His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3

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His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3 Page 12

by Cathryn Fox

  Jack was right. Madison wasn’t Jocelyn. Jocelyn never would have stayed up all night and baked for the band, donating what little time and money she had for a cause that didn’t benefit her.

  Suddenly, as if she sensed him looking at her, Madison angled her head. When their eyes met and locked and they exchanged a long, heated look, his body reacted, thinking about all the ways he’d taken her earlier that morning. Thinking about how she was pantiless beneath that sexy sundress covering her curvy body.

  His cock hardened, and a groan crawled out of his throat. Bandit came back with the ball, but Brad had no fucking idea how he was going to stand without his comrades seeing his hard-on. Fuck, the last thing he wanted to do was answer more questions or stand there while they razzed the shit out of him. He cursed under his breath and stayed crouched low as he tossed the ball again.

  When Sophie stepped up to Madison, Madison turned her attention to her friend. They spoke for a moment, then Karley and her newborn baby, Brooklyn, who were staying with Sophie until her husband returned from overseas, joined them. The women talked for a moment and Madison came out from behind the table. They slowly walked toward his end of the field. From his distance he couldn’t tell what they were saying, but from the way Sophie was aiming her gaze his way, he knew it had to be about him. A moment later, Gemma joined the trio, and as she rubbed her stomach it reminded him of her upcoming baby shower. He groaned, hating the idea of going, but knowing he would just the same.

  As he thought about Gemma’s invitation to Madison, he considered asking her to come along, but then changed his mind, remembering how she wasn’t all that comfortable with Jack’s latest girlfriend. In fact, it pissed him off to think that Madison had been picked on and teased back in the day. Then another thought hit. Maybe her shyness with him went deeper. Maybe she was still harboring insecurities from her high school days. Jesus, did she not see what he saw, feel what he felt when he looked and touched her gorgeous body?

  Before he could give that any more thought, someone stepped up to him. Shading the sun from his eyes, he glanced up, but from the strappy high heels, to the familiar scent of her perfumed skin, he didn’t need to see her face to know who was invading his space, physical and mental.

  Brad’s eyes moved up and over skin-tight designer jeans that showcased long slim legs to a body-hugging tank top that highlighted a trim body and creamy white cleavage. He lifted his head higher, and when he came face to face with none other than his ex, his desire dissolved and he bit down on his teeth hard enough to grind bone. He cleared his throat and climbed to his feet, taking one distancing step back.

  “Brad!” Jocelyn flashed a brilliant smile and fluttered those long lashes at him in a way that always melted his resolve and had him caving to her wants. Which begged the question, what did she want from him this time?

  “I haven’t seen you around,” she said, her voice bright and cheery, but underneath her light tone he heard something else, something that sounded like regret and loneliness.

  He caught Cole’s questioning glance and signaled with a tight nod. Cole returned the nod, but stayed within earshot. “I’ve been around,” Brad responded, the mere sight of her bringing back old hurts.

  “I drove by your granddad’s place but you weren’t there.”

  “I’m not staying there.”

  Her eyes widened. “Where are you staying?”

  Without conscious thought, he looked past Jocelyn’s shoulders and when he saw Madison staring at him, watching the exchange with his ex, he once again found himself comparing the two. Jocelyn angled her head and followed his gaze.

  “Oh,” she said, pointing one manicured finger in Madison’s direction. “Are you staying with Jonah and Madison?”

  “Something like that.”

  Jocelyn narrowed those big blue eyes of hers and Brad could practically hear the wheels spinning. As he watched her, his stomach tightened. There was a time, not that long ago, that he loved her, a time when things were good. But she’d changed, couldn’t handle him being away, despite the fact that he was off fighting a war to protect her and their country.

  After a moment of silence, Brad shoved his hands in his pocket, and asked, “What can I do for you, Jocelyn?”

  “You still have some things at my place.” She stepped closer, too close, and put her hand on his chest. She curled her fingers in his shirt in a familiar way, bringing back so many memories, good ones and bad. “Why don’t you come by and pick them up.”

  “If I’ve gone without them this long, then I’m pretty sure I don’t need them.”

  “Come on, Brad,” she cooed, puckering those painted lips in a way that always turned him inside out. “You’re not still mad at me, are you?”

  “Look, Jocelyn.” He closed his hand over hers to remove it from his chest. “I don’t want to do this.” He looked around to see many sets of eyes on them. “Not here. Not with so many people watching.”

  “Then come by my place,” she whispered her voice full of promise. “I’ll make us dinner and we’ll…talk.”

  “We don’t have anything to talk about,” he said, even though the look in her eyes told him talking was the last thing she had in mind. “Conversation between us ended when you wrapped your mouth around another man’s cock.”

  Shock moved over her eyes, but then her face softened. Changing tactics, she went up on her tiptoes, and put her mouth close to his ear, making it look to all the world like they were still lovers. “He’s no longer in my life and I’d like to make things up to you. If you know what I mean.”

  Before he could answer, Bandit came rushing back to him. Still not the most disciplined dog in the bunch, he nudged the saliva-coated ball toward Jocelyn.

  She jumped back and her eyes sparked anger. “Eww, that’s disgusting. Get him away from me.”

  “Here, boy,” Brad said, dropping to one knee to pat him. Cole released Skid, the German Shepherd he’d been playing tug-of-war with, sending him Brad’s way.

  Jocelyn took another distancing step back as the Shepherd dashed toward him and skidded to a stop, hence his name.

  “So I’ll see you soon, then?” she asked.

  “I don’t—”

  “I’ll see you soon, Brad,” she said firmly, the spark in her eyes worrying him.

  He was about to protest, but she twisted in her heels and disappeared into the crowd. Brad blew an exaggerated breath and turned toward Jack.

  “Everything okay?”

  “Fine,” he said, much harsher than he intended. He shook his head to clear it, and when Bandit sat down next to him and whined, clearly sensing his distress, he scrubbed the dog’s head. “Come on, Bandit. Let’s show the crowd what you can do.”

  Brad’s comrades and their canines spent the next forty-five minutes entertaining the crowd. Brad and Bandit stepped in for the finale. He snapped on the dog’s leash and put his thumb over the trigger in his pocket. He guided Bandit along the detection wall, pointing to each opening in the wood. When Bandit found the box containing the explosive evidence, he barked, and sat on the ground, his tail wagging wildly. As the crowd watched on, delight written all over their faces, Brad squeezed the trigger and a tennis ball went flying across the field. He let go of Bandit’s leash and the dog went running after it.

  His demonstration was met with a standing ovation and when the cheers died down, the guys all walked their dogs in front of the crowd. Once the show was over, he checked his watch, deciding he still had time to take Bandit, who was also used as a therapy dog, to Granddad’s nursing home.

  He spoke to the guys for a few minutes, then with Bandit in tow, went in search of Madison to let her know where he was going. Not that he needed to inform her. After all, they weren’t in a committed relationship where they shared everything. But oddly enough he found himself wanting to tell her, because he liked the idea of them always knowing where the other one was. His heart beat a little faster in his chest when he found her in the stands with her friend, her
back to him.

  “Hey,” he said, coming up behind her.

  She turned quickly, and when she stumbled slightly on the metal stand, her shin hitting the step below her, he wrapped his arm around her waist. Lifting her clear off the steps, he pulled her tight against him and lowered her to the ground. When her breasts crushed against his chest and a slight breeze blew over their bodies, ruffling the material on her dress, his hand slid to the small of her back. Right to where the top of her panties would rest, had she been wearing any. His nostrils flared and he worked to marshal his lust as he thought about what he’d find if he lifted that skirt. Not that he’d do it here. Oh no, he’d wait until they were alone, to when he could have her all to himself.

  Volatile energy arced between them, and Brad was certain anyone within a fifty-mile radius could feel it. But then suddenly her brow furrowed, and when her body stiffened, he jerked his hand back. From her reactions it was clear she didn’t want anyone to know what they were doing behind closed doors. Which, come to think of it, had been his intention all along as well.

  “Hey, Sophie,” Brad greeted when she turned curious eyes on him. Not wanting to give her friend the wrong idea about his relationship—or lack thereof—with Madison, he said in a casual tone, “I just wanted to let you know that Bandit and I are heading to Granddad’s nursing home for a quick visit, and I didn’t want you to think I’d forgotten about your plumbing.”

  “What’s wrong with your plumbing?” Sophie asked.

  “The shower,” Madison started and paused, a blush creeping up her neck like she was remembering how she’d taken him in her mouth. Christ knows he hadn’t stopped thinking about it.

  The ever-astute Sophie eyed Madison, then glanced at Brad, a knowing look on her face. “What happened? Did the pipes blow or something?”

  Madison sucked in a quick breath and Brad stifled a groan. Leave it to Sophie to nail the hammer on the head.

  He cleared his throat. “Yeah, something like that.” He rocked back and forth on his feet, like a guilty kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

  “Why don’t I come with you,” Madison piped in, bending forward to pat Bandit, who leaned into her. “I’d love to see Granddad, and the bakery is closed for the day anyway. Which means I’m free until the fireworks later tonight.”

  Sophie held her hands up, palms out, a strange almost worried look in her eyes. “Yeah, well, with the way you two are sparking, I’m pretty sure something is going to explode long before that.”

  After spending a glorious afternoon at the nursing home and loving how happy Granddad was to see Brad, they returned home to work on the plumbing. Madison assisted Brad, learning more about copper fittings and shutoff valves than she’d ever wanted to know. Once they were done, they shared a pizza at her small kitchen table, talking quietly about their afternoon visit and how well Granddad seemed to be doing after his last incident.

  Even though she wanted to ask him about Jocelyn and the intense conversation he seemed to be having with her earlier that day, she closed her mouth. They weren’t in a relationship, which meant it wasn’t her business, even though it made her feel insanely jealous. And of course she couldn’t forget the way Jocelyn was watching Brad’s every movement, especially when he made his way toward her. The seething look Jocelyn had given her after Brad had lifted her from the stands had Madison’s body stiffening and the smile falling from her face. It was that look and the determination behind it that told Madison one thing and one thing only: Jocelyn wanted him back. As she thought about that her stomach plummeted, even though she knew better than to hope for more with Brad. Madison knew she could never compete with a svelte, put-together girl like his ex. One who was comfortable in her own skin and knew how to walk, talk and use her body to get what she wanted.

  “Everything okay?” Brad asked as he eyed her from across the small table, their knees touching intimately in the dim light.

  She swallowed the last of her pizza and plastered on a smile. “Of course. I have running water again.”

  “Yeah, but who knows for how long. You really do need to think about finding a new place, you know.”

  “You’re one to talk,” she returned as she grabbed his empty plate and placed it on hers.

  “At least I have air conditioning,” he teased.

  “Seriously though, Brad, you live like a nomad.”

  He shrugged. “Like I said, I’m not around enough to bother.”

  “Yeah, but surely when you come back from being away, you’d like to come back to a nice place, with things that make you feel at home and make you feel happy.”

  He stood to help her with the dishes, and the way he turned the conversation back to her didn’t go unnoticed. “Are you and Jonah going to look for a new place when he comes back?”

  “I’d like to.”

  “Where are you thinking of looking?”

  She pursed her lips and thought more about it. “I’m not sure.” She walked to the counter and placed the dishes in the sink, deciding to wash them later. “Since I hate moving, and it’s an incredible amount of work to turn the main level of a house into a storefront, I guess I’d just like to move into my forever home. Somewhere in a nice neighborhood, where there are good schools and a lot of downtown foot traffic for my business.”

  “Your forever home?”

  “Yeah, a place where I could raise a family upstairs and keep my business on the ground floor.” She shrugged. “But a place like that is hard to find, and even if I did find one, I’d never be able to afford it anyway.”

  “So you want a family?”


  Brad went unusually quiet as he listened, and as he looked pointedly at her, she got the sense his thoughts were a million miles away. Getting the uneasy feeling that Sophie was right, and something really was going on with him, she opened her mouth to ask, but he cut her off and he gave her a playful whack on the ass.

  “You’d better get changed. The temperature is dropping tonight and I don’t want you to get cold at the fairgrounds after the sun goes down.”

  She nodded, and turned toward her bedroom, but before she could go, Brad grabbed her arm and spun her back around. He pulled her close and as sparks arced between, she wondered if they’d even make it to the fireworks, or if they were going to stay in and create their own. But as an American military man, she knew Brad would want to go out of respect for fallen comrades and for those soldiers still serving.

  He dipped his head and planted a warm kiss on her mouth, one that felt more emotional than physical, and completely caught her off guard. After he inched away, she drew in a breath and asked, “What was that for?”

  “For helping me at the nursing home, and for helping out the band kids.”

  “Then I should be the one kissing you.”

  “Oh,” he said.

  “If it wasn’t for you, I never would have been able to bake all those cupcakes.”

  “You’re right.” He had a wicked grin on his face. “You should be the one kissing me. In fact,” he added, “I think I’ll hold you to that later tonight. But right now we need to get a move on it if we want to get a good seat.”

  She laughed and was about to head to her room, when he put his mouth close to her ear and whispered, “Oh, and don’t forget. No panties.”

  A shiver moved through her when she heard the lust in his voice. After hurrying to her room, she changed into a pair of jeans and blouse and grabbed a sweater from her closet. She gave herself a once over in the mirror, and oddly enough, knowing she had no panties on, knowing that was how Brad wanted her, made her feel sexy, naughty. She looked at her curvy hips and abundant cleavage, suddenly feeling less conscious about herself. Even though she was pretending to be something she wasn’t, she couldn’t deny that under Brad’s care she could feel herself becoming less and less self-conscious.

  She grabbed a blanket on the way out the door and hopped into Brad’s truck. They drove through the city and less than fif
teen minutes later he pulled into a parking spot at the fairgrounds. They strolled through the crowd, Brad staying close to her side as they maneuvered through the throngs. A local band played music and the scent of popcorn filled the air as kids chased one another. They bumped into Josh, who, after he pointed out where everyone was sitting, turned to Madison.

  “Hey, Madison,” he said. “My cousin told me you made all the cupcakes for her band’s fundraising.” When Madison nodded, he stepped a bit closer, and dipped his head. “That was a nice thing you did.” He rubbed his stomach. “And they were delicious.”

  “I’m glad you liked them.”

  “Maybe I’ll stop by the bakery this week to see what other things you have on the menu.”

  “I’d love for you to come by. I’ll make you something special.”

  He smiled. “I’d like that.”

  She felt Brad step closer to her, his hand brushing hers in a possessive manner. She turned in time to catch the dangerous way he was glaring at Josh.

  Josh, as though oblivious to the deadly stare, ignored Brad and said, “I’ll see you later then, Madison.”

  After he left, Brad put his hand on the small of her back and guided her through the crowd. She looked up at him, taking in his hard profile, and the dark, contemplative look on his face. What the hell? Maybe Sophie was right, and something really was going on with him.

  “Brad?” she began.

  “Yeah?” His features softened when he aimed his glance her way, and her heart lurched in her chest.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked, wrapping her arms around herself when a cool breeze came out of nowhere and washed over her.

  “Nothing,” he said and stopped walking. His hands went to her shoulders, and when he tightened her sweater around her body, her knees nearly gave out. Oh, God, she was in way over her head with him. “How about we grab a spot over there.” He pointed to a secluded area in the fair grounds.


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