Super Duper Pee Wee!

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Super Duper Pee Wee! Page 5

by Judy Delton

  “It doesn’t look like my pen,” scoffed Sonny.

  “It’s an old-fashioned pen people used to dip in ink,” said Mrs. Stone. Molly pinned her badge on her blouse. It looked wonderful!

  The Pee Wees sang their song and said their pledge. They didn’t talk about good deeds. Today was badge day.

  After the meeting, on the way out, Rachel came up to Molly.

  “Thanks for telling me about your aunt,” she said. “And Kyle’s parents. But I hope mine don’t get a divorce.”

  “I do too!” said Molly warmly.

  “I’m going to talk to my mom about it,” she said, wiping her eyes.

  On the way home, Molly and Mary Beth sang the Pee Wee song all over again.

  On Saturday Auntie Ree moved out. Mr. Duff rented a truck and helped his sister-in-law load it up.

  They loaded the exercise equipment from the basement.

  And all the bottles and jars and panty hose from Molly’s room.

  They packed her clothes, which were in Molly’s closet.

  Molly felt a little bit sad to see her aunt go. But she knew she could see her often. It was like having a new friend! And she had her own little room back, without having to have Roger for a cousin! It was a good thing that plan of Mary Beth’s never worked out!

  At the new apartment, Molly and her mother and some of Aunt Marie’s friends from work washed windows and waxed floors and moved clothes into the closet.

  “Isn’t it wonderful!” said Auntie Ree, after the last picture was hung on the wall.

  Everyone agreed it was a cozy apartment.

  “Come and see me soon!” said Auntie Ree to Molly. She gave her a hug. “You’ve been a super duper Pee Wee to me, Molly,” she said, squeezing Molly again.

  “I’ll come on Tuesday, after Scouts,” said Molly. “Can I bring my suitcase and stay overnight?”

  “You bet,” said Auntie Ree. “If your mom and dad say it’s okay.”

  They did.

  “But don’t bring Skippy,” Auntie Ree said with a laugh. “No dogs allowed in this building!”

  A week later, Molly was walking home from her aunt’s. When she passed Roger’s house, he dashed out, waving something in his hand.

  “I got it,” he called to her. “I got my badge.”

  “Did you cheat?” asked Molly.

  “Of course not,” said Roger. “I sent her a picture of myself holding that great big fish I caught last summer. And one of me flying a jet plane.”

  “You never flew a plane,” said Molly.

  “I did at the fair,” said Roger. “It didn’t go up in the air, but she doesn’t have to know that.”

  He ran back in the house waving his badge.

  Roger is hopeless, thought Molly. The only thing worse than having him for a cousin would be having him for a brother!

  When Molly got home, she went to her room. It looked big and bare now, and she stretched out on her bed and enjoyed how quiet it was. The only sound was the hum of her little clock.

  Then the phone rang. It was Rachel.

  “My mom and dad are going to a marriage counselor,” she said.

  “What good news,” said Molly. She knew that Rachel’s parents might still get divorced, but at least they were talking to each other and trying to figure things out. She felt very happy for Rachel.

  “And I got a nice letter from Kyle. It really helped me feel a little better,” said Rachel.

  “Thanks for letting me write to her,” she added shyly.

  When Rachel hung up, Molly got a piece of her perfumed stationery and wrote, “Dear Kyle, it was really nice of you to write to Rachel. We all got our pen pal badges, even Roger. My aunt moved out last week. She has a nice place with a bed for me. It’s nice to have my room back.”

  Molly wrote a few more lines and then wrote, “Love, Molly.”

  She addressed an envelope and put a stamp on it.

  All the things she worried about were over.

  Her aunt was happy.

  Her parents were not getting a divorce.

  She had a new friend, and a new badge.

  And she had helped Rachel.

  That was what being Pee Wees was all about.

  Helping others.

  She couldn’t help Roger, but someday she might.

  She wouldn’t give up.

  Rat’s knees, it was great to be a Pee Wee—a super duper Pee Wee!


  Dear Pee Wee Readers,

  If you like to write letters, maybe you could have a pen pal too. Perhaps your class in school could write to children in another city. Or you could write to someone you met on vacation, or a cousin or relative in another part of the country. Ask your parents to suggest someone.

  If you want to collect stamps like some of the Pee Wees did, you can make your own album out of a photo album with plastic pages. Or you could keep your stamps in a small box or buy a regular stamp collector’s album at a hobby store.

  Watch for unusual stamps on the mail that comes to your house. When the envelopes are thrown away, take the stamps off first. If they won’t come off, you can soak them face down in a tray of water to loosen them. When they’re dry, press them under some heavy books to flatten them out.

  See how many unusual stamps you can collect. Exchange stamps with your friends. Watch for stamps from other countries and ask your friends and relatives to save them for you.

  Happy writing and collecting!


  Judy Delton



  Lisa and Tracy made this crossword puzzle. Lisa did the “across” clues, and Tracy did the “down” clues. Can you fill in the blanks? Answers on the next page.



  1. A quiet Pee Wee.

  4. Rachel took _____ dancing lessons.

  5. Initials on Roger’s shirt.

  6. What Molly used to knit a sweater.

  7. Rat’s _____!

  8. Mrs. Peters drives a _____.

  9. Mrs. Peters’s baby.

  13. Pee Wees on _____. (title)

  14. In book #1, the Pee Wees went to an _____ rink.

  15. How old Molly is.

  16. Jody gets around in a wheel _____.

  17. One of these equals mushy stuff.

  18. Molly’s “fish,” from All Dads on Deck.



  1. A Pee Wee who has allergies.

  2. Mary Beth’s initials.

  4. Sonny’s pet (in Peanut Butter Pilgrims).

  7. Molly wants to marry him.

  10. Newest Pee Wee.

  11. A Pee Wee on wheels.

  12. The four-footed Pee Wee mascot. Arf!

  13. Blue _____, French Fries. (title)

  16. What the Pee Wees bake in book #1.



  Here are some of the letters the Pee Wees wrote to their pen pals. Read each one and see if you can guess who wrote it. Sign the name of the writer at the end of the letter.

  There is one letter from each Scout: Molly, Mary Beth, Tracy, Lisa, Rachel, Ashley, Patty, Kenny, Kevin, Jody, Sonny, Roger, and Tim.


  Dear Pen Pal,

  I’m just a temporary Pee Wee Scout. I really live in California and belong to Saddle Scouts because I like horses and I like to ride. We have fun in Troop 23 too. My family travels a lot. I hope you write back.

  Love, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  I’m only writing this because we have to, to get our badge. I hate to write letters. I hate to indent. It’s dumb. My hobby is collecting lightbulbs.

  Yours truly, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  How are you? I am fine. I am in Troop 23. My mother is assistant Scout leader. She serves the cupcakes. I have a brother and a sister and they are twins and they
came on a plane. Please write back or I won’t get my badge.

  Sincerely, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  I love to write letters. Do you? Even though you are a boy, I hope we can be pen pals. Some boys are nice but there is one boy in our troop who isn’t. I have lots of badges, and lots of friends. Once my dad lost his job but he has another one now. My aunt got a divorce. She is staying at our house, sharing my room with me. It is crowded. I have no brothers and sisters, but I have a dog named Skippy. Please write back.

  Love, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  I am an only child. Are you? My dad is a dentist. I take tap dance lessons. I like to shop for new clothes. I have another pen pal in Germany. I am going to go there and meet her some day. Do you like to travel? Do you take dance lessons, or any other lessons?

  Sincerely, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  I have allergies. Do you have any? My hobby is crossword puzzles. My aunt gives me puzzle books. What are your hobbies?

  Please write back, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  I collect CDs because I like music and I like to have parties at my house. I like being in Troop 23. The kids are nice. I am handicapped and have a wheelchair. My friend Molly likes to ride in my chair. She wants a wheelchair of her own but her mom said no. Please write back and tell me about yourself and your hobbies and stuff.

  Love, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  Do you like politics? I do. I want to be mayor when I grow up. Then maybe president. My girlfriend is Molly Duff. I gave her a pretty valentine once. Do you have any girlfriends? Well, I’ve got to go.

  Love, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  Hi. How are you? Are you African American? It’s okay if you aren’t. I am the only African American kid in Troop 23. I don’t have a dad. Neither does Tim Noon.

  We have fun in scouts. We go skiing and skating and we used to sell doughnuts. I hope I get to meet you.

  Love, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  Hi, I’m a twin. My brother is Kenny. It’s fun being twins sometimes. But sometimes it isn’t. You don’t get to be alone much because twins are in the same grade and the same room and they are always at your birthday party. You have to share everything, even when you don’t want to.

  Let me know if you are a twin.

  Love, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  I have a big family. Lots of brothers and sisters. Some of them are married already. I have nieces and nephews. And aunts and uncles. I baby-sit a lot.

  Troop 23 is lots of fun. Molly Duff is my best friend in it. On Halloween we came as a Popsicle and our legs were the sticks. Write back.

  Love, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  Hi. I am in Troop 23. My friends are Kevin and Jody and sometimes Roger. I have a twin sister named Patty. We make lots of stuff in scouts, like when we recycled, one girl made a wedding dress out of an old curtain and another one made a jewelry box out of an egg carton. I made something but I don’t remember what.

  Yours truly, ______________


  Dear Pen Pal,

  I have to write to you even though you are a girl. Mrs. Peters said so. She said people are people. But I’ll bet I can run faster than you. I am stronger than any one else in the Pee Wees. How many pounds of weights can you lift? Let me know. I live with my dad. Who do you live with?

  Sincerely, ______________


  Answers: 1. Ashley Baker 2. Tim Noon 3. Sonny Betz Stone 4. Molly Duff 5. Rachel Meyers 6. Tracy Barnes 7. Jody George 8. Kevin Moe 9. Lisa Ronning 10. Patty Baker 11. Mary Beth Kelly 12. Kenny Baker 13. Roger White.


  Why was Cinderella bad at soccer?

  Because she ran away from the ball.

  Why else was she bad at soccer?

  Her coach was a pumpkin.

  Why did they choose Snow White to be a judge?

  Because she was the fairest of them all.

  Why can’t you catch a plane?

  Because your arms aren’t long enough.

  What crime happens in a baseball game?

  Hit and run.

  What can’t you eat for breakfast?

  Lunch and dinner.

  What did the monster eat after he had his tooth filled?

  The dentist.

  What would you do if a hippo sat in front of you in a theater?

  Miss most of the movie.

  Why do witches ride broomsticks?

  Vacuum cleaner cords are too short.

  What did Bobby catch when he went ice fishing?

  A cold.

  Who is the grave digger’s girlfriend?

  Whoever he can dig up.

  Why did the lobster keep all the butter for himself?

  Because he was shellfish.

  What’s Barbie’s favorite party?


  Why is it hot in an empty ballpark?

  Because there are no fans.

  Can a turkey ever be a ghost?

  No, but it can be a-gobblin’.


  Whenever you bake, have an adult help you use the stove.

  Every Tuesday the Pee Wees meet in Mrs. Peters’s basement, and every Tuesday the Pee Wees look forward to Sonny’s mother coming downstairs with a big plate of cupcakes. It is always a surprise to see what will be on the top of them!

  Mrs. Peters’s Cupcakes

  Buy a box of chocolate fudge cake mix.

  Follow the directions on the box.

  When the batter is mixed, add ½ cup of walnuts or pecans.

  Add ½ cup of drained maraschino cherries.

  Add ¼ cup of chocolate chips.

  Pour into fluted paper cups set in muffin tins.

  Bake according to the directions on the cake box.

  When cool, decorate according to holiday. (Orange frosting for Halloween, pink icing for Easter, green for Christmas, a cherry on top for Washington’s birthday—think of more fun toppings yourself.)

  Mary Beth’s mother has a big family and has to bake often to keep the cookie jar filled. The cookies she makes most often are:

  Mrs. Kelly’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Cookies

  Mix 1 cup chunky peanut butter, 1 egg, a 16-ounce can fudge frosting (saving out ⅓ cup for icing the cookies), and 1½ cups flour. Shape into small balls, flatten, and bake for 7 minutes at 375 degrees. Cool and frost.

  Ashley says the food in California is better than any food anywhere. One of the things she likes best is this pie. (Molly’s grandma said the key limes are really from Florida, not California, but no one told Ashley this.) And it is a very good pie.

  Ashley’s California Key Lime Pie

  Mix a 14-ounce can sweetened condensed milk, 2 beaten eggs, and 3 ounces key lime juice (ask for it at the supermarket). Pour into prepared graham cracker crust and bake for 10 minutes at 350 degrees.

  Rachel worries a lot about eating healthy things. So she eats a lot of salads, which her mother says are very good for her.

  Rachel’s Pasta

  Sauté 1 chopped onion, 1 minced clove of garlic, ½ cup walnuts, and 10 ounces fresh washed spinach. Add 1 package cooked, drained pasta to this mixture and serve hot.

  Sonny’s Favorite Food

  “It’s jelly doughnuts, and you go to the bakery downtown and buy them. They are real gooey and sticky and get red raspberry jelly all over your face.”

  Thanks, Sonny.

  Roger’s father taught him to make this, to use up all the leftovers in the refrigerator, but Roger said he made it up himself. It is fast and easy, and you can eat it on the way to somewhere else because it goes between two slices of bread.

  Roger’s Sandw

  Stir-fry in a little olive oil whatever is in the refrigerator, like celery, asparagus, onions, chicken, carrots, spinach, garlic, pea pods, peas, pork, etc. (First cut everything into little pieces.) Then add one egg or two depending on how much is in the pan, swish it around with a spatula, add some cheese, and put it between slices of bread with a little ketchup on it.

  When the Pee Wees go to Lisa’s after school, there is usually some chocolate mousse in the refrigerator. Her mom makes it when company comes unexpectedly because it is so easy. And she makes it for Lisa because Lisa is a chocolate lover.

  Lisa’s Chocolate Mousse

  Whip a pint of whipping cream until it is stiff, and fold in 3 tablespoons of real cocoa and 1 cup of hot fudge topping (cold) from a jar. Serve in pretty goblets.





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