Badboy Romance

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Badboy Romance Page 8

by Lisa Simmons

  My head rolled back involuntarily, disconnecting our lips as he hit even deeper inside me. He took the opportunity of my exposed neck to attach his mouth to my skin, his tongue sliding out across it after nipping at it with his teeth. A delightful haze was starting to settle over my mind, clouding out every single thought except for Reece and his body and the way he was connected with me, each and every move he made adding to the blissful fog that settled over me.

  Fire seared through every inch of my skin, superheating me and flushing my skin with sweat as he rocked into me. My hands released their grip on his hair to slide down his back where a thin coat of his own sweat was forming, highlighting his taut muscles and making his tattoos shine out against his skin. In that moment I was struck by how beautiful he really was; the way his muscles moved so smoothly beneath his skin and the way the tiniest of movements could have such an effect on me struck me suddenly as he moved between my legs, completely overwhelming my senses.

  My hands drifted around his sides where I felt the fluid, smooth rocking of his hips against me before drifting up his stomach, the slick skin passing easily under my palms. I let out another whimper as he shifted his hips to a different angle, hitting a different spot inside of me. One of his hands rose to slide around the side of my neck, surprising me as he pulled my face to him to kiss me again, lips parting mine and letting his tongue slip easily into my mouth.

  His hips were gripped in my hands as I rocked my hips to meet him, our centers colliding harshly but deliciously as he thrust into me again and again. My back was encircled in his other arm, his forearm pressing into my skin and pulling me to him while his other hand held onto my face while he kissed me.

  We were so intertwined in every way I couldn't quite understand how we still managed such a desperate and even pace, but I didn't care. It didn't matter how we were moving together, only that we were.

  There was a fire burning in the bit of my stomach, and I could feel that it was about to explode through the rest of my body, incinerating every nerve along the way.

  "Abigail," he groaned, words muffled by my lips as he kissed me again, diving his tongue deeper into my mouth as he tried to consume as much of me as he could. The pace of his hips was getting faster and faster as he pounded into me mercilessly, the lust taking over his body as he drove us closer to the edge.

  My back arched even farther into him as he gave one more deep, hard thrust, shoving my orgasm over the edge and flooding it through my entire body. A loud gasp mingled with a cry fell from my mouth, and for the first time I didn't bother to quiet it; something told me Reece definitely wouldn't mind it. My body felt like it was floating as I reveled in my high, my mind surprisingly clear compared to how dazed I had felt only moments ago.

  I jumped slightly as his fist slammed into the cupboard behind me, the loud rattle of the wood resonating through the kitchen as he thrust into me even harder, so close to his own end. His breath rattled through his chest as he rocked into me, the bliss from my own orgasm still flowing through me. He pulled me so tight into his chest that I thought I would suffocate as he gave one more urgent thrust, coming undone in front of me before his muscles relaxed beneath my hands, his grip on me loosening.

  His mouth was still pressed into mine as he relaxed, not kissing me but breathing into me, his eyes closed tightly as he reigned himself back in. I let my hands pet through his hair gingerly, bringing him back down gently from his high. He let out a heavy breath and pulled back an inch before opening his eyes.

  I gasped a little as I took in his eyes, their irises blazing green and more alive than I had ever seen them, never having really seen him come undone in the light. I had been missing out on so much, because he looked incredible; his face was flushed and sweaty and tinged pink in the cheeks but his eyes were clear and sparkling, his lips a deep, plump red, and his hair shoved haphazardly across his head. I had never seen him look so beautiful.

  "Shit," he breathed, eyes flitting back and forth between mine. His hands suddenly wrapped around my face, palms heating my already warm cheeks before he leaned in and pressed one last kiss to my lips, lingering for a second before pulling back.

  "So glad you called, baby," he said, smirk pulling at his lips once more.

  "So glad you came over, baby," I returned, repeating his pet name for me, if you could call it that.

  But in the back of my mind, I knew I was in trouble. The little details I was noticing about him were engraining themselves in my brain, and I was feeling stirrings of things I was determined not to. He was worming his way into me, I could feel it, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

  "....and it won't stop."

  Chapter 9

  Reece's POV

  It had been days since I'd seen Abigail, but I could still feel her on my skin. There was a dull buzzing running though my veins whenever I thought of her and the way her body reacted to me. The way her skin would slide under my fingertips, the way her perfect lips would part when I touched her, the way her breathing would pick up at the slightest move from me, everything, was all incredible.

  No one had ever reacted to me in such a way, and there had definitely been plenty before her. I knew that rumors about me flew around, saying I was a player and a whore, and for the most part, they were true; I had definitely slept with my fair share of women, and was notorious for the whole one-night-stand shtick. Until Abigail. She was the only person I'd slept with more than once, apart from the 'girlfriend' I had lost my virginity to years ago who had turned out to be a total bitch.

  Until Abigail, I had had absolutely no interest in seeing any of the girls I slept with again. I got what I wanted and that was it. It wasn't that I had experienced some great heartbreak and had a fear of relationships, I just had no interest in them whatsoever. Why would I waste my time with one girl when I could have so many others? And, I was yet to find a girl I liked hanging out with if we weren't going to get naked. What was the point?

  Abigail scared me. Call it pathetic or pitiful or whatever, but she did. She was the only girl I managed to still hold respect for even though she, too, had given it up for me the first night I met her. There just something so clearly different about her from all the other sluts I was used to. It was obvious that she had slept with me on a whim, a fuck-it-let's-do-it kind of decision, but I had taken it. What I hadn't expected, however, was that I would be more than willing, hopeful, even, that it would happen again.

  True, I didn't really know her yet, but there was something weird between us that I couldn't ignore. I couldn't be in a room with her without being pulled to her, my body naturally gravitating to her against my will. There was an undeniable fire that ran through my veins when I looked at her, increasing intensely when I touched her, and nearly incinerating me when I kissed her.

  I had never experienced anything remotely like this, which terrified me. I didn't want to get involved with her apart from our physical relationship, because quite frankly, I had no idea how to even function properly with a girl besides in the bedroom or the process of getting her there. Sure, I was great at charming them and flirting with them, but actually talking to them? Not my strong suit.

  Besides, it was obvious she still had major issues with her ex-boyfriend. Her complete tool of an ex-boyfriend who obviously fucked up something great if he cheated on her. I hardly knew her, but I knew I didn't want her to go back to him. If she went back to him, that'd be the end of whatever this was going on between us, and I didn't want that.

  I picked at my lip as I leaned back on my couch, attempting to pay attention to what Samuel and Luke were talking about but failing to find it interesting. A few beer bottles lay scattered around on my coffee table, and I fought to subdue the irritation that flashed through me. Was it that hard to throw them away once they're empty?

  "Yeah, she was fucking hot, wasn't she, Reece?" Samuel said, drawing my attention with the sound of my name. One of my eyebrows rose slightly, not having heard the question.
  "Sorry, who?"

  "That blonde chick you took home from the party last weekend," he repeated before taking a swig from his beer. My jaw clenched involuntarily at the mention of Abigail, annoyed that he had seen me leaving with her. Usually I didn't care, but for some reason I didn't want people to know about Abigail and I.

  "Erm, yeah, definitely," I said vaguely, not letting on that there was any more to it than the usual one night stand.

  "She had to be pretty good in bed, her body was tight," he said, making me cringe internally. It was true, but I didn't like him thinking about her like that. I stretched out my fingers, unclenching them from the fist that had formed unknowingly.


  "Damn, wish I would have seen her," Luke said, shaking his head and grinning. "One of your better picks, yeah?"

  "Dude, seriously. Maybe now that Reece's done I can get her next time," Samuel said, nudging Luke in the arm and raising his eyebrows at me. He was probably kidding, but the thought made me angry. I didn't want Samuel within 100 feet of Abigail. They continued to talk about her and I felt myself growing more and more irritated. I needed to get away from them before I let on that I was getting so annoyed. Anger flooded through my veins as Samuel described exactly what he would like to do to Abigail if given the chance.

  "Guys, sorry, I just remembered I have to be somewhere," I said vaguely, interrupting them and clearly dismissing them from my house. Samuel finished his description of Abigail's body before answering me, and I had to grip the cushion of the couch to stop myself from hitting him. My flashes of anger surprised me, unsure of where the fuel for these feelings was really coming from.

  "Alright, mate, we'll see you later then," Luke said, finishing off his beer and standing up. Samuel followed him, setting his empty bottle on the table only for it to tip over and spill the few remaining drops onto the wood. My jaw clenched again, this close to saying something to him but holding back.

  "Yeah, see you," I said evenly, giving a small wave as they made their way out the front door.

  The front door closed and I blew out a breath, pissed off at Samuel and his blatant lust for Abigail, annoyed about the beer bottles spilling everywhere, and irritated with myself for feeling something more for Abigail than I wanted to. If I had my way, I'd feel nothing for her- she'd be just another girl I'd slept with and nothing else. I apparently couldn't have my way, however, because she had wormed her way into my brain somehow, taking over more than her fair share of my thoughts.

  It made me feel weak, and I didn't like it.

  My eyes focused on the bottles crowding the coffee table before I heaved myself up and started gathering them in my arms to throw away. That was another thing- Samuel and Luke often came over just to hang out but would end up drinking my beer, which was more irritating than an actual issue. I threw them away and leaned against the counter, remembering the way Abigail had stood awkwardly on the other side after that night she had come here, unsure of what to do with herself.

  She was somehow incredibly beautiful, stunningly sexy, and painfully adorable all at the same time, which I knew spelled nothing but trouble for me. Once again, I felt a flash of annoyance at myself for having these thoughts of her. Samuel' words drifted back through my skull and I was suddenly angry all over again.

  I needed a distraction, and the first thing that came to my mind in terms of distraction was sex. I didn't want just anyone, however; I wanted Abigail.

  Before I could stop myself, I had dialed her number and was waiting impatiently for her to answer. The muscles in my jaw flexed as I listened to her phone ring over and over again. If she wasn't going to answer...

  "Hello?" she said breathlessly, sounding like she had just run to answer the phone.

  "What are you doing?" I asked immediately, not bothering to tell her who it was.

  "Reece?" she questioned, sounding even more breathless this time.

  "Yeah, what are you doing?" I pressed.

  "Um, nothing really, what's up?"

  "I'm coming to get you," I told her, hoping she wouldn't say no.

  "Okay," she answered simply. "When?"

  "Now," I said. "Um, is that alright?" It occurred to me how rude I sounded, telling her what to do. I wasn't used to asking.


  "Okay, see you soon," I replied before hanging up, not giving her the chance to say goodbye.

  Without a second thought, I shoved my phone in my pocket and grabbed my car keys before walking out my front door, locking it behind me.

  The drive to her apartment went relatively fast, the small college town making everything around pretty close in proximity. I was surprised to see she was waiting for me, sitting on a bench in front of her complex with her hands folded in her lap. To keep herself from fidgeting, I bet. She rose from her seat when she saw my black SUV pull up and moved toward the vehicle. I don't know how she knew it was me, because as far as I knew, she had never seen what I drove. Then again, she had been expecting me to arrive so she probably just guessed.

  I unlocked the car just as her fingers reached for the door, pulling it open and letting herself into the passenger seat.

  "Hi," she said, her voice surprisingly calm as she looked at me and took in my annoyed expression. I tried to wipe it from my face, feeling a bit less irritated already now that she was here, but she had seen it. I put the car into reverse and drove out of the parking lot as she put on her seat belt.

  "Hey," I replied.

  "What's wrong with you?" she asked bluntly, surprising me.

  "Nothing," I replied automatically. My eyes flashed over to her to find her looking at me skeptically, arms crossed loosely over her chest as she leaned against the door. I sighed.

  "Just... irritated. It's nothing," I said vaguely, absolutely not about to tell her that she was the main source of my stress, one way or another.

  "You can tell me if you want," she said kindly.

  "I don't want to."

  She sighed. "Alright."

  The radio droned on in the background, buffering our tense conversation. This was going all wrong. I didn't want to completely shut her out but I also didn't want to talk about me at all. I glanced at her again to find her staring straight ahead out the windshield, one of her hands picking absentmindedly at the seam of her jeans. Those hands that had been wrapped around me only a few days ago...

  I shook my head, clearing the dirty thoughts from my mind before I got really worked up and had to stop to fuck her in the back of my car. I searched my mind for something to say, the only topic that popped up was nearly as unappealing as talking about me, but I really wanted to know what was happening.

  "Have you talked to Brett?" I asked, focusing on not looking at her.

  "You mean Jack?" she asked. I could practically feel the sarcasm dripping from her tone, clearly thinking I had messed the name up on purpose. I had.


  "Not yet," she admitted. This time I allowed myself to glance at her. My heart jumped a bit when I saw her blue eyes locked on mine. I forced myself to hold her gaze for a split second before turning back to the road, not wanting to appear as if I'd gotten caught stealing a glance at her, even though I had.

  "Are you going to?"

  "Eventually, yeah..." she trailed off, clearly as reluctant to talk about it as I was to ask. Hearing about her ex-boyfriend and his attempts to win her back was about the last thing I wanted to hear about, but I needed to know. More than that, I had to try and dissuade her from going back to him without seeming like that's what I was doing.

  "Why?" Irritating rang through in my voice, betraying me.

  "I don't know, I just need... closure or whatever," she said lamely, shrugging.

  "Closure," I repeated, testing how the word sounded.

  "Yeah, like, I just need to know why he stayed with me at all when he was cheating on me for over a year," she said, accidentally revealing new information to me. I had guessed correc
tly that he had cheated on her, but I had assumed it had been some random drunken night, not a full blown affair for a year.

  "A year?" I repeated incredulously, probably sounding rude. Shit.

  "Yeah," she answered.

  "Why are you even talking to him at all? If I were you I'd tell him to shove it up his ass," I answered honestly. If I had been dating someone and found out they'd cheated on me for a fucking year, I would never speak to them again. Yet here she was, not only politely talking to him at a party but contemplating having an actual conversation about their relationship with him. It made absolutely no sense to me.

  "I told you, it's complicated," she said, an edge of irritation to her voice.

  "Alright, alright," I said, raising my hands briefly in surrender. "Sorry, we can talk about something else."

  "Okay, so how about you tell me where we're going?" she asked smoothly. I blinked, suddenly realizing that I had driven out of the city limits and was now driving down a dark highway, the only light around coming from the stars above and the headlights of my SUV.

  "I don't know," I said honestly. "I was just driving."

  "Okay," she said quietly. "So are you gonna tell me what your deal is, yet?"

  "What my 'deal' is?" I questioned, raising an eyebrow at her. I didn't have a 'deal' as she so eloquently put it.

  "Yeah, this whole, 'I don't want anything from you but I'm still gonna call you' thing."

  "I believe it was you who started the calling thing," I informed her, smirking slightly at the memory of her calling me to come over. I guess I didn't really know why she had called and just assumed it was because she wanted me again, not that she had resisted at all when I had touched her.

  "True..." she said, reluctant to admit I was right.

  "And I don't have a deal," I added. "I just don't date, so it's a really weird concept to have... slept with you more than once."

  I stopped myself from saying 'fucked you' as I normally would, my usual crass manner seeming inappropriate for this conversation.


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