WindSwept Narrows: #10 Eloise Paddington

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WindSwept Narrows: #10 Eloise Paddington Page 7

by Diroll-Nichols, Karen

  “You’re having fun,” she said softly, her smile a little brighter when she saw the surprise on his face. “You have a little over six months and we have a lot of people we can network with for you…all you have to do is ask, Morgan. You give me a list and I’ll get it out to people with knowledge. You look confused now…”

  “I’m working on the having fun part…”

  “You don’t think work can be fun?”

  “I never assigned that word to it before, but you’re right. It’s a challenge…and something challenging, while frustrating at times, can be fun when it all turns into a successful venture.”

  “As long as you go into it knowing there are bits that will make you nuts, you’ll be okay,” Eloise told him with a nod. “What do you do for stress relief?” She watched the words echoing in his mind and laughed, hugging him tightly. “Oh, Morgan…you’ve spent so much time being a principal you’ve forgotten how to relax, I think.”

  “I usually belong to a gym of some kind,” he said with a slight frown. “I read…”

  “I bet the things you read have to do with your job…” She saw the answer in his eyes. “Mysteries, comic books, puzzles…games…something to take your brain out of work mode…”

  Eloise shifted closer, her palm on his face and mouth covering his lips gently at first. Kissing from one side of his mouth to the other before settling down, teasing his tongue out to play. She let her hand slide behind his head when his mouth trailed from hers to her face and onto her throat.

  “Eloise…be careful what you’re offering me…” Morgan heard the hoarse need in his voice, fire tinted eyes of amber narrowed when she sat upright, her hands moving to the front of her dress.

  “I know what I’m doing, Morgan…but I have to ask if you realize what you’re doing…are you prepared?” She saw a moments hesitation at her words. “I’m not using birth control, Morgan.” Eloise sighed and lay her head on his shoulder when he cursed. “Teacher…learning curve…”

  “This amuses you,” he said even as his own lips curled into a grin.

  “I think it does…” she peeked up at him, kissing him softly. “I think it does.”

  “So much for being a wise thirty-six year old, huh?”

  “It only means there’s a kid trapped in there that you haven’t allowed to be free,” she answered, about to move when he stopped her.

  “I’ll take care of that part…” Morgan said quietly.

  “I know you will,” she smiled, kissed him again and stood up. “You’re working so hard to achieve balance in your school…what about balance for yourself? Good night, Morgan.”

  “Good night, Eloise.” He lay on the sofa for a long time, just watching the Christmas tree lights and thinking about what she had said about a kid being trapped inside him. Balance, he repeated the word several times before rising and shutting down the tree lights and heading to his bedroom. It wasn’t an hour later that he heard the small, muffled scream. He threw off the blankets and was down the hall and up the stairs in a few minutes.

  She was sitting huddled against the headboard when he topped the stairs to the loft, an ache in his chest when he saw the tears on her cheeks.

  “How long before they stop, Morgan?” She whispered, part in anger, part in desperation. “How long?”

  “Eloise…” He eased onto the bed, pulling her carefully back beneath the quilts. “When your emotions are as strongly invested as yours are…it might take a while…” He caught her palm when she swiped at her face. “Try and sleep.”

  “I was asleep…then all of a sudden it’s like I’m right in the back seat of their car again and I can’t breathe…I’m so worried about Lili…I talked to Ethan and Cassidy…no one knows where they are…and the relatives are claiming they have nothing to do with them,” Eloise gripped the edge of the blanket, squeezing her eyes tightly closed.

  “I know…I’ve spoken to them, too…”

  Chapter Eight

  Eloise stood for a long time beneath the spray of the steamy shower, willing the drowsiness away. She had plans to leave work at four and get a haircut and visit with Emily about her elf costume. She was busy braiding her hair when Morgan came from the other bathroom, absently knotting his tie.

  His palm went beneath her chin. “You okay?”

  “Not much choice, is there?” She said with a shrug. “It’ll go away…don’t work too hard,” she told him, grabbing her pack and heading out the back door to her car, the cloak she wore around the dark green dress blowing in the winds around her ankles.

  Morgan knew something was wrong the instant he saw the twins approaching along the corridor later in the afternoon.

  “Morgan! We’re so glad you’re here.”

  “You have to help Eloise…”

  “She’s pacing and won’t talk to us…”

  “She says it’s nothing, but we can see the fear in her eyes.”

  “Elle is never afraid…she’s very strong…”

  “Where’s her office?” Morgan interrupted the back and forth concern, his eyes following their pointing hands. “I’ll take care of her,” he promised before heading off along the corridor.

  He followed the staircase down, a sign on the wall proclaiming this way to Eloise Paddington’s office. He passed the huge bank of completely glass wall, his frown deepening.

  The twins were right. She was pacing and so caught in her own thoughts, she didn’t even see him, her head was down and he could see her lips moving and hands twisting in her skirts. Long red-gold hair flowed to the center of her back, swishing a little like a cat’s tail when she turned.

  “Eloise,” he called her name loudly, firmly. He barely had time to brace himself, planting his feet firmly when she ran across the room and flew into his arms. Her hands went around his neck, her body crushed against him. He couldn’t make out what she was mumbling against his throat. Morgan sighed heavily, his arms loosening slowly, his hands going to her shoulders. It took a few minutes before she would let go enough to be set back. He bent his head, holding firmly to her shoulders.

  “Elle…look at me…look up. Stop. Close your mouth and slow down…I can’t understand you…” he waited while she followed orders, her head bobbing and eyes wide.

  “They were here,” she whispered. “They followed me to work…I called Cassidy…I told her…she sent some people but they…they left when…”

  Morgan led her to a chair and pushed her into it, pulling his phone out and tapping in the number to Cassidy Parker’s line.

  “Parker here,” she said briskly.

  “It’s Morgan Kelley…Eloise said she called you…”

  “They ran the instant my people approached the car, Morgan. I let the police know,” she sighed. “Elle pulled the video footage for them and handed it over. Is she doing okay? I’m a little worried, Morgan…”

  “Yeah…that makes two of us, Cassidy. Thanks. If I see anything, I’ll let you know immediately,” he closed his phone and dropped to his heels in front of where she was now sitting quietly, her hands in the lap of the dark green dress she wore this morning. “Why didn’t you call me, Eloise?”

  She looked up quizzically from her hands. “I don’t have your number,” she said simply, one hand going into the side pocket of her dress to produce her phone when he held his hand out silently. “I am an adult…I should have been able to just walk up to them and…and order them to cease and desist!”

  “And don’t even think that, Eloise. Get your pack, we’re going home for the day,” Morgan handed her back the phone, quickly taking his own out and tapping her number into it before he forgot.

  “No. I have things I wanted to do,” she shook her head. “I…I don’t like this feeling, Morgan. I don’t like being afraid…I don’t like it,” she repeated firmly, standing up and meeting his eyes.

  “Alright. Good. Don’t like it, but we’re still leaving for the day,” He said firmly, taking her hand and leading her to the desk where he recognized her pack hitched t
o the back of a chair.

  “No…no, no, no…”

  “Do you have work that must be done now, Eloise?”

  “Work? No, that’s all taken care of…smooth and easy…”

  “Good,” Morgan lifted her backpack and cloak. He unfurled the cloak and buttoned it around her throat. “I’ll bring you to work in the morning. And pick you up in the afternoon until we get this thing squared away. Whatever you were going after today, I’ll drive in my car.” Morgan dropped her fingers only long enough to get a firmer grip around her waist, guiding her to the exit, lights out and the door closed behind them.

  “Are you always this bossy?”

  “It’s the principal in me,” he answered grimly. “You’re the first person I’ve cared about besides myself in a very long time. Where were they, Eloise?”

  She gripped the edges of her cloak together when they stepped into the parking lot, her head turning toward where the car had been parked. “There. Just watching. I didn’t see them until I pulled into the spot…they drove around the parking lot…”

  “Not here now,” he lifted her into the SUV, quickly closing the door before she could protest. He wasn’t surprised that she was glaring at him when he got behind the wheel of the car. “Where do you want to go?”

  “I was very glad to see you, Morgan…” She began carefully.

  “You were a little more than just glad to see me, Eloise, you were in a panic,” he told her bluntly. “Now…I am going to do my damnedest to keep you from panicking again. I will drive you to work in the morning and pick you up in the evening. So…where are we going now?”

  “It wasn’t exactly panic…it isn’t a situation I’m accustomed to and I wasn’t sure what to do,” she tried finding answers but knew he was right. “North, please…take a left outside and go along the coast road,” she said with a long sigh. “Okay…I was a little scared.”


  “Don’t sound so smug, it’s not becoming,” she said testily. “How do you get used to it?” She asked after several quiet minutes of driving and staring out at the ocean, dark hard silver waves and whitecaps breaking the surface with the winds.

  “Honey, I don’t think you get used to it,” he reached over and took her hand. “It’s just something that you learn to think through. Do your best not to panic…you didn’t panic when you had Lili with you.”

  “Inside I did…” She whispered. “But I couldn’t let Lili see that…”

  “You were smart and calm when you needed to be, Eloise. Don’t sell yourself short. You called Cassidy when you spotted them, and that really is all you can do,” Morgan looked at her purposefully. “I do not want you to confront them. It’s something the police need to handle.”

  “Here…I have to visit the costume shop after I get my hair cut,” Eloise grabbed her wallet and jumped from the SUV, dashing across the street while Morgan was still blinking. He knew the shop next to the costume shop and went inside, keeping an eye on the salon across the street.

  “Wow…so the rumors are true,” Jack stood up, his palm out with a firm shake.

  “You know rumors…vastly over rated…this is an interesting change for you,” Morgan looked at his friend with a skeptical eye over the shadow of growth on his face.

  “Hey…my girl thinks it’s cute,” he said with a chuckle. “What’s brought you up this way?”

  “I had intended to visit…I need a favor,” Morgan pulled a flat four inch box from his inner pocket. “I need this tagged…and a way to track it on my phone,” he laid his phone on the counter, explaining quickly why.

  Jack nodded and lifted the heavy barrette from the cotton bedding. “Tomorrow afternoon,” he said quietly. “Do I know her?”

  “Eloise Paddington.”

  “Yeah…a friend of Emily’s…have a seat…I’ll see what I have in stock to fix it up,” Jack sat back in his chair, opening small drawers and searching. “If not, I can get it tomorrow morning, first thing and like I said, have it for you in the afternoon.” He studied his old friend closely. “What’s the problem?”

  Eloise sat patiently while the cutting was going on, the woman handling the scissors quick and efficient. She turned her head to the side, satisfied at the new feathery sides and shorter back taper. It even felt lighter, she thought, paying quickly and running across the quiet street, tapping on the glass and waving at Emily.

  “Let me lock up and we can go next door…” Jack said easily, lifting his jacket and making sure alarms were set before he closed and locked the front door. The pair of them entered the costume shop and met the quiet smile on Grace’s face, the young Korean woman who worked with Emily on sewing the costumes. “Emily?”

  Grace nodded to the side folding separator.

  “Oww…careful there…”

  “I told you it’s not the right size,” Emily growled.

  “It’ll fit…”

  “I can almost fasten…stop breathing…”

  “I ain’t breathing, believe me,” Eloise grated back. “Just…a little more…pull it tighter…there!”

  “If you pop those buttons…here…slip this over your head…turn around…buckle this belt in place…”

  “I love the stockings…” Eloise turned to look in the mirror, the small red gloves slipped on next.

  “I can have one finished in your size on Thursday, Eloise…this one will not work long term…I think you’re turning blue…”

  “I’m good…this is great…perfect…” Eloise stepped around the folding partition, freezing in place when she realized they weren’t alone any longer. “Morgan….”

  “Hi…” He was positive he was in the middle of some fantasy long buried in his subconscious that had a direct and swift line straight to his cock.

  He let his eyes begin at the bottom, over the red and white striped stockings, thin black tops holding them precariously in the middle of her thighs. The flared, red velvet skirt was edged in white lace and began a few inches above the stockings; a thick black shiny belt cinched her waist and led into the point of contention. A red corset edged with white fur and buttons that definitely looked a little on the snug side, pushing her breasts up and out. She had a white fur edged hood and red gloves to end the outfit.

  “Emily Temple,” Emily stepped forward in the silence and offered her palm.

  “Garrett,” Jack corrected calmly.

  “Emily Garrett,” she said with a bright smile.

  “Morgan Kelley…what the hell is this for?” He knew the words came out wrong the instant they left his lips.

  Eloise pulled herself to her full five foot ten and returned his glare.

  “It’s for Paddington’s. I’m a Christmas Elf…I help out in the shops…”

  “You…and that…in public?” Morgan ignored the laughter from Jack.

  “I could offer some advice here, Morgan,” Jack began with a low chuckle.

  “Yes, me, in this, in public. I do it every year,” Eloise told him with a jerk of her head toward Emily. “I think I need the next size…I think I’m feeling a little faint…I even have some little bells for my boots…”

  “You are not wearing that…” Morgan caught himself up, his eyes closed for a long minute.

  “Excuse me?” Came the frosty return.

  “You heard me,” he ground out slowly, too aware of the chuckling from behind him.

  “I am covered from head to toe,” she threw back loudly, resisting when a giggling Emily tried pulling her behind the partition. “You are not my keeper!”

  “You need a damn keeper! You’ll have every dad in the place following you around drooling like twelve year olds!” Morgan shouted in frustration, pacing the front of the costume shop with a frown.

  “Oh? And why is that?” Eloise shouted back. “Because you’re drooling like a twelve year old?”

  “Eloise, I swear…”

  “Have you seen the photos from the belly dancing event?” Grace asked, trying to think of something to say to lighten
things up a little.

  “No…I missed it…”

  “Get Chloe to shoot you a copy,” Emily said quietly. “Hold still…exhale…I can’t get this last button…”

  “You know he only yells ‘cause he cares,” Grace suggested cheerfully.

  “Cares about what? I think it looks good…” Eloise said confidently.

  “It looks too damn good,” Morgan threw back.

  “Your only out in this is remembering that she goes home with you,” Jack slapped him on the shoulder with a laugh. “Stubborn is part of the breed, trust me on this one.”

  “Oh, god…air…” Eloise gulped in a deep breath. “I’ll come by Thursday afternoon, Emily…”

  “Does your father know you dress like that?” Morgan demanded brusquely.

  “Oh, that is lame, Morgan,” Eloise stuck her head around the partition as she buttoned the front of her dress. “Yes, my father is aware of my elf costume. I wore one just like it for the last six years and it’s always a hit with the kids.”

  “I bet all the dad’s come in just to ogle.”

  “So? I don’t let them touch…” Eloise fastened her cloak and came around the front of the shop. “I do not understand what you are upset about.”

  “He doesn’t want other guys seeing what he thinks should only be his to view,” Grace said with a simple shrug. “Guys are really odd…I’m going home now…tomorrow, Emily. Night, Eloise…see you Thursday.”

  “Bye, Grace...thanks,” Eloise waved and smiled. “She’s right…guys are really odd. Nice meeting you, Jack.”


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