
Home > Romance > Wargasm > Page 11
Wargasm Page 11

by Sosie Frost

  Rachel tickled the rim of her wineglass. “So…you would describe yourself as capable?”

  “Absolutely,” he said.

  Apparently, Rachel hadn’t fooled around with Marius yet, or she would have known that he was more than capable. He was…

  Frustratingly perfect.

  His body, his moves. The sins he’d committed with his tongue.

  I already mourned kicking him out of my life forever.

  Rachel licked her bottom lip clean of the wine. “You know I have to ask about it…given the circumstances.” Her eyes drifted down, down, down, but, if she was looking for the prosthetic leg, she scoped out the wrong bulge. “Will your injury slow you down?”

  Marius must’ve expected the question. He fielded it with his usual quiet threat. “It’s not a problem. I can handle a little exertion.”

  Rachel pouted. “Only a little?”

  “Believe me, I’ll get any job done.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Are you being modest, or am I here to give you validation?”

  Marius frowned. “You know why you’re here.”

  That didn’t mean I’d make it easy on them.

  Or her.

  “Well…” I plucked a crispy bread stick from the basket and snapped it at Marius. “I don’t know what batteries he runs on…but he certainly has enthusiasm.”

  Rachel hummed. “That’s what I hoped to hear.”

  Perfect. Then she could take him. By the end of the night, she’d be thoroughly used, abused, pleasured, and frustrated. But afterwards? She’d be just as screwed as me.

  For the last few years, my fingers had worked fine. Then I spent an evening with Marius.

  Suddenly, nothing else compared.

  I should not have fallen for a man when a forty-dollar toy would have been less complicated.

  The waiter returned, and Rachel took the liberty of ordering for the table. Oysters. Caviar. Her eyebrow arched, and she smiled at Marius.

  “Would it be presumptuous to order the champagne now?” she asked.

  I laughed. “What? No chocolate covered strawberries?”

  Rachel hummed. “Your wish is my command.”

  Huh. So that’s what got her off.

  The waiter scurried off with our order, and Rachel devoured Marius once more with her gaze. Her creamy, ivory skin curved in all the right places, allowing her dress to slip ever so slightly over her shoulder. Only a woman like her could phrase a question like a seduction.

  “So, Marius…what made you choose us?”

  I leaned forward, chin in my hand. “That’s an interesting question. I’d love to know the answer.”

  Especially since Rachel and I were complete opposites. Night and day. Dark and light. Then again, Marius had only narrowly returned from war with his life. Maybe he was sowing his oats with every different type of grain he could harvest?

  He played it serious, strangely reserved for a man who must have expected the sex of a lifetime.

  “I’m looking for new experiences. I’ve been in jungles, toured deserts, sailed the oceans. I’ve snuck behind enemy lines and traveled to every dangerous, deadly corner of this world. I might have gotten injured, but I’m not done getting in trouble yet. I want to experience everything this world can offer…and I’ll start with you. I think you can give me what I desire.”

  She shimmied a little closer to him. “Oh, definitely. And so much more. And, as a perk, we can do it from the comfort of your own backyard. Home is where the heart is, right?”

  Marius lied through his clenched teeth. “No place like it.”

  Rachel agreed. “Land of opportunity.”

  “Good opportunities.”

  She bit her bottom lip. “Once-in-a-lifetime opportunities.”

  “After surviving what I went through? This lifetime owes me more than one shot.”

  I should’ve offered Rachel the ice from my water. The woman needed to rub it over her flushed chest, cool her ass down before she jumped him on top of our appetizers.

  “I like a man who knows what he wants.” Rachel twisted a lock of her hair in her finger. “But what makes you think you can handle us?”

  “An excellent point,” I said. “Lemme put it this way…he loves to eat, but sometimes he bites off more than he can chew.”

  Marius didn’t appreciate my concern. “Hasn’t been a problem yet. Most people like me diving in head first.”

  Head first. Lips first. I shrugged. “But you might want to stick around a little longer, just to make sure everyone is satisfied.”

  “I’ve heard no complaints,” he said. “Everyone is pleased by my work.”

  I arched my eyebrow. “What a gentleman.”

  “Never said I was a gentleman.” Marius wasn’t a wine drinker. He picked up his beer instead. “The world has too many gentlemen, not nearly enough men like me. I’m tough. I’m tenacious. And there’s some things a man like me can do that others can’t. Or won’t.” He held Rachel’s stare. “And I’ll prove that to you tonight, tomorrow, and anytime you ask it of me.”

  Sure, he was good at sex. But how many times could a woman get tossed over a man’s shoulder, ravished throughout the night, and left thoroughly and completely overwhelmed with pleasure?

  After a while, a woman wanted more. A woman would expect more.


  Apparently, not a vixen like Rachel.

  She practically purred at the question. “Oh, but you’re gonna have to work for it. Long. Hard. Hours.”

  Marius smirked. “Not a problem.”

  “Are you prepared to stay up all night?”

  “Did it before. Can do it again.”

  This was the most ridiculous foreplay I’d ever heard, and we hadn’t even finished our meal yet. If this kept up, she’d be naked by the entrée, fucked by dessert, and knocked up before we left the table.

  Rachel sipped her wine. It was a lousy substitute for a cigarette. “You know I’m hopeful this will work out, but I need to know how well you play with others.”

  I snorted. “Isn’t that why we’re here?”

  Rachel nodded. “Absolutely, Gretchen. That’s one of the reasons I invited you to this dinner. If we’re to take this big step forward, I’d like to see how he interacts with you.”

  Great. She wasn’t just a participant, she was a voyeur. “You want to…watch him with me?”

  “Of course. It gives me a little insight into that head of his. Sometimes it’s hard to read Marius Payne.”

  Only because she looked into his eyes, not at the bulge in his slacks. Hell, even I knew what he was thinking. Doggy style. Missionary. A variety of other morally questionable positions and activities that would absolutely scandalize me.

  Marius didn’t like being talked about. His voice roughened. “I work best with others.”

  Rachel practically thrust her chest at him. “Excellent. Will you take orders from others?”

  “I’m usually the one issuing the orders.”

  The excitement nearly slipped her off the chair. Her voice lowered, smooth and sexy. “Oh. You’re a man who likes to be in charge.”

  “Not just me. Most prefer that I’m in command. Makes them feel…secure.”

  Great. Now I’d need a safe word to get through the night. If he just wanted me in the bedroom for moral support, I could toss up a yellow and be okay. But if he tagged me into the ring? That was probably a red.

  Curiosity killed the cat, but I didn’t know how it’d play out with multiple pussies.

  Rachel leaned back, brushing her fingertips through the waves of her hair. “Am I right to assume that you’re a natural leader?”

  “I give the command, everyone follows.” Marius wasn’t bragging—he warned us both. “It’s as easy as a glance. A word.”

  “A debt,” I said.

  Marius reached over the table and squeezed my knee. Hard. A hint to stay silent?

  Oh, he had no idea who he fucked with.

  Then again, I wasn’t sure how
many people I was fucking either.

  “Are you willing to travel?” Rachel asked.

  Hell, I thought we were going upstairs. What sort of half-assed threesome didn’t have a hotel room pre-booked?

  “Just tell me where and when, and I’ll meet you there,” Marius said.

  Rachel glanced at me. “Is that okay with you, Gretchen?”

  “I talked it over with her.” Marius answered before I could. “She’s on board.”

  Great. Now I wasn’t even allowed to speak.

  This was really stretching the definition of a debt.

  “Well, I’m very excited for this chance,” Rachel said. “I’m sure everybody’s asked you the usual — your strengths and your weaknesses, your preferences, compensation.”

  Compensation? For what?

  The sex?

  Was…Rachel a prostitute?

  Marius was a jerk, but I never thought he’d have to pay for sex. And I never thought he would include me in the liaison. Wasn’t it enough that he’d insulted me? Did he really need to make me an accessory to the crime?

  Did they add more years to the sentence for the number of participants?

  Rachel clapped her hands together before I could bolt for the nearest exit. “Well, I’ve seen everything I’ve needed to see. Gretchen, I am so happy we had the opportunity to meet. You two really are a lovely couple. You’re not at all what I expected.”

  Likewise. I eyed her cleavage. “Yeah. Tonight’s been full of surprises.”

  “Oh. I see.” She wagged a naughty finger at Marius. “She must have thought she’d be meeting a man tonight?”

  Certainly would’ve been more fun.

  Rachel continued, sipping her wine. “Well, I was the closest administrator in the area. On a day-to-day basis, Marius will be in contact with my other colleagues. Then you know how it goes. Boys will be boys.”

  “Colleagues?” I asked. I’d assumed she was a regular prostitute. Christ, was she part of an agency?

  “Oh, of course,” Rachel said. “I’m just doing the introductory interview. You’ll be meeting with the others in a few weeks.”

  I blinked. “How many people are involved in this?”

  Rachel shrugged. “Well, Broughton Defense employs ten thousand people around the world.”

  I blinked, stunned into silence.

  Unless her agency was part of an entire trafficking ring, I’d missed something critically important in this conversation.

  I swallowed. “Employs?”

  Rachel gave me a knowing grin. “Very good. We contract nearly ten thousand individuals across the world, though our headquarters in DC does offer a very good benefits package. And I know you’ve heard it before, but you will not find a defense contractor that offers a salary anywhere close to what we can give Marius.”

  My stomach dropped.

  My blood iced.

  And suddenly, I was painfully, nauseatingly, humiliatingly aware that this was not an opportunity for a threesome.

  This was a job interview.

  And I wasn’t wearing panties.

  I nearly dove for Rachel’s wine, but the waiter returned in time to refill my glass with water. Not enough to drown myself, but enough to choke the embarrassment down with an ice cube.

  Oh, God. Marius had invited me as his date to his first introduction with an employer.

  And he was blowing it.

  He might have been great at seducing people, but if he wanted the job, he needed to do a hell of a lot more than flirt.

  “So, you’re an interviewer?” I asked. Could she hear the relief in my sigh?

  “We are a large company, but we have a connected office,” Rachel said. “We work closely together. Heed each other’s recommendations. I search for potential talent that might be a benefit to the company, interview them, and, if I like what I see, I pass the recommendation to our senior administration.”

  Thank God. No more need for the rules I’d started listing in my head.


  Kissing—probably fine.

  Kissing below the neck—not without my very own bottle of wine…

  “Well, hopefully you’re getting a good look at Marius,” I said.

  She seemed honest enough. A cat in heat, but honest. “With Marius’s background and recommendations, he’d be a perfect fit for the future. We just like to meet with our candidates in person, to get a feel for how they act with us, their families, their significant others…”

  And then I understood.

  This was what I owed him. He’d invited me to play the part of his family. A girlfriend.

  Sweet baby Jesus, he wanted me to make him look normal.

  The fact that he thought he could fake a romance proved he was a couple rounds short of a magazine. If he wanted this job, he needed help, and he needed it quick.

  I slammed my hand down, capturing his palm in mine.

  “Well, the future is always uncertain.” I smiled at him. Whoops. Too much. Even he flinched. “But, I can assure you, you’ll love Marius is much as I do. Because…I do love him. Absolutely. We are one hundred percent in totally real love, isn’t that right?”

  Marius gritted his teeth. “Yes, sweetness. Glad you remembered.”

  So the realization came a little too late. At least we still had time to salvage this.

  He just needed to let me work my magic.

  “I want the best for Marius,” I said. “And if this job is what he wants then I’m going to do everything in my power to ensure that he gets it.”

  Rachel nodded. “That’s very sweet, but these types of jobs do take a toll the family.”

  “We can handle anything…as long as we’re together.”

  Marius agreed, though the kick to my ankle was unnecessary. “Gretchen makes it easy to do my job.”

  “All jobs,” I said. “Any job. I’m the encouraging type.”

  “She can see that, honey.” Marius narrowed his eyes. “No need to convince her.”

  “I just want her to know how supportive I am,” I said.

  Rachel nodded. “I can see that. But there will be significant amounts of travel for this job. I want you two to be prepared.”

  I squeezed his hand. “I am totally prepared. Absolutely. This is a serious decision, but we have a serious relationship.”

  “That’s what we like to hear.”

  Oh, good then. She’d love this.

  I winked at Marius. “In fact…we were just talking about taking that next step.”

  He squeezed my hand and nearly broke my fingers. “What step is that, sweetheart?”

  I forced a smile, but he didn’t ease up. Didn’t he get it? Rachel wanted to see the humanized side of him. The Marius Payne—beyond the soldier. Any man could get the job done, but only a special sort could do it while being romantic, personable, realistic.

  “Picking out the ring next week,” I said.

  Marius flinched. “Oh Christ.”

  Rachel grinned, wide and brilliant. “That’s wonderful! Finally. Just what I wanted to hear!”

  He stared at her. “…What?”

  “Oh, this job can be so stressful.” She gently rested a hand on his arm. “We need to know you’ll be taken care of when you go home at night.”

  Strap an apron on me and call Wally and the Beav home for dinner. “Slippers at the door, supper on the table, then he does the dishes.” I leaned close to him. “You don’t have to worry about a thing. I take excellent care of him.”

  Rachel actually heaved a sigh of relief. “That’s perfect. Broughton Defense is a very family-oriented company. We care for our own. Personal time. Family leave time. We even have a daycare on our main campus. We believe it’s important to have a balance between career and home, work and family.”

  One last shot to secure him the job. I took a breath and went for it.

  “Fantastic,” I said. “Then we don’t need to keep our news a secret?”

  Marius gritted his teeth. “What secret?
Secrets are good, darling. I think Rachel has all the info she needs.”

  I rubbed my tummy. “Oh, like we be able to keep it a secret for much longer.”

  Rachel gasped. “Oh my gosh, are you pregnant?”

  It was a good thing I’d skipped the wine. “It’s still really early.”

  Marius nearly burst from the table. He suppressed a quick profanity, but his rage aimed for me.

  “Yeah…” he said. “It’s so early it’s like it’s still part of our imagination.”

  Rachel squealed. “Congratulations, you guys! My husband and I have been trying too. It’s so exciting.”

  Why hadn’t she opened this dinner with that conversation and saved me the confusion?

  “After Marius’s injury, we thought it was time,” I said. “After all, he was hurt.”

  Marius seethed, but Rachel was too baby-crazy to notice. Just hoped I’d make it out of the dinner alive

  “A lot of people get hurt in the military.” He grunted. That has nothing to do with—”

  The bomb hadn’t done it, but the humility would kill him. “He was really hurt. We had no idea if he’d live. It’s a miracle he’s sitting here today. Now that he’s home, now that we’re together, it’s like we were given a second chance. So we decided not to wait any longer. We’re starting our family right away.”

  Marius chugged the rest of his wine. “Oh, Christ.”

  Rachel held a hand over her heart. “That’s so sweet. You know, I’ll admit. I was a little unsure when I first met you Marius. I thought maybe it was too soon for you to consider a new career. That maybe you needed more time to recover. But now that I’ve met Gretchen?” Her voice warmed. “You keep her by your side, you hear me?” Rachel pointed at me. “And you snatch him up. He should make an honest woman of you. Don’t want to let somebody like him get away.”

  I smiled at him.

  He glared at me.

  And now, the debt was repaid.

  “Believe me. He has his hands full with me.” And I’d just have to find a way to uncurl them from my throat.

  “I can’t guarantee anything…” Rachel lowered her voice, sharing the secret with us. “But I know your recommendation will be glowing. From there, we just cross our fingers. I’ll push for the administration to give you an interview in DC.” Rachel smiled at me. “And when he comes to the city, you must join us. Everyone will be dying to meet you, Gretchen. You…and the little one.”


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