
Home > Romance > Wargasm > Page 18
Wargasm Page 18

by Sosie Frost

“God damn it. That’s not how you do it!”

  I yanked harder. He twisted, knocking me onto my butt.

  “Christ. You think I’ll let you grab my dick after you manhandle my leg?” Marius shielded a part of him that needed more than a single hand to cover the good bits. “You’ll rip it off, and there’s no prosthetic for that.”

  I shrugged. “Sure, there are, but they’re not great at making babies.”

  Marius groaned. “Look. You can’t wiggle it off. You need to break the seal with liquid.”

  “Oh.” Easy enough. “I’m on it.”

  He fiddled with the sock. “There’s a bottle on my dresser.”

  Huh. Did he mean the bottle of water…or the little container of a far slipperier, water-based helper? It had helped us get in and out of tight spots before. Just never thought of using it like WD-40.

  Hopefully we never mixed up those bottles.

  Marius leaned against the dresser, palms of his hands pressed into his eyes. Poor guy looked tired. Doubted he’d slept well. Ever.

  Well, getting the leg off would help. I dropped to my knees and figured, if nothing else, the image would make the situation more tolerable.

  The lubricant was potent stuff. Just needed a teeny, tiny squirt, and it would slather his leg, the inside of the casing, and his silicon sock. What better way to slip the limb off than with a product designed to slide?

  I aimed the bottle, lightly squeezed—

  And the lid came off.


  The lube glopped out, coating his leg with a gelatinous slime.

  Marius hissed. “What the hell?”

  This was gonna make a mess. I attempted to grab a handful of the jelly and unsuccessfully shoved it into the bottle. It smeared over his leg, his limb, and my arms.

  “Sorry!” I squealed. “I think it came out too fast.”

  “Did you just…” Marius stared at the dollops of chunky grease rolling over his skin. “Lube me?”

  I rubbed my hands on my shirt. Bad move. The lube was awfully fun when applied to the correct area. But when shoved down a silicon sock and squished into a jammed, prosthetic leg stuck to an irritated SEAL? Not exactly the recipe for seduction.

  He pointed to the Aquafina on his nightstand. “You’re supposed to use water!”

  Whoops. I reached for his sock, but my hand slipped off. Reached again, but it only slathered him with more of the lube. Most of it ended up on his thigh. The rest stained the carpet.

  “This is gonna be a bitch to clean,” he grumbled.

  I arched an eyebrow. “Don’t you lecture me about cleaning lube. I’m an absolute mess after you’re done with me.”

  “Knew I should have taken a picture.”

  My hands slipped over the prosthetic, but it remained frustratingly fused to his leg. I reached for the bottle, ignoring Marius’s complaints. The silicon sock was at fault for this. I peeled it down, shoved the bottle of lube inside, and gave it a squirt, emptying the rest into the sock.

  Marius cringed. “This is…ridiculously uncomfortable. And you’re wasting it all.”

  “If you ask me, the lube’s a little unnecessary for us.”

  “Just trying to go easy on you. That’s a lot of cock to take for someone so…inexperienced.”

  “Not so inexperienced now.” I glanced upwards. “After last time? I’m practically a professional.”

  “Care to put that to the test?”

  I grunted, gripped the prosthetic, and gave it a rip. Marius yelled, but my hand slipped as the seal broke.

  I plunked onto the ground. His leg went with me.

  Marius fell backwards, smacking his head off the dresser as he tumbled to the floor.


  I wagged his greased-up prosthetic. “Told you I could help.”

  “Help by giving me a concussion?”

  “At least your leg is free.”

  “Surprised you didn’t take the other one with it.”

  Which, coincidentally, was the leg he’d twisted towards me. Awkwardly. He shifted, rubbing his bad leg with a grimace.

  Was he hiding it?

  It wasn’t polite to stare, but I’d never really looked at it before, unobscured. But it wasn’t the leg that bothered me.

  How could I sleep with this man—make babies with this man—and know nothing about him?

  The question slipped out easier than the prosthetic. “What happened that day?”

  Marius only shook his head. I wouldn’t let him avoid this conversation.

  “Have you ever told anyone what happened?” I asked.

  His hesitation revealed everything in silence. “You’re really naïve you know that?”

  “And you’re closing everyone out.”

  His voice dropped. “You don’t understand what I did in the SEALs.”

  “So, tell me.”

  “I can’t,” he said. “There’s no record of where the injury took place because my squad and I weren’t there when it happened.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means I can’t tell you where it happened, how it happened, or what I was doing when it happened.”

  My stomach twisted. “Then how are you supposed to heal?”

  “Like anyone else. Suck it up. Deal with the pain. Be grateful that I have my life.”

  “Were you scared?”

  He laughed. “What sort of bullshit question is that?”

  “Are you still scared?”

  “I’m sitting here, aren’t I?”

  Sitting there and flinching when I looked at his leg. “You don’t have to act tough.”

  “Not acting.”

  “Are you still hurting?”

  He heaved a breath. “Like I said…I’m not acting.”

  And I hated that. “Is there anything I can do?”

  He smirked. “You’re doing enough.”

  Oh, sure. “Sleeping with you?”

  He didn’t attempt to get off the carpet, just settled in. “A good fuck is all I need, Gretchen. That, and a baby to get through the next interview.”

  He could joke all he wanted, but his voice shadowed with pain. “Be serious.”

  “I am.”

  I didn’t like him hiding things, but I hated him lying to me. “Just be honest with me. For once.”

  His expression twisted. He batted the lube bottle away, accidentally coating his hand with more of the grease. “Fuck. What do you want from me? Yes, I lost a leg. But I could have died.”

  “That doesn’t make the accident any less traumatic,” I said. “Are you okay?”

  “If you only knew how many assholes have asked me that—”

  I wasn’t tolerating his bullshit. “And have you ever answered any of them truthfully?”

  He stayed silent.

  I sighed. “You work so hard to prove to everyone else that you’re fine. But you’re ignoring yourself. Your pain. That your life will be harder with only one leg.”

  He still didn’t react. What did I need to do to get through to him?

  “Are you having nightmares?” I asked.

  “Doesn’t everyone?”

  My heart broke. “Are you sad?”

  “My life got ripped apart, Gretchen. What do you think?”

  “Are you ashamed?”

  That he didn’t answer. He struggled to his feet—foot—but he didn’t get very far. He sat on the edge of the bed and swore.

  “I liked you better when you just laid back and took it.” His words were cold. Meant I was getting somewhere.

  “And I liked you better before you decided to hide everything from me. Whatever happened to no bullshit?”

  “Whatever happened to minding your own goddamned business?”

  Hell no. “Whatever happened to healing? Admitting that you’re upset? That realizing the world fucked you over in a single heartbeat, and you were left all alone to manage the consequences?” I didn’t let him look away. “You refused everyone’s help. Hell, the only reason I�
�m here right now is because you need a uterus.”


  Thin ice. “So? You’ve got more than just a womb now. You’ve gotta deal with me. And I can either be your best friend or your biggest problem.”

  “Right now, you’re a pain in my ass.”

  “Good. Someone has to be. Someone needs to tell you what you don’t want to hear.” I grabbed his chin and stared into his camouflage green eyes that hid absolutely nothing. “You got hurt, Marius. Your life has changed. And it’s okay to get pissed off.”

  “Pretty pissed now.”

  “Then don’t you dare lie to me. Like it or not, we’re in this together. You and me. We made a deal—have a baby. But it’ll take more than getting sweaty in the sheets and making ice cream runs at midnight. We’re gonna have to deal with nine months of pregnancy. Doctor visits. Labor. Raising the baby. Eighteen years of report cards, school plays, and soccer practices. This baby is a new life.” I took his hand. “And you need a new life just as much as I do.”

  “Think I don’t know that?” he asked.

  “But before all of that can happen, you need to let me in. Accept my help for one second of your life. Tell me what’s wrong. Let me touch you. Let me enjoy the parts of you that survived the IED.” I smirked. “I won’t tell if you won’t tell.”

  His words hardened, but he aimed the punishment at himself. “You know I’m not a man who takes handouts or pity.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m missing a leg, but I’m still more of a man than half the assholes in Butterpond.”

  I knelt before him, but I reached only for his good leg. A gentle touch, just a caress.

  “So, what are you afraid of?” I whispered.



  He tensed, answering too quickly. “That my life ended when the IED took my leg.”

  I said nothing, letting his harsh breaths soothe the parts of him I couldn’t touch.

  “Every minute of every day, I have to defend what’s left of my pride,” he said. “My masculinity. People see me and they pity me. They see a wounded animal, not the man I was before I left.”

  I didn’t look up. “Are you the same man?”

  “An injury doesn’t change a man. It only makes him stronger. Fiercer.”

  I believed him. Losing his leg offered a handicap to the rest of the world. At least now, everyone else had a fighting shot against this monster of a man. A soldier. A warrior. A beast with such strength, tenacity, and power that the only way to slow him was by destroying a part of him.

  But what remained was so much more dangerous.

  “You know I’m attracted to you.” My voice teased in a whisper. I hadn’t meant to soften the words, it just happened, surrendering under his stare. “Leg or no leg, I’ve never felt…”


  Risky question. “I’ve never agreed to have a baby with a stranger before.”

  “Should I be flattered?”

  I smirked. “You should be working harder.”

  “No problem there.” Now the rest of him hardened. His smirk whispered a mischievous promise. “You work me harder than any CO.”

  “I expect nothing but the best.”

  “Happy to serve.”

  I arched an eyebrow. “Good. Then you won’t mind if I inspect my sailor?”

  “Expect me to stand at attention?”

  I glanced down, enjoying the tent peeking from his pants. “Looks like you already are.”

  “Just keeping my equipment at the ready.”

  “I don’t think we're stepping into battle yet.” The tips of my fingers grazed his bad leg. He tensed but allowed the intrusion. I rewarded his bravery and tugged down his pants. “Think of this as a drill.”

  His cock pulsed hard. With a cautious hand, I curled my fist over that thick, hot shaft, and gave it a tug. He groaned. I nearly did too.

  “You sure this isn’t the right time to try again?” he asked.

  I pumped his cock, delighting in his fierce, desperate twitching. “My reconnaissance might have been wrong.”

  “We can’t operate on faulty intelligence.”

  “Maybe my timing was off.”

  He hissed as I drew my mouth closer to him, my breath hot against his hardness.

  “I don’t like taking chances,” he said. “From now on, I’m surveying the target every night.”

  My heart fluttered. I tensed, wetting with desire as I finally had the opportunity to take his hard cock into my mouth.

  And it was every salty, delicious pleasure I’d imagined.

  I swirled my tongue around his head, eagerly lapping at the pre-cum budding at the tip. He jerked, nearly flinching away.

  Was that good? Or was he still worrying about his leg?

  Didn’t matter. Tonight, I’d make him forget everything—every insecurity, every frustration, every terrible nightmare. I would pleasure him the way he’d pleasured me. Thoroughly. Remorselessly. After tonight, this man would surrender to my touch.

  Just as I’d already surrendered to him.

  Falling for Marius was a risk, and it wouldn’t take long for it to destroy me. Giving myself to a man who’d bargain with my body as part of an arrangement was a mistake. As was desiring a man who only took me to bed to achieve his own ends.

  But I couldn’t deny this—us. How perfectly we fit together. How hopelessly addicted I was to him.

  His touch soothed me.

  His kiss conquered me.

  And in his arms, under his stare, I wasn’t taken or used.

  I understood him. He understood me. And pleasure was our reward for finally understanding this truth.

  I wanted this man. In every way, every hour of every day. But now, I had to prove it to him. I had to make him understand how he fluttered my heart and heated my core. Leg or no leg, injury or no injury, Marius Payne was nothing I had ever wanted in a man…but he was everything that I needed.

  I swallowed him as deeply as I could. It wasn’t very far, but he liked to watch me struggle.

  His shirt struck the floor beside me. He leaned back. Naked, for the first time.

  I’d never seen him totally bare.

  The man was absolute muscle. Packed strength hardened with raw power.

  And his cock?

  I never thought I’d find that part of a man’s anatomy so unbelievably sexy. Thick and hard, it pulsed in my hands. I swirled my tongue and licked, caressing the length with delicate and deliberate strokes. Marius groaned. He gripped the bed with tensing fingers, bucking his hips so I’d take more.

  He’d said he wanted sloppy. Why not try it? Why not work a little harder, delight him a little more?

  I groaned, gobbling all of him, surrendering to his length, falling low on my knees to lick him from balls to tip. The messy, slippery slide of my lips drew a carnal growl from deep within his throat. I moaned too. The vibration of my tongue only hardened his length.

  “Jesus, stop.” Marius clenched his jaw. “You’re gonna make me…”

  I grinned, licking the tip like a lollypop. “Do you wanna come?”

  The thought drove him wild. He ripped me from his cock and hauled me to my feet. No fun. I rubbed my mouth with the back of my hand and grinned.

  “Didn’t like it?”

  His frustrated grunt silenced me. He slammed me against his body and captured me in a kiss, far rougher than I’d been with him. The heat pooled down in me, and I welcomed his intensity. Sunk deeper into his chest and curled my arms around his neck.

  This wasn’t fair. His control. His demands. My surrender.

  Marius’s words darkened. “You know the rules—until I’m absolutely sure I’ve put a baby inside you, I’m not coming anywhere except that hot little slit.”

  “Even if I’m not fertile now?”

  “Especially now.” His laugh was almost sinister, a glimpse of utter delight and depravity. “I want you craving me. Shivering with anticipation. I want your pussy dri
pping every minute of every day, awaiting this cock pinning you down, fucking you, and burying my seed inside you.”

  I stared at him. Shocked, excited, and a lot scandalized. He spoke like an animal—rutting and wild. This wasn’t just sex. I’d awakened something primal, conquering and violent.

  It only made me want him more.

  His order clenched me to my core. “Take off your clothes.”

  And I did as I was told.



  Gretchen’s lips were pillow plump.

  Her tongue was hot, silky, and flicked like a knife.

  Her smile teased around my cock.

  And every muscle in my body seared with rage for being so stupid to pull my length out of the temptress’s mouth.

  But what waited for me was much sweeter.

  Slowly…so damned slowly…Gretchen stripped, revealing more than her timid smirk. She flashed a bit of skin with a giggle. Her skirt first, deliberate and wicked. Her sculpted curves peeked from beneath the cotton, a blend of dark, silken perfection.

  Christ, she was a little thing. All legs, smiles, and secrets. My hands practically gripped her entire waist, my cock hardly fit inside her. I could even cup her breasts in my hand. Tiny handfuls of pure delight.

  She wasn’t the sort of woman I’d ever expected to find in my bed—then again, never thought I’d find a woman like Gretchen. Never thought I’d hold her, kiss her, watch as she unfastened her jeans to shimmy out of the denim.

  Why did this woman even bother wearing panties? Waste of time when I’d rip them off anyway.

  I shifted, nearly leaping off the bed to grab her.


  No fucking leg.

  Without the prosthetic, I was stuck on the mattress. Watching her. Wanting her. Salivating for a chance to taste her.

  Fuck, I’d tear the damn mattress in half if she kept teasing me. And she knew it. Giggled as she wiggled just outside my arm’s reach. Safe for now, despite my urge to utterly ravish her.

  She held my stare, fixated but humble. Already submitting to the pleasures I’d offer her in that utter surrender. I knew the real reason she’d come to me in the middle of the night, and it wasn’t to offer a container of God’s rejected aphrodisiacs.

  Gretchen had come to me, all alone and vulnerable, because she’d wanted to get fucked.


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