WindSwept Narrows: #10 Eloise Paddington

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WindSwept Narrows: #10 Eloise Paddington Page 3

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  Chapter Three

  Eloise was buckling her seat belt as Morgan guided them back to the highway after getting himself a tall, hot coffee.

  “I talked to the security director and let her know we’re okay and we’ll go directly to the resort when we arrive. She’s letting the police and Hannah know,” Eloise said quietly, glancing back at the little girl humming quietly to the music playing from the little music box in her lap.

  “It’ll take about four hours…if traffic isn’t too bad,” Morgan told her easily.

  “Have you visited the property that’s been designated for the school project?” Eloise asked after a few silent minutes.

  “We haven’t gotten that far,” Morgan answered, glancing over to see she’d curled her legs to the side and was watching him.

  “I can show you…once things are cleared up,” Eloise told him. “It’s all so amazing and exciting.”

  “You know about this?”

  “I’ve seen the long term plans…they’re stretched out on the wall in Gwen’s office, but it’s really Ethan’s office now since he’s taken over as the manager of things Paddington,” she said with a smile. “The property belonged to me and Gwen. Chloe and Sam have been day trading the money we started with since a little before May. We needed to get two-thirds of the cost before we approached Logan with the idea.”

  “You are a continual surprise, Miss Paddington,” he told her honestly.

  “We’re in the process of establishing an annuity for salaries, uniforms and supplies,” Eloise commented, staring out the front window as daylight slowly began filtering through the mist and fog of December. “We’ve pulled many friends into the fray…and made many more because of it. It’s nice finding out there are others who believe such things are possible.”

  “So a little part of you still believes,” he suggested quietly.

  “A little part of me wants to believe,” she corrected whimsically.

  “It’ll be a long year of planning and meetings,” Morgan commented. “Establishing all the ground rules, setting standards for teachers as well as students. We hope that when a student graduates, if they applied themselves, they’ll have almost two years of basic college credits to hit the road running with,” he saw her nod.

  “Now if only we can stall hormones so kids stay focused…”

  “Perhaps teaching them responsibility…”

  “Throw in a healthy lifestyle, and there’s a chance.”

  “How did you get the property?”

  “Seven…eight years back…when businesses began folding downtown, we started buying the property very cheaply,” she looked over at him. “We had this notion of rebuilding things a little at a time. Three years ago, we started building the fund when we learned about the resort and added hand sketches to our wall of paper of what could possibly be…and we nag a lot. Establishing the school within walking distance of the apartments and on the shuttle bus route was the smartest place for it. Integrating a school into what used to be warehouses and manufacturing locations is key to making a well rounded neighborhood. We’re also going to take another property we own and turn it into a community center so there’s no kids on the streets. A safe environment for them to play or continue learning, especially for single parent homes with problems paying for daycare.”

  “How does Paddington’s Emporium fit into all this?” Morgan accepted an apple from the bag she held up.

  “We’ve been buying the property along the waterfront for the last fifteen years, while building the business,” she said slowly in between bites and chewing. “Establishing rules for the type of business we want there has taken a little longer. Finding people willing to adhere to them, is proving a little more difficult. Not impossible, just difficult. It has become much easier, though, now that the Resort is involved and pushing things. New business employees will be eligible to join the health center, use the school and apply to rent from the company apartments, all in exchange for a decent wage and reasonable prices on their goods and services.”

  “Taking in all aspects of a society is complex,” Morgan remarked thoughtfully.

  “You have no idea…and humans can be such a pain,” she said, her head shaking as she offered an apple to Lili. “Healthcare, dental, clothing and food…we already have a major Asian food store prepared to sign a lease. It’s all very challenging and exciting.”

  “I wouldn’t mind an escort around town,” Morgan said with a nod. “Logan has me set up in one of the employee units, so I’ll be living at the resort until I find a place.”

  Morgan pulled off to fuel up and give everyone a restroom break a few minutes later. He stood at the SUV watching Lili and Eloise romp and run, laughing and giggling as they rejoined him inside the vehicle. It surprised him how quickly the miles disappeared beneath them, their conversation topics ranging literally across the globe and back. He couldn’t remember being this comfortable, this relaxed or that entertained in a long time.

  He followed her direction toward the employee lot, the guard peering into the SUV and immediately recognizing Eloise.

  “Miss Paddington, you’re cleared to the back, ma’am. They’re expecting you,” he told her with a nod and a wave through the gate.

  A police vehicle sat near the employee entrance, Cassidy, Hannah and Noah came immediately through the door and waited patiently while Morgan pulled next to the police car.

  Lili was giggling and waving happily, jumping down when Eloise set her free and running to Hannah who surrounded her tightly. Noah stood at her side only long enough to exhale thickly, extending his palm to Morgan.

  “Good to see you again,” he said with a nod. “Thanks for your help. Seriously.”

  “Glad I was in the right place at the right time,” Morgan admitted honestly. “Miss Paddington thinks on her feet.”

  “Eloise, are you okay?” Hannah stood up with Lili in her arms.

  “She’s blaming herself,” Morgan said quietly, ignoring the frown from the woman at his side.

  “You didn’t…you are not responsible for those…morons,” Hannah exclaimed firmly, watching Ethan and Gwen come in from the side.

  “Hey, cousin,” Gwen hugged her tightly. “Been busy, huh?”

  “An unprecedented day, to be sure,” Eloise admitted tiredly, glancing at Cassidy, the tall silver haired security director for the WindSwept Narrows. “I take it you found the video?”

  “Got photos and license and make and model out to all police agencies in four states,” Cassidy told her seriously. “I have an office set up where you can tell us what happened, for the record. The police are waiting there,” she opened the door and met the quiet stare. “Ethan brought his data to give them, too.”

  Eloise went through her story quietly and carefully, staring at the table top as she recalled the details they were asking for.

  “And you just picked Morgan Kelley’s car out of a hat?” The police detective asked in amazement.

  Eloise looked at him with a slight tilt to her head. “His SUV has darkly tinted windows. If the two guys looked for us, they wouldn’t be able to see through to the inside. He also looked capable of dealing with them more than the elderly couple with the poodle. While he was filling the tank, I climbed in the back with Lili and waited until he went inside to pay to close the door.”

  “Why didn’t you phone yesterday?” The detective pressed.

  “Eloise and Lili fell asleep,” Morgan said firmly, not fond of the way the man was trying to make her even more guilty feeling than she was. “By the time I knew they were back there, I was almost home. My phone was dead because I forgot my charger. The power was out because of a storm the night before. It was still raining and I didn’t want to take them out again, I’m sorry for the worry it put you through,” he said sincerely, looking at Hannah and Noah.

  “Then they came to the house,” Eloise said quietly. “They…there was a tracking device in my pack…they followed us to Morgan’s house.”

god,” Hannah breathed, barely aware of the hands on her shoulders, Noah’s face grim.

  “Morgan convinced them they’d made a mistake,” Eloise said quickly. “I’m really sorry I didn’t let you know sooner, Hannah…” An angry palm swept up at the tears running down her face, the stress of the previous day finally catching up with her.

  Hannah handed Lili to Noah and hugged Eloise, whispering reassurances to her. “You just stop right now. It’s okay…you took care of Lili and you…this is not your fault, Eloise…please…don’t think that.”

  “We didn’t get to the shopping and girl fun part,” she said through watery eyes.

  “If it’s alright with you, Hannah, we’ll come take her with us shopping some night this week,” Morgan suggested, feeling his insides turn to mush when Eloise looked at him like he was her hero.

  “I have to get a tree tomorrow,” Eloise said, swallowing and winking at Lili. “Go shopping with me after work one night?”

  “Yep…we’ll have lots of fun,” Lili said with a bright grin, blissfully unaware of the drama going on around her.

  Cassidy turned the recorder off and stood up. “I don’t see anything else to ask, Detective. You have everything from Ethan…”

  “I’ll be in touch if I need anything, thank you all for your help,” he said, striding from the area, one of Cassidy’s guards escorting him to his car.

  “What is the whole thing about the inheritance?” She asked when the police left, looking from Hannah to Ethan.

  “I was due an inheritance left me by my grandparents when I married,” Hannah began slowly. “I asked Kate to look into it for me…but they’ve done nothing but give her the run around. I honestly don’t know, Cassidy.”

  “I asked Ethan to check things out…from an investigative standpoint,” Noah picked up the story. “He was coordinating with Kate, but no one is being helpful at all.”

  “What I think has been happening,” Ethan paced with his hands rubbing his neck. “Your aunt…the mother of the guys who were in the photos…got with the attorney…they’ve slowly been going through the money. It began at almost ten million dollars three years ago. It’s about eight-five now. I’ve talked to Kate and she’s got papers ready to serve tomorrow that the accounts be frozen.”

  “They thought I was Hannah,” Eloise said thoughtfully. “They wanted some papers signed to pull off you and Kate and I guess…let them walk away with the inheritance.”

  “I’ll get with Kate and see if any of this will help her case,” Cassidy said, closing her notebook and shaking her head. “You guys need to be really cautious until this is settled.”

  “Don’t worry, she’ll be safe behind locked doors or at work,” Noah promised, tossing Lili onto his shoulders.

  “I’ve had a long talk with a couple of my guards about how they got into the employee lot,” Cassidy said dryly. “There are times I seriously understand technology taking the place of humans. I’m going home for the rest of my weekend. I suggest you do the same. I know the Paddington fortress is secure, so I won’t worry about you two.”

  “We have alarms and gates,” Noah told her, his palm out to Hannah. “And we ride together to work, so I think we’ve got it covered.”

  “Thank you, Cassidy,” Eloise stood up and lifted her pack. She gave Lili a quick hug and sighed. “I’ll see you at home, cousin…Hannah, I…”

  “No…” Hannah shook her head, hugging her tightly. “I’ll call you and you and Lili will have another night to shop. Maybe Friday and Saturday next weekend. I trust you, Eloise and I know you took very good care of Lili. She’s happy and laughing and all is well. No more apologies, okay?”

  Eloise nodded and went toward the exit, unaware of Morgan walking behind her until they reached the large outer door.

  “That was very kind of you, Morgan, thank you.”

  “I don’t know about kind…more along the lines of selfish,” he answered, shoving the door wide for her. “I think we need food, Eloise.”

  “I don’t know if I’ll be very good company at the moment,” she pulled her keys from her pocket, stopping at the small four-wheel drive. “But I’ll take a rain check, if that’s alright. Thank you, Morgan, very much…good night,” she said quietly, climbing into her car.

  He stood there for a long minute, watching her disappear before going to the SUV and heading to the apartment he’d been assigned. Morgan Kelley spent several hours researching his new area and the new woman he found interesting.

  Chapter Four

  Eloise filled the huge soaking tub and sunk into the scented steamy waters, laying her head back and closing her eyes. She was glad it was over and equally glad she was alone as the tears streamed down her face.

  How do you finally admit to being so frightened…..a long time later she lay curled against a large pillow, unable to close her eyes for very long. She had a heavy fluffy robe over a set of short sleep pants and a t-shirt when the buzzer sounded.


  “You have company, Elle…a guy named Morgan Kelley?”

  “Thanks, Thomas…could you send him to my private entrance?”

  “Sure thing…”

  Eloise walked to the private entrance and tapped the light switch before pulling the door wide and stepping onto the porch. The rain had stopped and there was the faintest hint of snow flakes fluttering around.

  Morgan followed the instructions, parking next to the familiar smaller car he’d seen her drive off. He pulled his collar up as he stepped into the snow that was increasing around him. He frowned at the woman on the porch, his gaze swept from the long free hanging red hair to the bare toes.

  “Eloise…it’s freezing out here…inside,” he turned her by the shoulders and hustled her into the house, the door closing behind him.

  “I didn’t know we were going to have snow,” she breathed, ducked beneath his arm and peered through the wide window, her hands up and cupping around her eyes.

  Morgan took his coat off and draped it over a chair in the dining area. It looked like she had already cleared a spot for her Christmas tree, a large flat hardwood area near the double patio doors.

  “When Cassidy called this the Paddington Fortress, she wasn’t kidding,” Morgan moved near the fireplace, adjusting the temperature a little higher.

  “My family is very protective,” Eloise turned from the window and moved to the sofa to curl against one end, her toes tucked beneath her. “It’s after eight, Morgan. Why did you come over here?”

  “Because I was worried about you,” he admitted simply. “I’m too familiar with nightmares, Eloise. You didn’t sleep much last night.”

  “Do you have nightmares?” She asked after several quiet minutes.

  Morgan sat on the opposite end of the sofa, long legs stretched out in front of him. “Now and then. I think anyone involved in wars or conflicts…police…normal people with normal fears…not so rare to have dreams that disturb your sleep.” He met the wide eyes, red from crying.

  “I spent an hour getting wrinkled in a very hot soaking tub…” She looked up from her hands with a crooked little smile. “I still couldn’t fall asleep. Every time I closed my eyes, they were there…I don’t like the feeling, Morgan,” she said softly, tipping her head back and blinking quickly. “I don’t like being afraid of…of just being…”

  “Do you trust me, Eloise?” Morgan slid to the edge of the sofa, a wave of warmth sweeping through him when she nodded without hesitation. He held out his hand to her. “Bedroom?”

  Eloise let him pull her to her feet, her eyes showing him the direction to go. They climbed the wide stairs to the loft above the kitchen.

  Morgan left her standing there, going below and turning lights out and checking doors, she realized as she listened. She saw him walking back up the stairs, allowing him to lead her to the large bed, blankets and pillows strewn over the surface.

  “Let me guess…you toss and turn a lot?” Morgan sat on the edge, removing the boots he wore and taking o
ff the button down shirt, tossing it to the railing. He stood up and quickly arranged things. “Into bed, Eloise.”

  “Are you planning on telling me a story?” She asked with a little grin, her head shaking and hands holding the edges of her robe tightly together. But she sighed when her head met the pillow, laying on her side and watching him take up residence on the side she’d left empty.

  “Once upon a time…” Morgan began quietly, pulling the quilts over them and moving further toward the center of the bed. “Two people with nightmares were stronger than one person alone,” he opened his arm and met the wide blue circles as she moved easily against him. Both of them sighed in the darkness.

  “I have to admit…it’s most definitely a different approach to getting into a girl’s bed,” Eloise said tiredly, she heard him chuckle, her head against his chest. The steady sound of his heart beat was soothing, she admitted, her fingers slowly relaxing and moving to rest over his heart.

  “I’m not just interested in making it to your bed, Eloise.”

  Silence floated around them for several tense seconds while she considered his words.


  “You’re not getting off that easy, Eloise,” he whispered before settling down, rolling slightly to his side with her against him.

  Eloise remembered stirring a few times, which might account for their current positions, she thought, a little frown creasing her lips. It was barely seven and she’d actually slept through the night. Pale lashes fluttered and opened, squinting at the top of a head. Light brown hair tickled her nose, her cheek resting against his head.

  Morgan, her mind reminded her calmly. She must have gotten too warm sometime during the night because the robe she went to sleep wearing was no longer in place. Her arm cradled his head against her chest, her other hand down her side, fingers twined with his on her hip. His face was pressed warmly against her chest, the t-shirt not much between them. His arm was wrapped very possessively around her waist. A very intimate position, considering they were both wearing clothes.


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