Dave Porter at Star Ranch

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Dave Porter at Star Ranch Page 5

by Stratemeyer, Edward


  "That isn't a nice business to be in."

  "Humph! you needn't preach to me, Dave Porter! You played a dirty trick on me and I am going to pay you back."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "You'll see soon enough."

  "I want you to open that door!" cried Dave, wheeling around and confronting Tom Shocker. "Open it at once!"

  "This is none of my affair, Mr. Porter," answered the man, with a slight sneer. "You can settle it with Mr. Poole."

  "I'll settle with you, you rascal!" cried Dave, and leaping forward he caught Tom Shocker by the shoulder and forced him aside. "Give me that key!"

  "Don't you do it!" cried Nat. "Here, wait, I'll fix him! Hold him!"

  Nat poured some of the stuff in the bottle on the cotton and advanced on Dave. At the same time Tom Shocker caught Dave by both arms and essayed to hold him.

  Dave was strong, and a sudden fear gave him additional strength. He might have been a match for his two assailants, but for the stuff on the cotton. This was chloroform, and when Nat clapped the saturated cotton to his mouth and nose he was speedily rendered all but unconscious.

  "Don't give him too much!" he heard Tom Shocker say.

  "You watch him, while I tie his hands," answered Nat, and then Dave was forced back and onto the bed. He struggled weakly, but could not free himself, and before he realized it he was a close prisoner, with his hands tied fast to the head of the bed and his feet fast to the lower end. He was flat on his back.

  "Now, you can stay there until somebody comes to release you," said Nat, mockingly. "I reckon that will teach you a lesson not to send me off on freight trains!"

  "Nat, I've got to get back to Buffalo to catch my train for Chicago."

  "Humph. Not to-night. You'll stay here."

  "The others will worry about me."

  "Let them worry. I'll be glad of it."

  "Better destroy that note," suggested Tom Shocker. Then he noticed Dave's watch and chain, and valuable stickpin, and his eyes glistened. He began to wonder how much money the lad had in his pocket.

  The note was taken by Nat. Then the money-lender's son took a soft pillow and placed it over Dave's face.

  "That will keep you from calling too loudly," he said. "I guess it won't hurt your breathing though. Come," he added to the man. "Let us get out of here, before somebody comes."

  "All right," answered Tom Shocker. He gazed wistfully at Dave's watchchain and at the stickpin. "I—er—all right," he added, and followed Nat to the door.

  The pair walked outside and the man locked the door. Then both hurried below and out of the side door to the street. They went as far as the corner.

  "Let us make for the depot," said Nat, who was plainly nervous. Now that the trick had been played he was becoming alarmed over the possible consequences. "You don't think he'll smother?" he asked, anxiously.

  "Smother? Not a bit of it," answered Tom Shocker. "He'll be out of that room inside of an hour. He wasn't tied very hard, and he's sure to make a racket sooner or later."

  Tom Shocker went with Nat a distance of two blocks more and then came to a sudden halt.

  "By jove, I forgot!" he cried. "I must see my old friend, Dickson, before I leave town. It won't take me but a few minutes. You go to the depot and wait for me." And before the money-lender's son could reply, he was off, down another side street.

  Tom Shocker was well acquainted with the thoroughfares of Niagara Falls and it did not take him long to double on his tracks and return to Fargo's resort. He mounted the stairs, pulling his hat far down over his forehead as he did so. Then he tied his handkerchief over the lower portion of his face. He had the key of the room still in his possession, and with it he unlocked the door.

  The light was still burning, and on the bed he could see Dave struggling to free himself of his bonds and of the pillow which still rested lightly over his head. Holding the pillow in place with one hand Shocker gained possession of the watch and chain and stickpin with the other. Then he took from Dave's pocket a small roll of bank-bills. He tried to appropriate the lad's ring, but could not get it off the finger.

  Dave, finding himself being robbed, struggled harder than ever. But the bonds held and he was helpless to protect himself. In less than two minutes Tom Shocker accomplished his purpose, and then he glided out of the room silently, once more locking the door. Once on the street he set off on a brisk walk, but he did not go in the direction of the depot.

  "I reckon I can afford to part company with Poole now," the man told himself. "Won't there be a row when that Porter gets free! But he can't blame me!" he added, with a chuckle.

  Left once more to himself, Dave continued to struggle, and at last he managed to toss the pillow from his face. Then he breathed more freely, for which he was thankful.

  "What a mean trick!" he murmured, as he saw that his watch was gone.

  Presently he heard footsteps passing along the hallway, and he uttered a call. The footsteps came to a stop.

  "Come in here, please!" he called. "I need help."

  "What's up?" asked somebody outside, and then the door was tried. Soon a key was inserted in the lock, the door was opened, and a chambermaid showed herself.

  "Untie me at once!" cried Dave.

  The maid turned up the gas and then uttered a cry of astonishment. Without waiting to question the youth she flew out of the room and down the stairs, to return, a few minutes later, with a burly man.

  "What's this mean?" asked the man, as he commenced to untie the ropes that held Dave.

  "It's a trick that was played on me," answered Dave, thinking rapidly. He was on the point of stating that he had been robbed, but he did not wish to create too much of a scene. He felt sure that Nat would, sooner or later, return his belongings to him.

  "A trick, eh?" said the hotel proprietor. "Certainly a queer one. Where are the fellows who hired this room?"

  "I don't know. They tied me fast and left."

  "Did you know them?"

  "I knew one of them—he goes to boarding school with me."

  "Oh, I see, a schoolboy's trick, eh? You schoolboys are up to all sorts of pranks."

  "You don't know where they went to, do you?" questioned Dave, as he leaped up from the bed and stretched himself.

  "No, I haven't the least idea. They hired this room for to-night, that's all."

  "I think I'll try to catch them," said the youth. "Much obliged for setting me free."

  "You are welcome. But say, I don't want any more skylarking around here," added the proprietor of the resort, as Dave hurried out of the room and down the stairs.

  He had found his hat on the floor, and, after brushing up a little, he started on a brisk walk for the hotel where the others were to have dinner. He did not, of course, know the way, and so hired a newsboy for a dime to act as guide.

  "Dave! you have been away a long time!" cried Laura, as he appeared. "We have almost finished eating."

  "Never mind, I can get all I wish in a few minutes," he answered.

  "Why, your stickpin is gone!" cried Jessie. "And your watchchain, too."

  "Dave, have you been robbed?" questioned his uncle, quickly.

  "Yes and no," he answered, with a grim smile. "I suppose I might as well tell you what happened," he continued, and then gave a few of the details. Then he had to tell his uncle how Nat had been put aboard the freight car.

  "Well, it's a case of tit for tat, I suppose," said Dunston Porter. "You can thank your stars that you got away so quickly. A little later and you would have missed the train,—and we would have missed it, too—for I should not have gone on without you."

  "I suppose Nat thinks he has the laugh on you," said Roger. "But what of your watch and pin and money? Are you going West without them?"

  "I suppose I'll have to. But I'll make him give them up in short order. I'll send him a telegram."

  "Tell him if he doesn't send them on by express at once that you will put th
e case in the hands of the law," said Phil. "That will scare him."

  Dave was quickly served with a meal, and he lost no time in eating what he wanted. Then the entire party walked toward the railroad station, to catch the train for Buffalo.

  "I was a chump to follow that man up into that room," said Dave to his chums. "Next time I'll be more on my guard. But I thought Mr. Dale must be in some dire trouble."

  "It was a nervy thing to do—to forge his name," was the comment of the senator's son. "It's a pity you didn't keep the note."

  "I couldn't. After I was tied up they had me at their mercy."

  "Who was the man?"

  "I don't know. I never saw him before."

  "He must have been some friend of Nat's."

  "I suppose so."

  Arriving at the station, they found they had several minutes to wait. When the train rolled in all got on board but Roger, who was buying a late newspaper from a boy on the platform.

  "Hurry up, or you'll get left!" cried Dave.

  "I'll get on the car behind!" cried the senator's son, and did so. He did not rejoin his companions until the train was on its way towards Buffalo.

  "What do you think!" he cried. "Nat Poole is on board!"

  "Nat!" ejaculated Dave. "Is that man with him?"

  "No, Nat seems to be alone."

  "Did he see you?"

  "I don't think so. He was crouched down in a seat, as if in deep thought."

  "I'll interview him," said Dave, and left the car, followed by Phil, Roger, and his uncle.

  "Don't quarrel on the train," cautioned Dunston Porter. "But insist upon it that Nat return your belongings."

  Roger readily led the way to where the son of the Crumville money-lender sat, crouched down, and with his eyes partly closed. When touched on the shoulder Nat sat up, and a look of fright came into his face.

  "Why—er—why——" he stammered and was unable to proceed.

  "Didn't expect to see me quite so soon, did you?" returned Dave, pleasantly, and dropped into the seat beside him. "Nat, if it's all the same to you, I'll take my watch, my stickpin, and my money," he added, coldly.

  "Your what?" exclaimed Nat. Then he stared blankly at Dave. "I—er—I don't understand you."

  "Yes, you do. I want my things, and I want them at once!"

  "I haven't got your things, and you needn't say I have!" retorted the money-lender's son. "Oh, I see how it is," he added, struck by a sudden thought. "You want to play another joke on me, don't you? Well, it won't work this time. I didn't touch your things, and you know it."

  * * *



  For a moment Dave stared at Nat Poole in perplexity. He saw that the money-lender's son was in earnest. Like a flash he realized that something was wrong.

  "See here, I want no more fooling, Nat," he said, sharply. "My watch and chain, my scarfpin, and thirty-three dollars in bills were taken from me, either by you or your companion. I want them back, and now!"

  "Dave, you—er—you don't mean that you—you were—robbed?" Nat could hardly utter the words. His teeth were fairly chattering with sudden fright.

  "I certainly was, if you want to call it by such an ugly name."

  "But I didn't touch the things, you know I didn't!"

  "Then your companion did."

  "No, he didn't, he came away with me, you know that. All we did was to tie you fast and throw that pillow over your face. Then we came away and locked the door. It was only a bit of fun, to pay you back for putting me on the freight car."

  "One of you came back and took the things. I couldn't see who it was, for the pillow was still over my head."

  "I didn't come back—I give you my word of honor. Shocker must have done it! Oh, the rascal!" And now Nat's face showed his concern.

  "Who was that man?" asked the senator's son.

  "A fellow I met in Crumville a few days ago. He appeared to be straight enough." And then Nat told his story from beginning to end. He said that he had hung around the depot waiting for Tom Shocker to come, but that the fellow had failed to show himself.

  "It's as plain as day," said Phil. "If Nat's story is true, this Shocker went back and robbed Dave."

  "Yes, but if he did, Nat is partly responsible, for he left me tied up," said Dave.

  "Of course he is responsible," came from Roger.

  "I don't see how," grumbled the money-lender's son, but his uneasiness showed that he thought as did the others.

  "You'll see how, if that Shocker doesn't show up with my things," said Dave, sternly. "I'll hold you and your father responsible for every dollar's worth."

  This threat almost caused Nat to collapse, and he felt even worse when Dave added that the scarfpin and the watch and chain were worth about one hundred dollars.

  "I'm going to hunt up Shocker's address as soon as I get home," said Nat. "I'll run him down, see if I don't—and I'll make him give the things up, too!"

  "Well, I'll give you a fair amount of time," answered Dave. "After that I'll look to you and your father to make good."

  Fortunately for Dave, he could easily get along without the watch and the scarfpin, and his uncle let him have some money in place of that taken. But Mr. Porter told Nat that his father would have to settle the matter if Tom Shocker was not brought to book.

  At Buffalo the others separated from Nat Poole, who said he was going to take the early morning train home. Nat felt very bad over the outcome of his joke, and to a certain extent Dave and his chums felt sorry for him.

  "I was a big fool to take up with a stranger like Shocker," said the money-lender's son. "You'll not catch me doing it again! I only hope I can lay my hands on him!" Then, just as he was about to leave, he turned back and beckoned Dave to step to one side.

  "What do you want now?" asked Dave.

  "I want to show you that I—er—that is, I am not the enemy you think, Dave," was the low answer. "I am going to give you a warning. I wasn't going to say anything, at first. It's about a letter I got from Link Merwell."

  "Merwell?" And now Dave was all attention.

  "Yes, he sent it to me from Chicago, where he is stopping on his way to his father's ranch. He said he had heard that you were going to the Endicott ranch, and he added that if you came out West he would see to it that you got all that was coming to you—those are his very words."

  "When did you get this letter?"

  "A couple of days ago. Take my advice and beware of him, for he means business. When he left Oak Hall he was the maddest boy I ever saw. He will do something awful to you if he gets the chance."

  "I'll be on my guard—and I am much obliged for telling me," said Dave; and then he and Nat separated, not to meet again for many weeks.

  The train for Chicago was already standing in the station, and the Porters and their friends were soon on board. The two girls had a private compartment and the others several sections, and all proceeded to make themselves at home.

  "I never get into a sleeping car without thinking of old Billy Dill, the sailor who went with me to the South Seas," said Dave to Laura and Jessie. "He thought we'd have to sleep in the seats, and when the porter came and made up the berths he was the most surprised man you ever saw."

  "And where is he now?" asked Jessie.

  "In a home for aged sailors. Father and Uncle Dunston have seen to it that he is comfortably cared for."

  "I must visit him some day," said Laura. "Just think! if it hadn't been for him we might never have met, Dave!" And she gave her brother a tight hug.

  The train was a comfortable one, and all of the party slept well. When they arose, they found themselves crossing the level stretches of Indiana. The boys and Mr. Porter took a good wash-up and were presently joined on the observation end of the car by Laura and Jessie.

  "What a beautiful morning!" cried Jessie.

  "I feel just as if I'd like to get out and walk," added Laura, and this caused the others to laugh.

They had an appetizing breakfast of fruit, fish, eggs, and rolls, with coffee, and took their time over the repast. Then Dunston Porter pointed out to them various points of interest. Before long, they reached a small town and then came to the suburbs of the great city by the lakes.

  "Here we are!" cried Roger, at last, as they ran into the immense train shed. Here all was bustle and seeming confusion, and they picked their way through the crowd with difficulty. The boys rather enjoyed this, but it made Laura and Jessie shrink back.

  "Why, it's as bad as New York!" said Jessie.

  "Almost," answered Dunston Porter. "Come, we'll soon find a couple of carriages to take us to the hotel."

  That the girls and the others might see something of Chicago, it had been arranged to remain in that city two days. They were to stop at a new and elegant hotel on the lake shore, and thither they were driven with their baggage.

  "It certainly is as bustling as New York," was Roger's comment, as they drove along. "Just look at the carriages, and autos, and trucks!"

  "This afternoon we'll hire an automobile to take us around," said Dunston Porter. "It is the only way to see a good deal in a little time."

  They were fortunate in getting good accommodations at the new hotel, and the boys and girls were struck by the elegance of the rooms, and, later, by the sumptuousness of the dining-hall.

  "Why, it's fit for a palace!" declared Jessie.

  "Beats the Crumville Hotel, doesn't it?" said Dave, dryly, and this caused the girls to giggle and the other boys to laugh.

  An automobile was engaged at the stand in the hotel, and immediately after lunch the whole party went sightseeing, visiting the lake front, Lincoln Park, and numerous other points of interest. At the park they alighted to look at the animals, and this pleased the girls especially.

  "To-morrow morning I'll have a little business to attend to," said Dunston Porter, "and I'll have to let you take care of yourselves for a few hours. I propose that you boys take the girls around to some of the big department stores."

  "Oh, yes!" cried Laura, who had a woman's delight for finery. Jessie was also interested, for her opportunities for visiting big stores were rare.


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