The City Center (The New Agenda Series Book 1)

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The City Center (The New Agenda Series Book 1) Page 7

by Simone Pond

  “Just Morray, please.”

  She glanced up. She had never seen Morray in person—he was far more handsome than the statues and Arena holograms. He stood over six feet with an athletic build and broad shoulders. His dark hair didn’t have a strand out of place. Nothing was out of place. He looked perfect, except for his murky and inert pale gray eyes. She moved in closer and watched as his pupils began to pulse like he was waking from an extended sleep state. He remained steady, but a small curl appeared on his lips. The most powerful man was flustered in the presence of a Successor Candidate—she almost called checkmate. To be safe, she took it to the next level and collapsed against Morray’s stiff chest.

  “Why did your men bring the Outsider into my room? I was told I was here for my protection, and then…” Ava looked into Morray’s eyes.

  “A pre-graduation test, my dear. And you passed.” He smiled and looked away.

  “I apologize for my behavior, Chief Morray. I’m usually far more composed. But the stress of Graduation Day, and now this… I’ve been training my entire life, but I’ve never encountered an actual terrorist threat.” Ava hoped her tears were convincing.

  “You handled yourself quite well. And please, don’t worry, Miss Rhodes, the Outsider was under heavy sedation. I’d never put our most favored Successor Candidate in harm’s way.”

  “I appreciate that, sir. Still, the whole situation was quite unsettling.”

  Ava pressed her face against his chest. He held a firm stance—showing any signs of affection would be against protocol. She detected a slight increase in his heart rate. He wasn’t able to quell his physical responses. He appeared to be glitching out. Ava felt his body loosen up, and he did the unthinkable—he reached around and patted her head. She watched him in the observation mirror.

  “Miss Rhodes, you have proven yourself to be the one to beat. You stand above the others,” he said, stepping back. His lifeless gray eyes had shifted to watery blue. Something had sparked inside of him. Her acting abilities had worked.

  “Coming from you, Chief Morray, I am most pleased.”

  “You’ll be just fine, Miss Rhodes.”

  “Thank you. I’m sorry if I ruined your suit.” Ava grinned and pointed to the small wet spot on his black suit.

  “I have plenty of suits. Now, can I get you anything? Whatever you need, it’s yours.”

  Ava thought for a few seconds. She needed to get to Joseph so he could answer her questions, but that request was impossible. She needed more time to figure out a strategy to get to him.

  “As you know, I must be beautified for the trial, but I fear this examination has delayed me. I simply can’t be seen by the people like this, not so close to the final voting.”

  “No, Miss Rhodes, we can’t disappoint your fans,” he said, nodding. “How about I send for a special team of beautifiers? They’ve performed miracles on our current Queen.”

  “Oh, that would be most pleasing. Thank you, Chief Morray, sir.”

  “Please, just Morray,” he said. “Guards, I’m leaving Miss Rhodes in your care. Get her anything she requires.”

  “Thank you, Chief Morray.” She smiled and bowed her head. “I mean, Morray.” He reached out and touched her hand—a forbidden display of affection inside the City Center.

  Morray exited the room and Ava sat down, relieved. The cameras on the walls reminded her she had to stay on guard. Joseph’s trial was only two hours away. She still needed to find a way to get to him to find out why the reports were full of lies, not just about his break-in, but about the Outsiders in general. The only reason to lie would be to cover up something, and she needed to know what they were hiding. Joseph was the answer.

  One of the guards entered the room. “Your team has arrived, Miss Rhodes,” he announced, staring straight ahead. She needed him to make eye contact so she could distract him. Ava stepped closer toward the guard. He continued staring forward, but she detected a minor adjustment in his posture. Using her charm, she might be able to manipulate the guard and get to Joseph. That would be her ace in the hole, as they said in the old movies.

  “Do you think we can cover the observation wall and surveillance cameras? I don’t want to risk my transformation being captured. It could leak to the Info-tainers. Imagine the reports.”

  “That will not be possible,” he said.

  “But you heard Morray. He said to get me anything I needed. I need some privacy.” Ava moved in closer. “Everything will be fine. You’ll be in the room, will you not?”

  “Well, I guess if I’m in the room, we can accommodate your request.”

  After a few minutes the team of Beautifiers scrambled into the room. All three women had platinum blonde hair slicked back into tight buns to show off their superb design—high cheek bones and thin noses. Beautifiers were designed to be captivating, but only to be admired like fine jewelry. They dashed around in their fluttering white robes spreading out their equipment. In minutes, they had transformed the containment room into one of their elegant shops in the North Sector. Heavy perfumes and fragrances saturated the air, irritating the guard. He coughed and moved to the other side of the room and out of the way of the bustling ladies.

  “Oh, dear. This lighting is simply awful. It’s giving me a migraine and doing very little for your complexion.” The head Beautifier tossed an orb into the air to enhance the lighting. “We have a lot of work to do in a very short amount of time,” she said, cupping Ava’s face for closer examination. The other two poked and prodded various parts of Ava’s body.

  “We need to scope out your measurements and scrub you down. I’ll need to do a color chart. Assistants, quickly, to work.”

  “Guard, can we conceal the room now?” Ava asked.

  “Oh, yes, yes, hurry please, we cannot risk the Queen’s transformation being captured!”

  “I’m not the Queen,” Ava said.

  “Yet!” all three chimed together.

  While the Assistants concealed the observation wall and cameras, the head Beautifier removed Ava’s clothes and wrapped her in thermal casing to detoxify the pores. The guard stared straight ahead, trying not to peek. After the wrap, the Assistants gently derma-brased, rinsed and polished Ava’s skin. She had never been pampered in such a manner. Before she got too caught up in the treatments, she turned her thoughts to Joseph. She felt a strange fluttering in her stomach—she remembered the kindness in his eyes. The Beautifiers dashed around Ava. What was the purpose of this charade? To look pretty while Morray executed Joseph? Could she let an innocent man die? No, she couldn’t allow it to happen. She’d help him, and maybe he could help her understand things better. The only way she’d be able to help him escape execution would be getting him out of the Administrative Building and back to wherever he entered the City Center.

  Ava kept a close watch on the guard—like Morray, he seemed rattled by her presence. If she could manipulate Morray, the guard would be easy. She might not be able to get into Joseph’s room, but maybe she could get Joseph into her room. Morray said she could have anything she requested. She would request Joseph.

  “I’m seeing you in dark shades of purple. Or perhaps red. Or both! Yes, yes. Those hues will match your skin tone. I’m not at all sure what to do about that hair. I only have sixty minutes, not enough time. Not enough time.”

  “What about a veil?” Ava suggested.

  “Yes, yes. Excellent idea! A veil it is. I’m thinking layers upon layers of long shimmering fabrics.”

  The head Beautifier worked on the design, making fastidious adjustments, stepping back and forth and circling the hologram until she was pleased with the majestic gown of rich reds and purples. The collar of the dress was an intricate lattice of encrusted jewels, and the matching veil had multiple strands of sparkling diamonds that would hang in front of Ava’s face. It was beyond over the top, but Ava faked a smile.

  “It’s exceptional,” Ava said with a curtsy.

  “A ceremonial garment fit for a Queen!”
  “The Info-tainers will be talking for days.”

  “We’ll be the talk of the city!”

  Ava didn’t care about the Info-tainers. She didn’t care about her scores. The entire idea of Graduation Day made her sick. She had never wanted to be a part of the facade, but now that her suspicions about the City Center had been confirmed, she was appalled. While they waited for the gown to imprint, the assistants coated Ava with glimmering oils until she shimmered. Then the head Beautifier wrapped Ava in the gown and placed the veil on her head.

  “Perfection!” they clamored, clapping and hugging each other.

  Ava looked at the mirror and hardly recognized the person glittering in the reflection. She looked like a more intense version of herself—Ava 2.0, or something like that. She felt like a fraud cloaked in the pomp of imperial life. She wanted to rip off the dress and run from the room.

  “I have an idea,” Ava said, removing the veil and setting it down on the table.

  Everyone stopped and listened. Ava walked over to the guard. His eyes widened as he struggled to contain himself. “Mi-mi-miss Rhodes?” he said.

  “How splendid would it be to send out a message to the Outsiders? They seem to detest all of this attention to our vanity fair… what if we beautified the Outsider for his trial? Just think of the indignity.”

  “I’m, uh, I’m not sure, Miss Rhodes,” said the guard, trying to refocus his attention across the room.

  “I think we have a most excellent opportunity to make a strong impression. To show them who has the upper hand,” Ava said, smiling and moving in closer.

  “By dressing up the Outsider?” he asked, pressing against the wall.

  “I know it sounds small, but doing something they consider so distasteful makes a strong point. We represent beauty. Something they’ll never have. We must take a stand.”

  “Oh, yes, yes. I think I see what Miss Rhodes is saying,” the head Beautifier stepped forward, nodding in agreement. The Assistants followed suit and soon the guard was surrounded.

  “Why don’t we contact Morray and see what he thinks?” Ava asked.

  “Chief Morray is busy preparing for trial.”

  “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind hearing from me. After all, he said to get me anything I requested… I wouldn’t want to miss out on this most excellent opportunity, would you?” Ava leaned closer, smothering the guard with her intoxicating fragrances.

  “I don’t know, Miss Rhodes,” he said, coughing.

  “You don’t think it’s a good idea?” Ava pretended to be hurt.

  “No, not at all, I think it’s an interesting idea, but…”

  “But you don’t think it’s a good idea.”

  “No, no, it is. Well, I guess it wouldn’t hurt to ask.”

  “Oh, how wonderful!” Ava said, lowering into a curtsy.

  The guard stumbled backwards a few steps, pulled up a display monitor and entered codes. Ava waited for Morray’s hologram to appear. She made sure to stand under the best lighting. Morray’s image appeared. He opened his eyes wide. “Miss Rhodes, I must say,” he paused to gather himself. “Your transformation is magnificent.”

  “Thank you, Chief Morray.” Ava smiled. “I mean, Morray.”

  “What can I do for you, Miss Rhodes?” he asked.

  “I’d like to propose something that may sound a bit outlandish, but I think it will send out a very powerful message. And possibly help my scores.”

  “What is it, Miss Rhodes?”

  “I’d like to escort the Outsider to the trial box.”

  “Interesting,” Morray said.

  “Also, I thought it would be a much stronger statement if we beautified him, sir, as an act of humiliation.”

  Morray looked straight ahead, calculating Ava’s suggestion. She began to perspire under the layers of fabric. She wasn’t sure if she had done enough to convince him, or if she had gone overboard. Her heart thumped against the tight gown. She forced herself to remain composed.

  “This is unprecedented. But it’s a compelling idea,” Morray said.

  “I’m most honored you think so, sir,” Ava curtsied.

  Morray ravished Ava with his eyes. “Yes, yes I approve. Guard, make sure the Outsider remains in a deep sedative state during his transformation. The more I think about this plan, Miss Rhodes, the more genius it becomes.”

  “Oh, sir,” Ava bowed her head.

  “Now, I must go. But, Miss Rhodes…” Morray paused. “After the trial, I will send for you to join me at the Royal Palace.”

  “And I very much look forward to it, Morray,” Ava said, trying to look pleased. Morray signed off. Ava looked at the guard. “You heard him, bring in the Outsider.”

  “Yes, Miss Rhodes,” he said, leaving the room.

  “I’m feeling a bit tense, does anyone have some relaxa-mist?” Ava asked.

  “Yes, yes. I have some top-notch product. This isn’t your typical relaxa-mist. This is dark-market grade. Use just one squirt, otherwise you will pass out. We can’t have our next Queen passing out.”

  “That would be a catastrophe.” Ava said, taking the spray bottle.

  Ava waited next to the entrance for the guard to return. The door slid open and two men carried in Joseph. He couldn’t hold up his head. Ava followed behind the men and sprayed multiple squirts of the mist. The guard assigned to Joseph turned around.

  “What are you doing?” he yelled.

  “Oh, dear! I’m sorry. I meant to spray the Outsider. I don’t want his filth stinking up the room.” She smiled and he softened his demeanor.

  “Be careful with that stuff. We can’t go around smelling like fragrance. Dickson will have us terminated.”

  “I do apologize. Will we be safe in here with him?”

  “He’s under heavy sedation. You won’t have any resistance from this one,” said the guard, dropping Joseph onto a chair. He slumped forward.

  “Oh, my, my. This creature needs the most severe attention. Whatever will we do with the savage? Team, this will be quite a challenge!” the head Beautifier cried out, slapping on gloves to begin her work.

  Ava watched the guards, waiting for the relaxa-mist to take effect. She needed to get in closer for another spray. The guard assigned to Joseph began to sway. He leaned against the wall and remained focused, but his sturdy composure began to fade. Ava noticed the tiniest drop of drool gathering in the corner of his mouth, then his eyes glassed over. She walked over to him.

  “Are you feeling okay?” she asked, touching his shoulder. He melted backwards against the wall, grinning.

  “I feel fiiiiine,” he said.

  “I think you can return to the other containment room and take a nap, we’ll call for you when we’re finished here.” Ava gave him one more shot of the relaxa-mist.

  “Okaaaay.” He edged his way out of the room.

  Ava joined the other guard. His eyes glazed over as he stared at the Beautifiers scrubbing down Joseph.

  “Repulsive, isn’t he?” She pressed against his body.

  “Yeaaaah, Miss Rhooodes.”

  “My feet hurt,” she said, leaning against his shoulder.

  “Whhhy don’t we sit…”

  Ava pulled him over to the table and pumped the relaxa-mist again. He coughed and waved his hand. She dropped him onto a chair and sprayed the mist one more time. The guard’s head hit the table. She glanced at the team—they were immersed in Joseph’s beautification process. She lifted the guard’s right hand and pulled up the monitor. She called the guard at the end of the corridor.

  “Hello, guard,” Ava said.

  “What’s going on? Where’s the guard assigned to you, Miss Rhodes?”

  “He went to get me a refresher. But that was ten minutes ago. Can you please see why he’s taking so long?”

  “I’m sure he’s fine.”

  “I’m worried I’ll be late for the trial. Morray has something special planned for me.”

  “I’m not supposed to leave my station,
Miss Rhodes.”

  “But I’m parched. If I’m not prepared, Morray will be outraged. Please help me? I’ll be sure to mention it to Morray.”

  “Well, if you’d consider mentioning me, I guess I could help out. I’ll be right back.”

  Ava only had a few minutes before the guard would return. She walked over to the Beautifiers. “You are needed at the Arena. Helena is now worried I will outshine James.”

  “Oh, no. We can’t have that. We must hurry. Assistants, gather the equipment!”

  “But the Outsider isn’t completed!”

  “Oh, you did a fine job. Look at him. He’s beautiful. Just perfect. Can’t even recognize him.” Ava ushered the team along, keeping watch on Joseph. He was still out of it, but the transformation was complete. He looked like a nobleman—clean-shaven and glistening from the moisturizers, his dark hair cut short around the ears and parted on the side. The Beautifiers rushed around the room gathering their tools and equipment. Ava kicked one of their bags under the table. She went to the door and entered the guard’s access codes, but the door remained shut. She looked over at the guard passed out on the table. The door would only open by doing a microchip scan.

  “Someone, please help. I can’t open the door without the guard who has clearly overindulged in the relaxa-mist. We need to do a scan or we’re stuck in here.”

  “Assistants, help Miss Rhodes.”

  The Assistants dragged the guard over to the panel, struggling to lift his dead weight. Ava stretched out his arm and placed his index finger on the panel. The door stayed shut. She also needed to do a retinal scan. Ava maneuvered underneath his heavy body and balanced his weight on her back.

  “Don’t mess up your makeup!”

  “Or your hair!”

  “Hold his head in place or it won’t work. Open his eyes,” Ava yelled out. They peeled open his eyelids and the door finally slid open. They dropped the guard to the floor. Ava had about four minutes before the other one returned with her refresher.

  “Off you go. See you at the Arena. You’ve really outdone yourselves,” Ava said, shoving the team into the hallway.

  They scurried down the long hall. Ava stepped over the guard and ran to Joseph. He was still unconscious. He looked so different all scrubbed and polished. She tried to pull him out of the chair, but he wouldn’t budge. She needed to get out of the gown. She unfastened the layers of fabric and stood before Joseph in her undergarments. She had never been so bare in front of a man. She grabbed the bag from the floor and found a spare robe, slipped it on and pulled the hood over her head to conceal her face.


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