Salvage-5: Another Mission (First Contact)

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Salvage-5: Another Mission (First Contact) Page 11

by Brian K. Larson

  “I get that you’re impressed...can you do it?”

  “I can do it...but it’s going to take some time. Just tell me what you want me to do and I’ll start writing the code.”

  “Well, that’s a little more complicated, but I need the chip modified so I can get into the alien complex without being detected this time.”

  “It’s not my fault, Sir...”

  “I never said it was, whiz-kid.”

  “They were tipped off...they were expecting us.”

  “Relax, Buster. I’m not blaming’s really my fault for not being able to detect that Cassie was cloned.”

  “Yeah, she fooled all of us.”

  “Yeah, she’s good, alright.”

  “Yes, she is, Tucker.”

  Tucker shot Buster a glance, “Hey, you did it.”

  Buster smiled, “I did, didn’t I?”

  “Yep. So whattya think? Can you get me in there without being seen?”

  “Well, I’ve already got the code for the device I made. I would just have to adapt it to your chip...and once that program is hard-coded...”

  “ chip will do the rest, right?”

  “I’m thinking it’ll adapt the programming and make it better...and I’ll add in some other features that I think you’ll find useful too.”

  “Oh good. Care to fill me in on what you’re thinkin’?”

  “Why would I want to do that, Tucker?”

  “Oh, I don’ know, maybe because, I’d be nice to know?”

  “Well, I wouldn’t want to spoil any surprises, now would I?”

  “Hey, you learn fast, impress me more every time I see you.”

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “You did it again...”

  “Damn, yes I did, sorry.”

  “So, are you gonna tell me, or what?”

  “Or what.”

  “Oh, you’re a funny guy.”

  “I was taught by the best.”

  “Come should really tell me.”

  “Nope, not going to happen.”

  “Well, it had better be good.”

  “You won’t be sorry, Tucker.”

  “I had better not be...”

  “Trust me...I got this. Okay, I’ve just loaded the files to my wireless. I’ll let you know when I’m ready to upload the code.”

  “We’ve got four months. Let’s stay in touch.”

  “You got it, Tuck,” Buster shook Tucker’s hand and headed for the door, “Sam should be ready to take me back now. Have a great night, Comman-Tucker,” Buster pointed at Tucker, “Heh, heh, bet you thought I was going to slip again, didn’t you?”

  “You had me going there.”

  Buster smiled and then went out the door.

  * * *

  Chapter 13

  ~ Four Months Later ~

  Seattle, WA

  Back Alley Streets

  Earth Date: 03/19/2066 19:45

  Buster watched the silver haired man jump to the ground from a fire escape a ways down the alley. The Lieutenant checked that his lights were off, lowered the passenger side window, and then drove the electric powered car to the man.

  The man stuck his head through the passenger side window when the vintage Prius stopped next to him.

  “Lieutenant Buster Clark, reporting for duty, Sir!” Buster said.

  “Buster, I thought you’d never get here!” Tucker answered.

  “Climb aboard my star ship, we’re heading to the skies!”

  Tucker opened the door and hopped in just as a black van turned the corner behind them.

  “Go! Go! Go!” Tucker urged.

  The electric motors whined as Buster floored the pedal, accelerating the ancient Prius at a leisurely pace.

  “Geez, Buster? Where in the hell did you get this antiquated jalopy? Can’t this thing go any faster?”

  “Well, Commander, it might help if know...” Buster motioned to Tucker’s eyes and then wiggled his fingers at the car’s electronics.

  “Oh...right,” Tuck nodded, and then closed his eyes and held his hand over the dashboard, shooting a bolt of AMP’d energy into the car.

  Buster nearly lost control as the car rocketed forward, “Whoa Nellie!”

  “Keep it together, Lieutenant!”

  “Oh, don’t worry about me, Commander,” Buster said, pushing his glasses up.

  “...and keep both hands on the wheel, will ya?”

  “You got it, Commander...remember? I can pull my own weight, Sir.”

  “Umm, yeah...right.”

  Buster adjusted his rear view mirror, “They’re still gaining on us!”

  Tucker turned in his seat, “Not for long,” he smiled and extended his hands towards the van. A surge of energy flew from his arms aimed at the pursuing van.

  The powerful bolt hit the van, slamming it into the corner of a building.

  Buster drove onto the freeway.

  “You got a freeway access code, whiz-kid?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Buster answered, “Punch in 7-5-8-9-9-7-1-5-7-7.”

  “Okay, sure...ummm, you wanna give me those again?”

  “Oh, sorry, Commander. it?”

  “Yeah, yeah, that’s it. We’re authorized, nice job, kid.”

  “Thank you, Commander,” Buster said as he quickly sniffed up his nose.

  Buster sped up the ramp and faded into the night, blending in with the rest of the freeway traffic. He removed a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed a few small beads of sweat from his brow.

  * * *

  Seattle, WA

  North Seattle Freeway Exit

  Side Street

  Earth Date: 03/19/2066 22:00

  The car followed Buster and Tucker down the ramp, and then down the small side street of north Seattle. They slammed on their brakes, skidding to a stop just before hitting Buster’s car.

  Tucker was already standing outside the car when a black haired woman stepped out from the driver’s seat, “Are you crazy? You nearly made us have an accident!”

  Another man opened the passenger door and stepped out with the woman, “It would have been nice if you actually owned a damn data pad, Colonel.”

  “Sam? Samuels? What are you guys doing out here?” Tucker asked, puffing on his cigar.

  “We know what you’re up to, Commander.” Captain Rothschild said.

  “...and we can’t let you do this, Commander.”

  “Wait, what? Since when do I need your permission?”

  “...since you decided to steal SSV-5,” Samuels said, folding his arms.

  “You’re not going...”

  “Sorry, what?” Tucker interrupted, “I don’t think I heard you right, ‘cause that’s not what I was thinking, I’m going, and I’m amped. So you can’t make me stay here while she’s still out there. No way, no how!”

  “Tucker!” Captain Rothschild countered, “We’re not letting you go there alone...Sir...”

  “Oh. Well now, that does shed a little more light on things, doesn’t it?”

  “Even if you were AMP’d continuously, you can’t fly the ship alone. That’s why we’re following you.”

  Samantha smiled, “We’re coming with you.”

  “Ah, gee guys, I don’t know what to say, but no, I’m not risking your sorry asses out there!”

  “We’re coming, Sir!” Samuels demanded.

  “Well, isn’t that just fine and Jim dandy....” Tucker placed his hands on his hips, “Better park your car on the side over there and get in. I don’t have all night, now.”

  “Really, Tuck?” Sam asked, “Just like that?”

  “Well, I really didn’t think you’d let me go it alone.”

  Sam parked her car on the side of the road and the two climbed in the back seat of the Prius. Buster put it in gear and made a U-turn and headed back to the freeway.

  * * *

  Whidbey Island Naval Base & Space Port

sp; Oak Harbor, WA

  Stealing Salvage Vessel

  Earth Date: 03/19/2066 23:30

  It took about an hour and a half to reach the front gate to the Whidbey Island Navy Base and Space Port on Whidbey Island.

  “Okay, guys,” Tucker said, “Let me do the talking, okay?”

  “You’re the boss,” Buster nodded, and then rolled his window down for the guard.

  “Evening, Colonel, Lieutenant,” the Guard said, “State your business, where you headed?”

  Tucker waved his hand in front of the guard’s face, “These are not the droids you’re looking for,” he smiled at the two in the back seat, “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  The guard stared at Tucker and then shook his head, “Sir, I’m going to have to ask you to pull your vehicle over there.”

  “Tucker!” Sam begged, “Quit messin’ around, will ya?”

  “What,” Tucker winked, and then waved his hand at the guard once more, “You will not remember us being here. Open the gate and let us pass.”

  “Yes, Sir,” the Guard answered, his eyes dazed.

  The Guard stepped into his booth and opened the gate. Buster stepped on the gas and sped toward the flight line.

  “Okay, I’m not sure how long that will hold,” Tucker cautioned. “We’ve probably got about ten minutes or so. You know what you have to do, Buster?”

  “Yes, Sir. I’ve got this, I do pull my own...”

  “...weight, yes, we know,” Tucker finished with a roll of his eyes.

  “We’ll be there in just a couple of minutes,” Buster said, “But I don’t think your mind trick held for ten minutes, Sir,” Buster gripped the steering wheel, turning his bony knuckles white.

  Tucker looked back and saw two military police jeeps speeding down on them.

  “Stop the car!” Tucker ordered.

  Buster wasted no time, knowing what Tucker was about to do.

  Tucker got out of the car and pointed his arms toward the speeding jeeps, “I didn’t want it to be this way, just believe me when I say that.”

  A wave of power rippled down Tucker’s arms and shot out of his hands. The beam of energy split in two, hitting each of the jeeps simultaneously. The jeeps flew into the air, the drivers gunning their engines before crashing down into pavement.

  Tucker turned and got back into the car, “Okay, let’s go!”

  The men crawled out of each jeep and began firing at the speeding car.

  Tucker held his hand and raised a shield, preventing any of the bullets from hitting them.

  Buster quickly turned the corner and headed straight toward the Salvage-5 ship. The Lieutenant slid his car into a sideways skid and parked it nicely right at the lowered cargo bay door.

  Tucker, Sam, and Sergeant Samuels climbed out of the car.

  Sam smiled at the kid, “Nice drivin’!”

  Buster blushed at the Captain’s kind words, “ah, shucks, thanks.”

  “Okay, let’s get these engines online and get us up...Buster, I’m countin’ on ya!”

  “Don’t worry, Commander, I got this!” Buster rolled his windows up and sped off toward the buildings and disappeared in the darkness.

  “I can do this...I can do this...I can do this!” Buster chanted, making himself believe that what he was about to do was not really a crime at all. “I need them to get out there to save Major Phillips and Captain Hargrove. I know this’ll work, I know it will!”

  A few minutes later, he pulled his car into an empty parking space and began walking to his target building.

  The all metal hanger only had two entrances; one on each end of the domed structure. He reached for the handle on the door on his end, but it pushed open, making Buster take a leap backward.

  “Oh! Sorry!” a Sergeant said, popping out of the door, “I didn’t see ya comin’.” The man peered at Buster for a moment, “Hey, you’re the famous Lieutenant, ain’t ya?”

  “Um, er, yeah,” Buster gulped, “Yep...that’s me, Lieutenant Buster Clark at your, I mean, carry on, soldier,” Buster quickly returned the man’s salute.

  “Oh, you’re really a big hero of mine!” The Sergeant held out his hand to shake, “I’m one of your biggest fans! If there’s anything you need from me, Sir. You just name it!”

  “Well, now that you mentioned it,” Buster lowered his hand from holding his return salute, “At ease, already!”

  The Sergeant lowered his arm from his statue like position and relaxed, “Thank, you Sir! Just name it, Sir!” The man peered around Buster, “Oh, hey, is that your car?”

  “Well, yes. That’s a vintage Prius electric of the very first ones ever made, in fact.”

  “Wow, oh. Hey, I didn’t think you had a driver’s license yet! Big story on campus, you know,” the Sergeant winked, “You being a genius and all, but you can’t pass the test.”

  “Shhh, we all have our memory blocks, from time to time...that’s just one test I can’t seem to get over. I only drive it off, er, on duty while on base.”

  “Right! No worries, Lieutenant. I won’t tell a soul.”

  “Great,” Buster sighed, “Now, about that whatever thing you said I could ask for?”

  “Right, right! Just name it!”

  “Well,” Buster said, looking around him, “I would love for you to show me the Mag-ring communication relay.”

  “That’s it? I ask you to name anything, and that’s the best you can come up with?”

  “Remember, I can’t even pass a driver’s test, so yeah, that would be something I’ve always wanted to check out.”

  “Well, there’s nothing scheduled to jump for a few more hours. It’s pretty crowded down there right now.”

  “Please? I really want to see this in action!” Buster sniffed.

  “Don’t cry, Lieutenant. If it means that much to ya, I’ll get ya in.”

  “Oh, that’d be great, Sergeant...”

  “Knocker...Sergeant Tommy Knocker, at your service...and please, no jokes, okay? I get that one at least twice every day.”

  “Geez, if your name bothers you that much, maybe you should change it?”

  “Thought about it, but can’t come up with anything decent to change it to.”

  “Well, I can think of a couple...” Buster smirked.

  “Never mind! Thanks, though.”

  Buster stroked his chin, “Guess I’ve been hanging around the Colonel too much,” he said to himself.

  “What was that, Lieutenant?”

  “Oh, nothing, Sergeant. Please, lead the way.”

  The Sergeant held the heavy metal door open and motioned Buster on, “Right this way, Sir.”

  The Sergeant led Buster down a corridor and to a set of cement stairs that led down to a dark passage. Buster felt his way down the stairwell, tightly holding the railing.

  “What’s the matter, Lieutenant? You’re not scared of the dark, are ya?”

  “N-no...not of the darkness.”

  “Then what?”

  “Of what’s in the darkness.”

  “Oh, I see. Sorry, I should be more sensitive,” the Sergeant reached for a light switch and quickly flooded the corridor with the basement lights.


  “I keep forgetting what it is you encountered out there.”

  “It’s okay, how close are we?”

  “It’s right down at the end of this corridor.”

  The Sergeant held his data pad up to the door sensor. The light turned green, accepting his access code. The doors slide open, exposing them to a room where at least twenty technicians were busy at computer consoles.

  About two-thirds were franticly typing on their keyboards, the rest hovered over the screens.

  “What’s going on?” The sergeant asked.

  One of the technicians glanced at the two, and then back to the computer screen, “We’ve got a situation on the base!”

  “What’s the situation?” Buster shoved his glasses up his nose. A drop of swea
t rolled down the right lens.

  “Seems like someone’s stolen the Salvage-5 ship that they were prepping for this morning’s mission.”

  “No! Someone took the Salvage-5?” Buster exclaimed.

  “Yes, the base has scrambled fighter jets to intercept, but they’ve already made orbit.”

  “I see,” Buster said, placing his hands on his hips.

  “Hey, aren’t you’re that, kid prodigy, Lieutenant Clark?”

  “Why, yes. Yes I am.”

  “Quick!” the technician ordered, “Give him a terminal. You should be able to tap into the ship’s computers and recall it back to the base!”

  Buster cracked his knuckles, folding his hands together out before him, “Well, I can at least try.”

  One of the men vacated his chair and quickly pointed, “Here, take mine!”

  Buster sat at the computer and began typing at the keyboard. Then he reached into his pocket for a thumb drive.

  “What’s that for? You have clearance to use that in here?” Another Lieutenant asked.

  “Yes, It’s a program that I think will be very useful,” Buster said, holding the device in the air.

  “Okay, okay. Go ahead!”

  Buster plugged the device into the side port of the terminal and typed another few commands.

  “Now,” Buster began, sitting back in his seat, “I need everyone to look at a screen, m’kay?”

  Everyone in the room peered at the computer screens in the room, Buster turned his head and pressed the enter key. Every computer monitor in the room began flashing before everyone’s eyes for several seconds, then the flashing stopped.

  “There! Now,” Buster said, pulling his device from the computer, “No one will ever remember me being here or that I used any of these computers.”

  The technicians and officers all nodded as if they were all in a trance.

  “, you can all fall asleep for the next ten minutes.”

  The men all curled up on the floor. Several began snoring.

  “Excellent, my program worked. Now, let me see…how do I activate the jump-ring,” Buster said, examining the computer files and settings, “There you are!”

  After a few tense moments, he nodded with satisfaction, “There you go, Commander. Your jump ring awaits you.”


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