Wasteland Rules: Born to Fight (The World After Book 2)

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Wasteland Rules: Born to Fight (The World After Book 2) Page 6

by J. G. Martin

  “Yes sir!” Tom barked instinctively.

  “Good. Storm was last spotted headed to NASA so head in that direction. Commandeer a chopper to take you.”

  “Are those traitors helping him?” Tom demanded angrily.

  “We don’t know. But don’t hesitate to hurt them if you get an opportunity. You are totally weapons free on this mission, do whatever it takes to succeed or don’t come back.”

  “Yes sir! We won’t fail you.” Tom assured him.

  Chapter 9

  June 18, 2029

  NASA Complex Cape Canaveral, FL

  Derek waited to board the helicopter that NASA provided to take him down to the Everglades. Once he had agreed to help them and released the incapacitated soldier, they had been more accommodating. He had noticed they still kept armed guards around him at all times. They didn’t even pretend it was for his own protection. Augie had informed him that he was watching him at all times and wouldn’t hesitate to shoot him personally if he thought Derek was a threat. Derek had shrugged; the threat of death was his constant companion since being thrown out of the helicopter years ago.

  They had given him back almost all of his weapons and gear, including the device. Rora apparently hadn’t told them what it was and it looked just like an iPod so they probably assumed that’s what it was. They had grilled him about the phone and earpiece but he had insisted it was something he found and used for GPS. They couldn’t unlock the encryption so they finally took his word for it. It must delete all records or maybe not even store any records of calls since when they tried the call history it was blank.

  He had inspected all of his gear for bugs and didn’t find any. But he was pretty sure they must have tagged him when he was unconscious. The device would either cancel that out or he would have to dig it out later. He wasn’t going to run off, but he didn’t want anyone tracking him. So far there had been spies and traitors everywhere so he wasn’t going to take any chances.

  Augie had filled him in on the mission. A team of scientists had been down in the tip of the Everglades looking for a plant they thought could be used as a cure for radiation poisoning. It involved some sort of natural filtering process. The science didn’t matter to him, so he had tuned that out. What was important is that they had strayed into Cartel territory and had been captured. The Cartel had not made any ransom demands nor had they responded to any communication attempts by NASA. They weren’t even sure if the scientists were still alive.

  Derek suspected the whole interrogation had been a setup to get him to rescue the scientists. The straps had been looser than they should have been and the trade had been agreed to way too readily. The man in the room with him had been a test. If he killed the man they would have pulled the plug, literally. But once he showed mercy and honor they had forced him into the mission in exchange for Rora’s shelter.

  Augie wanted the people back, but the scientist had been more worried about their research samples and notes. So, Derek’s mission was to go to the last place they had been known to be held and look for them. He was to bring them back alive if possible, but retrieve the research at any cost. Augie promised that if he completed the mission, they would bring him in to their confidence and give him a place at NASA. Derek was intrigued by the offer. It was certainly the best place he had seen so far, including anything in the U.S.T.G. But he wasn’t sure he wanted to get tied down to anything. Plus, there was the payoff from delivering the device. Performing other tasks before delivery would create additional risk that someone else could grab the device.

  He had promised the Doctor that he would take Rora to NASA. Until they were willing to accept her he didn’t consider that bargain fulfilled. He would complete this mission and then deliver the device. Derek turned as he heard footsteps behind him. It was Augie with Rora by his side. Derek noticed she had her gear with her.

  “You’re not going with me.” He informed her.

  “Why not? I’ve made it this far.” She demanded.

  “I promised your father I would get you here and I did, he wanted you safe. I’m not going to risk your life after you are already safe.”

  “They won’t let me stay unless you finish this mission, so I have a vested interest in helping you. Besides we made a great team at the prison.”

  The general raised his eyebrows but said nothing. Derek hadn’t shared details of their trip and apparently neither had Rora. She did make good points and she had proven valuable as she had grown during the trip. Having another gun wouldn’t hurt. But having someone else to look out for could slow him down.

  “What about your head? Don’t you have a concussion?” he asked her.

  The general jumped in before she could answer. “We gave her an MRI and other than some odd brain activity she is fine.”

  Rora made a quick grimace before regaining a more neutral composure. “What kind of odd brain activity?” Derek asked.

  “She has almost one hundred percent of her brain active at any given time. The average person has somewhere between twenty and fifty percent active at any given time. The level of activity is remarkable but not problematic in any way.” The general explained.

  Derek eyed Rora with great interest. The high level of brain activity might explain all of her abilities; the total recall, the ability to learn by watching, and her amazing aptitude for computers. But it still didn’t explain how she knew some of the things she knew. This was a piece of the puzzle, but there was something more there.

  “Can we go?” Rora asked anxiously.

  “Alright. Let’s go get this done so we can be granted access to heaven here.” Derek said smartly.

  The general ignored the shot and simply replied. “Good luck.”

  Rora and Derek climbed on board the helicopter and the pilot fired up the engines. It was a Bell 206A Jetranger, which was a fairly common commercial helicopter prior to the Collapse. It only carried four passengers so it would be crowded on the return flight if they found the missing scientists. They lifted off in a small cloud of dust, quickly leaving the NASA complex behind.

  The Reapers had left shortly after their inter-tribal brawl. With the food source gone and the truce ended, they couldn’t maintain the blockade. That allowed for air travel again. He figured the NASA folks would be grateful for him lifting the blockade, but they hadn’t seemed all that impressed. He wondered if they hadn’t been using it for their own purposes of keeping other people out and their own in.

  The pilot gestured to the headphones hanging from the roof and they both put them on. “I’m going to drop you off several miles from a small Cartel processing facility and then take back off immediately. Once you have the scientists or the research or hopefully both; call the number the general programmed into your phone. I will return and pick you up. Okay?” The pilot informed them.

  “Yeah, we got it. The chopper is too valuable to risk by waiting.” Derek replied.

  “With your track record, I don’t blame them.” Rora said jokingly.

  When Derek didn’t laugh she asked a question. “So what is the story on the Cartel? Who are they and why did they take the scientists?”

  “The Cartel is the largest drug syndicate in the world. Apparently drug plants were immune to the plant virus. Figures, right? They control southern Florida from Miami, parts of Mexico and Central America, and pretty much all of the Caribbean. Their headquarters are on Cuba, in Havana. It is the result of a vicious turf war fought by the surviving drug lords during the Aftermath. They realized they were just going to wipe each other out and instead merged their organizations. They rule their individual turf like feudal barons from the Middle Ages. Their workers are virtual slaves toiling on large drug plantations while they live like kings in huge mansions protected by their soldiers.”

  “How did they gain control of so much territory?” Rora inquired.

  “They already had their hooks into governments, military, and police prior to the Collapse. The governments in this area were already unstable di
ctatorships for the most part, crippled by poverty and corruption. When everything fell apart the drug lords had organization, resources, and guns which they could use to secure the loyalty of the military and police. The failing governments made a deal with them to remain in power, but just like any deal with the devil they ended up on the losing end. Once the Cartel settled its own differences they rapidly overwhelmed the unstable governments and installed themselves into power. Before the Collapse the U.S. would have intervened, but they couldn’t since they didn’t exist anymore.”

  “So how do they maintain power if they are so awful? Why don’t the people revolt?”

  “Why don’t any subject people rise up? They are afraid. The Cartel is especially brutal in maintaining order. They publicly torture people to death for any kind of insubordination or resistance. Their standard method is stuffing a person inside old tires, dousing them in gasoline, and setting them on fire.”

  Rora’s horrified expression said it all. She may be a fast learner and the trip to NASA may have been enlightening, but she hadn’t yet seen all the horrors this world had to offer. Drinkers might be scary, but they were following their base instinct to feed. People could be so much worse, and be much bigger monsters.

  “It’s probably why they grabbed the scientists. They were worried that they were on some kind of sabotage mission. Although it is unusual is they haven’t asked for ransom once they figured out who the scientists were.” He continued.

  “Why else would they keep them?” Rora asked.

  “At least one of them is a botanist; maybe the Cartel wants help growing their drug crops. And maybe our friends at NASA haven’t told us the whole story.”

  “Ten minute warning.” The pilot interrupted them.

  Derek spent the next ten minutes getting Rora ready for the drop. He briefly explained how to exit the chopper and seek cover. He went over how to use the M-4 carbines they had liberated from the commandos. She nodded along as he explained the safety and select fire mechanism, how to aim, and how to reload. He knew with her memory that she would retain everything he said and instinctively imitate him. Based on the brain scan she had, he knew she was somehow special but he didn’t know how special yet. At the very least she had an eidetic memory which allowed her to retain everything she saw, heard, smelled, felt, or tasted and recall it later.

  “Make sure you keep your finger off the trigger and alongside the receiver until you are absolutely sure you are going to fire. Also, never aim a gun at someone unless you plan to shoot them and in this environment don’t be afraid to do so. Our lives will depend on it.” He warned her.

  “I got it. I won’t hold you back.” She promised.

  “You better not.” He said seriously, but with a smile.

  Chapter 10

  June 18, 2029

  Outside the NASA Complex Cape Canaveral, FL

  Maximillian watched the chopper fly away from NASA in disgust. Maybe Derek was on board, he couldn’t tell. But he had bigger problems to worry about. The Reaper siege of NASA had been lifted. When he had arrived at NASA in preparation for his showdown with Derek he had found the Reapers gone and the remnants of their camp smoldering. There was evidence of a large battle being fought but no bodies. Of course, the absence of bodies wasn’t unusual for the Reapers.

  The Collective had been trucking in clone bodies for them to eat, to keep all the southern tribes in one place. Keeping the enemy contained inside their complex had been very important. The Collective couldn’t allow them to pollute the rest of the world with their heretical thoughts. Even if Derek had the device, as long as he couldn’t get it to the traitors at NASA he wasn’t that much of a threat. Maximillian had planned to trap him against the Reapers and take the device. But he had gotten the device to NASA. And now Father was in grave danger.

  He gathered his courage and connected to Father. “The Major has entered NASA Father.”

  “WHAT???” Father’s voice boomed in his head.

  Maximillian actually staggered at the force of it. “He sabotaged the food delivery which triggered a battle amongst the Reapers. He used the distraction to enter the complex.” He explained.

  “Are you sure?” Father asked.

  “Yes Father. I interrogated one of the Reapers who were still scavenging the area. He confirmed that a man and a girl entered the complex following the battle. It could only be them.”

  “Who knows what those heretics will tell him. Once they have the device there is only one thing they will do.”

  “I know Father. I will stop them.” Maximillian assured him.

  “How?” Father demanded.

  “Our friend from the West is on his way here now. I will use him to attack NASA and kill the Major. But just in case he fails, as he is only a man, I will go secure the transportation site. If all else fails I will reveal myself and take care of it personally.”

  “Very good, my son. I am counting on you. Do not fail me.” Father warned him.

  “I won’t Father. I will die before that happens.” Maximillian promised.

  The connection ended and he felt relief from the great pressure that Father’s presence created when they were connected. Derek had been far more successful than he had believed possible and the situation was getting dire. The Major had evaded or killed every single person Maximillian had sent after him and he had broken the Reaper siege. Maximillian had to continually fight the urge to take care of it himself, but he couldn’t risk NASA or the U.S.T.G. becoming aware of him.

  He had risked himself the one time in Arkansas at the solar facility, but the possibility of seizing the device had been worth it. Now, since he didn’t know exactly where Derek and the device were, he had to continue to use proxies. Maybe he could figure out a way to circumvent the effects of the device and attack Derek directly. He would like some revenge on the Major, and saving Father would make it even sweeter.

  There was only one way that the Major could use the device to truly harm Father. All he had to do was prevent Derek from achieving that and he would maintain his place at Father’s side. Maximillian would travel to the site of the transportation storage and prepare the defenses there. But just in case, he would also set up a backup plan or two. Derek could not be allowed to reach Father.

  Chapter 11

  June 18, 2029

  Flamingo Point, Everglades National Park

  The chopper dropped them off about five miles from a known Cartel processing facility southwest of Miami in the Everglades. The chopper didn’t even land, they jumped out into a barren field and the chopper took off again almost immediately. The pilot had flown close to the ground to avoid any radar that the Cartel might have, and they had flown in without lights and the pilot using night vision goggles to evade possible spotters. Derek and Rora dropped down into what had been an irrigation ditch prior to the Aftermath and waited.

  After about an hour had passed and no one had come to investigate, Derek figured they had gone unnoticed. He tapped Rora on the arm and they headed out towards the processing facility. It was located at the southern end of the park in the area known as Flamingo Point. The terrain was still swampy but had very little vegetation. Without people using all the water north of the park, the water levels had risen considerably from prior to the Collapse. At that time the park had been slowly dying because the water hadn’t been making it to the park and it was also being overrun by invasive species. Instead of saving a national treasure, the government had been more interested in foreign adventures.

  The Collapse and the Aftermath had been a boon to the park and some of the plants had even managed to survive. The trees were dead, but they were now covered in vines, Spanish moss, and fast growing weeds that threatened to choke out the entire area. The alligators had thrived as well without humans to endanger them. But the true apex predators were the pythons that had been overrunning the park in the final days before the Collapse. Rumor was that they had gotten big enough to swallow a full grown human.

  Derek fi
gured that the Cartel guards would not expect anyone to traverse the swamp in the dark and so would not be that vigilant. Using night vision goggles borrowed from NASA, who seemed to have every technological marvel readily available, they slogged through waist deep water. He didn’t tell Rora about the gators or snakes and tried to ignore the sensation of things rubbing against his legs. It was slow going and when they made it onto the coastal trail that ran along the southern shoreline into the Flamingo Point area, they took a short break.

  Derek recovered quickly and he scouted ahead while Rora caught her breath. He found a few simple booby traps along the path and disabled them. It was unlikely anyone would approach the facility from this direction so they hadn’t spent much time on protecting it. After he exited the trail into the camping area he did find more precautions including some mines and barbed wire. Derek cut the wire and disabled the mines.

  The facility itself he found surrounded by a barbed wire fence and using the night vision goggles he spotted a few sentries posted around the grouping of buildings. It looked like they were using the old two story visitor center as the main building with the processing going on inside. There were several boats parked at the marina adjacent to the visitor center and guards patrolled the docks and building there. The parking lot was full of plastic fifty gallon drums and pallets. He marked the patrol routes and sentry locations in his mind and made his way back to Rora.

  “What’s the plan?” She whispered.

  He drew a rough map of the facility in the dirt. “I’m going to infiltrate the main building and kill the sentries. Then I’m going to detonate a small explosion with the chemicals they use to process the drugs. That should draw the remaining guards to the main building from the marina. You are going to be here, overlooking the parking lot. After the guards cross you will open fire on them from behind them, while I open fire on them from the building, that way we catch them in a crossfire.”


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