. Are you ashamed of me or something?”

  Sitting up, she groaned and shook her head. “Quinn, no. I’m not ashamed of you. I—I’m, let’s just say, I’m not as far along as you are about this whole dating situation. I may be older than you, but you are worlds ahead of me in that department.”

  “Look, Syd, I care about you and I really want us to spend even more time together. But if the race and age issues are too much for you to handle, or you are having second thoughts about going to this party on Saturday with me, then maybe I shouldn’t go.”

  “No, Quinn. I want you to go. And I want us to have a good time.”

  “Then if that’s truly what you want, I need you to quit caring so much about what people think and just go with your feelings and what you want. Can you do that for me?” She paused for a moment and it was so quiet that it sounded like she’d hung up on him. She desperately wanted not to care about what people thought, and she knew it was going to take a lot for her to finally get over other people’s opinions. “Sydnee?”

  “Yes. I’ll try…for you.” This was definitely going to be a big step for her and she wasn’t sure how it would go, but he seemed to be confident enough for the both of them.

  “Good. Then I’ll let you go and get some sleep because I definitely need to so I can get up in the morning for work. Good night.”

  “Good night,” she said, hanging up the phone. Turning off her bedside light, she sank into the warmth of the plush comforter. She knew she needed to forget the opinions of others like Quinn said. She just wasn’t so sure how to do it.


  “Would you stop?” Quinn watched Sydnee adjust her dress again for the twentieth time. She’d fidgeted the entire way to Mina’s and the harder he tried to get her to relax, the more wound up she seemed. He turned and took her hands in his in an attempt to get her to calm down.

  “I just want to make sure I look okay. I look okay, right?”

  “Syd, you look amazing. Stop worrying. This is going to go fine.”

  She was nervous about how she looked, but all of her fears had been somewhat allayed when he arrived to pick her up. He had stood in the doorway gaping at her and at a loss for words, but under his approving stare, she’d gotten some much-needed confidence in her appearance. She wore a simple short black trapeze dress with cobalt pumps. It was sleeveless and even though it fell loosely around her hips, it still revealed her amazing figure. She wore a cobalt blue wrap over it and the bright jewel-tone contrasted beautifully against her smooth caramel skin. Her long hair had been curled and pulled up in a loose mass of curls, leaving her slender neck exposed.

  Taking a deep breath, she smiled at him and pressed her hands to his chest. “You’re right. I’m worrying for nothing. Did I happen to tell you how great you look tonight by the way?”

  “Hmm, no, you didn’t, but I could tell you were attracted to me by the look in your eyes.” She knew he was joking with her to get her to loosen up and she was appreciative
of it.

  “You, sir, are a mess,” she added, smoothing her hands over the lapels of his coat before turning to ring the doorbell. She thought to herself if he only knew how attracted to him she was at the moment, he may run away scared. The man was extraordinary from the tip of his head to the bottom of his shoes. He wore a simple dark grey dress shirt with black slacks and a black wool pea coat. His body was a tailor’s dream and she swallowed hard just thinking about the wide expanse of his shoulders underneath his shirt. He wrapped his hand around hers and she felt the heat from his hand. It was comforting and reassuring, and she started to relax until the door opened and her stomach clenched into a ball of knots.

  “Sydnee, come in, uh, and who is this?” Mina asked, ushering Sydnee and Quinn into the house. It was already full of people and Sydnee waved to Sara and a few others she knew. She noticed a few people stop to stare at the couple as they walked in. She wasn’t sure if it was because most hadn’t seen her with anyone since Matt, or if it was because of how undeniably gorgeous the man really was, or just because of the obvious differences between the two. She hoped it wasn’t the latter.

  “Mina, this is Quinn. Quinn Masters, this is Mina Mercer, one of my dearest friends.” Sydnee turned to introduce the two, waiting on bated breath to see what Mina was going to say.

  “Well, Quinn, it’s nice to meet you. I wasn’t aware Sydnee was bringing a date so this is a surprise. You didn’t tell me you were dating anyone.” Mina coolly raised an eyebrow and reluctantly shook Quinn’s hand while looking in Sydnee’s direction.

  “Oh, that would be my fault.” Quinn winked at Sydnee. “I’ve been selfishly keeping her to myself. She’s just that special you know?”

  “Really?” Mina responded, clearly not interested in his response.

  Before Sydnee could respond, Sara and her date, Gavin, proceeded through the crowd to greet them and they were swept into a conversation leaving Mina to gaze on in disbelief.


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