Badboy Romance

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Badboy Romance Page 2

by Lisa Simmons

  Furiously, my fingers worked to undo his belt, managing to unbuckle it fairly quickly in my haste. As soon as I had it undone, I ripped the rest of his jeans open and sunk my hand in, wanting to return what he was doing to me. He pinched my clit between his fingers, nearly causing me to collapse as I let my hand drift beneath his boxers.

  My mouth fell open in shock as I felt how massive he was, by far bigger than anyone I’d ever been with. His skin was silky beneath my fingers as I wrapped them around his shaft, squeezing lightly before sliding up his length. My thumb stroked across the head, tracing the slit lightly and earning a groan from Reece. He increased his pace, driving me absolutely insane before I somehow, in some act of super human strength, gripped his wrist with my other hand and pulled it away from me.

  My body shuddered at the loss of contact, protesting and screaming for his touch to be returned to me, but I had other plans. I released my grip on him to grab the front of his shirt and push him further down the hall into another wall, his wide shoulders colliding with it forcefully.

  A gust of air rushed out of his mouth, brushing across my face as I crashed into him, pushing him further into the wall. My lips crashed into his, parting them immediately and letting my tongue slide along his as my hips pushed hard into him. After tugging back on his lower lip, I released it and moved to his jaw, kissing the skin there and trailing down his neck. My lips dragged lower, teeth nipping at him and tongue smoothing where I bit until I reached the collar of his wide shirt that exposed his beautiful collarbones. I sucked on one harshly before dropping down to my knees, lifting his shirt to press wet kisses to his skin. My palms slid up his thighs, squeezing firmly until I reached his groin. His hips twitched as I reached the top of his jeans and boxers, slipping my fingers beneath the bands and pulling down, revealing more of his skin to me. His eyes burned into mine when I looked up at him, studying my every move with his lips slightly parted. When I got his jeans low enough to free him, my hot breath washed over him and he bit his lip, white teeth sinking into the deep, pink color of his lips. I laid my tongue out flat as I swiped in up his shaft, starting at the base. His hands curled into fists at his sides when I closed my lips around the head, letting my tongue swipe around in a circle, feeling every curve of the head before finding the slit and darting against it. He groaned when I took more of him into my mouth, bobbing my head as I took more and more each time. With every inch of silky skin that disappeared past my lips, he grew more and more agitated. He was so big it was difficult for me to take all of him. Frustration coursed through me as I struggled to take more, letting my hands take over what I couldn’t swallow. My fingers wrapped around his length, squeezing and twisting in sync with my mouth. When his head pressed against the back of my throat, he let out aloud groan and slammed his fist into the wall, squeezing his eyes shut and grimacing as he shoved his hand through his hair.

  “Fuck, stop,” he said, gripping forearms and yanking me up. He tugged his jeans up but didn’t bother doing them before he slammed his mouth into mine and pushed me into yet another wall, grinding his hips to me as his palm roughly massaged my breast, kissing me deeply and hungrily. His hands trailed down my sides quickly before sliding past my bum and gripping the backs of my thighs, lifting me in a quick burst just has he had outside and slamming me back into the wall. My breathing was coming in uneven pants as he rolled against me again, making my entire body practically vibrate. With no warning, he moved away from the wall, still holding me up while he moved down the hall. My arms wrapped around his neck, gripping his hair tightly as I clung to him.

  My back slammed into a door, pushing it open as he carried me through it. I assumed it was his room, but I really had no idea, nor did I care. All I cared was that there was a bed, which I quickly discovered was present as he practically threw me onto it, dropping me to my back before quickly following me down. He held himself over me with his hands on either side of my face, head ducked down to suck on my neck. I couldn’t stop my hand from tugging up on his shirt, yanking it to his armpits before he gripped the back and pulled it off. Immediately he grabbed mine, pulling it over my head before I was even aware of it, my bra following almost instantly after. His head ducked down more to close his lips over my nipple, sucking and nibbling on it before sliding his tongue around the nub. A whimper escaped my lips as his warm tongue laid flat against it, his other hand molding against the other side of my chest. Releasing my nipple, he dragged his lips back up my chest, kissing my jaw as his hands slid down my sides, reaching my undone jeans and sliding his hand back beneath the fabric. His fingers slid along my opening before pushing in again, thumb pushing down on my clit and circling once, twice, three times. My back arched into him again as I could stop the moan that fell from my lips. Suddenly he pulled his hand back and my hand slammed into the mattress in frustration. I was relieved, however, when he roughly tugged my jeans and panties down, clearing them from my hips in one swift motion, baring me to him. I kicked them off my legs, completely naked now. My hands sunk beneath his remaining clothes and tugged, unable to move them more than an inch or so before he took over and pulled them off as well. He paused and pulled what I knew to be a condom from the glint of the foil out of the pocket. Biting the corner of it, he ripped it open and tossed the wrapper to the side before sliding it on with unsurprising skill. As soon as he had it on, I could feel him pushing against my opening, his weight evident as he waited.

  His dark green eyes met my gaze as he looked at me, leaning down to kiss me roughly before pulling back.

  “You good?” he asked huskily, voice impossibly deep and raspy in his aroused state.

  “Yeah,” I responded without thinking, my body completely taking over any sense I might have normally had. He nodded sharply before shifting his hips forward, pushing himself into me.

  “Oh my god,” I moaned, the stretch of his massive size causing a delicious burn as he sunk all the way into me, giving me no time to adjust to him. My mouth fell open and my head tilted back, aching against the mattress. I felt his lips close over my jugular, surely able to feel my pulse pounding beneath my skin. He pulled his hips back before sliding into me again, and I felt him exhale heavily against my skin. My muscles were tight as he pushed in and out of me, resisting the stretch his body was forcing upon me but relishing the pressure it created.

  “Holy fuck,” he groaned as he sunk his teeth into my collarbone before lifting his head to crash his mouth into mine. His tongue dove into my mouth, massaging mine as he kissed me deeply. I struggled to breathe as his hips rocked against me, driving him impossibly deeper with every thrust. Pressure was building in my stomach already as he tilted his hips up slightly, hitting a completely different spot and earning another round of moans to slip from my lips.

  “Fuck, Reece,” I groaned as he gripped my hip in one of his large hands, lifting them off the bad as he drove himself fully in again and again. I lost all control of my body as he took me; my back arched off the mattress, my hands roughly gripped at whatever part of him I could find, and gasps fell from my lips unstopped as he rolled his body on top of me. My palms slid down his back, which was firm with muscles and contracting tightly as he thrust into me, sweat forming over his skin. I groaned when he dipped his hips down, the pressure growing more and more in my stomach. My legs wrapped around his back and grew impossibly tight, my hips attempting to rise to meet his but mostly just bucking uncontrollably as he sunk into me again. His pace grew faster and faster, hips crashing into mine more and more as he worked my body into absolute chaos. I couldn’t catch a solid breath in the state I was in, my mind buzzing wildly in ecstasy as he slammed into me. My muscles tensed up, and I knew I was almost done for. Fingernails scratched down his back as I tried to hold on, but he didn’t even notice. If anything, he liked it, because a satisfied groan fell into my mouth as it passed through his lips. He tilted his hips up once more, hitting the deepest he had yet, pulling almost completely out before thrusting back in at an torturously fas
t pace, practically shoving me to the end. One more deep thrust from him and I was done for, a cry I wasn’t aware of being shouted into the air as the pressure in my stomach burst, relief flooding through my body. Heat radiated through me as I reveled in my high, my mouth falling open as he continued to rock his hips into me. “Fuck,” he groaned as he gave one more thrust, hitting incredibly deep and stilling as his muscles strained, the veins popping out in his neck as he squeezed his eyes shut and came. After a few seconds he relaxed and let out a heavy exhale, pressing his lips to mine once before rolling onto his back next to me.

  “Holy shit,” I breathed, unable to open my eyes or stop the shaking that had settled over my entire body. I was covered in a sheen of sweat and my entire body was buzzing, fire burning through my veins as I attempted to catch a breath.

  He let out a huff of air, almost like a laugh as he shoved his hand through his wet hair before dropping it lazily back onto the bed. I managed a glance at him and took in the incredible curve of his chest and abs, admiring his physical perfection. For the first time, I noticed tattoos covered his left arm, along with a few dotting his chest and stomach. I had been so distracted by his touches and his lips that I hadn’t even noticed until now.

  “Nice to fucking meet you, Abigail,” he said, gravel weighing down his voice as he let out a low scoff, grinning in satisfaction. I took a deep breath, trying to process all that had just happened, my mind still clouded by my incredible orgasm.

  What had I gotten myself into?

  "I can't promise that I'll be good to you..."

  Chapter 3

  We were both quiet as we redressed, pulling on the various articles of clothing we had quickly shed in our haste to get each other naked. I could feel his eyes burning into my skin as I fasted my bra behind my back and tried not to blush. My mind was still spinning with what I had just done, but I couldn’t come to say I regretted it.

  The fact that I had no idea, really, who this guy was should have terrified me, but even now I felt a strange connection to him. It was a lingering burn that had yet to be extinguished even after our sudden rendezvous. I had never felt such a strange feeling before, such a sudden want and need to be connected to another person I didn’t even know. I had to admit, I had loved every second of it. My mind flashed to Jack, but I quickly wiped him from my brain. He didn’t deserve another moment of my time, especially after what he had done. My faith in relationships had been completely shattered by him, so it felt amazing to have such a carefree and reckless experience with this guy. Reece. I shook my head, ridding the thoughts from my mind. I would sort them out later. Right now, I needed to focus on what to say to Reece without sounding like a complete idiot. “I feel like I should tell you...” he said suddenly, as if sensing my inner struggle. “I’m not looking for... anything.”

  I blinked, my face blank as I absorbed his words. He looked confused by my lack of reaction, as if expecting me to be upset or sad. On the contrary, his words comforted me. I was in no shape to begin another relationship after my debacle of the last one, so his words were a relief. Whatever had just happened, it had been uncomplicated and deliciously exciting.

  “Neither am I,” I stated honestly. I had a sense he was surprised by my answer. He nodded as he buckled his belt, having covered his amazingly beautiful body once more.

  “Okay,” he said simply. My eyes darted to the tattoos trailing down his arm, trying to decipher the black ink from his skin. I thought I saw a rose covering his elbow before he cleared his throat, bringing my eyes back to his. “Wanna go back?”“Yeah, sure,” I said, nodding. I picked my phone up off the floor, where it had landed after falling out of the pocket of my jeans. It vibrated in my hand as I did so, lighting up to reveal numerous text messages and missed calls from Emily. “Shit,” I muttered. She would surely want to know where I had disappeared to for over an hour, and I already knew I didn’t want to tell her. Whatever had happened here would be my own delicious little secret, destined to stay between Reece and I. Of course, I didn’t really know him at all, so I couldn’t tell if he was the type to tell people or not. I got the distinct impression that he wasn’t, however. This would most likely stay between us and only us, which was fine with me.

  “Ready?” he asked, eyes searing into me from across the room. Even now, his eyes felt like they were singeing a hole into my body. My breath caught slightly in my throat as I looked up from my phone, meeting his eye contact and desperately avoiding staring at his full, dark pink lips. “Mmhmm.” I crossed the room to follow him out the door, taking advantage of his gaze facing forward to observe the wide expanse of his shoulders taper into an impossibly thin waist, the ratio astounding. His black jeans were tighter than I’d seen on almost any other man, but he pulled it off with out a hitch, the small curve of his bum intoxicating me even more as he walked. I couldn’t help but feel proud of myself for somehow successfully seducing such an attractive man.

  He led me down the hallway we had come through, the path of destruction we left behind evident now that I wasn’t in a hormone-induced haze. Pictures that hung on the walls were crooked, and various item, including a phone and a key basket, had been knocked to the floor. “At least we didn’t destroy your room like this,” I said quietly, laughing to myself. He glanced over his shoulder and gave me an amused look.

  “That wasn’t my room.”

  My eyebrows furrowed instantly, confusion flooding through me. “It wasn’t?”


  “Who’s was it?” I asked, almost afraid of the answer.

  “My buddy Matthew’s,” he said nonchalantly.

  “Do you even live here?” I asked, somehow already knowing the answer.

  “Nope,” he replied, a slight smirk on his face. “Just holding his keys. Good thing, too, ‘cause it came in handy.”

  “Yeah, I guess so,” I said distractedly, trying to decide if I should feel guilty or not for what we had just done on this mystery friend’s bed. I decided I didn’t; it had been too good to cloud with negative emotions.

  “What’s your last name?” he asked abruptly, leading me out the front door and locking it behind us. We started walking down the sidewalk, back toward the party.

  “Campbell,” I said. “Abigail Campbell.”

  He nodded but didn’t offer his own last name, staring ahead as we walked. I rolled my eyes at his insistence on barely speaking.

  “And yours is...?”

  “Evans,” he answered, glancing down at me to see me watching his face. His jaw flexed as he did so, throwing a dark shadow across his neck from the sharp line of it. He raised an eyebrow at me but didn’t say anything as we continued to walk, turning off the sidewalk and heading back between the houses. People were visible hanging out in the backyard of the party now, and the noise grew louder. A line of trees separated us from the party and we were almost past them when he suddenly grabbed my arm and pushed me lightly against one of the thick trunks, hiding us from the view of the people spread on the lawn. His head ducked down to press his lips to mine, his chest pushing into mine as his hand gripped the back of my head. His lips parted mine as his tongue slid across my lower lip, his thumb hinging under my jaw to push my face up while he kissed me. My hands instantly gripped his hips, pulling him tighter against me as his tongue pushed into my mouth again. As suddenly as he had kissed me he stopped, pulling his lips from mine and leaving me panting against the tree.

  “Wait thirty seconds then go back inside,” he instructed, green eyes burning into my own before releasing his grip on me and disappearing into the yard. I leaned my head back against the trunk, mind reeling as I tried to catch my breath. Why he wanted me to wait thirty seconds before following him was a mystery to me, but I suspected I had been right in thinking he was fairly private; he didn’t want people to know what he had just been busy doing. I counted to thirty in my head before peeling myself away from my perch, running my fingers through my hair as I walked back into the crowd, atte
mpting to look as if I hadn’t just had my entire body rocked by a mysterious man I just met.

  I didn’t see any of my friends outside as I wove through the people, narrowly avoiding the drinks that were inevitably spilled. My phone vibrated in my hand again, indicating Emily was calling me and I cursed under my breath. I had approximately one minute until she found me and demanded an answer as to where I had been.

  It turned out to be much less than a minute as a hand suddenly gripped my upper arm, my mind immediately flashing to Reece before I was spun around to look into Emily’s face.

  “Where the hell did you go?” she demanded, looking flustered and slightly sweaty. She had either consumed a lot more alcohol in my absence or the simple heat of the party was getting to her. I couldn’t really talk- I probably looked just as bad. “Um, just around,” I said vaguely, gesturing widely with my hand. She looked at me skeptically.

  “Around?” she said, throwing up sarcastic air quotes that I wasn’t sure were necessary.

  “Yeah, around. I was looking for you everywhere,” I lied, focusing on keeping my face even. I was an awful liar.

  “So was I,” she replied, eyes narrowing before she broke into a grin. “Weird!”

  I let out a sigh of relief, happy she had accepted my excuse. I suspected her alcohol intake was making her less sharp than usual, which worked to my advantage.


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