His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3

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His Taste of Temptation: In the Line of Duty, Book 3 Page 15

by Cathryn Fox

  Madison untied her apron and forced a smile, even though she had a killer headache, compliments of her TMJ. “Do you ever stop?”

  As though picking up on her unease, the smile fell from Sophie’s face. “Speaking of stopping, Brad leaves tonight, right?”

  Madison glanced at the clock. “Yeah.” She walked to the door, switched the sign to Closed, then poured herself a much-needed mug of her favorite herbal tea, one that would hopefully calm her nerves. She grabbed two pain pills from her purse, chased them with her tea, then lowered herself into one of the bakery chairs, all the while trying not to let her emotions get the better of her. Trying to keep the conversation light she went on to explain, “He had some last minute things to take care of with the house, and will be stopping by shortly to grab his gear.”

  Sophie dropped down into the chair next to her, her brow knit together in a frown. “And you’re going to just end it?” She snapped her fingers. “Just like that?”

  Madison blew on her tea, took another sip and went on to say, “I told you, we agreed to one month of sex and that’s it.”

  “Yeah, but Madison, I know you want more. It’s written all over your face.”

  “I know, but…” She stopped talking and massaged her aching jaw. Even though she was broken hearted that Brad was going to walk away tonight, at least she could start wearing her bite plate again. Lord knows her dentist was going to kill her for going without her device for so long. She swallowed uneasily, not even wanting to think what kind of damage she’d done to her dry, sensitive eyes with the extended use of her contracts. The specialist hadn’t even wanted her to use them in the first place.

  “But what?” Sophie went quiet for a moment, then said, “You don’t think he’s going to like the Madison that Jonah and I know, right?” She reached out, pulled Madison’s hand away from her jaw, and gave a reassuring squeeze. “The one hidden behind all the dressy clothes and makeup you’ve been wearing?” Madison’s head jerked up with a start, and when she met shrewd eyes that knew her every dark secret she exhaled slowly. “Don’t think I haven’t noticed,” Sophie went on to say. “For the past month you’ve been scratching at your eyes and eating soft foods because your jaw is killing you.”

  “I just…I didn’t want him to see that side of me.”


  She waved her hand over her body and smoothed her palm over her hair. “Because this is the girl Brad slept with.”

  Sophie squeezed her hand. “You seem to like that girl now too. Over the last month I’ve watched you change and you clearly have a lot more confidence in yourself and in your body. I’m guessing Brad had something to do with that.”

  She went quiet thinking about the way he made her strip bare in the mirror, the way he urged her to touch and admire herself. Okay, so clearly he liked her body, helped her like her body, to become more comfortable in her own skin, but she wanted him to like the girl beneath the body. The girl who wanted to kick back on Sundays, read the paper with her glasses on, put her bite plate in at night and didn’t always want to be Made-Up-Madison.

  “Why don’t you take that new confidence and go after what you want? Show Brad the other side of Madison. I think you might like the end results.”

  “And if I scare him off?”

  “Believe me, you won’t.”

  Madison took a moment to chew on that, thinking how early on in the relationship she used to get up early in the morning to make herself over, to present the svelte kind of girl he was accustomed to before he woke up next to her. But he’d quickly put a stop to that, dragging her back to bed and making sweet love to her even when she was disheveled and uncombed.

  “I told you before something was going on with him, and I think it just might be you.”

  She thought about that for a moment. Maybe Sophie was right. When they set the terms for this fling, Brad was hell bent on avoiding anything that resembled a relationship, but now, well, maybe like her he wanted more than just sex too. As she considered it further, she felt a small kernel of hope blossoming inside her. There was no denying that she was in love with Brad, had been for quite some time now. So maybe it really was time to put him to the test, to see if there could be more between him and the real Madison.

  Chapter Eleven

  Darkness had fallen over the city as Brad pulled his truck into Madison’s driveway and killed the ignition. He only just put the house up and still couldn’t believe the realtor had found a buyer so fast. But the realtor had told him that a great house priced right, in the right area, always turned over fast. He glanced at the papers that he’d signed earlier, papers the new owners would be signing tonight and sealing the deal. He was happy to see a nice young couple buying it, but felt a strange sense of loss knowing he was parting with a big piece of his past, a place where he had many happy memories.

  He glanced at the dashboard clock. Shit, he was running late. He’d planned to spend a few hours with Madison before he left tonight, but his meeting with the realtor had taken longer than he anticipated. If he wanted to make it to his drop-off point on the outskirts of town, he was going to have to speed to get there on time.

  Just as he was about to climb from the cab, a text message came in. He fished his phone from his pocket and swiped his finger over the screen. He read the message from Jonah and learned that the convoy had arrived earlier than anticipated, but wouldn’t be leaving again tonight due to maintenance issue. Brad’s heart raced as he read it a second time. The delay meant he’d have another night, and morning, with Madison. If she wanted him, that is. Christ knew she’d reminded him of their deadline enough over the past thirty days.

  He jumped from the truck, and used his key to let himself in, excitement building inside him to know she was upstairs waiting for him, and that he could take her into his arms one last time. Hurried footsteps carried him through the dark, downstairs bakery, and he rushed up the stairs, taking them two at a time.

  “Madison,” he called as he walked to her partially open door. He knocked gently, then called out to her again as he inched it open. “Madison, are you in here?”

  “Brad,” she said, her voice coming from behind.

  He spun around, and his heart nearly failed when he saw her standing outside the bathroom door, looking more beautiful than ever. With her long hair tied back, showcasing a naturally beautiful face, she adjusted her glasses and met his gaze straight on. His eyes dropped to her comfy clothes, ones he’d missed seeing her in. As he perused them, his imagination kicked into high gear, thinking about all her sexy curves beneath those sweats, not to mention all the ways he could get her out of them.

  “You’re running late,” she said, her voice sounding garbled through her bite plate.

  As he stood there looking at her, loving that she was confident and comfortable enough to just be herself with him, everything he felt for her swept over him like a windstorm. His throat clenched, the muscles running along his chin tightening and contracting as his jaw seesawed from side to side.

  “Brad?” she asked, her voice a hesitant whisper as she took two steps toward him. “Is everything okay?”

  Hell no, everything was not okay. Barely able to draw in air, let alone speak as a flash of possessiveness whipped through him, he briefly closed his eyes, his mind racing, trying like hell to figure out what to say, what to do about the things he was feeling for her. The truth was, he hadn’t felt this kind of connection in a long time. In fact he wasn’t even certain he’d ever felt like this before. Sure he’d been engaged once, but oddly enough, with Madison it felt different. But before he could pull himself together, a knock sounded on the downstairs door.

  He looked down the stairs and when he saw Jocelyn standing outside the front door, his stomach clenched. “Shit,” he said, stepping past Madison. “I’ll be right back.”

  He took the stairs two at a time, wondering what Jocelyn was doing here this time of night. She gave him a dazzling smile when he opened the door. “What can I do for you
, Jocelyn?” he asked.

  She pouted and lifted a suitcase. “I told you I’d see you again. To deliver your stuff, remember?” She went quiet for a moment then said, “And I thought we could talk.”

  He pitched his voice low. “I told you, we have nothing left to talk about.”

  With loneliness written all over her face, she went up on her toes, and ran her hands through his hair. “Come on, Brad. Don’t be mad.”

  As he looked at her, he instantly realized he wasn’t mad. Not anymore. In fact he felt nothing at all. No, that wasn’t true. What he felt was sorry for her, because there really was a time when he cared about her, and now he really only wanted her to find happiness and true love, the way he had.

  True love…


  A noise behind him had him spinning around, and he found Madison standing at the foot of the stairs, watching the exchange. One look at her, all warm and cozy and waiting for him, and he knew he wanted this, all of this. She was beautiful on the outside as well as the inside and seeing her so comfortable with him, looking both homey and sexy at the same time nearly did him in.

  He turned back to Jocelyn, and instantly knew it was time to let go of the past and move on. He’d been a fool to let old hurts stand in his way of what he wanted. After all, wasn’t he a guy who fought for what he wanted, what was right, and what was worth fighting for? Deep in his heart he knew that was Madison.

  Just then his grandfather’s words came back to haunt him, and he shook his head. Jesus Christ, he really was dense. Why had it taken him so long to see that Madison was everything he’d ever wanted, inside the bedroom and out? Could his granddad have been right about Madison too? Had he been the boy she’d always wanted? He wasn’t sure, but he was hell bent on making sure she knew he was the man for her now, because what he felt for her was real and completely overwhelming, in a good way. Loving her felt right, in his head and in his heart.

  As a sense of belonging rolled over him, he thought about a conversation he once had with Madison. It was true, when he returned from away he wanted to come back to things that made him feel at home, things that made him feel happy. And he couldn’t imagine coming home to anyone but the sweet and sexy girl who’d crawled past his defenses without even trying. Deep in his soul, he knew he didn’t need to worry about betrayal. Not with her. She wasn’t the type of girl to sleep around on him when he was away working. No, she was sweet and kind, the most compassionate and giving woman he knew, and it was damn well time to change her mind on this deadline they set in place, and prove to her that they belonged together.

  But how?

  His gut clenched, and as he thought about the papers the new owners were about to sign, the future he so desperately wanted slipping from his fingers, he looked at Madison and blurted out, “I have to go.”

  “I know,” she murmured, hugging her arms around her body. “You’re running late.”

  He pushed past Jocelyn, and she chatted endlessly as she followed him to his truck. He pulled open his door, but before he got in, he turned to her, put his hands on her shoulders and softened his voice when he said, “I hope you find what you’re looking for, Jocelyn, but I think we both know it’s not me.”

  She went quiet for a moment, glanced at the bakery door, then back at him. She exhaled slowly and nodded. “I’m sorry, Brad.”

  “I know, and I also know you’ll find someone who will make you happy.”

  Hope lit her eyes and his heart softened for her. “Do you think so?”

  “I know so. You take care of yourself, okay?”

  She nodded. “You too.”

  With that, Brad dropped a soft kiss onto her forehead and climbed into his truck.

  With single-minded determination, he turned the ignition over, and backed down the driveway, determined to stop this deal from going through. His very future depended on it.

  Madison’s heart pounded so hard against her ribcage as she watched Brad leave, she thought it would burst from her chest. She hurried back upstairs, but when she tripped over his military bag, she stilled, her mind searching for answers. If he wasn’t rushing off to catch his convoy, why then had he run out of her place so fast, leaving his gear behind?

  God, could she have been so wrong about him? Had one glimpse of the real Madison sent him into the arms of his ex? She swallowed, refusing to believe that about him, especially after seeing the way he looked at her earlier. There was so much desire and passion in his eyes that it weakened her knees and had her heart turning over in her chest. Everything in the way he looked at her, told her he wanted so much more too. So why then, did he bolt from her place like he was on fire?

  With her emotions in a confused mess, she walked aimlessly around her bedroom, exhaustion pulling at her as she tried to figure out what was going on. She sat on the edge of her bed, but when she caught Brad’s scent, she knew she could never spend the night in here, especially if he had no intention of ever coming back to her.

  As a yawn pulled at her, the pain medication she’d taken earlier wiping her out, she thought about stripping the mattress and washing the sheets, but decided against it. Instead, she pulled on her knee-length nightshirt and made her way down the hall. At least in Jonah’s room she wouldn’t be bombarded with memories of all the erotic things she and Brad had done in hers.

  She pulled back the sheets and climbed inside, missing Brad’s warmth as she desperately tried to figure out what was going on inside that head of his. She quieted her mind and thought things through, recalling the way Brad had been so tender and caring with her, helping her overcome her body image issues to become confident in herself, confident enough to present the side of her that got her teased in high school.

  Then another thought hit. Perhaps Brad was still harboring anger over his ex, still too afraid to put his heart on the line and try again. And perhaps when Jocelyn had knocked on the door, the sight of her brought back too many painful memories, and had him running in the opposite direction.

  Maybe it was time for her to help him move past his issues, because he was a good man, one who deserved what he always wanted. And damned if she wasn’t the girl to give it to him. She let loose a breath and snuggled into the sheets, ever determined to make this work between them, because she believed in him, and she believed in herself.

  Chapter Twelve

  Brad sped through the city streets, taking the corners too fast and running the lights when no other vehicles were around. He pulled up in front of Granddad’s beautiful old homestead and when he saw two cars in the driveway his heart went to his throat.

  He jumped from the cab of his truck, ripped the For Sale sign off the lawn and ran into the house. When he stepped inside and three sets of eyes turned his way, he blurted out, “It’s not for sale.”

  “Brad,” his realtor said, jumping from his seat at the small round kitchen table, “What’s going on?”

  Brad looked at the young couple who’d put in an offer earlier that day, their eyes wide and confused as they sat at the oak table talking about the house with his realtor. “I made a mistake. The house is no longer for sale.”

  Disappointment moved over the young woman’s face as her glance went from Brad, to the realtor, to her husband. “But I thought—”

  “I’m sorry, I just can’t sell it.”

  “I think you’re too late, pal,” the guy said, his voice challenging as he stood up. “You accepted our offer and already signed the papers.”

  “No, you don’t understand. I can’t sell it.”

  The man folded his arm over a broad chest, but his wife stood beside him and put her hand on his arm. Her brow furrowed. “What’s going on?”

  Brad scrubbed his fingers through his hair. “This house…it’s my future…my….everything.”

  “Brad,” the realtor said in a soft tone voice meant to placate. “You’re not making any sense.”

  “Look,” he blurted out. “I’m in love. So fucking crazy in love I don’t know what to do with
myself. And I want to show her just how much I love her, by giving her what she’s always wanted.”

  “What has she always wanted?” the girl asked.

  “A house…a family…in the right neighborhood. One she can live in forever, and turn the downstairs into a bakery.” He pointed to the wrap around deck that he could close in and turn into an eating area. “This place is the perfect location for Sweetie’s Bakery. The perfect house for her…for us.”

  “Sweetie’s Bakery?” the girl asked, her eyes wide. “Are you talking about Madison Graham?”

  Brad nodded, his heart beating so hard in his chest he felt dizzy. “Yeah, do you know her?”

  “Not personally, but I eat at her bakery all the times. She’s amazing.”

  “Yeah, she is amazing.”

  The woman looked at her husband, who seemed to be shifting uneasily on his feet. “We can’t buy this place now,” the petite blonde said.

  “Yeah, I knew you were going to say that.” He shrugged and held a hand out to Brad. “What can I say, I’m a sucker for love too.”

  “Thank you.” Brad rushed out, and after a quick handshake he darted into the small office to grab the blueprints he’d been working off of while refinishing the place. He had one more stop to make before he hurried back to Madison.

  Three long hours later, after waking his friend and putting him to work on modifying the blueprints to incorporate a downstairs café, he was back in his truck on his way to see Madison, equal amounts of excitement and nervousness erupting in the pit of his gut.

  He drove into her parking lot and noted that all the lights were out. Assuming she’d gone to bed, after all she probably thought he’d be on his way up north at this point, he unlocked the door and quietly stepped inside.

  The steps groaned under his weight as he walked upstairs, but when he reached her bedroom and found it empty, worry moved through him. Where the hell was she?


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