Dave Porter at Star Ranch

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Dave Porter at Star Ranch Page 10

by Stratemeyer, Edward

  "You keep your distance, Link Merwell," answered Dave, and now his tone was sharper. "Don't forget what I did at Oak Hall. If you want another thrashing like that I can give it to you."

  "Get out! Don't you talk to me!" howled Link. "You attacked me when I was sick!" He spoke in a loud voice, for the benefit of the cowboys and others who were gathering around. The train had started away and was soon out of sight among the hills.

  "You were as well as you ever were," answered Dave.

  "What's the row, Link?" asked Hank Snogger, as he pushed his way to the front.

  "Here's a fellow used to go to school with me. I've got it in for him, and I've a good mind to give him a thrashing."

  "You put your hand on me, and you'll take the consequences," said Dave. "I didn't come here to fight, but I can defend myself."

  "You don't want to fight, do you, Dave?" asked Sid Todd, in a low voice. To him it looked as if the Crumville lad might be no match for Merwell, who was larger and heavier.

  "I am not afraid, Todd. I thrashed him once and I can do it again—if I have to."

  "You licked him?"


  "With your fists?"



  "At school. He played a dirty trick on me and some others, and I wouldn't stand for it."

  "You shut your mouth!" roared Link Merwell, and without warning he rushed forward and struck Dave a blow in the chest that sent the Crumville youth staggering against Mr. Hooper.

  "Wait! wait! This won't do!" said the ranchman.

  "If you are going to fight, fight fair," put in Sid Todd.

  "Now don't you butt in here, Sid!" growled Hank Snogger, with an ugly look at the other cowboy.

  "I'll see fair play," answered Todd, sharply, and he elbowed his way between Snogger and Dave.

  Having delivered his unexpected blow, Link Merwell sprang back and stood on the defensive. Dave was not wearing any coat or vest, and he merely threw his hat to his friend. Then, as quick as lightning, he sprang forward, knocked aside Merwell's guard, and planted a telling blow on the bully's left eye.

  "As you are so anxious to fight, take that!" cried Dave, and before the other could recover he landed a second blow on Merwell's chin. This caused the bully to stagger against Hank Snogger, who kept him from falling completely.

  "Well! well! well!" sang out one of the cowboys in the crowd. "Just look at that! Merwell, keep your eyes open, or you'll git knocked into a jelly!"

  The former bully of Oak Hall was staggered, but only for a moment. Then, with a hoarse cry of rage, he leaped at Dave, and for fully a minute the blows came thick and fast from each side. Then the pair clinched, swung around and around, and finally went down, with Dave on top.

  "Break away there!" sang out Hank Snogger, and caught Dave by the ear. "Git up off him!"

  "Leave Porter alone!" yelled Sid Todd, and caught Snogger by the hair. "This is the boys' fight, 'tain't yours."

  "That's right! That's right!" came from several. "Leave the kids alone."

  "He ain't goin' to hit Link when he's down," growled Snogger.

  "I don't intend to," answered Dave, and got up. He turned to Hank Snogger. "You keep your hands off of me," he added, sharply. "This is not your quarrel."

  "Ah, don't talk to me," growled the cowboy.

  "I will talk to you," went on Dave. "You keep out of this."

  Dave stood back, while Link slowly arose to his feet. The bully was somewhat dazed. But there was still a good deal of fight left in him, and suddenly he charged on the Crumville lad, making a heavy swing for Dave's jaw. Dave ducked, and, as Merwell swung around, caught the bully in the right ear. Then he followed the blow by one on the neck and another directly in the mouth. The latter loosened two teeth and sent the bully into the arms of Hank Snogger.

  "Well, have you had enough?" asked Dave. He was panting for breath, and his eyes were blazing with determination.

  A look full of the bitterest kind of hatred filled the face of Link Merwell, but he was too staggered to attack Dave again. He leaned on Hank Snogger and then turned his face away.

  "I say, have you had enough—or do you want another dose?" demanded Dave.

  "I'll—fight this out some other time," answered Merwell, weakly. He realized that the eyes of the crowd were on him, and this made him furious. But he did not dare to risk another attack from the Crumville youth, fearing what fighters call "a knockout."

  "Then you have had enough, eh?" went on Dave. "Very well. And now, Merwell, I advise you to keep your distance. If you don't—well, you'll catch it worse, that's all."

  "Link is tired out from his long train ride," remarked Hank Snogger. "He ain't in no fit condition fer a scrap. Wait till he has rested up a week or two—then he'll show thet tenderfoot what's what." And with these words he led Link away to where a couple of horses were tied. He leaped on one and the bully leaped on the other, and in a moment more both were off for the Merwell ranch.

  "Well, youngster, I reckon you can hold your own," remarked Mr. Hooper. He had led a rough-and-tumble life himself and did not look on a fight as a dreadful matter. "You had him going."

  "So you did, Dave," added Sid Todd, while several other cowboys nodded in assent.

  "He forced the fight," answered Dave. "I suppose he'll try it again some day."

  "Merwell always was scrappy," said one of the cowboys.

  "Takes after his dad," added another; and then there was a general laugh. Several came up to shake hands with Dave and congratulate him on the outcome of the little bout. Some of the cowboys were not very refined, and to them such a fist-fight seemed a great thing.

  There were a number of letters for those at Star Ranch, including two for Dave,—from his father and from Ben Basswood. With the epistles in their pockets, Dave and Sid Todd started on the return to the Endicott place. They had to follow, for some distance, the trail taken by Link and Snogger, their road branching off after the bridge over the river was crossed.

  Considerable time had been lost waiting for the train and because of the set-to with Merwell, and the sun was now going down over the mountains in the west, casting long shadows over the plains.

  "You'll have a late supper to-night," said Todd, as they moved on at a brisk pace. "And I reckon you'll have an appetite for it. The way you polished off that cub was great!" And he shook his head enthusiastically.

  "I wish you'd do me a favor, Todd," returned Dave.

  "Sure thing, son. What do you want?"

  "Please don't say too much at the ranch about the fight. I don't want to scare my sister and the other girls."

  "Can't I tell the boys how you polished off young Merwell? Most of 'em will be glad to hear it."

  "Well, don't say too much, that's all. If they learn that Link is on the watch to do harm, the girls will be almost too afraid to go out."

  "Do you think that cub would be mean enough to harm the gals?"

  "He'd be mean enough to scare them half to death."

  "If he does that—well, I reckon I'll take a hand in lickin' him myself."

  "We came out here to have a good time, and I want to forget Link Merwell, if possible. But I'll keep my eyes open for him—and I'll tell Phil and Roger to watch out, too," added Dave, soberly.

  Sid Todd was anxious to know more of Link's doings at Oak Hall, and Dave told how Link had tried to get Gus Plum and himself into trouble. He did not mention the trouble Laura and Jessie had had, for he did not wish to drag the names of the girls into the affair.

  "He sure is a bad egg," said the cowboy, at the end of the recital. "Keep an eye on him by all means."

  By the time they reached the vicinity of the bridge it was quite dark. Remembering the bad condition of the structure spanning the stream, Sid Todd cautioned Dave to let his horse walk.

  "Look!" cried the youth, a second later, and pointed around a rise of rocks to the bridge. He had seen two figures leaving the structure. They disappeared behind a high clump of brushwood.
br />   "What did you see?" questioned Todd, who had been gazing off to one side of the trail.

  "Two persons on the bridge. They just ran away into the bushes."

  "On foot?"


  "Humph! Didn't know anybody was out on foot around here," mused the cowboy. "Sure it wasn't a bear, or some other animal?" And he felt for his horse-pistol.

  "No, they were men, or boys," answered Dave. "They ran off the bridge the minute we came in sight."

  "Huh! I wonder if it's possible them hoss-thieves is around again."

  "Have you horse-thieves in this territory?"

  "We sure have. Lost two hosses last spring and two last summer. I'll have to tell the boss about seeing them fellows. But maybe—say, hold on, Dave."

  "What now?"

  "I may be mistaken, but—don't go on the bridge on hossback."

  "Why not?"

  "I'll tell you—after I've examined the bridge," answered Sid Todd, and in a manner that mystified Dave very much.

  * * *



  Arriving at the bridge, Sid Todd told Dave to halt, and the pair dismounted. As they did so they heard a sound in the bushes beside the stream. They looked in the direction, but saw nobody.

  The cowboy had drawn his pistol, and with this in hand he walked closer to the bridge. His eyes were on the planking, and presently he uttered an exclamation:

  "The rascals!"

  He pointed to two of the planks, and Dave saw that they were loose and so placed that the slightest jar would send them down into the stream.

  "Do you think those men I just saw did this?" questioned Dave.

  "Certainly they did! They ought to be hung for it, too!" answered the cowboy, wrathfully.

  "But what for—to cripple our horses?"

  "Either that, or to cripple us. Dave, we've got to be on our guard. If those hoss-thieves are watching us——"

  "I don't think they were horse-thieves, Todd."

  "You don't? Then——" The cowboy broke off into a low whistle. "Do you mean to say Link Merwell would play such a dirty trick?"

  "Yes, I do. You haven't any idea how that fellow hates me."

  "Hum!" mused Sid Todd. "Well, maybe, but I thought it must be the hoss-thieves."

  "Why would horse-thieves want to hurt our horses?"

  "They wouldn't want to do that, but they might be thinking our horses would fall and throw us. But I see that reasoning is weak. Maybe it was young Merwell—and Hank Snogger. If it was, they ought to be punished good an' proper, hear me!" went on the cowboy, with emphasis.

  "I am going to look around the bushes," went on Dave, determinedly.

  "Look out that you don't get into trouble, son. Anybody who would do this would do worse."

  Dave had seen a heavy stick lying beside the road, and arming himself with this, he walked to the bushes and around them. In the soft soil he made out a number of hoof-prints, and he called Todd's attention to these.

  "On hossback, both of 'em," said the cowboy, after an examination. "Dave, you was right," he announced, a little later. "It must have been Merwell and Snogger, fer see, they have taken the old trail along the river. That leads to another trail that runs to the Merwell ranch."

  "Well, they are gone, that's certain," answered the youth, after another look around. "We may as well be on our way. But we ought to mend the bridge."

  "We'll do that,—an' post a warning, too," said the cowboy.

  Not without difficulty, they managed to fasten the planks into place once more. Then, at either end of the rickety structure, they set up a stick in the road.

  "That's the usual warning in this country," explained Todd. "It means 'Go slow and look out.'"

  When the pair arrived at Star Ranch they found the boys and girls waiting for them.

  "You must have walked back," said Belle. "We have been waiting for you ever since we heard the locomotive whistle."

  "Oh, we had to stop to fix the bridge," answered Dave, and then handed around the letters, which instantly claimed attention, so no more questions were asked. Then the Crumville youth had supper, and by that time it was late enough to go to bed.

  "You've got a cut on your cheek, Dave," said Phil, when the three boys were undressing. "Did you scratch yourself?"

  "Thereby hangs a tale, Phil," quoted Dave, and then, in a low voice, told of the encounter at the railroad station, and gave the true particulars of the trouble at the river.

  "It's the same old Link!" murmured Roger. "We'll have to watch out for him!"

  "I really think the girls ought to be warned," said Phil. "There is no telling what mean thing Link might do—if he met them alone."

  "Well, we don't want to frighten them," answered Dave.

  "Better frighten them than give Link the chance to annoy them," answered the senator's son.

  "Say, I wish I had seen you polish off Link!" cried Phil. "It would have done my heart good. I'll wager he was as mad as he could be!"

  "Oh, he was mad enough," replied Dave, with a grim smile. "But say, when you get the chance, I want you to look at that Hank Snogger. He looks like somebody I've met somewhere, but for the life of me I can't place him."

  "Is he handsome?" quizzed the shipowner's son.

  "No, he looks melancholy—as if he had something on his mind. It's a peculiar face, and for the life of me I can't get it out of my mind."

  Several days passed and nothing of importance happened. The boys and girls enjoyed themselves thoroughly, and the Endicotts did all in their power to make the visitors feel at home. At first, Jessie was inclined to be a little shy, but soon this wore away and she felt as happy as anybody.

  "It certainly is a splendid spot," said she to Dave. "I don't wonder Laura was anxious to get back, and to have you see it."

  "It suits me—I wouldn't ask for a better vacation, especially"—Dave dropped his voice a little—"with you along, Jessie."

  "Oh, Dave!" she cried, and blushed.

  "It wouldn't be half so much fun if you hadn't come along, Jessie," he went on. "I am very, very glad that we are here—together."

  "Well, so—so am I," answered the girl, and then, still blushing, she ran off to join Belle and Laura. But the look she gave Dave warmed his heart as it had never been warmed before.

  Sunday passed, with a little home service, in which all those in the house and also a few of the cowboys joined. The boys and girls sang some of the familiar church songs, and this the cowboys greatly enjoyed.

  "We don't git much in the way of entertainment here," explained Sid Todd, "and that singin' sounds mighty good to us. It touches a fellow here, too," he added, with his finger over his heart.

  "If Mr. Endicott will permit it, we'll give you boys an entertainment before we go home," answered Dave. "We give them at Oak Hall, you know,—and the girls can help."

  "Say, that sure would be fine!" answered the cowboy, enthusiastically.

  The boys had found out from Mr. Endicott where good fishing could be had, and early of the second week at Star Ranch they went out, taking the girls with them. All were on horseback, and carried lunch along, for they were to remain out all day.

  "Now keep out of trouble," said Mrs. Endicott, as they rode away. "And be sure to come back before dark."

  "We'll be back by six, mamma," answered Belle. "And you needn't worry about us, for we'll be perfectly safe."

  They were bound for a spot among the foothills, about six miles away. Here was located a mountain torrent, said to be filled with the gamiest kind of specimens of the finny tribe. Sid Todd had told them of a particularly good bend in the stream, where fishing was bound to be excellent, and Belle said she knew the trail, having gone to the locality several times with her father. She was a true young sportswoman, and could fish almost as well as her parent. She carried the same kind of an outfit as did the boys. Jessie and Laura did not expect to fish, but said they would watch the others, and pick wild flowers, and also pr
epare the lunch when it came time to eat.

  All were in the best of health and spirits when they departed. It promised to be an ideal day, with the sun shining clearly, and a gentle breeze blowing from the northwest. They passed along at a smart gait, for the boys and Belle were anxious to try their luck with their lines and poles.

  "If we catch enough, right from the start, we can fry some fish for lunch," said Dave. "I love fish just from the water."

  "Oh, so do I!" cried Belle. "They seem so much sweeter."

  "In the city one gets them all packed in ice, and then half the flavor is gone," added Laura.

  They started in a bunch, but gradually drifted into pairs, Dave riding beside Jessie, Roger escorting Laura, and Phil taking the lead with Belle. The senator's son and Dave's sister had become very "chummy," and it can be said that Phil and Belle were fully as attentive to one another as the occasion warranted. All told stories and sang, and the boys whistled.

  Half an hour of riding brought them to the edge of a woods, and here they had to proceed in single file, or "Indian fashion," as Belle expressed it.

  "By the way, are there any Indians around here?" asked Jessie, timidly.

  "A few, and they are very peaceable," answered the ranch owner's daughter. "Our only enemies are the cattle- and horse-thieves."

  They were passing through some dense underbrush when Belle suddenly called a halt. The trail was very narrow, and on either side grew dense clumps of trees.

  "Somebody is coming," announced the girl.

  "On this trail?" asked Laura.


  "We'll have some fun passing each other, especially if it's a fat man," remarked Roger, dryly, and this caused a laugh.

  They waited, and presently saw a boy approaching on horseback, followed by a lean-looking man who wore a tattered cowboy dress and a much-battered sombrero.

  "It's Link Merwell!" exclaimed Phil.

  He was right, and the bully did not stop until his horse stood directly in front of that ridden by Belle. Then he came to a halt, and his companion halted directly behind him.

  "I want to pass," growled Link, without so much as raising his hat or bidding the time of day.


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